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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. what you on about talk about ones history over beer, you printed and its not accurate.

    just look under your first post advert, Samui home made foods, where is Big Joes home made food on the island, you did not even get that right and its in front of you.

    Teirs???? you could not even proof read your article before pubishing it. many other errors your wording. island tranquil???

    So you are saying he never lived in Pattaya, because he told me he did, not sure who i should beleive on that one, are you?

    if you care to come to Pattaya you can see pictures of big Joe when he wasnt Big Joe, but normal sized Joe.

    did Joe really stumle across Samui as a back packer???

    suggest you do a bit more research, contact Phil at Phils gaff, ban talay condo Jontiem, ring directory enquiries. he was with Joe over 20 years ago.

    i could go on but what you have written is a pile of rubbish, unless he changed vehicles after he left here he was not driving a van back to Samui.

    you suggest we respectfully donate to the Thai Tourist police who take care of our island, that would have made him urinate him self with laughter.

    English is obviously not not your first language, no problem, but you could at least have got it proof written first, respectfully.

    respectfully i think we can make our own minds up where to donate, i donated 2500 baht to the bar where Joe spent one of his last nights, 25 lady drinks in one of his favourite drinking holes which he would of approved of.

    one thing you can check on, all the girls upon heraing of his death in the bar asked the number of his car, so as to use it on the lottery as mark respect and luck, if i remember rightly was 517 which i am told was a winner on the 1st of April draw.

    which paper do you work for again, Samui Express wasnt it.

    sorry Roo but if the guy wants to write about Joe he should have done proper reasearch.

  2. i was under the impression from Joe he started off in BKK and Pattaya, i can tell you for a fact his heart was in Pattaya as are a lot of his old friends. cant visulise Joeas a 35 year old back packer. what van. whats teirs i shed lots of TEARS. sorry cannot relate to the guy i new for 8 years to any of what you have written, as for respectful donations to the tourist police well anybody who new Joe will tell you what that answer would have been. Joe moved away from Pattaya to Samui for a reason and it was not because he came across a tranquil island 25 years ago. is it not now called Samui Home Made Foods, there is no legacy to Joe in that name. not being picky but dont like the journolistic licence used in your thread with so many inaccuracies about my friend. learnt to speak Thai at language school next door !!!!!!!!!!!!! where do you think he learnt to speak Laos. i cant make out what hit towards tree line means either.

    Sorry you are not talking about the man i knew and far to many inaccuracies in what you have written.

  3. this thread is a good example of why i and a lot of other people hardly post, just loads of people ready to shoot it down and make snidy comments. i had no problem reading the op and agree with your principals. 140 baht is what a lot of people earn in a day how many people would pay a days salary to see a movie in there home country. cheap charlie is bar girl talk, why drop to their level.

  4. At the almost-certain risk of getting flamed/laughed at, I have to ask for some advice on this very topic. The whole reason I'm reading this thread is cause of what happened last night and this morning.

    In my early 30s, haven't been here that long. Girl contacts me on Tagged. Pictures mainly look like she's a good girl, some a little not-so-good. Last night we meet at a night market. I'm considering it a date. I ask questions, she laughs. I don't go out of my way to pay for too much but she goes out of her way to make sure she's paying her share. I feel the conversation isn't going too well and once our food is finished she looks ready to go. I'm thinking: date is a bust, no chemistry. That's OK. Don't care.

    I get a text from her a few minutes after we split. Then an email when I get home. Then another couple of emails this morning with an "XO" and time she's out of school today. Now, some of you might be shaking your heads at me, but I'm new here so don't be too harsh guys. Is she in the game? Or is this standard Thai girl behavior?

    More to the point, is there some kind of text I can send that would confirm this, without being too overt. I'm thinking "Want to come over and watch a movie?"

    Or should I just say "How much?" :)


    standard Thai behaviour, bunch of kids a lot of the time, how much would be harsh, go with flow see how it develops. never known a hooker go out of there way to pay for anything.

  5. to much competition, 20 baht a kilo you will never get a return just work out how many kilos you need to do per month. my misses is same, restuarant, beuaty salon, corner shop, even laundary etc. i agree to do business plan, she uses her savings to set it up, then the urge goes. if you are taking over an existing business then you have a regular customer base, starting new means you have to get customers from the competition. the question is why should they change, customer always have to have a reason to buy. existing relationships are hard to breakdown. rent, electric, water divide buy 20 baht plus return on investment, no chance IMHO

  6. worthy cause, i have been a few times, really nice couple. glad he got the publicity his spending is about 60,000 baht per month. he has been doing it for a while just does not seem to get any help. i am really suprised Pattaya does not seem to have a good rescue center or free neutering service. he has 3 dogs going or probably gone now to Germany. worth a vist for Malees rice pudding. the place is spot less, tremendous hard work.

  7. It's easy to say that it is none of the US' business. Fact is that the region and country needs stability, and if the US provides that, so be it.

    Fair enough however what makes you think the US can provide stability to another country...

    Name anything in the last 50 years where the US alone has provided stability to another country in turmoil?

    I can think of Kuwait... but they had alterior motives there so that doesnt really count because Thailand has nothing the US want...

    Don't think you can say it was the US alone in Kuwait.

    be fair they did take Grenada by themselves :)

  8. i just copied and pasted the English version from the CD, no micro card and most annoying no connection to computer, luckily for me my last unit usb fitted. previous post show step by step guide how to do, thats what i used. i still prefer the i go 8 map but the Garmin is great aound Pattaya City, just uses all the back roads and miss all the traffic. programme shortest route, although out in the country best to go to quickest as shortest has took be down some rough tracks. points of interest also good.

  9. Just another word of warning regarding Nernplubwan animal hospital,

    A friend of mine had a baby Siamese kitten. Late night 18th April, The night before Pattaya's main Songkran day, He started breathing very fast and seemed out of breath, His lips started to turn blue so she rushed him to Nernplubwan animal hospital where the girl put the cat in an Oxygen tank for 20 minutes and asked us if he had fallen off a piece of furniture or had a shock. After telling her no, she said that he had a stomach ache and maybe diareahh on the way, hence his fast breathing, and she gave him antibiotics, and inflammitary pills. She seemed more interested in getting off her shift to go play Songkran than properly test the cat and find out why he couldn't breathe properly.

    My friend took her cat home, and called me in tears the next day. Her cat couldn't breathe, His lips were blue and he was frothing at the mouth.. She knew that Nernplubwan hospital would be closed as they told her NOT to take him back on the 19th as they were closed to celebrate songkran (No emergency either) So I had to rush her to Muang Ake Vet on Sukhumvit through the Songkran celebrations..

    As soon as we entered the vet, they knew this cat was in a very serious condition. Within minutes, his Xray had been taken, and he was placed inside an Oxygen tank before they even knew the cats name. It turned out that he had a very, very serious Virus, which if the cat was left untreated it would be deadly. The kitten had liquid on his lungs, hence the fast breathing. He had to have the liquid removed from his lungs in order to stay alive. Unfortunately, there is no medication for the Virus, and to keep having the liquid removed from the lungs is the only way to keep the kitten alive.

    My friend is very lucky that she went to a different vet on the 19th. It's very annoying how they could say he had stomach pains when he actually had very serious lung problems/deadly Virus. Even a child could see that the problem was in his lungs area, not his stomach.

    I would recommend Nernplubwan for only Vaccines, ect, Nothing major. They have let me down in the past with one of my animals and now this has happened to my friend.

    I do highly recommend Muang Ake. Very professional, hard working vets, who know exactly what they are doing and speak perfect english.

    i would agree about Nernpluwan, i took abandoned dog there who could not put his leg to the ground. they xrayed him and the kid who was te vet said calcium build upwhich in a young dog i did not beleive.went to another vet with the x ray he saw a fracturestraight away. 2000baht at NPW for nothing, went back to complinbut they all stood looking at TV. will never go back

  10. I'm still trying to understand how the prescription system works in Thailand. AFAIK it doesn't exist, I've never seen or heard about any being written. If you need something not legally allowed over the counter I think the only legal way is to go to a hospital who can provide it through one of their doctors and their own pharmacy. Would like to know the real story from someone in the know (and not just hearsay).

    me to, i just need prescription to buy on the net, doctors here have heard of it but dont use it, it is quite mild but i have been using it for years. it seems hospitals give a presciption but only for drugs in there own hospital. apparanty differnt licences for differnt doctors pharmacy etc, in Samui Xanex freely available but here i am stuggling to find a pharmasist thats liciensed to sell it. its a job to know whats legal and not. i asked doctor in Bangkok Hospital if ryhipnol was addictive, he just laughed and said i can cure heroin addiction dont worry, but i did and declined the ryhpnol.

  11. John, is Dr. Belan a farang, is there a sign in front of his office, I can't quit place where that location is, 'opposite Soi 6?'

    Dr Belan is a Filipino woman and speaks perfect English, if you stand in front of the bkk bank opposite soi 6 the Soi is on the right, there is a sign at the end next to the bank and her clinic is about 100 meters into the soi on the right hand side

    sorry i assumed a guy, i went in and asked receptionist, she took the box and said i will go and ask Dr Belan. sexist i just thought it was a guy, good spot drove past it a few times before i notied road down side of BKK bank and sign on main road. easy to park.

  12. just to say tried all of the above, Dr Belan said he could not write a prescription as he was not licensed for that kind of drug, Fascino put it in the computer then looked in horrer and said no no no. looks like back to trawling net again, although i will try a few more hospitals. tried the pharmacy at soi sabai (near walking street), no joy but thanks for PM

  13. maybe its becuase they are so easy to find,the track record is not good for such relationship. personlly i would rather have a steady relationship with a western lady, who i think i know and understand. having said that i have been with same Thai lady eight years which is how long i have lived here, not really much option in that situation as i found out they simply will not leave you alone when they know you live by yourself. i find Asians physically more attractive, but will never beleive they see us anything more than away of improving their and their families fianancial siuation. IMHO

    p.s i thought before i got to the bottom of the page i would find Boo or SBK watching this one. Good morning BOO

  14. just browzing around the forums, seems Don had to sell in Phuket and is struggling in Chang Rai. failed in Samui, could it have been down to the qaulity of the food. gutted for you Don having such hard time with the staff in Chang Rai.

    som nam flipping na comes to mind

  15. thanks for the info will give them a try, prity well known as Imovane, doctors here know it but do not use it. will try out all suggestions just need one prescrption, and thats it. cant get Imovane but happily give ryhpnol. TIT,

    once again thanks

    any excuse to get down soi 6

  16. i have been buying a medication on the net for years, never needed a prescription now the company saythey have to have a presciption before they can process. the drug is imovane quite harmless but not available in Thailand. i went to Bangkok hospital and the doctor said he was not allowed to give prescriptions for medicine outside of the hospital, he did offer ryhpnol as an alterntive which i thought was odd.

    does anybody know a doctor in Pattaya who can give me a prescription to send to the UK for the meds i need. i will obviously pay for the consultation. nothing illegal doctors give scipts all the time for meds ordered on the net, just need one in Pattaya

  17. i think the op was just giving example of something going from 80 baht to 120 baht in a short time iresspective of where. the price of pork and chicken has gone up significantly, the likes of Tesco, Carrefour have put prices up alot. not suprisingly Tesco reported record profits this week. still Pattaya is way cheaper than samui where i lived for 8 years.

  18. At best, Big Joes is a poor excuse for English Food and Service. I have eaten there a couple times hoping that it would get better. Joe could care less about "Isan Joes". If you know anything about food then you probably will agree.

    I have made this post visible, so you can see what standard of posters we have to deal with.


    I wonder if he is in opposition, or rather was.

    Joe cared a lot about his food, most times peolple went in he would give a taste of one of his new creations. his Christmas diner was some of the best food i ever tasted. i was with him a couple of days before he died in Pattaya, he bought us pork pies and quiches, they were delicious. my Thai wife loved his sausages rolls. if there is a poor excuse its you as a poor excuse for a human being for posting this at this time.

    calling the dead, not good at this time, its hard to accept hes gone with out comments like yours, think what you like but keep it to yourself.

  19. had a few run ins with tersco about sat nav, stores selling diffent prices and out of stock, finally got one at lam chabang for 4990 205 nuvi. store diretor at Pataya north rang and said anybody who wants one go and ask for her personally and she will get them in stock. her name is kanya. otherwise lam chabang but i had to take photo down to show price should be 4990 not 7700. the reason they so helpfull i sent ceo in England e mail, so reginonal manager from Bangkok came down to see me.

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