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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 1 hour ago, rudi49jr said:

    Have you been living under a rock or something? The republicans haven’t done anything else than ‘engaging in divisive partisan politics’, as you put it, for at least the last 25 years. That, and protecting their guys G.W. and The Donald in the white house.

    Hilary hilary hilary, you can hear the echo down through the ages...hilary hilary should have won...should have won....

    • Like 1
  2. 21 hours ago, newatthis said:

    That would set a terrible precedent. It doesn't matter if you've got a string of Purple Hearts, Medals of Honor, Victoria Crosses, Croixs de guerre etc; if you're a murderer you must be punished.

    In a War, how do you separate a lawful killing versus an unlawful killing? What do you use as criteria? Who selects the criteria? In a war are all deaths lawful or are all deaths unlawful?

    Think about the Australian Military legal eagle who thought to accuse SAS of unlawful killing because they didn't check to see if there were non-combatants inside a house where they were receiving rocket fire and automatic rifle fire before calling for air strikes or grenades to suppress the shooters!


    Bloody nonsense!

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 5/26/2019 at 4:48 PM, Lacessit said:

    I will not marry my GF for financial reasons. Having said that, she is 24 years younger than me, and we have been together for 8 years. We are happy together.

    Her daughter is drop-dead gorgeous. While my GF is street-smart, the daughter is an airhead. I could never envisage a long-term relationship with her if I was 30 years younger.

    23 years is the difference between us, mutual need is important, the realisation that, in our case, someone has to lead and the acceptance of that! Of course the older man is the financial support of the partnership! We've been together for 20 years now...life is good!

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  4. 20 hours ago, robblok said:

    Can you tell me where exactly you read its ok for Chinese to do it and farangs not. The article i read said it was not allowed and this time it was Chinese breaking the law. So please explain to me what i read wrong. 

    Why should he? If you're so thick that you cannot identify a comment (opinion)V's a statement then you need to get out of your chair and walk around for a while! 

  5. 19 hours ago, madmen said:

    The only reason to live here now is if you cant get laid in oz. if you drop your living standards and rent a shoe box and live on sugar enhanced , msg meals that dont even resemble real food ( 80% boiled rice) well then its cheaper but its a huge backward step

    Ah mate! I think you have not been here long enough, "drop your living standards"? While petrol is the same price as Oz you can get your old unroadworthy  gas guzzler repaired for cents on the dollar, you never really have to watch your speedo when driving and if you have 3 beers after work you're not terrified to drive home! The food is as good as you're prepared to pay likewise your accommodation!


    Cheer up! you're a long time dead!

    • Like 2
  6. 16 hours ago, sanemax said:

    Well done  to the Thai Nation , it people and  its economy , they all worked hard to make the Baht a strong currency .

      All the"not doing to well* Westerners who want to live like kings on a small income  will have to move to Pakistan or Turkey or somewhere  else

    "they all worked hard to make the Baht a strong currency" did you read that after you wrote it? Oh, I get it, it's satire, right??

    • Thanks 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Trouble said:

    Where did that come from?  The report states that a source close to the investigation said Kline stated that no one in the White House ever asked him to change a security clearance determination. End of story. If someone was initially denied a clearance for some reason or there were questions on the Personal History Statement, the normal process would be to ask for more information from the subject or conduct additional investigation and remedy any discrepancies.  This is just another Congressional committee lead by that old man Cummings trying to find anything to hang on Trump.  

    When are Cummings feet going to be held to the fire? Why can't the Dem's get on with running the country, they're all in Congress, they're all on the "gravy train", just get on with it!

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 21 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

    Don't make me laugh, the Thai baht will never fall as long as Thailand has its magicians as bankers.

    Every other currency worldwide weakens, but the Thai baht will only be stronger, don't worry.


    I transferred my Ozy dollars on Thursday and received the lowest exchange yet...21:1, Thai baht weak!!! Not while the sen yai's have overseas holdings!

    • Like 1
  9. 50 minutes ago, Bertil said:

    I had use for yellow book (tabien baan) / pink ID card quite a few times.



    Registration of my newborn baby at government hospital, with me as the father. Yellow book. (Didn't have the ID card in the beginning.)

    Renewal of Thai driver's license. Yellow book.

    Membership card at Suan Siam (Siam Park City), with free entries for one year. It was advertised as being available only to Thai residents. Pink ID card.

    Many places with dual pricing, for example Suan Nong Nooch. Pink ID card. (Some places might accept a Thai driver's license, others not.)


    Tried to use my pink ID card to open a new bank account, they wanted a work permit though (which I had), so that was the only time I failed to do something with the ID card.

    You don't need a WP to open a bank account!

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