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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. It has everything to do with us. If we didn’t help Ukraine, that would lead to Russia getting bolder and bolder, the bully being rewarded for his aggression. And Biden didn’t stir up anything, this is all on Putin and his clique.
  2. It’s the classic right-wing playbook: taking credit for things they had absolutely nothing to do with, and blaming others for their own screwups. Donald Trump and his cult followers had/have that down to a tee.
  3. You must be getting your news from different news outlets, because I can’t find anything about a Russian offensive (other than those which have failed or stalled), much less about Russian military helicopters controlling air space over Kyiv. But even if that were so: should we have just let the Russians do what they wanted and looked the other way from the start? Ukraine would now have been Russian, ethnic cleansing would be in full swing, not to mention that Russia would now be plotting their next move, probably against the Baltics.
  4. You just said the war would have been over if the West hadn’t stuck their nose in. Which would have meant the obliteration of Ukraine.
  5. Classic victim blaming. Russia invaded Ukraine, didn’t they? And it would not have saved unnecessary deaths, on the contrary. I guess you are aware of what happened in Bucha? And what is happening in areas occupied by Russia? People are being raped, tortured and killed on a massive scale. Many in Russia believe that all Ukrainians should be killed. Sound familiar? Germany attempted to do the same with the Jews in WWII. And those Ukrainian freeloaders, as you called them, are now fighting to keep Russia out of the rest of Europe, and they’re paying a very high price for that. A little more respect would be in order, IMO. And you like what Chamberlain did? Seriously? Talk about someone who caused unnecessary deaths.
  6. Well, Ukraine would now have been Russian, that’s probably true. But the war would have been far from over, because Putin and his clique are not satisfied with just Ukraine, they have their eyes on a far bigger loot, they want the old USSR back, and all the Eastern Block states. Sticking your head in the sand is one way to go, but we have seen how that works out in the end. Remember Chamberlain in 1939?
  7. I read Aseannow on my Ipad and for about two months now, these extremely annoying pop-up video ads keep appearing in the lower right hand corner. After five seconds, you can click it away, but then ten seconds later it appears again. And again. And again. I have installed AdGuard, but that doesn’t seem to help. Anyone has any idea how tho get rid of this pop-up?
  8. Translation: if the accused immigration officers pay him a fair amount of money, he will make the charges go away.
  9. At least Biden made the effort - and had the balls - to go to Kyiv. Your guy Trump would never have done that, and he (private bone spurs, the president who called his own soldiers losers and suckers, and made fun of actual war heroes) wouldn’t have had the balls either.
  10. This is how low he will stoop: Putin heralds unit that provided MH17-striking missile with honorific title. https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2023/02/21/putin-heralds-unit-that-provided-mh17-striking-missile-with-honorific-title-en-news What a petty, petty man. I hope he gets rectal cancer.
  11. Bring a gas mask, the air quality there is terrible and will only get worse until the rainy season starts.
  12. Not to mention waging culture wars. Defending January 6 Capitol attackers. Picking fights with anyone who dares criticize her idol Trump. Having cat fights with Lauren Boebert, the other female white trash representative. And generally lying through her teeth every time she opens her mouth. She has done diddly squat for her constituents, yet she got voted back in easily. The Republican voter’s minds work in mysterious ways, go figure.
  13. That you feel you need to use the word ‘b!tches’ says more about you than it does about the crazy women you refer to.
  14. Maybe he abused her and she’d had enough of the regular beatings. Plenty of men like to keep their women in check with their fists, or their belt, or a baseball bat.
  15. This is - among other things - what Russia has in store for ‘enemy’ states: “Russia targets Netherlands' North Sea infrastructure, says Dutch intelligence agency.” https://www.reuters.com/article/ukraine-crisis-netherlands-infrastructur/update-1-russia-targets-netherlands-north-sea-infrastructure-says-dutch-intelligence-agency-idUSL1N3500G0 THE HAGUE, Feb 20 (Reuters) - Russia has in recent months tried to gain intelligence to sabotage critical infrastructure in the Dutch part of the North Sea, Dutch military intelligence agency MIVD said on Monday. A Russian ship has been detected at an offshore wind farm in the North Sea as it tried to map out energy infrastructure, MIVD head General Jan Swillens said at a news conference. The vessel was escorted out of the North Sea by Dutch marine and coast guard ships before any sabotage effort could become successful, he added. He also said that not 10, but 17 Russian ‘diplomats’ had been expelled from The Netherlands last week.
  16. Even Putin’s OWN spooks believe he is a ‘bullying narcissistic liar who can’t be trusted’. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/21344313/putin-spies-leaked-bullying-narcissistic-liar/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native
  17. Very disturbing news, if true: China may be on brink of supplying arms to Russia, says Blinken. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/19/china-may-be-on-brink-of-supplying-arms-to-russia-says-blinken
  18. Looks like people are busy lighting fires again. This map already looks much worse than yesterday’s one. And I’m sure tomorrow and the day after will be worse again.
  19. Had several neighbors in Chiang Mai who collected all the dead leaves and stuff from the garden every day and set it on fire every night, even when the smog was already thick enough to cut with a knife. You could see it all over the neighborhood. And it was always those little fires that don’t really burn, but just smolder and smoke for hours on end. I asked a few neighbors if they could stop the burning and maybe make a compost heap or something, but just got blank stares and looks that told me to mind my own business. Also had a landlord who collected all the garbage from the tenants of the row of six houses that he owned, put it in a big barrel and burned it. Didn’t matter what it was, plastics and everything, he just burned it every day, great big black clouds of (probably toxic) smoke. I saw many more examples of this kind of behavior, and came to the conclusion that most people up north just like to burn stuff.
  20. Just read in a Dutch online newspaper that The Netherlands are going to expel another 10 Russian ‘diplomats’. The Russian trade representation in Amsterdam is going to have to close as well. I guess relations between the two countries are at a new low. Good. Hit them where it hurts. Now all the EU has to do is confiscate all the seized assets and money from blacklisted Russian oligarchs and hand it over to Ukraine so they can keep financing their war against the fascist and terrorist regime in Moscow.
  21. If you think for one second that the Russians have any interest at all in negotiating (and I mean in a sincere way): just listen to what Putin and Lavrov and all the other Kremlin mouth pieces say and have been saying.
  22. I feel very sorry for the 10-year-old daughter. On the other hand, she will probably be much better off without that POS father in her life. Hope she will find a place to stay and grow up in peace.
  23. If I’m not mistaken, this no-burn rule has been in place for years, and it’s never been enforced, at least not seriously. Like it is with most rules and laws in Thailand. Authorities are useless, RTP are useless and every winter millions of people in the north breathe in that wonderful pristine air and develop respiratory diseases for the rest of their lives.
  24. I strongly agree with the first sentence: “weapons are the only language Russia understands”.
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