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Posts posted by TPI

  1. [As for general expenses, Thailand is no longer cheap (if you actually want to 'live' and not exist that is) I cannot get by on less than 120k a month.

    Oh no....here we go again...do you realise what you have done my son ?.....20 hail marys and wash your mouth out with soap right now whistling.gif

    One has to wonder your requirements for living at 120K. OK only 2 of us, but my wife and I do fine on 30K. Bills/food/drink/truck and her fags.

    Rent - 30k

    Bills - 10k

    School fees - 10k

    Wifes debts - 15k

    Housekeeping money/Food/ toiletries/clothes/gasoline etc...30k

    General stuff - Going out..beers/restaurants etc...30k..

    Plus mosy months something obscure will come that needs paying for - Car insurance/Healt insurance...weekend away....something gets broken...etc etc..

    I live on a few rai in central Phrae, you're right, it doesn't take much to put expenses into the over 100k bracket...more honour to the man for facing up to his responsibilities. We need good men like him here! wai.gif

  2. If you crash your bike and aren't wearing a helmet I doubt any impact damage to your head would cause these type of black eyes, it would either kill you or break your neck. I don't see those big black eyes consistent with crashing a motorbike.

    Please state your medical qualifications years, of experience and your medical speciality and how you came to this conclusion...whistling.gif or have just been watching too much CSI.. ?

    You obviously have never pranged a motorbike, at any speed!bah.gif

  3. I have never understood why other countries do not reciprocate the 'rules and regulations' that countries such as Thailand impose on foreigners.

    I find Thailand's differential treatment of foreigners frustrating myself. But face it, if they allowed foreigners to own land, a tiny group of the 1% (or a few Chinese state owned enterprises) could come in and buy pretty much all of it.

    And if they set aside a certain percentage of land to allow foreign ownership, you and I would be out of luck anyway because we couldn't afford the prices driven up by the 1% and SOE's.

    Sounds like scaremongering to me. Why would Chinese state enterprises come in and buy all the land. Is Thailand's land that sought after?? Why? What is so special about it?

    Why aren't Chinese state enterprises buying up massive chunks of Europe, US, Australia. The truth is (IMHO) that you would see similar amounts of foreign ownership in Thailand as you do in other countries. And remember this if the Thais sell their lands, with the money they make, the will go and buy land elsewhere. Its often forgotten that the seller, probably a Thai will end up with a big wad of cash and will use that to fund other land purchases (probably) in Thailand.

    I have several relatives who have land sitting idle which they don't want to use, but can't find a buyer for. Which means their capital is effectively locked away. To access it they take out loans secured against it.

    Ma friend, the Chinese, the Kiwi's, the Japanese, the Vietnamese, the Hong Kongese... dam_n it! Every "ese" you can think of is buying up land like crazy in every country they can! It's all about food security! Look at the huge land buy's in Africa, the biggest group of land holders in Australia are Kiwi's! People are buying up land in LOS it's just that most of the people selling have hugely inflated prices on the land and most of the time the "titles" are very shonky!

  4. Yeh, they're too lazy to plow the straw back in, it might interfere with the chemicals that they're poisoning the ground with! I wouldn't mind too much if they burnt the stuff for the potash! It doesn't even make good cattle or buff feed as it's so low in nutriment that the bovines actually starve the more they eat it! sad.png

  5. This Pornchita has really gone overboard in the "nose-job" department. I am sure she is some kind of famous tv personality here in Thailand but this lame nose-job fab here in Thailand needs to stop.

    We like your flat baby noses!

    Pornchita here looks like she could be a ladyboy. I kept stairing at that BIG jewish nose like it was from the movie Roxanne.


    2 last girlfriends had nose job, current 1 wants to do it.

    Come on save your money on nosejobs and tattoos and make saving account for tomorrow!

    Roger that! Darned if I can understand why all of these Hi-So's insist on getting nose jobs, bum jobs, boob jobs, eye jobs etc etc? Walking down the street you can see hundreds of pretty women in their natural face and figure...these TV pretties must have a very low opinion of themselves! thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  6. Amusing ... might last longer in the Jokes Section though.

    Actually we have the same thing here in Australia.

    I was riding my Motorbike up in the Mountains one time and was just donning the gear to go out for some food at Sunset and was getting ready by the gate.

    Also there was a motorist, all packed up, family in tow with the motor running ... waiting.

    A brief conversation ensued for a few minutes between us and then I said ... sorry to keep you, safe journey.

    He replied, no worries mate ... I'm just waiting for another car to drive by.

    Curious I enquired why?

    His reply was that at Sunset is one of the times that the Roos (kangaroos) are active and it's better to follow a car during these times as most likely the time of day to hit one.

    He was just waiting for a car to drive through so that the lead car would collect the Roo and not him.

    Roos and Land Mines ... I never thought I'd see the connection.

    I smiled and rode off very slowly that night!

    He got that right! thumbsup.gif

  7. Only cowards do runners.

    After being in a relationship for 3 years, she deserves it to be told to her face.


    Sent from my iPhone 4S using Thaivisa Connect App

    Ma friend she doesn't deserve a thing! the guy is doing a runner because the lady, like most Thai women, has a hormonal problem that in any other country would put her in a mental hospital.

    Run Samson run, you've paid the money, she's not pregnant, she scores all of the furniture and money besides...she'll get over it!

  8. PTT buying up...farms

    When the Minister for commerce complained about “foreigners” buying up large swathes of Thai land I was horrified! Foreigners buying up Pathet Thai!

    I must admit to my surprise when I saw in the Business Section of Monday's paper (BP) that PTT had aquired 1.25 million rai, at a cost of US$1 billion, in foreign lands!

    The logic escapes me, Thailand is complaining that foreigners are buying up their land through proxies while in Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar Thailand is doing the same only Thailand wants to buy a further 3.125 million rai?

    The question of course is; Is it reasonable for the Thai Minister (the Government) to complain about foreigners buying up precious land when its own organisations are in a virtual feeding frenzy in neighbouring lands?

    The difference seems to be that the foreigners are buying the land for food security in the future whereas PTT is buying the foreign land to improve its shareholders returns!

    Perfidious Thailand.

  9. lets not forget that her father Aung San was a communist,an insurgent and collaborated with the Japanese during world war 2

    the reason the west and everybody else is kissing her behind is that Burma is stuffed full of natural resources to exploit including : natural gas, timber, tin, antimony, zinc, copper, tungsten, lead, coal, limestone, precious stones, hydropower, marine products, and petroleum.

    And the problem is? Her father tried to get the British to release Burma, above all else he, like Ho Chi Minh, was a nationalist first.

    So you would be happy if everyone was kissing her bum for no reason? Very strange! thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  10. Sadly this happens all the time in Australia, both suicidal and accidental.

    The difference is you don't hear about the 1000's of suicides that happen each year in Australia as the media is prohibited from reporting on it (for good reason)


    Is that really true???? Prohibited from reporting? I never heard this before!

    True! Believe it or not in Australia they actually frown on people committing suicide! People actually care. thumbsup.gif

  11. It's beyond comprehension that they're still pursuing a scheme that proved such an utter failure. Well, on the other hand... they want to bag another 280 million Baht. Perhaps there is some smart thinking behind this after all. Oh, Miracle Thailand!!!

    The revival is on the personal orders of the Boss overseas, whose ego is too huge to admit that he made a horrible mistake. Anyway the B280 million represents more patronage for friends and relatives of the PT and red shirt worthies who are due rewards for loyal service to the Boss and sis. The card could probably be issued by a department of three police sergeants earning B8,000 a month each at the Immigration Dept at Chaengwattana but, instead they have to set up a massive establishment with plush offices in town and an advertising budget that costs more than potential revenue etc etc.

    I'm glad you got that off your chest, but seriously, don't you just love the way they've worked out how to pay bonuses to the 111?? cheesy.gifbiggrin.png

  12. Well! My wife and I make an organic fertilizer from our pet buffalo's poo, lum yai leaves and rice stalks. They have all been breaking down for over a year, we then put them through our shredder which turns the whole lot into a powder and we pack it into 5 kg clear plastic bags,,,we have just delivered 500kg to a local nursery! If you require some we can always send some to you via the local/ interstate bus! Drop me a line and we'll send it along! wai.gif

  13. I see lots of people watching tv in their cars here. I saw one woman playing some game on her tablet as she very slowly went through traffic. How are they going to have a crackdown? Take more tea money every time someone is caught?

    They might start pulling people over for a week or two, and then things will be back to the way they were before.

    It is my understanding that DVD players are to be installed in all police stations. BIB will study all the latest releases, and anybody caught watching a DVD in a vehicle will be pulled over, severely chastised and told how the story finishes.


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