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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. Then the system must also have a GPS location of you?! After all, ETA only BEFORE entering Thailand. So it is mandatory to have a working smart phone with you with an app? (border runs) Checking your time with the entry ETA, and automatic checking for a new ETA. Automatic time clock. Thailand can determine what time you must stay out of Thailand for a new ETA. They must also do the extension of TE digitally. Because of the correct clock setting. Tracking device, which will register your movements in Thailand, data. 2 in 1 system. Thai brother watching you. Times wrong? They are coming to take you away aha. And apparently the Aussies have already been chosen for a test.
  2. There is this earlier and from that I understood, you can. Tod shows evidence of coming in Thailand again (third time), even the tourists had overstays. On page 11, George shows an interview with Naruchai Ninnad (deputy director general of foreign affairs), in which is stated you can do those border runs as many as you like or your passport is full with stamps. It wouldnt be an issue, told by Nurachai and shown by Tod. There is a confusing statement in it, as Nurachai says, you have to be out of Thailand for a day, but Tod shows you dont have to. I dont make it up. Also the angry visa holders is mentioned once and who dont agree. BUT still at the end all depends on the IO, whom you are standing for. If everything is just normal, he ll have to let you in. And a bunch of entering stamps in Thailand, should not be an issue. It is what I understand of the situation, brought by Tod's and Nurachai's explanations. Well sorry, I didnt know about the airlines, flying companies for rejecting. I was confronted now in other forum, while I didnt know. Said, it is mentioned many times, but didnt red any of it, seems. Ok never had the issue as I did my journeys (seems) then in a proper way. However with the changing rules, it popped up (again then?) and I was amazed. As I first thought, ok go to Thailand then now on 60 exempts. But no, that one is blocked for a beginning. I must have a visum. (on return ticket for 5 month period) That is on site of airline! Ok filled in IATA form and then this: They state, there wouldnt be a problem, when I have return ticket ! I can do visa exempt way ! Bbbbut airline here says no! It is I have a good chair, so didnt fall down. IATA tells me I can do, but airline not ! Im trying now to get some kind of action from airline, but the workers are a pain in the ass. I showed them the outcome. They are real slow in an answer. I feel a bit uncomfortable (understatement)
  3. You can use non o, if you are planning to stay with a non o. But you dont have to. You stay 90 days (retirement 90 days) and then leave. But you must have non o, to get new non o for a year, with all demands then with the visa. In the new situation, you can do indefinitely border runs on tourist exempt. They also lifted the entry, coming in from landborder. Was 2 times, but is now gone. You dont need a visum anymore. At least that is for now, you never know when they turn back. Many expats are angry about this, as they do the visum way. Also the Thai elite visum buyers are angry. You bought this one and now you can come and go as you please on visum exempt. There are expats now wanting to stop visum, as you can do tourist visum exempt. No demands anymore, you can use your 400/800 kbaht. No more 90 day report. But you have to go out of Thailand every 90 day (90 days, as in extending TE with 30 days) I cant have a 5 month holiday in Thailand on a visa exempt with a return ticket. Flying companies say so ! Im not allowed to fly with them. I asked them what this is about, they cant tell and cant explain! They say, incredible. Looks like some kind of secret surprise. So for now, I need non o visum, so later I can have visum exempt with border hop. The METV (terrible visum) I will skip, as I did before and now go the non O way.
  4. like said petrol. Thinner, nafta (sticker remover) Almost any solvent made from petrol. It is however , how is paint effected? Maybe this? https://meguiars.co.th/product/g10716-meguiar-s-gold-class-bug-38-tar-remover-16-oz/
  5. Visa exempt only if you dont exceed 60 days. How it this according to the statement of Naruchai Ninnad? They changed again? As he stated, you could easily come in and extend at IO for 30 days. If I fly with a big company to Thailand, I cant have return ticket for 5 month period in Thailand with NO visum. The company will block me then to fly?! This would be since long time, but never knew. Was pointed to this in other forum. I never had a problem, so visum and flight were ok, it seems. Most probably they are linked somehow, flight and visum. The flying company as IO for Thailand. If I type dates, 5 months apart, there is no pop up showing for the use of a visum then. Way deep down in the site, there is a link to click on and you are directed to check. And then you see, you are not allowed to fly in this way. Sweet, they let me book (didnt try ) but when I want to fly, they hold me? Bye bye flight and money?! And send you back home !? With a one way flight, you arent stopped, but they tell you, you could have a problem, entering Thailand. Stating you should have an onward ticket to make that work. Or a booking of hotel outside Thailand? Is that prove? In the VOA, I see you MUST have a paid ,flying ticket out of Thailand then. That would be the same as in the VE? OR could you do by showing hotel booking out of Thailand? Weird a flying ticket is a necessity to go out of Thailand? , as you can go out ..walking. Another big flying company, let you download a form and it has to be signed specific at the take in, before flight. It is a contract in which you decline all responsibilities for the flying company. So one is blocking? But not direct say so. And the other one is saying ok, but at your own risk with a signed contract? If you do have a visum, then it is ok to fly. They dont bother about time then. You have a visum. But you cant have profit of VE at first. IO has no problems with it then entering Thailand? As he will see, you have non o 90 days, but leaving after 5 months. He accepts that? As the rule is, IO decides. So why not then with VE and however you get your extension then from VE? As they say, cant exceed 60 days. So first, for 5 months, I must have 90days non O, cant have VE on this time span. There are not many rules with non o 90days. An METV has more demands, at least last year. Though I tried and when I put pic in, it says "skin tone should be natural" wtf is that? So i tried lighter, darker, brighter, sharper, no way, Jose. Then it must be something in the EXIF of pic, which blocks it.? I took a copy of last year pic with some computer work, but finally noticed then there is no EXIF. And that one should be in? Telling which software was used So cost me again at photographer, as there are more demands on the pic. It is not just the average pic, like they take when you are in front of IO. And again what is IO going to conclude. He accepts 90 days non o and return ticket after 5 months? I can do a border hop after 90 days and then have a VE for 60 days!? With extension then for 30 days at IO, if I decide 6 months? Then again, do you have to stay out of Thailand for one day? Tod Daniels shows evidence of not. However Thailand keeps stirring in all and change every time and make all unclear.
  6. Just did Temu twice First order, all ok Second order, wrong, didnt get what I ordered, 2 items. Re sending, popped up with screen, "you keep it and get 5 euro back". I decide no. Now see if I get money back and when. Ok checked and money is back already. Thats real quick, just in 1 day, didnt expect it. Well there is a local send back in the country , probably also for other sites, so it is checked here and gathered to send back to China or for making pallets, to be sold as mysterie package. With alieexpress no returns, every time good. Knock on wood.
  7. Never heard of satellites? THey take pics from all over the world. You could see levels of dam and so on.
  8. I better should laugh my ass off, most of the time I feel first baffled and then get angry. But could start laughing then and it happens more, though mixed feelings. Laughing produces endorphins and is positive for body. So it is good for me, laughing. In my F country, we have Eritrean, even 2 groups, one is pro regime (what are they doing here), the other one contra. And now we have an annual uproar, where the police is fighting the contra's and we have massive destruction of property. It seems those Eritrean are doing it globally, said is to disturb economy. Terrorists. We have no rental houses for own people and even said, the refugees go FIRST ! I dont understand why there is not an anarchie. It is incredible. So better LOL. We have an inflow of many nationalities, by the thousands. Thanx to EU government. How ever an 11 year old boy, born here, has to leave the country, will get no "visum". The government have done earlier with other persons. REALLY, thousands come in and the young guy cant stay ! In Germany, a Syrian guy didnt get his visum, so he stabbed 3 people dead and 8 injured. OK so now he can stay there, though in jail of course, better? USA, London Breed, San Francisco , 34 th sweep of homeless people. They have new law material to do so, worse. There are so many stupid things going on, you should LOL. Of course, it is not since yesterday. It is history of mankind. We are clever, but at the same time so stupid. LOL Sometimes I think, I was born on the wrong planet. I dont belong here.
  9. Yesterday on tv. Booking.com it is for booking hotels and so on, just a platform for sellers. There are scam sellers in it. You book for something which you dont get ! Even is not there! They use pics of house's interior from internet and put it up as vacation house to rent. Nice surprise when you get there and it is not. They also use your info on getting to you, email, and have contact with you outside booking.com. THey could bring up, your booking cant be done, but they have "something else". And booking.com isnt there for you, when it goes wrong. Of course, no one of booking.com, wanted to be present in consumer program.
  10. But still every year, in and not only Thailand, there is so much 2.5 particles in the air, you cant breathe and which kils you eventually. Get some medicine and that can kill you. Still used in Thailand pesticides, insecticides, fungicides on your nice looking vegetables. Even products already forbidden many years in the western countries. No problem, we wil treat your cancer with chemo therapy. Pay up and/or die. Your processed foods have additions in it, filling it in cheap way, but good? They are "tested" and approved "safe". Some years ago, ordered curium, but had to send it back, due to adjustments of levels of a substance in it. Checked what substance and guess what, it is used in food for decades ! All my life it was in the food. Sugar is not good, ban it. Eggs, red meat, peanut butter, alcohol is not good. Water is infected with nano plastic, which will get in your body, blocking your veins eventually. 9000000 TONS/year of plastic in oceans, EVERY YEAR and rising. Killing marine life. A plankton sort is creating oxygen for the world, not only trees. Kill them and we have oxygen shortage. Keep dumping plastic. We put lots of CO2 in the air, we dint care. Trees will take it out, too bad we cut trees by the millions. There are people in the world, who dont have food or "polluted" water. even in Thailand. But no, of course it is the smoking. That is the worst of the whole world. Just a bunch of woke a**holes not solving real problems in/of the world. Major problem of the world? Too many people.
  11. BMT ! Good to hear you are up and running! Bought a new horse to ride on, take care. You dont want to go where you ve gone before. Enjoy.
  12. You moved to new house and bill rising, but it is your house not really used then? Could be, they are taping your installation. In times the house isnt occupied, the mains is switched off? I had this with a Philippine woman, she lived in bought house. No clue how long she lived there before, but at one point her bill was rising. When I was there, checked boxes, most all black wiring. But one box had yellow wiring, it didnt return anywhere in house. So i cut it and bill went down. Neighbor made it easy to detect, luckily with yellow wiring. If they would have used black wiring just as all was, then it would be way harder to find. The wiring was made when house was empty. You have to find out, when meter is real running. IS it when main power switch of house is off? The house doesnt use any then. Then something wrong with cables to house or thief connection. If not Then unplug all sockets, so there is no user, even switch off lights and then turn on the mainswitch of house and see what happens on meter. I guess you have just one "fuse" , otherwise if more, you can determine per fuse. Put all(?) fuses off and start with one and see what happens. Switch off and do the same with with another fuse (?), if you have more fuses. Maybe you could see then on which group is a big user/error. IF there is a somehow a thief connection, you only will notice, if the thief is using power. You have a socket or connection possibility outside? Check. DOnt know if you have neighbors close by. I see 2 wires through air on house? One ok, but two?
  13. Koh Samui, where lots of garbage is stored, they cleaned it already? They already have a major problem now with garbage. Where is all that new made garbage going then, as it will immensely grow . Ships also get rit of their garbage then on island? Electric power breakages, too less water. But of course with that project, they implement all these problems.(sarcastic) If you pick up a cucumber (animal) in the sea, you get fined and now big ships will come in and destroy habitat?! 2029 starting? Then costs wil have increased a lot more. Which ships are coming in ? The Wonder of the Seas can accommodate up to 6,988 passengers plus 2,300 crew members. The ship has 18 decks, 16 of which are accessible to passengers. Then you have in one blow almost 10000 people on Samui. Almost 7000 moving any day, every day. All on the island? Or the bridge is as wel implemented with this project? Oh, it isnt, as the bridge will cost only 40 billion baht, but starting in 2028 ! Incredibel the bridge is costing way more then a total new harbor. DId they calculated right?
  14. Is the switch not defective? You switch off and then might have a power drop (due to defect), which activates the UPS. The defect is not hard and even fuse will not go, situations differ. Take out the switch and check it, It COULD be a cause. The reading is now, one switch cause by switching off ledlight tubes of 8-18 W Maybe try another switch, change, exchange from somewhere else? See what happens then? Not simple, as situation is not hard. Which could be due to changing poor or right power source (230 VAC)? Measure voltage when it happens and /or when it doesnt happen. Of course working on switches, power needs to be OFF. DOnt forget. Measuring power , know where your hands are and holding. First think then act.
  15. Nowadays get mail from packages to come to me and need something. And it looks like, it gets worse when I did order something. Winning? I just delete it instantly, fake. Inheritance of 10 million$? Yha right, well didnt see that one for long time.
  16. Talk to lawyer. Make with new contract a section where you state, they are responsible for all damages in case something is going wrong. Of course, as they are good tenants, notify them on this new section. As they should follow restaurant regulations, if there are in Thailand. DO you have proper electrical installation? As that one is yours. Fuses with RCBO and ground. Thai ( well many people) dont take that serious and just do what they please with electrical wiring.
  17. How many victims you want? 1 should be enough.
  18. Well no problem, we have both our opinions. It is very logical if you try to tank at closed H2 stations, you cant get any. And leave your car. if you want to get home. Same as with any other car. EU is setting real in on H2 and you can read in this article China is doing the same. https://www.reuters.com/technology/german-auto-giants-place-their-bets-hydrogen-cars-2021-09-22/ I still think it is a matter of time and they will come. Yes the fuel cell is expensive, yet. 2 cars now H2, Toyota and Hyundai, but BMW is already investigating with an X5, Audi is mentioned and also VW. So they will all come. Especially when H2 is thriving in EU, they are pushing real hard on an H2 EU. Maybe take 5 years(?).
  19. If they find high cholesterol in your blood, you will get statines, for ever. You can be young and your body is making a lot of cholesterol, you will get statines. It is the easiest and proven way, data. Statines, low cholesterol, so swallow. That is a fact for many people, as pharmaceutical industrie is thriving on it. You are diabetic, measure and inject, forever. Thick blood? Measure, medicine, forever. If you have high blood pressure, they ll give you medicine to reduce, for ever. Especially, getting older, more and more medicine, as your body change more and more , you are going to die. Fact. We know a lot, but still we are missing quite some pieces. Red meat, peanut butter, eggs, you get cancer once red. ALcohol not good. Ah, becoming vegetarian, also wrong. And in mean time, I cant drink water as there is micro, nano plastic in it.
  20. I guess you didnt read what I wrote. My government is doing, subsidizing 7 projects in H2. I guess gasturbines will could maybe be converted to H2 burning gasturbines. SHELL is building a H2 complex to run. https://www.shell.com/news-and-insights/newsroom/news-and-media-releases/2022/shell-to-start-building-europes-largest-renewable-hydrogen-plant.html 3 projects on putting CO2 underground. Already one H2 project running. You do have now electric cars, it was the first bend road they took. But also electric cars exist since long time, 1890. But we choose petrol ! Now more and more H2 is coming up, so will also be with cars. Same as electric really kicked in with Tesla. A Fisker for instance is gone. Give it some time and you ll see. However could reverse to, from CO2 made, petrol? The mission is too cut on CO2. but if recycled ok then? You see now companies starting sucking out CO2 with devices, maybe put bill to government? Ah, I see they are selling the CO2 ! https://www.science.org/content/article/switzerland-giant-new-machine-sucking-carbon-directly-air Fact is they signed punishing agreements to reduce, eliminate CO2. With an H2 car , you have enough on a 5 kg or less tank. Vans are now with 5 kg and bigger trucks on 8 kg tanks and they should be able to refill in normal way. 3-5 minutes. However there is still a big battery in it, I would have thought less. For the Mirai it is however less expensive then for a Tesla to buy. 1000-4000$ Found you this movie, simple
  21. https://www.acc.org/latest-in-cardiology/articles/2020/02/24/10/09/fda-approves-bempedoic-acid-for-treatment-of-adults-with-hefh-or-established-ascvd However it is a chemical and everybody has an unique way of responding on chemicals(medicines). It can take up a longer time, before what your body is thinking of it. You could have some wrong body feelings, but eventually due to medicines. It was about a year , till i had real troubles with statines. A real severe migraine due to statines. I had to tell my doc.
  22. Well you want to see some facts about H2 fuel cell technology? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_cell It shows how long it is there, starting from 1838 ! Interesting to see, at least I thought, Didnt even knew it is that old ! Hydrogen will get overhand in time. There are many processes which need heat and H2 is doing fine and produces only H2O, water. There are "some" windmills here and sometimes see them standing idle, Amazing , waste of wind energy, as his brother besides him runs, not creating H2. Grid issues. Too much power on the grid ! I see we have a working H2 plant on 132000 solar panels ! OK that amazes me again, no windmills. 250 kg/day, transported in 500 kg containers a 300 bar. It is an experiment plant. But ok now they are "working " on real H2 plants and fast I just red. They need too, as in climate agreement. Of course money will flow in they, expect. Maybe also as increasing H2 cell fuel cars. But first for chemical processes, like making steel. 7 H2 projects subsidized ! And if you see it is in many ways used, it is only really a matter of time, it replaces BEV's. It is a race, as they are also developing batteries. Sodium would be the next one? We have a lot of sodium. Your BEV has a guaranty about 8 years, so after that ? Red someone had to replace batteries of his Tesla, costing a whopping 16000 $. It was due to leakage water into battery compartment. that would be production fault. BUT however 16000 $ ! Would you buy a second hand electric car close to 8 years? SO the cars are throw away items after about 8 years?! And the price new, jeepers. Another thing is making fuel again from CO2, yes with green H2, they can do and then we have recycle system. DOnt know if they do already, but red about subsiding some major oil companies to capture CO2 of proces and pump it in underground empty gas wells. Major investment 5 billion euro's. Of course creating fuel from CO2, cost some energy and lots of H2. Also they have project about CO2 . from air, capture devices to install in whole country, all because of climate and agreements to reduce. The main issue is... money, all other things are secondary, even climate. The climate is dictating, we should do otherwise, but it has to bring in money. Global economy is based on more and more, a Ponzi scheme and it could as any other fail at one time. I still think there are too many people and growing on this planet.
  23. As said, get well again. Try to forget, though it will always be in your mind. You never know when you meet an accident. It doesnt matter bike or car. Only on a bike you are more vulnerable. There are tv programs here, showing accidents (dashcam recordings), you really cant believe. The actions, situations really incredible to see it happening. No matter how careful you are, the other one could put you in a nasty situation. Personal experience in Thailand: Driving on none lit road, Time just really getting dark, big road so doing 90-100 km/h. Right lane, which goes up at certain point. In the glimmering, it looks like something is on that lane in front of me. My car light wasnt showing yet. It was in the back light of getting dark. DIdnt trust it and and went on left lane, reduced some speed and that was a very good decision. On that lane, a pick up truck, well used to be, a wreck they use for transport loads. Palm fruits. No fenders anymore and of course NO lights. Totally in the dark. Good I really paid attention (normally already do, but Thailand need extra) and noticed the silhouet. I really had an angel watching over me that time. After passing, I was really steaming off with a bunch of the most ugly words, I could spit out. Those cars are common in the left south of Thailand, but probably everywhere in Thailand. My Thai wife told me, Thai people dont like bends in roads. They start on left lane and then cross to right lane. No signal light used and in sleeping way, they just do ! Also had that experience. The car was already right beside me IN the bend, about 20 cm's. I even drive in Thailand with lights on, same as home, every time. Quick thinking I horned instead of pulling away. As if you do that, you could flip your car or whatever. Just jiffy time, you have to take the right action. I was cool and did. It also worked, as the other car pulled away, normal way. Yha , otherwise he would have pushed me aside, as he came in slowly, but would know then and then see further if so. Was prepared. Was watching the car way before we went into the bend, but no then really IN the bend he was coming. Motor bike, just once in my lifetime, knock on wood. Was waiting in line of traffic, relaxed and sit up. Then I heard the sound of rubber on wet asphalt and moment after that I got a bump from behind and was flying through the air. Luckily not a big hit and I felt in a good way, no physical problems, then some hurt. Accidents they happen, take care !
  24. MAy hope for them, they really make ALL right, as you know what happens with a tiny misstep. Did they really have to choose the name Peoples Party, short PP, or PEEPEE. Add one letter and you are out of the bizar name, like Peoples Social Party or more longer as in Peoples Social Democratic Party. Whatever, but PP?
  25. Thats why you invite Chines to come to Thailand and buy land, orchards. Of course only Chinese work in the orchards. Especially the durian is a Chinese pick. Thats why street venters in BK has to pay more or otherwise ..pai. They dont want street venters, but dumbass shops everywhere with loud music. But most of all they want more money, digital data on shops on sales for..tax.
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