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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 20 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


    But how big a tank. In Patong I built only 30 k liter storage which supplies only 7 days if no water supply (and we are on town water mains). Went big in Kata with 2 x 200 k tanks as no town water mains. Gives 90 day supply. Still not enough. Already trucked in 12 k * 8 trucks  or almost 100 k liters.

    4,400 litres a day? how many swimming pools do you have? Drinking, laundry, toilets and showering...for a family of 4 that's 250Lt a day each! Talk about excessive consumption in a drought!!!

  2. 23 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    Good wine is not banned in Thailand. Villa market Soi 33 Phrom Phong, Bangkok has a huge selection of good wines upstairs and in many of its branches. Foodland too. 

    The Thai government has taxed wine to make rich Thais pay more tax. Poorer Thais don't drink much wine as is evidenced by their eating and drinking habits in restaurants.

    Westerners traditionally drink wine with a meal, Thais will drink rum whisky of varying qualities, all the way up to a superb Johnnie Walker Black.

    The Thais won't rethink their taxes on imported wines, because the buyers can already afford and are willing to pay such high prices.


    I and my friends have for years tried to import "Must" (grape juice) or wine from Australia, we even tried to import a patented method of fermenting Must into good quality wine in 3 months! No chance! The Thai customs rate grape juice as wine, 400% tax!


    The reason is they want to protect their own wine "industry", if you travel around the country and visit the wineries you will see a facade! It would appear that the "wineries" seem to be a front for the production of Rosella and other fruit wines that most people wouldn't clean their windscreens with!


    The local (imported), low priced wines are good enough for the average "Joe" so if you thirst for better then a passport and an airline ticket loom in your future! 

    • Haha 1
  3. 6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    You clearly don't understand the obstruction of justice legal situation at all.

    Talking about obstruction is not a crime, no matter who or what he ordered staff to do, if they didn't do what was ordered then there was no obstruction (I refer to statements made by Trey Gowdy on CNN and Fox), dispute that!

    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    The entire left? Most of the left? Does the left have a Pope who speaks for it? Got some data to show that this is a widely held view? Stop lying.

    Ah Bristolboy! You've come out of your cave to add another missif of your rational argument! With nothing to say and nothing to back it up (how do you know he's lying, show me the data?)! Why don't you do your own data search, then you can honestly say whether he is lying or not?? Although the word "lying" is a bit harsh in the circumstance, isn't it? 

  5. 57 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Transparency in releasing the report to lawmakers..... and until then, calling the accusations and claims “unfounded” is unfounded


    if you can’t release a report to lawmakers, how can lawmakers do their job?


    if you can’t release reports to oversight committees , in charge of governmental oversight, how can those charged with oversight, do their job?


    why is the GOP so worried about transparency? Fully democratic countries rely on transparency.... or at least on more transparency than seems to be required by the partial democracy that is the US state.... are the US people’s so afraid of democracy and the benefits of democracy?

    The AG said that he would only redact those items that he is required to do by law, like every other similar report that has been made to Congress, What, for you to be satisfied you would like the AG to break the law???

    • Haha 1
  6. 8 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Yes a terrible defeat for the left

     The Social Democrats gained 6 seats. The Greens gained 5 seats. And the Leftist Alliance gained 4 seats. And the mighty anti immigrant Finns Party had a magnificent gain of precisely 1 seat.


    Cynic! The Finns are reasonable people who understand the limits of democracy, they are as anti muslim as the average Swede or Norwegian. At the end of the day the "Lion" people will make the right choice!

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