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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. And guess who’s most likely to spread misinformation: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/01/14/we-found-the-one-group-of-americans-who-are-most-likely-to-spread-fake-news-526973
  2. You’re not wrong: https://theconversation.com/the-mediterranean-has-experienced-record-sea-temperatures-this-summer-this-could-devastate-marine-life-188995 https://climate.copernicus.eu/record-breaking-north-atlantic-ocean-temperatures-contribute-extreme-marine-heatwaves#:~:text=recorded marine heatwaves.-,North Atlantic temperatures off the charts,warmest June%2C recorded in 2010. Records are being broken everywhere, and at an ever increasing rate, it seems.
  3. Sigh. Maybe first read the article that I linked to and then you may understand what my point is.
  4. Not fake news: https://grist.org/extreme-heat/how-climate-change-drives-hotter-more-frequent-heat-waves/ Although the climate deniers will probably have nothing of it, they just ‘don’t believe’ in climate change. As if it’s like a religion, or a god, that you can choose to believe in or not.
  5. Meanwhile, the economy under Biden isn’t doing too shabby: https://www.npr.org/2023/06/02/1179621886/jobs-employment-employers-labor-market-economy-recession-inflation “Hiring surged last month as U.S. employers added 339,000 jobs, far above expectations, according to a report from the Labor Department on Friday. The job gains for March and April were also stronger than previously reported. The April jobs figure was revised up by 41,000, while the March number was revised up by 52,000. The strong jobs numbers indicate the U.S. jobs engine continues to chug along, with substantial hiring in business services, health care and hospitality.”
  6. Russia attacked Ukraine grain storage very close to the Romanian border. Russia is playing very dangerous games. Couple of their missiles landing in Romania by mistake and NATO might see that as an excuse to get involved. One would almost hope so….
  7. It’s also where one (including the big boss Elon Musk himself) can share loony conspiracy theories that have no connection with the real world whatsoever.
  8. Ah Russia, the kings of hypocrisy and pettiness. Trying to beat up an opponent and when the opponent hits back they run crying for the mommy. Russia has been committing countless war crimes, raping and torturing innocent people, abducting tens of thousands (hundreds of thousandsj of children, firing missiles willy-nilly at civilian targets, killing thousands of innocent civilians, and then when Ukraine strikes back they call that ‘terrorist attacks’. Despicable. All the more reason for the west to keep supporting Ukraine and give them the weapons they need (F-16’s!!!!) to kick the orcs back to where they belong.
  9. I think that headline should read: “Time for Twitter to say goodbye to Elon Musk.”
  10. “Ron DeSantis Wants to Sue Bud Light” https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-wants-sue-bud-light-1814445 “Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is considering launching a lawsuit against Bud Light for going "woke" by teaming up with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.” DeSantis is going all out in his war against ‘woke’. When asked a couple of weeks ago what his goals are if he becomes president, he said ‘to destroy the left and the woke ideology’. Nothing about affordable housing and health care, nothing about inflation, poverty, liveable wages, nothing about improving the infrastructure and the environment, nothing about breaking the power of big corporations. Republican lawmakers don’t give a flying **** about any of that, all they are interested in is waging culture wars. Fortunately, DeSantis’s campaign seems to be tanking big-time, and his chances of becoming president are slim to none. Unfortunately for Florida, though, he will remain as their governor for another four years.
  11. There maybe hope yet, though: “Knives out: How Putin’s powerful inner circle dubbed ‘The Ozeros’ are plotting to topple him to finally end Ukraine war” https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/23081740/putin-powerful-inner-circle-ozeros-plot-topple-him/ I’m not sure how credible this is, but if it is true and they do succeed in ousting Putin and ending the war in Ukraine, that would be very good news.
  12. We now have the Russian murderers prosecuting one of their own murderers. True, but not because he’s a mass murderer, but because he kept p!issing off Putin. That’s okay, though, just as long as they lock this POS up for the rest of his life, preferably doing forced labor.
  13. Well, it seems like that’s the Republican way these days. Make outrageous claims and not back it up with any facts or evidence.
  14. Lot of red states are already passing ridiculous backward laws, like book bans, ‘don’t say gay’, and the latest gem in the great state of Florida, where teachers are now required by law that if they teach about slavery, they have to add that slaves were learning valuable skills. The idiocy of those right wing anti-woke warriors knows no bounds.
  15. And this is the country that proudly calls itself the greatest democracy in the world. It doesn’t seem very democratic to me, though, that a president can be ‘chosen’ when they get (significantly) less votes than their opponent. Also, this whole electoral college system was almost abused and highjacked after the 2020 election, when fake electors were ‘chosen’ and Trump and his entourage tried very hard to overthrow the result of a legitimate election, among other things by claiming that the vice-president had the authority to overturn the election. And they almost succeeded. It’s a mystery to me how all those coup plotters haven’t been tossed in jail yet.
  16. Maybe you should read this: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-28155578 "Despite bringing some big liberal ideas, earthy debauchery and all manner of corruption to the Oval Office," Harsanyi writes, Mr Clinton "presided over a thriving economy, declared the era of big government over and signed more consequential conservative legislative than any president since - and perhaps, anyone before him". ”Although he is a Democrat, he contends, Mr Clinton was one of the most conservative modern presidents”.
  17. Apparently, Igor Girkin (or Strelkov) was arrested, and his present whereabouts are unknown. Good. I hope they lock this SOB up and he spends the rest of his miserable life somewhere in a Gulag in Siberia. https://kyivindependent.com/russian-media-claim-girkin-arrested/
  18. Since when are/were the Clintons ‘left’?
  19. In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Donald_Trump The guy is all over the place, in his political affiliations as well as in the way he talks. He couldn’t string a coherent sentence together back then, and it’s just gotten worse. Although he’s not wrong in saying that the economy does better under the Democrats, there’s no doubt about that….
  20. I can only imagine how much better the world would be right now had Trump not been elected. And to refresh your memory, here’s how Gore conceded: In a televised speech from his ceremonial office next to the White House, Gore said that while he was deeply disappointed and sharply disagreed with the Supreme Court verdict that ended his campaign, ”partisan rancor must now be put aside.” “I accept the finality of the outcome, which will be ratified next Monday in the Electoral College” he said. “And tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.” https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/al-gore-concedes-presidential-election I’d say that’s quite a difference from the way Trump handled his defeat, wouldn’t you say? Trump was too petty to even admit that he lost. And Gore won the popular vote as well, by the way, so in a normal democracy he would have been president. And as far as I know, Gore is not a Person Of Color. Unless you care to explain what your definition of POC is.
  21. I don’t recall Trump being a Democrat, but back then he was at least a semi-decent guy in public. Since he became president he’s become more and more of a total nutbag, and a full blown fascist as well. Gore conceded rather gracefully, certainly in comparison to Trump and his clan, and I don’t think he’s been moaning about it ever since, and neither has Clinton. Even if HRC had been moaning, she has/had a point, since she got over 3 million more votes than Trump. He just became president because of that stupid electoral college thing you have in the US. In any other true democracy, she would have won and would have been president.
  22. You gotta be kidding me, right? Trump attacks everybody and everything he doesn’t like, and he never provides a shred of evidence. Almost three years after the fact he still keeps b!tching and moaning that the 2020 election was stolen from him, and he never once provided any evidence.
  23. Almost all of the voter fraud that was ever discovered (and is still being uncovered) is by Republicans who voted twice, or even more often, and all did it knowingly and willingly. They are all white and all they got is a slap on the wrist, while a black woman in Texas who voted once by mistake who turned out not to be allowed to vote because she was on probation, got sentenced to five years in jail. Talk about tour two tier justice system.
  24. And yet millions and millions of lemmings can’t wait to follow Trump and make him their almighty overlord. It won’t be ‘in god we trust’ anymore, but ‘in Trump we trust’. And those who resist will be persecuted. I keep seeing in my mind’s eye that video from WWII, where Joseph Goebbels stands in front of a huge and delirious crowd and shouts at the top of his lungs ‘do you want total war’? And the crowd roars ‘yes!!!’. Absolutely frightening and chilling, how such a huge crowd can be whipped into a murderous frenzy by just one man and his hateful words.
  25. Of course the Kremlin will (try to) meddle and interfere and do whatever they can to fan the division, because that is in their best interest. Jevgeni Prigozhin, not just the Wagner boss but also the proprietor of a very busy troll farm and possibly several, admitted they had meddled in US elections and will continue to do so. But they must be laughing their @ss off in the Kremlin, seeing as how many useful idiots they have already in the good ol’ US of A, doing their job for them, tearing the country apart, sowing division and hatred.
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