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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. Thaivisa have three categories.

    1. The wannabe

    Been here as a tourist and wants to move here, always positive posts.

    2. The expat

    Living here and have a balanced view of the kingdom.

    3. The looser

    Lived here but lost everything to a BG, always negative posts.

    its a pity TV can not show which categoies people are in then as a 2 i would not have to waste time with a 1 who knows way more than me.

  2. i cannot be there for Joes funeral, just could not get flight on Thursday night to arrive before funeral, anbody know where his ashes will be placed. i would like at some time to pay my respects to Joe

  3. cant be there for the big blokes do, just to short notice and Easter weekend flights not good, i will however be in one of Joes favourite spots in patters, the welkome inn, office bar to raise a glass or 2. will anybody be recording the event by way of photos if so can you PM. staff here known him for 20 years and asked.

    Chubba's all round Joe

  4. Just spoke to one of the guys and Joe is at the temple in bohput, a few of the guys went down last night and some are going tonight.,still hoping for Monday but not everthing sorted with the Embassey yet, so maybe to short a time to get things sorted at the temple. thats all i know up to now.

  5. marc has a rock band on this Saturday 3rd April, promises to be a good night. the bar is located Soi Nurnplubwan turn right at soi 28 oposite crossroads bar. sounds like it should be a good night if your into live rock band music. then there's the pool to cool down in.

  6. just a word of advice, please make sure somebody some where knows who your next of kin (NOK)are. it makes things so much easier when some thing like this happens. the Embaasy are legally obliged to try and trace them. it saves your friends over here a lot of problems and also helps them to deal with things simpler. this may go some way to explaining why the guys are having so many problems trying to sort out Joes funeral arrangements.

  7. i had to make the same decision a few months ago, after 9 years in Samui. We came up and stayed in hotel for a week and almost instantly decided East Pattaya, Dark side. lots of places like your looking for around soi country club and the sois around there. with that budget you will get one no problems loads for rent now. check out the friendship, big c tesco carefore etc notice boards. takes me about 15 mins to get downtown, although can be longer with bad traffic. purchased a GPS best thing i ever did, learn all the rat runs. around mapachan lake is beuatiful. Ban Sare is really nice been there today, houses cheap but for me to quite.

    if you want to look around this side PM and i will give you quick run round.

  8. the information i have is that hopefully Joes funeral will be Monday. Joe is back on the island but still a few things to sort out as to where. as i find out more i will pass it on, if anybody else has any clearer information please up date as i know a lot of people knew Joe longer than me.

    sorry Joe should be back tomorrow,

  9. the information i have is that hopefully Joes funeral will be Monday. Joe is back on the island but still a few things to sort out as to where. as i find out more i will pass it on, if anybody else has any clearer information please up date as i know a lot of people knew Joe longer than me.

  10. what area are you in, will they live in, what geographical area do you want them to have knowledge of. i would forget about the man/lady thing getting a good safe driver should be number 1 priority. not sure how much taxi drivers earn but 8-15k might not tempt them.

  11. well they have not done to bad so far, he has had to move house and they have got him around the negotiating table, they also got the troops to move away. not bad for a bunch of non violent plough pushers. jaw jaw always beats war war. im betting he backs down on his time scale for elections. as the plough pushers asked if you think you are the legitatement prime minister lets have an election now, if you win we will go away. sounds fair to me. but of course he knows he would probably loose.

  12. post-53164-1269868919_thumb.jpgpost-53164-1269868243_thumb.jpg

    Christmas day diner 2009, Joe invited my and the wife, what a spread, prawn cocktail starter cavery of at least 4 joints multipe veg, christmas pudding, even cheese and port. How much, nothing Joe just asked for tips for the staff, he even arranged for santa to give out presents to the children

    R.I.P Big Joe..sympathys to his family....great food always....what was the cause of death?

    car crash near hua hin, car left the road and hit some trees.

  13. post-53164-1269868919_thumb.jpgpost-53164-1269868243_thumb.jpg

    Christmas day diner 2009, Joe invited my and the wife, what a spread, prawn cocktail starter cavery of at least 4 joints multipe veg, christmas pudding, even cheese and port. How much, nothing Joe just asked for tips for the staff, he even arranged for santa to give out presents to the children

  14. RIP mate, privilage to have known you. off to Welcome INN (Pattaya) now to share a thought where we shared our last beer earlier this week, and of course ya kept nipping off to your room, and coming back, with pork pies, quiches and pies. thought after 9 years here tears were beyond me, obviously not.

  15. i would love to hear the woman's side of the story, alot of the so called males do nothing but bitch.

    Maybe we could have a 'Men in Thailand' section to the forum then you wouldn't need to read our sad tales of woe.

    .... and Boo would never have to waste 10 minutes of her life again ......

    And can everyone stop being unpleasent about ladies who work in bars.

    I have always found bar staff in Thailand to be very friendly, and always helpful with my education (learning to speak, read and write Thai)

    Before everyone jumps on me, can I just state that I am not a customer and never buy lady drinks (forbidden by wife, 'buying a drink is the start of negotiations, you don't do it.').

    But I often sit and chat or do my homework and have made some quite good friends.

    wow i bet they love you, no lady drinks but you go in their to learn from them. as a matter of interest would you socialise with prostitutes in your own country and call them friends?. i sit and talk to bar girls but always buy them drinks, its their job, they get a cut of the drink and usually have a target of having to get so many drinks per month or their salary is cut. do them a favour buy them a drink as payment for your tuition fees.. start of negotiations, how do you work that one out. forbidden by wife, grow a set of balls other wise every thing will be forbidden.

  16. Numbers added to identify specific points being addressed:

    (1) No; hence the term "or other stereotypes"

    (2) By ascribing specific racial characteristics to them, assuming details of their background based on generalisations. I'm interested to hear that they do not consider themselves Thai. What ?race / nationality? do they consider themselves, as an alternative?

    Query by way of vocabulary improvement:

    Does the term "bar girl" specifically mean the girls employed by the bar, or does it also apply to the freelancers, like in 8>< specifics ><8? For the Moderators' benefit, I mean that by way of lexicography, and not as a specific of any particular trade.

    Thanks very much


    quick reply b4 Boo gets really hacked off. 1 if its a no why write it? 2 ever heard of Laos, but they tell the punters thai because thats what they want to hear, kymer also. maybe its just the ones i worked with that said that. plenty of web sites that go into great detail about your other question.

    1. The first posting in this thread was in the context of posts denigrating alternately Thai ladies and Western ladies, and some suggestion of 'Thai-Chinese' racial profiling, which often leads on to the 'Isaan-bashing'; that was the basis for mentioning racial stereotyping, and then the 'other stereotypes' meaning the bar girl stereotypes.

    2. Noted.

    Other question: Sorry, it was just a dictionary query really. On this forum, should I take 'bar girl' to include only hostesses employed by the establishment, or freelance hostesses as well? I'd always assumed both categories, but I stand to be corrected...


    i could have answered it how i see it, but sometimes the mods say its breaking forum rules to discuss this sort of thing, and will slap you or me with a an official warning. just had one dont want another, hence the answer. a lot of the girls also dont speak Thai as such when talking to each other. a lot of them from issan will say they are Laos. but when speaking in bars know saying Thai is more appealing than Laos, although technically of course they are Thai.

  17. Tigerfish, you will find no matter what you post about most of the time you will get negative replies, which is why most members of TV members read it on a regular basis but never contribute. its not about the humour just, the nature of the forum. if you want to get most negative replies try posting on a Sunday, because thats when all the Thailand wannabes are at home bored with nothing to do.

    dont bother about it, and try not to let it wind you up. you will find that the people who know the most about Thailand are those that come every year for their 2 weeks holiday, then go home and start their count down timers on other forums to the next trip. days,hours,minutes,seconds and those that lived her here 10 years plus know nothing. moderators must be all masochist.

    British humour, great, fools and horses, fawlty towers, mr bean. had mr bean on in Carrfore yesterday, started watching it, sacralige they had mr bean talking in Thai. :)

  18. JT, it's not even a "strong" thing. People here really don't give a toss (80 000 protest in BKK).

    If the poll had more sensible choices, it may be of some use as an indicater amongst foreigners. As it currently stands, it has little point other than to polarise foreigners for 'at war' or 'not at war'. Clearly, there is no war & I hope there isn't one.

    You're wrong. Abhisit can't travel to Isaan or even Chiang Mai without serious death threats. The rhetoric from the reds typically includes the desire to murder yellows. It is strong. Thaksin is holding this entire country hostage. Something has got to give.

    and Taskin could never visit the south without similar threats and a huge army body gaurd. when the yellows were on the rampage in bankok people died, and there was the matter of the airport to which one of Marks ministers said, it was fun, free food and free air con. Marks right hand man, who many Thais beleive is running the country is a gangster from Surat, whos son murdered a night club doorman, disappeared for a while and came back and got off scott free. he had to step down from being a senator soon after the election. why corruption.

    Attending a seminar on “ Strategies for Business Organization Administration” at the International College, Surat Thani Rajabhat University, Mr Suthep offered his apology to Surat Thani people for stepping down from the MP post after the Election Commission had announced his conflict of interest for his shareholding in a telecommunication company.

  19. the one i went to not sure of name think it was nang lam, either way go past u tou pao airport you will see the fuel dump on the left, its a left turn after that. paid 20 baht for the car. water really clear, we went sunday very busy

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