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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. “TAT to Spend 1.9 Billion for Campaigns to Attract More Tourists” At least half of which will disappear into the very deep pockets of corrupt TAT officials and their ‘sponsors’ higher up the food chain.
  2. “Police deny extorting money from Taiwanese actress” Of course they deny it, what else would you expect from such an honorable and honest institution? The RTP would deny it even if there were pictures of police officers holding a gun to her head and the actress handing over the 27,000 baht.
  3. Putin is a reckless, emotional leader who has boxed himself into a terrible information bubble.
  4. Not just the RTP, the whole country. This one made me laugh especially: ”it has been reported that Thai PM Prayuth Chan-ocha in his capacity as chair of the Police Commission has demanded punishment for police.” So the biggest grifter of them all wants punishment for one (or several) of his underlings for doing something that Dear Leader does as well, only on a much grander scale. The hypocrisy is appalling.
  5. A short-tempered amoral general who’s best chums with the murderous regime in Myanmar. Just the kind of upstanding guy you want running your country….
  6. I read about those resistance groups. Incredibly brave people, because we all know the fate that awaits them if they get caught.
  7. Germany to send Leopard tanks to Kyiv, allow others to do so - Spiegel https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-send-leopard-tanks-kyiv-allow-others-do-so-spiegel-2023-01-24/ Finally! Throw in some Abrams tanks as well and Ukraine’s in business to start pushing the Russians back to where they belong.
  8. American lawmakers urge U.S. to ship Abrams tanks to Ukraine. https://www.reuters.com/world/american-lawmakers-urge-us-ship-abrams-tanks-ukraine-2023-01-22/
  9. Nonsense. Putin and his regime have made it very clear that they want to restore Russia to what it was before the iron curtain and the Berlin wall went down. That includes countries such as Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Poland, which all happen to be members of NATO. But apart from that, what you’re basically saying is that Russia can invade any country they like, as long as they don’t invade any country in NATO, is that it?
  10. I reacted to this link: https://www.thedailybeast.com/putins-henchmen-threaten-tens-of-thousands-of-dead-us-troops?ref=scroll It says right in that link: Putin’s henchmen threaten tens of thousands of dead US troops. So why are you asking me why I am talking about US soldiers? I’m not talking about US soldiers, The Daily Beast is, in that link. So take it up with them. Jeez.
  11. Chairman of the Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, threatens West with ‘global catastrophe’ over weapons to Ukraine. https://www.politico.eu/article/top-russia-official-vyacheslav-volodin-threatens-west-with-global-catastrophe-over-weapons-to-ukraine-war/ So let me get this straight. Russia invaded Ukraine, which is apparently perfectly okay with this clown. Russia gets weapons from Iran and North-Korea, with which it bombs civilian and infrastructure targets in Ukraine, which apparently is also perfectly okay with this clown. Not to mention all the raping, torturing and killing that the Russian army engages in. And then Ukraine doesn’t have the right to defend itself with western weapons? What planet does this guy live on?
  12. They are just raving loonies, period. Nationalism or patriotism has nothing to do with it, that’s just a vehicle they’re using to further their despicable agenda.
  13. That Russia has nukes doesn’t mean that you can stick your head in the sand and that the world just has to bend over and give in to the whims of the likes of Putin, does it?
  14. If you had bothered to click on the link that I reacted to (or even read the link, cause it’s right there): https://www.thedailybeast.com/putins-henchmen-threaten-tens-of-thousands-of-dead-us-troops?ref=scroll
  15. And how exactly are they planning to kill tens of thousands of US soldiers without the use of nuclear weapons? And even if they managed to do that, they don’t think there would be a swift and decisive reaction from the US army? These people really should learn to count to ten before they say anything.
  16. Sometimes I really wonder what Trump has to do to make his disciples (like you) realize that he’s just a two-bit grifter who’s been conning people and companies out of billions of dollars all his adult life. But maybe he was right when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and get away with it.
  17. “Police work for the public not financial gain” Yeah, right. So it’s probably out of sheer altruism then that they pay hundreds of thousands of baht to get a high rank in the RTP.
  18. Who says it was a false accusation? If it was, why not take it up with the moderators? They are the ones who can do something about it.
  19. I guess we’re going to have to agree to disagree. History has shown over and over again that negotiating with or giving in to bullies is not a good idea and usually leads to (much) more bloodshed. Even more so because Putin and his clique have been very outspoken about their eventual goal: to restore Russia to what it was in the days of the USSR. So giving them a part of Ukraine would have only reinforced them in their belief that they were on the right track to achieve that goal. The only way to stop Russia is to defeat them.
  20. Women in Thailand often work long hours, while their deatbeat husbands/boyfriends drink, gamble, and/or take drugs.
  21. How many times are Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov and all those other lunatics going to keep threatening with nuclear war?
  22. I’d suggest you PM him, or take it up with the moderators. Or maybe you should just let it go.
  23. Oh no, not another crackdown! The horror! Maybe for a day or two, maybe there will be a few token busts and arrests, and then it will be business as usual, where (lots of) money changes hands so that human trafficking and hiring illegal immigrants can continue without a hitch.
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