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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. Yes, they are. I hope they finally are treated better. I ve seen a docu on Thai pickers in Finnland and it was terrible. I really wondered why they would go there, as I sure wouldnt, probably all fake news to make a living.
  2. Scams go on and on. 2 weeks ago, got a phone call. An automated message ! was played about a transaction to be made, from Paypall. Choices were stop transaction or continu. I choose the third option, break connection. Called Paypall and indeed they were aware of this scam. So be aware if you get such a phone call. Such calls could go worldwide, it is just digital again. My first time ever weird call. Was just a matter of time? Almost on a daily base, I get emails about packages for me and even didnt order anything. They hope you ordered something and respond to that mail. Paypall asked for phone number which called, and weird they called indeed with a number shown. So looks like phone number is probably relayed and they (cyber police) cant find anything? Why would number be shown then, scammers must be very confident, it cant be tracked down. You read about Thailand more about these scams with banks. Of course they say, you did wrong. Even employee's arent trustworthy, I red in AN. Incredible they can blackmail you for filing a complaint at police. Really sad for the woman. It seems, you better dont do any business digital and keep your money in a safe at home.
  3. The IO must obey Thai law and Thai law says you can cross borders as many times as you want. You come to Thailand, you get tourist visum exemption for 60 days, period. No other restrictions what so ever. The IO cant say, you crossed border too much, as in Thai law there is no limitation. In the past, if I remember well, there were rules on border crossings and they fought that for some time. They wanted you to have the right visa but now, it seems, they turn it back again. But in interview from 9:50 , there is also said, it is up to the IO's intention's, but according to Thai law then. All explained by: The IO cant say, this is your 7th time, cannot enter Thailand. But can say, you dont have any white paper anymore in your passport and therefor cant stamp.
  4. IF you buy a ticket then read what you are buying. Maybe go back to school for that, reading
  5. People are people and sometimes very stupid. To my Thai wife, when I wasnt there, I suggested a wheelbarrow to her, to buy, to make things easy to carry in the land. She bought one and I was assuming she worked with it. I came to Thailand and asked about the thing. It was with family for months and she didnt used it at all, doing all in old way. She never told me of course. I wanted that thing, so forced her to call family to bring it back immediately. I insisted . In minutes, it came back. And then it was my job first to revive it again. So they borrowed it, broke it down and didnt want to give back, it seems. And didnt care to fix it right to work. It was a brand new thing, demolished by family, again revived by me. Not even an apology. You see such things everywhere in the world. I fixed Thai mom's wheelchair. The damage it had, I concluded, was purely by abuse of the wheelchair. Guess nephews and or nieces played whit it. Cant imagine, mom did a wheelie or so with her 85 years. However not told of course, but on damage I could conclude. Took me some time to fix, on finding on parts and how to do so, but managed. Good boy In this case the guitar smashed, a shame. If they did on purpose, how low can you sink. Or were they drunk and sit on it or so.? But again they dont care its not theirs. Sad for the boy, as it gave him joy and could develop to maybe a skill. Sad for you, but what can you do? For sure to know if it was accident or not. If you want to go there again. Keep the guitar out when family men are coming. Make that deal with the boy. I surely hope grand -, or mother didnt do it. I guess not as you had contact about this all with them. And with kids, you always have to take care. Before you know it, these days, they think you are a pedophile, especial if you are older. Never the less I do get kids at the door, asking me if they can do some job for a little money ! Do their parents know? I always say no, despite weed growing in my garden, but cant take that risk. You did a lovely act, however failed. Very sad, keep your head up !
  6. I agree with you, have heard all interview. You forgot to mention, you MUST be out of Thailand for one day, to stay for one day in another country. After that day you can come back in Thailand on approval of officer. He is the one deciding at that time and could ask like for a flight out or if you have 20000 baht in pocket. No clue if he could ask for more. Maybe 1000 baht for his pocket? The one day out is explicitly said in interview, but on a passing on the 60-iest day. As he said you would be then in Thailand for 61 days. I didnt really get that. So not if you are on 59th day? Then you can come back right away? And then what about if you did a extension for 30 days with immigration? Or is the rule, just one day out any time? But then it is a tourist visa, so all other things like tax, health insurance and so on are gone. You stay years in Thailand with only 4 times border crossings, if you are willing to pay 1900 baht for extension every time, 4 times. Otherwise 6 time border crossings, but think first method saves you, at least 2 long trips.
  7. He didnt "deserve" anything, was not in a relation with her. She was married with someone else. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/thai-man-kills-2-month-old-baby-girl-after-failing-to-rape-her-mother
  8. No , I didnt forget 7 oct, but just made a random pop up summation. It is where to stop, as list is longer. I also could have implemented Brazil, where kids are/were shot on the streets by police, like fighting a cockroach plaque. The bashing scene was to make clear about brain popping in another situation Agree no kids involved, but they might have witnessed it and it could bring, new disrupted humans with crazy ideas. All say of course "ah disgusting Thai man" and he is, but then conclude it is merely with Thai men, nope you could say it is with men general. It is, what is brought in news and Thailand sometimes bring out more of those stories then Western "civilized" countries. Maybe Western "civilized" countries on purpose, hide? All is possible int this world. How many times you read, parents murdered their kids in hot cars? It is murdered, cant make it any other way. "Researchers analyzed 541 cases of children dying after being left in hot vehicles from Jan. 1, 2000 to Dec. 31, 2016, 528 of which involved one child and 13 of which involved two or more. Deaths were documented in 45 states." Only USA already. So first brain pop, kill them all. Parents , grandparents and so on. Selfish man cave actions, too cruel. SBS (shaken baby syndrome) another thing what is happening and on which you dont hear that much. with a risk of death of about 25% ! Tada, brain pop, kill them all, parents, caregivers, etc Shaken not stirred, because baby cries ! I believe 2 years ago, man (Myanmar I believe, but in Thailand) used baby for sex, as wife didnt want to have sex, was in Asean now. Again wide spread in news in Thailand, not any other country. Then all people say, kill him. Instantly brain pop and write it down. Never ever "heard" of anybody saying, kill Putin, kill Un, kill Assad, kill ...pick the rest yourself. As they are all killing kids. Well now you "heard". Ok maybe too much info for you and too hard to handle, as you stated, "and to me an inadequate relativisation of the incident". Sorry.
  9. Mmmm, first you say I cant and now you say im allowed and flip it around, ok I already mentioned some., but "real negative" again? well UK. Husbands come home and bash their wife, thats already quit negative for wife and husband. Men's brain popped and starts hammering on wife on many occasions. By the low attitude of those men, finally the woman's brain really pops and they kill their husband. Not just one, but several are/were in prison for ending that hell for themselves. You could see it positive, as women are "free" then, but it takes a real last negative action. But guess you already did know about this. And I call it, the popping of the brain. Well good I made you laugh with the end, it creates positive endorfine.
  10. Nothing. Thank you for your compliment. You seemed to be intrigued with what I wrote, as you red it and had some comment about it, though made with head in the sand. It is ok if you see it that way, probably your age, ignorance. The incident happened, very, very sad. Ill hope not anyone would/should have this kind of experience. So be aware of your brain when it could pop to something real negative. Im free to share what ever I want (unless it is censored by moderators), you cant tell me. It made you quit upset, it seems. Sorry, I made you aware and you didnt want to know You dont have to read it and/or comment about it, just ignore then. Wooooooooossssaaaaah
  11. Aladdin stopped , as he had to pee.
  12. DOnt get me wrong, this is a terrible and in and in sad situation and im NOT protecting the man. You wonder how a man gets this far. Of course many say shut him up. You are better then? There are parents leaving kids (babies) behind in cars on a hot summer day, to go shopping. The kids die in real agony and then the parents are sorry and crying and more. You probably will feel sorry for the parents, well im not to put them in prison. They murdered their kid. They arent better then the Thai man. Lots of people treating their kids way down low and maybe as well with dying at the end. For instance: how many kids did Israel killed in Gaza? How many kids did Assad kill? Or for that matter Putin or the Korean hitlers?! In India kids are kidnapped and/or sold to be forced to work in prostitution, really from age 7 or so !. In Yemen still children are born and slowly die, as there is a war of already 10 years going on. Women over there will not have much to say and when man wants sex, he will, creating another child, who will die at the end. That is better then? "My country" bombed a place, killing 70 innocent civilians (on which kids) and many injured. The prime minister got away with it. He is responsible for that bombing. But no, he is rewarded and is now NATO boss. Or what about a big country doing sanctions on lands and people, kids are in problems! That is ok? You slowly kill kids (and of course others), but seems ok for the world. Daily life, you have a job, married , 3kids. Then the CEO says go away and changes the life you lived, also for your kids. He doesnt care. It just happens everywhere in the world. That is what we call civilization, it is what humans are. When the mind is at ease, all could go well, but when the mind pops.? Well anything can happen. Real sad this happened. Today it is a Thai man, tomorrow an European or whatever, it doesnt matter. Maybe your wife decides, you cant see your kids anymore after divorce, how you handle it? Watch your brain carefully. There are so many things going on in the world, you dont even know about it.
  13. It's taken until 2024, but Japan has finally said goodbye to floppy disks. Up until last month, people were still asked to submit documents to the government using the outdated storage devices, with more than 1,000 regulations requiring their use. But these rules have now finally been scrapped, said Digital Minister Taro Kono. In 2021, Mr Kono had "declared war" on floppy disks. On Wednesday, almost three years later, he announced: "We have won the war on floppy disks!"
  14. Some years ago had the choice common rabies injection or, as doctor said, new type. 1300 baht or 20000 baht. So simple, took the common one. Rip off or true? DIdnt go into asking specs of what would be the new one. I dont know what is old or new. He easily could have given me common one when I would choose for new type. So keep that in mind.
  15. FOund a site: http://www.chaleehomemart.com/product/4/อิฐบล็อก-14-ซม What it is and where or how for you to found out. I took your pic and placed it in google lens and see there Thai language and blocks.
  16. For instance It was just yesterday, i red a Thai girl (17) was molested, cut open and had many stitches, brutal abused by x Thai friend. The police did nothing. Two Thai girls 13 &14 run down a man and killed him with motorbike, they arent allowed to drive. The police did nothing. So Thai are discriminating white people, however white people seem to think they can and must misbehave. Well must admit, if you see Spain, it is the same. All complete drunk holiday people, misbehaving and once in a while even someone died (murdered) For Thailand well see this then for instance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyve1w_RgJI Sorry, youtube is not allowing to embed. But if understood right, even men cant just show naked upper body in Thailand. Thailand devided ? Cant in Pai, but ok in Pattaya. However Thailand is now working on creating sex toy market ! And gambling will not take long time to be legal. SO why whining about this?! Thaksin free without any jail and next month hooray, Yingluck back, no jail of course. Ghollem, ghollem And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
  17. Wow what a lovely long hair !
  18. Ok browsed some and Thai examiner (12-07-2024) says the visum is for 60 days and cant be extended, so you must go out for another stamp, which is then unlimited to do so. So that would be new again, they changed that within 4 days? On the other hand I do see in https://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand-visa/new-thailand-visa-exemption-and-thailand-visa-on-arrival-schemes It is possible to extend for 30 days for "a little fee"(?), Siam Legal controlled 18-07. Also see in Thai e visa site, you can extend for 30 days for "a little fee"(?) PLUS the officer has to agree. It is up to him. Only in and out, unlimited, cant find, but Thaiger, however Thaiger is doing the story of Tod. Tod Daniels can you tell us where you found that? Appreciated !
  19. Well here is a pic of breast implants, Beshine, a German model. I red she has 10 liter /breast now, dont know if all other pics are real. As then you are even more flabbergasted. But it looks like this
  20. Bob doesnt like his wife, didnt like to stop with drinking, however rejected a drink from a bar visitor. Probably made in a nasty way clear the food wasnt right. Nagging about word "mate" Constant factor, is just (bored?) Bob. You were the one arguing in BTS train?
  21. Well there are stories on which it can go wrong, like ruptured implants or "destroying muscles". Many have them and are happy. Others change there mind and get it out again, but are emotional of taking them out again. See youtube experiences. Some take them out as they get problems with hair loss, ear whistling and other health issues. They only could prove after they were taken out again, so getting better again. Of course it can also be mentally, maybe to the negative news about implants. You are happy at first, but then start to wonder. So many issues are about that. However it expanded and now there are also butt implants. And of course botox fillers are populair for the face. So first your woman can be happy, but later turn to not happy and want them out again. Maybe due to physical or even mental issues. Look before you leap is the saying. Do you really want it? In, is easy, 2 cuts and stuffing it in. However out, could be trickier.
  22. Dont get it, as there is one running already there since 2021. They change the panels then to ESM? Bit of loss in the 34 million$ project then. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2212523/worlds-largest-hydro-floating-solar-farm-goes-live-in-ubon-ratchatani Or they start at other position? As 16 other projects like this are planned. Or more panels on it? Found nice pic of it.
  23. It looks like his guardian angel was acting on the right moment and only the ear was hit, amazing. The angel, probably made his head turn a little. Must have been, if you see the place of location of sniper and Trump. If he didnt turn his head, then the outcome was more severe, probably. Weird is, roof was not guarded and even people warned, there was a guy sneaking over the roof with a riffle ! At least there were 2 witnesses of that who told authorities in a time span of 3-4 minutes (said) and Trump was not taken off his place ! And after all then the hitman was shot to death. It is all amazing (again)?
  24. SO they didnt give up everything and making still money.
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