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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. Enhanced it some, only music. Signal was indeed quite low. Here it is for you to enjoy better. It is an ogg file, as it is not allowed to do mp3 or flac. It looks they changed it recently. work with any mediaplayer supporting ogg. The windows mediaplayer will do just fine. ok, see AN has player in . John Mayall-Bluesbreakers, Walking on Sunset.ogg
  2. Should you worry, having a sexual relation with her?
  3. Eating raw fish or in this case a clamp.
  4. How can you say "believed Chinese". Were they talking English? Thai? Or it must be highly educated persons, who can speak Chinese?!
  5. And what about Thai government? Was it a year ago, they buried 14 containers of illegal pork?! They clean up beaches and buried it a big made hole. How about the annual smoke crossing the country? Maybe do better checking on companies, what is there waste and where did they put. Let them pay for waste to handle. But I know, economy and then all is good.
  6. It has gone wrong in your CPU. You have to alter the program. Links between receptors and your CPU, alter. They already are able to program your CPU. Ive seen a man, not able to walk normal due to Parkinson, but could with electronics/interface on his brain. It was really amazing to see and they had more items, as being afraid for flying, to cure ! It was long time ago , I saw, weird it never ever showed up again. It is al up to your brain and the programming, mind setting,, you can change, alter program. Some call it your wil. The saying is "you can do anything, If you only want to"
  7. This joke and variants is really old, heard it about 50 years ago, but then with a Citroen 2 CV.
  8. So it is alright for monkeys to beg, then there is no problem. O there is, see Lopbhuri. But if humans beg as their last resort, it is wrong?! I know there are gangs and people are forced to beg and lose their money to the leaders. I know there are fakes and they even make quite a good income. But in Asia (not only Thailand) there are many people who are fighting to survive. Well even "Big Brother" has this problem. Probably major important is to get BK clean, same as the scheme with the street vendors. Of course you can make it nation wide( cover up), but the main is BK. You put up the highest building in BK, all for the super rich and of course they dont want to see beggars. You can notice every where in the world this is happening. The super rich destroy habitats, they are a pest. Well that's my point of view. Yeah sometimes , you are mistaken. Long time ago was with a Philipina in a shop, young kids were out , begging. I wanted to give some, but she said, NO dont do that. Buy them some food. So I did and the kids werent interested anymore! They just wanted cash for the gang !
  9. THe stuf cant kill you. OK you shoudnt drink it. White crystals and very solvable in water, can burn skin. However it is a base and can easily react with other substances and create gasses. Amazing I see an officer with a dust mouth cap on in the room, yha right that will work, NOT. Guess the photographer is also such a dumb*ss. A miracle they are still alive. I red and first thing popping up is cyanide ! Googled blue lips and fingers + foam on mouth, cyonasis ! Cyanide! No clue what was mixed together, but they created a chemical reaction with cyanide gas coming free. And that WILL kill you. H2S kills but in higher concentrations and you mostly then dont smell, your common fart is H2S. however in Songkhla the concentration (maybe not all H2S, but with CO and other gasses, sewer gasses) was high enough and costed 4 peoples lives. If you mic sulfuric acid with NaOH, you will get a salt Na2SO4 and water. However it is an exotherm reaction(heat is coming from reaction) and H2S as gas can be releaved. But this one with purple lips , fingers and foam ...cyanide. The chemical doctors should know.
  10. Wait for the changes. In "my country" at first, you could have quite a profit on delivering back. Then problems in grid, and they could shut down your inverter and you werent able to deliver back. So no money. Due to war, many people installed panels. And now they, energy selling companies, say, you HAVE TO PAY for delivering back ! Market for panels has collapsed. And all the ones with panels, need a longer time for invest return. The panels are real cheap now and installing companies are dying to get orders in. There was a time, they were fully booked on work. You couldnt find an installing company, come back next year . They mention now better to SPILL your electricity, then delivering back, as you must pay ! Remove your gas heater and make it 2 way airco, water heater the same and have nice hot showers. Only now they are pumping up the price of water. Or of course start using batteries, buy an electric car.
  11. Well we need them to create more gender disturbed kids
  12. A laptop mostly have power connection of 19 volts. SO you are stuck with that. It is a bus/pin connector. You could have a tiny extension cord, one time connection im chargeport (leave it there) and de- ,connect on powersupply cord. Like this Then you only use the wire and not on charge, power inlet laptop. As that bus is soldered on board and due to many times in and out starts to get space until connection on board is broken. With this extra cord, your port is not every time stressed, but the little wire. you just can leave it all time in the charge port. OK you have that little wire always hanging on laptop and need to take care it will not hang to something. Maybe a little tape to put it on frame. Of course the connection busses need to have the same measurements, as there are also adapters going to smaller. A "laptop"in the way of a tablet is charged by 5 Volt USB and then you could use those magnetic attached charger cable.
  13. Everybody with lots of cash could be dangerous. I red in Yahoo news, Bill Gates owns 80% of all agriculture land in USA! True or false? A Blackrock is a really creepy thing with an asset of 10 trillion dollars. Musk tells some, Blackrock absolutely not. "some " Americans bought land in Soedan, 625 hA for 25000 $ ! Free to use anyway they like. Not told for what.
  14. I hope Bandersnatch dont mind putting up this/his link of his house in solar panels. https://ecohousethailand.com/ Very detailed docu. Or voltage stabilizers Choose a stabilizer with a broader voltage range than your appliance, preferably 10% to 15% more. For example, if your device has a voltage range of 180 V to 240 V, you should choose a stabilizer that has a voltage range of at least 162 V to 276 V. This will ensure that the stabilizer can regulate the voltage of the appliance in case of extreme fluctuations and provide enough margin for safety and efficiency. And of course for the power (Watts) you need.
  15. A white wire (probably indoor cable) going over bamboo poles 20 meters apart, how many bamboo posts then? Swinging in the air or fixed on sideways poles as wel? Think about a stormy day. So that cable is already at least 40 m or way more (depending on how many bamboo posts) and NO fuse with RCBO? Then again you start from a wooden hut from a switch. The length will be 60 meters and again NO fuse with RCBO. You want to connect 3 cables of 20 meter, so connections are out in the open with some tape? Find a shop which can deliver 60 meter(outdoor cable) in ONE piece ! Yes it weighs some. Use your wheelbarrow for carrying it. Here some for you to see, not only the gold. https://www.thaiwatsadu.com/en/brand/NNN GOLD Maybe you can order direct from https://www.bangkokcable.com/ or through Thaiwatsadu or so for the needed amount? Special fixed order on how many meters. It is not wise to connect 3 separate wires for the length. You can also use single core wiring and push them through a plastic pipe or pull if you have equipment for it. It would be cheaper then a flex cable and easily for sell of 100 meters in shops. Mind code of wiring fase brown, neutral blue. dont forget fuses with RCBO. The smaller your copper diameter is and the longer the wire, the less power you will get at the end. Internal resistance power loss. Also it will get higher when temperature gets higher of cable, due to sun and/or power use What do you want to run in the carport? Just a light or a high powered engine? How many Watts? The white cable 1.5 or 2.5 mm2? At least all is 2.5 mm2, coz of total length. Temporarily could easy go to permanent. So make it permanent temporarily. If you only need power for a light, then have a solar light?! Panel on roof or wall, done You can buy some little oversized pvc pipe and put cable in there over ground. Taking care of course no water can get in. NOT sealing the pipe, as it has to breath, heat, hot air has to get out. You can (partly) bury it in soil. Thats why also an over sizing of pipe, to prevent heating up of cable in pipe. Also it would be nice if pipe is UV resistant, if above ground, sun rays. The best cable for outside use is YMvk-as. ok thats EU indication. Thailand something like this 0.6/1 kV CV-SWA. Cant find a price, but it will cost you, I guess. And very heavy. That one has an armor included. Never the less, dont under estimate electricity, if you do something wrong, it can be the last thing you did. Or lots of damage.
  16. A follow up like in EU? About 2 weeks ago , same kind of story. It seems those online shops are exempt from import duty, dont know about Thailand. They will take it away and so the products gets way higher in prices. Also said for protection of local sellers. Yha , right, they dont give a damn about local sellers, it is just money in the box for government. And of course, making it more expensive, the stream goes down, but in meantime money in government box and thats it.
  17. Emotional song about being gay and coming out.
  18. Today do some bands, I never heard from, they were on a download from rock music. But ok that said, there are lots of bands with good music but not know yet to me. However are on youtube. Influenced by Metallica? Never the less great number. Lovely solo's in it. YEs it is rough.
  19. Mind the time stamp I put up, there he is talking about 60 days visa exemption, extensions and border bounces.
  20. No, it isnt a myth. When I was way much younger then today, I made meatballs for soup and I would sometimes take the raw meat, to eat. Mom already taught me then, not to do, due to worms. Also later when we had a dog, not to have the dog lick especially your face, due to worms. SO education long time ago by mom, wonder where she got the wisdom from, as there was no internet. Of course the hygiene to wash hands every time, very common from especially moms to educate in that time, today not that much? How many still now and perform? I did to my sons as well, educate about hygiene. And yes, I experienced them, many people do. Thought maybe 2 times in my lifetime still. But those are the tiny ones and give your anus a real itch. But there are way more other parasites and more harmful. At one point they could lay eggs in your body and those eggs can go anywhere by blood transportation, to hatch, even in brain. You have for instance brain eating amoeba's, chicken meat salmonella and way more others. A spider can bite you and put eggs in your skin, a fly can do so the same. At some places, there is a tiny fish, if you swim in that water and pee, they detect it and swim right into your penis. They attach themselves there and you will have problems peeing. Need surgery to get rit of them. There are really a whole lot of tiny bugs, which can make you real sick. Just go to youtube and see "parasites in human body" Here is nice one
  21. See George showed (page 12)an interview with deputy of foreign affairs Naruchai Ninnad. In that interview he says, you have to be out of Thailand for one day, from 9 minutes 50 sec to hear. However is that so? Todd "says" and shows, you can do instant border runs in and out same day. BUT all is depending on the IO's ! If they follow Naruchai Ninnad, then they could refuse you. Maybe he doesnt like you? And then say, stay out of Thailand for one day, rule of Naruchai Ninnad.
  22. THe last months Ive red many lay offs of companies (msn news). All sorts of companies. I was amazed. From today Intel is sacking 15000 people !!!! They have 125000 people working, but you arent happy if you are in sacking group. They made public, cocoa had a bad yearly crops and prices went up and now it went down again?! Yet it is stil high compared to september last year, but never the less amazing, would have expect to rise more and at least up to next years crops. So less buyers due to raise? And now lower because of that? En joy your chocolate while you can.
  23. TALKING about durable, but the economy isnt working on that. Not only electric devices, as well clothes. My Samsung washing machine refused to work when i got home from a holiday. I moved it, took of the lit to see if i could detect "something" I browsed through it and couldnt find a thing. I put it on and out of the blue, seems to be ok. CLosed and moved it back and prepared for washing, working as usual ! Weird, just moved it, opened, closed it and working since then. The thing is now about =/- 10 years old. Knock on wood. My Sharp microwave, just out of warranty, didnt work, brought to fix shop, replaced a resistor and there it goes on again for many years. My Sony tv, just year after warranty, got a red vertical line on screen. Contacted Sony, screen would be broken, suggested a deal, but not in my favor. I just let it be and Im not that bothered with the thin red line, sometimes I notice. Working though now years, but ok with thin red line. My Dell computer, once power supply broke down, replaced it an worked until something on motherboard went wrong, but ok then it was 10 years old and used a lot for long times/day/every day Once had a Chrysler Neon, jeepers, a pain in the ass. However a VW Passaat wasnt also a favorite of mine. My blinking light of Octavia broke down (then 18 years), the mechanic told me he never experienced that in his working time, and he was an older guy. It should last for life of car. OK the car is now 20 years old. She is still doing ok, knock on wood again. She has her own house. Experiencing all that, it is simple, all goods must break and maybe manufacturers even use materials which will brake down slightly after warranty. So with whatever you buy, you must be aware it breaks down just after warranty. And if that is not enough, solar flares can destroy lots of electronics. If I red well. You want to buy that Samsung? WHy not? It is just try & error, as with all you buy. Maybe you are lucky and the Samsung will work indefinitely.
  24. Asked my wife about Sahakorn. she instantly said, she knows and is with it . All is split in sections of departments, like ministry of immigration, soldiers and so on. Government is checking on all of them, if all goes right. So evt. it is government. That is what I understood from her. With those sections, you can save and even borrow money at better interests. It is especially for officials, officers. Last year she had 5%, as they call it "dividend" Of course the money has to be won somewhere, so guess they are investing and with that help officers. Like having 25 rai of rubber trees and now selling. Why they all split it in sections, to make it more controllable, no clue? To get data to see which section is the best, more data? It is said land can have chanote in a year, so now it is on a : Nor Sor 3 Gor A land 'awaiting' a full title deed is granted the document Nor Sor 3 Kor. The land is measured by the Land Department; therefore, it has its exact boundaries. This type of land may be sold, transferred, leased, usufruct, or mortgaged in the same manner as land with a freehold title deed (Chanote). In order to change the title to a Chanote, the owner of the land may file a petition to the Land Department to file a request to change it to a full title deed (Chanote), and the Land Department may do so if there is no opposition made against the petition Buying from those government sections, should be quite trustworthy, you could think. And of course with land office there must be on the landregister, this title. It MUST have been registered, it is Thai law.
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