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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 6 hours ago, starky said:

    What happened to 150 000  Sigs that they were getting not long ago  that was approved by the ministry and signed off on by Mr. P which we're even going for a cheap price and even subsidies available for those that couldn't afford them. Or was that another one of those rorts that never happened and of which we can not speak. Or maybe that all got sold off through other channels?

    You can't miss fast enough to win a gunfight! 15 rounds are no better than none at all if you can't hit your target! What happened to the Sigs? They're really good pistols, used by special ops around the world? Maybe the salesman for the Glockenspeil 17/19 offered a "good" deal??? :smile::wai:

  2. 1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

    My quillow (quilt/pillow combo) will come in handy this weekend. Mind you, I'll need to use the quilt part to keep warm so won't have a pillow. But if I use it as a pillow, I'll be cold 'cos I'll have no quilt. Maybe I can buy another quillow? But that would defeat the purpose of having only 1 quillow.


    TV members, any advice?

    Suicide is always an option? :smile::wai:

  3. 9 hours ago, Prbkk said:

    Well done, you...but most of us will never make that transition to zero. And the big mistake many make in shifting to vaping is to set the nicotine level too low: people assume a 12 or 15 mg juice is like a standard/light cigarette....it's not, way too low. Consequently people don't get an adequate nicotine 'hit' and find vaping unsatisfying. It's better, IMHO, to go for a big whack of nicotine, 18mg minimum, even 24mg....and then reduce once the vaping is satisfying.


    Sound advice, E smokes don't affect nonsmokers at all, no second hand smoke so Thailand what's the problem? :wai:

  4. On 23/1/2560 at 1:39 PM, Briggsy said:

    It is likely the OP was unaware that proof of address is mandatory when registering a vehicle. Thus he felt frustrated when the reality of the situation was presented to him at the Land Transport Department. It may well also be that the OP cannot speak Thai and thus some of the communication was translated to him in broken English and some filtered out. Clearly he never got the message about the certificate of residence. These communication problems typically compound frustration, particularly for older farang males who suddenly find themselves helpless, a situation they have not encountered for a long time.

    Letter from immigration, Yellow book, Pink ID card......any will do to solve the problem, maybe he should have asked TV first?? :smile::wai:

  5. 2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Ah, ok...


    Well then


    Bakery trial...related to BIB so clearly innocent


    Uighurs are foreigners so clearly guilty.


    Mercedes-Benz driver is rich so nothing will happen


    Yingluck...puppet is going down


    Koh Tow...Burmese are always guilty.

    While it's always dangerous to "assume",  in this case you've hit the nail squarely on the head! :wai:

  6. If LPG is under 75% of the full price of petrol then you're making money. The mistake many people make is to tune their car to run on either LPG or petrol....this error ensures that your car will run badly on both! Either get rid of the petrol and run solely on LPG (preferred) or get rid of the gas and go for the petrol!

    If your gas system is fitted correctly then there will be a cutout in the system that allows the tank to cut itself off in case of an accident, in any case, a properly fitted gas system will no more "explode in flames" than a properly fitted petrol tank!


    LPG is used safely throughout the world, in million and millions of cars, check your fittings for leaks with soapy water and try not to let the tank get too hot.....that is all!  :wai:


  7. 9 hours ago, Enoon said:


    Yesterday the news described him as a Squadron Leader.  Today it describes him as a Group Captain who is being promoted to Air Marshal.


    I have read that it is common to posthumously promote in order to compensate the family.


    The highest ranking Marshal of the RTAF is 7 from SL and 5 from GC.  Ordinary Air Marshal is 5 from SL and 3 from GC.


     Either way it is a big jump, but not surprising as they really don't want anyone "reflecting" on the circumstances of this incident.


    Make of this what you will:

    "ACM Dilokrith said he expected the result of the cause of the plane crash within two months. He maintained that the air show on Saturday in Hat Yai was normal training flight and not an acrobatic air show ."


    I suspect that the maneuver was unplanned, unpractised, not "cleared" and "off the cuff".  As was the whole "display".


    The words "Get up there and chuck it around a bit" spring to mind.


    Aaaah! The "fog" is starting to lift, perhaps he thought that it might be a good time to practice for the "Blue Angels"? The adrenaline rush of doing something dangerous that you haven't tried before??? RIP.....a least it was quick! :wai:

  8. On 13/01/2017 at 9:07 PM, cliveshep said:

    I'm the same, I can say "Hello" and "Thank you" and even then cause smiles as I mix them up. I have a nice line in head nodding, with or without big smiles, and for more serious things am pretty good at mime, for example asking where is the toilet always gets them in stitches when mimed but someone always shows me whether in the Mall or a normal shop.


    I'm a fat, ugly old git so it has to be that I make them laugh both at me and with me. Everyone in my village knows who I am now and they all smile at me so it works!

    Know the feeling well! :wai:

  9. On 12/01/2017 at 2:25 AM, digibum said:


    I just love what people often do with other people's wealth.  Not that it's a Thai phenomena but I always shake my head when the wifey gets bored and decides to use a big chunk of her husband's or her husband's family's money to launch some BS endeavor to keep her occupied.  


    I used to live in this community in the US where 20 years ago the average home price was over $1 million.  The center of town was all of these little craft shops.  No way any of them, heck all of them collectively, could have done enough sales to cover the rent.  Every single one was run by some stunner who was bored and had nothing better to do than set their husband's money on fire so they had someplace to go from 9am to 5pm.  


    Sort of like several of my friend's wives who are "jewelry designers" creating silver and turquoise monstrosities that they feel compelled to post about on Facebook 50 times a day.  


    So true, in Oz, Queensland to be precise, the Sugar Cane farmers buy a shop in the local town (dress shop, fashion etc) staff it with their unmarried daughters and claim the the tax losses for the shop and the salaries etc! A top idea really as it solves many problems! :wai:

  10. On 12/01/2017 at 10:12 AM, Phuketboy said:

    Why the hell did he show them how he did it?  He should have simply said that the padlock wasn't locked properly.  Then he could have planned his next escape properly and got away for good over a border somewhere.  Stupid telling them and showing them how it was done.

    Now that makes too much sense, he could have said that someone came in and unlocked the lock with a key......that would've put the cat among the pigeons??:wai:

  11. 3 hours ago, NanLaew said:


    The Pattaya bar busts have always claimed that  the presence of unused condoms is proof of prostitution taking place. I mean, what else are they going to be used for?


    Working in China, we had big issues with Chinese-made dynamite disintegrating when left too long in waterlogged shot holes. So we bought thousands of local condoms, wrapped the charges in them before loading the hole. They were good for at least 24-hours.


    Unfortunately, the Chief Driller forgot to empty his bag properly before flying back to Oz to see his wife on R&R. The fact that the condoms she found were cavernous enough for the average schlong made his claims'Honest Narelle, they're for me job' a real hard sell.

    "And the band played Waltzing Matilda"????

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