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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. the joys of living in the capitol of a country in many parts of the world. at least they are not bombing the hel_l out of the place as the IRA did, having said that it worked for the IRA. the ballot box does not work here occupiying airport does. as the minister said it was good fun, free air con and free food. why anybody comes here to try and run a business is beyond me, wheres the sence in opening a business in one of the most unstable regions in the world. maybe try palestine, afganistan or iraq, probably more chance of succeding than here.

  2. He should have known better ,, you cant work in a bar here without a WP , but you can stand on the roadside and sell yourself

    just like the eastern block and african men and women do and when caught just get a 400 baht fine ,colino

    No a farang can not work in a bar period. (Behind the counter or in front taking money) That is the law. A bar manager is just a PR position to draw customers in, a friendly face. They are not behind the counter or taking money.

    Samui every bar owner is allowed to work behind the bars, pull pints serve food, everything and anything.

    i had a work permit and was behind the bars many times when the police came in, never a problem, i am amazed how tight it is up here.

  3. for a price she will probably leave the kids with you. 12 baht of gold is 12 baht to much. if the houses are in her name then its damage limitation time. you gave her way to much, i dont understand why guys come over here and give the ladies everything yet back at home would never dream of doing it. watch your back time.

  4. Also bought my Garmin Nuvi 1460 the other day locally for 17,900 THB.

    5inch screen is bright and clear, having fun setting up customized routes. Since I live on Sukhumvit Road, Garmin will not automatically know how to take you to your final destination through the back streets but instead will steer you towards the heavily congested main Sukhumvit road.

    The system that I had in the UK allowed me to 'highlight and block' areas that I didn't want to enter..thus it forced the unit to find the best alternate route...is this possible on th 1460 please?

    as far as I know, the closest NUVI function that matches what you mentioned could be the "DETOUR" function, let me play around with this function to see if this indeed is a way to block those areas where you don't want to enter/drive.



    i am thinking of buying one, can it not be set up to show shortest distance or fastest, short route uses the back streets which is what i want.

  5. When people make the decision to retire in Thailand why don't they accept the fact that they are going to grow old , get sick, and eventually die here ?

    Why all the talk of running back to the home country

    because the health care is better, more honest and cheaper, if its the UK

  6. personally I hope they succeed and an election is called, let the winners run the country at the request of the people.

    Do you support a bought election? vote buying? Misinformation? Non secret ballots?

    Just asking..

    there is no other kind in the world, name me a country where this does not happen, Rule out States and most of Europe straight away.maybe we should put our own house in order before we start telling others what they should and should not accept when it comes to democracy.

  7. We've been taking our dog to the Na Jomtien Animal Hospital since we got her about 2.5 years ago.

    Mostly young vets, but they seem knowledgeable and they are very caring.

    My only gripe is they seem a bit expensive. Anyone else used this place?

    Think next time I will try the Nuern Plub Warn Animal Hospital or the Siam Country Pet Hospital mentioned in the OP for a comparison.

    i would diffinatley give the Nuern Plub Warn hospital a miss, the said the street dog i took there had arthritous, charged 2000, baht. i took the x ray to another vet who showed me the very clear to see fracture. the girl looked like she had just graduated, talked a load of rubbish.

    i amazed pattaya does not have a dog rescue center where strays are treated for free, samui has one as does KPN, collection boxes are in many of the bars also in the immigration office. dogs are neuteured and vaccinated for free, donations appreciated.

  8. to date i have not been to another dentist, the anibiotics the dentist gave me have cleared it up. I know this wont last, but i had 2 crowns last month and could do with out the expense. the tooth already has a crown on it, my dentist who could not do the root treatment said it may be still used. I am prity confident all the dentists are going to tell me i need a new crown. anyways i will hold off until the problem starts again, hopefully it may have gone for a while

  9. I usually say "the moon" (phra jan), 'cause they don't really care where you come from. What do they know about any other country?

    Sometimes I say "Buriram." They don't believe it (rightly) and insist I must have a wife from Buriram.

    thats a bit of a generalisasion, when i met my wife she asked me about Stonhenge, Shakespere, Charles Dickens etc she new all English nursery rymes, fully understands about vowels, nouns and verbs. She also knew about our royal family in Great Briton. Maybe they want to learn something about your country. she could indentify most of Europes flags. All learnt at school. dont knock them through a lack of Education, most Brits in know back home only know one thing about Thailand. Lees than10% of Americans can point to a world map and show you where Iraq is, she knew.

    what they know about most western countries is they have loads of guys who come over here to pay for sex and get drunk, do they really want to know anymore

  10. America or "Sa-had-rat", Which is great because most Thai's have realized us American's have no interest in soccer :D

    I have no problem telling my nationality to anyone. And to be honest the only people who seem to have a problem with my nationality are other farangs who are unable to realize that 1 person does not equal nor represent the entire government of his home country.

    so why did every game David Beckham play in sell out, what about the soccer moms, aarrghh its football not soccer, we invented it like rugby netball, rounders.etc or should i say Football, Basketball and Baseball it wont be long before USAs favourite sport is football, the real thing played with the foot. look forward to the world cup as our first game is USA, wont be easy for us. its the worlds number 1 sport and we are wining you over slowly. i visited the states during the world cup, orange bowl Orlando, has to be the best organised event i have ever been to, shame the irish lost though. ASTON VILLA, MANCHESTER UNITED, DEBY COUNTY,LIVERPOOL all American owned. your cracking slowly but surely :)

  11. i was in a bar the other night and the girl asked me where i come from so i said England, 5 minutes later she asked me again so i said pratet Angrit. she then goes off on one saying i lied to her before because i said English, memory obviously came back as to where i said. i drank up and left. Angrit = England DER

  12. I remain puzzled by Brits who insist they're English. And care about soccer clubs and ales. I insist I'm from Texas :) ,

    try telling a Thai where Briton is, they all know England because of the football. as for the ale thing well we have been doing that for thousands of years, you got to admit Texans love their ales and sport the same as us. i loved Texas by the way San Antonio and South Padre island in particular. the welsh, scottish, and Irish have their own languages and currencies (except wales). wales scotland and ireland have their own parliaments unfurtunnatly we English do not. we all have our own flags and national anthems. totally differnt cultures. i think now a lot of it is the present goverment drove a bit of a wedge between us by creating seperate goverments where by there polotitions can vote in our parliament and our polotitions cannot vote in theirs.thats my take on it anyway.

    shame Texas spawned George W

    dont like ale and footy next you will be saying you dont understand our passion for a good Ruby :D

  13. Cold clean glasses containing draught beer with a head on it, instead of the usual flat beer with ice in a dirty glass.

    definatly good head on it is required in bar here, bit of dirty stuff as well. OP i think you know the answer already.

  14. Is there a huge age difference between you and your Thai wife? Are you a pot bellied old man and she a beautiful young girl? Does she look like she just stepped away from a silver pole? In short is there any reason for your relatives to think the relationship is built purely on your cash?

    Look at it from their perspective.

    how does somebody look who just walked away from a silver pole, even if all of the above is true its nobody elses business. if he is happy they should be to.

  15. Here in Pattaya the mood is very tense. I have noticed people stocking up on essential groceries such as sugar and bread and there is a strange silence just after 2.00 am when apart from the odd cockerel crowing and the welcoming door chime from 7-11 everything is hushed as if waiting for the unsaid troubles that lie just a few days ahead.

    Motorcycle taxi boys are noticably twitchy and the open air market traders are wondering what might become of their livelihoods. Sales of duct tape and earplugs have sky-rocketed and local Policemen are sporting uniforms that are obviously freshly pressed and have been seen polishing their truncheons.

    Local DVD vendors are making a killing selling doom-laden (end of the world) movies and local street children are picking satang coins up from the streets. Everyone is aware that a difficult time is ahead. It as if a cloud of fear has decended upon the City of Pattaya.

    :) had not noticed any difference anywhere in patter's. your taking the micky me thinks

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