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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. For Trump, there is ample evidence to arrest, convict and imprison him. For Biden, not so much. House Republicans (or anyone else, for that matter) haven’t been able to produce any evidence so far, and I very much doubt that they ever will, because there’s nothing there. Unless you believe the BS they come up with every other day that they have found the smoking gun, or an informant, or a whistleblower. How did that work out so far?
  2. Please explain to me how you’re not defending Putin, but still blaming the rest of the world for giving Putin the reasons for his cruel war. And who/what is an ‘unconstructed enemy’?
  3. Russia is indeed the evil empire, they will stoop to any low to achieve their goals. And to think there are countless people in Europe and the USA who support Putin and cheer him on. The world is truly going mad.
  4. The thing is that I really don’t understand the selective outrage among Republicans/MAGA. For me it’s quite obvious: if someone commits a crime, they should be trialed and, if found guilty, go to prison. I don’t care if that person is Trump or Biden or whoever; when they’re dirty, they should go to jail, period. But Republicans/MAGA close their eyes to overwhelming evidence that Trump committed a whole slew of (very serious) crimes. What’s even more baffling is that many of them say that they don’t care if Trump commits/committed crimes. For all they care, he could murder someone (just go on Youtube and you can see plenty of videos) and they would still support him and vote for him. That is nothing short of cult behavior. Republicans have tried very hard (talk about your witch hunt) to ‘prove’ that Biden is dirty, but so far haven’t been able to come up with anything. Don’t you think if there was information out there to incriminate Biden, it would have surfaced already? There are many people working for various USA intelligence agencies who take their job very seriously, and I’m sure quite a few of them have already taken a very long and hard look at Biden. Believe me, if he was dirty, we’d know by now.
  5. I agree. I would also rather see neither Biden nor Trump. But if that is the choice we have, I prefer Biden over Trump by about a gazillion (give or take) to one.
  6. Stop the deflection. This coming from the master deflector himself. Hilarious.
  7. This is apparently what MAGA / Trumpism has come to: A broadcaster at the rightwing network Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) interrupted the programming ahead of former President Donald Trump’s rally in Erie, Pennsylvania to reject the notion that he wanted to kill liberals, globalists, and insufficiently conservative or Trump-supporting Republicans, known as RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). Matthew Alvarez said on Saturday that “There is something that is trending on Twitter right now ... I was interviewing people ... they were talking about how great the country is, how great the president is, and I heard something else that was spoken ... what I’m hearing is somebody said, ‘Well let’s kill them all.’ That is not something that I agree with, obviously,” he said, according to RawStory. Read the article and see how ludicrous his excuse and ‘retraction’ are: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-rally-matthew-alvarez-rsbn-empty-seats-b2384716.html Plenty of videos on Youtube as well, where you can hear that Trump supporter say loud and clear ‘Kill ‘em all’ and this ‘reporter’ saying ‘I agree with you on that’. But now he claims he didn’t hear what that Trump supporter was saying. Yeah, right….
  8. But how can this happen? The police chief himself had ordered enforcement of the ten main traffic laws.
  9. Really? You’re saying you asked that question in all honesty? If Trump tried to wipe a server with a cloth or something? Come on….
  10. To be fair, there are certainly indications of fraud and corruption, and maybe even more than the West had anticipated. But like Hippocrates already said: ‘desperate times call for desperate measures’. It’s vital to stop the Russian aggression, because if they win they’re not going to stop, so I say give Ukraine whatever they’re asking for to drive the Russians back across the border. And then afterwards we can try to figure out if there was fraud and corruption and maybe do something about it.
  11. If you say it, or even think it, then it must be true, right? But to shed some light on this: Trump ordered someone to wipe surveillance footage.
  12. For someone who claims to be so vastly wealthy, Trump sure seems to be extremely tight-fisted, and he’d much rather use other people’s money than dip into his own (allegedly) huge piggy bank. He also keeps asking for even more donations any chance he gets. If you ask me, it’s just a huge scam, but apparently the rubes don’t mind being fleeced.
  13. Here’s another doozie: Poll: Trump voters say racism against white Americans is a bigger problem than racism against Black Americans. https://news.yahoo.com/poll-trump-voters-racism-white-americans-problem-black-reparations-politics-090038973.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLm5sLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMrMwYvVkn0_LmDuOzVAU9YE1GEXihq1vwvdKi4y9H1IqeqCRqbZYoDTS9WDic_E_FnT9qgAmYJYZbuaxt4pkg6Yhuz1lAVKmnjkjSEgwBVew1aqWwUhb69jZ6KpsSWLqbtRdXLdfw6aFJ_yOtos-pR8GQ8sUbRY34MYZgw-PGWn Asked how much of a problem racism currently is, just 19% of Trump voters describe racism against Black Americans as a “big problem.” Twice as many (37%) say racism against white Americans is a big problem. Trump voters and self-identified Republicans — overlapping but not identical cohorts — are the only demographic groups identified by Yahoo News and YouGov who are more likely to say racism against white Americans is a problem than to say the same about racism against Black Americans. Again, the mind boggles.
  14. The stunning thing to me is that the MAGA crowd 100% believes all kinds of made up BS ‘evidence’ against the Bidens, and the so-called ‘whistleblowers’ (who then can not be found) as well, but balk at all the hard and solid evidence that Trump actually committed quite a few (serious) crimes. Talk about living in an alternative fact-free reality, where Trump is the messiah and the Dems are to blame for everything that is wrong in their beloved country.
  15. Trump called Brad Raffensperger and ordered him to ‘find him’ 11,780 votes. The Trump administration put the squeeze on Ukraine to get dirt on Biden. Trump egged on his supporters to ‘fight like hell’ on Jan. 6. Trump watched the whole thing unfold on TV and for several hours did nothing to stop it. Trump lied about the election being stolen from him, and is still lying about it. Even Rudi Giuliani is now admitting to that, that they knew all along that there was no ‘massive voter fraud’. Trump is ranting and raving on his Truth Social, and he’s the one spewing personal insults. The list goes on, and on, and on… These are not facts to you?
  16. Yes. People need to be reminded on a daily basis how dangerous Trump is, not just for the USA, but for the whole world, if he becomes president again. Please enlighten us as to which heinous crimes Biden has committed that would come even remotely close to what Trump has done. When is the last time Biden incited a mob to storm the Capitol? When is the last time Biden called a secretary of state and ordered him to find 11,780 votes? When is the last time Biden refused to give back classified documents, and even ordered his staff to hide those documents? When is the last time Biden put the squeeze on a foreign government to obtain dirt on a political opponent? Will be sitting here with bated breath, waiting for your reply…..
  17. Agreed. But he’s going to go down kicking and screaming, and dragging the whole country down with him, if it were up to him.
  18. Judging by his posts on Truth Social, Donald himself seems to be the one who’s ‘desperate and flailing’.
  19. Don’t these fools realize how much they’re embarrassing themselves? Not that they need to, because the RTP already has no credibility whatsoever, but still. ”So normally we don’t enforce any traffic laws because we’re too busy thieving and scamming and doing absolutely nothing. But for once we will enforce the ten main traffic laws, that’s all we can do, don’t ask us to do any more”. Absolutely ludicrous, the whole RTP is a joke, from top to bottom.
  20. I guess we have different definitions of what ‘lies’ are. Trump never pays his bills: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/06/trump-didnt-pay-his-bills-for-decades.html Erie mayor wants Trump to pay in advance for his upcoming rally, and he also wants him to pay for the rally he held there in 2018, a bill he never paid: https://www.thedailybeast.com/this-time-erie-mayor-wants-cash-up-front-for-trump-rally Trump wanted to get rid of Obamacare and introduce his own health care plan. Here’s a quote from trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov: “President Trump’s healthcare vision put American patients, families, and seniors first by providing more choice, better care, and lower costs. He worked from day one to put healthcare back where it belongs—in the hands of the American people.” https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/healthcare/ Sadly, none of that ever happened. Trump claimed he was going to build a border wall and Mexico would pay. Never happened. https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/promise/1397/build-wall-and-make-mexico-pay-it/ Trump said he hires only the best people. I questioned that, because anyone can see that he fired people left and right. Trump called Brad Raffensperger to find him 11,780 votes, and threatened him in several ways. There’s a tape of that phone call. Here’s the full transcript: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-raffensperger-call-transcript-georgia-vote/2021/01/03/2768e0cc-4ddd-11eb-83e3-322644d82356_story.html Still think it was a long list of lies?
  21. Then debunk the list. Can’t just cherry-pick one claim I made, debunk that one and then claim that the whole list is misleading or factually incorrect. Come on, have at it. Pot -> Kettle. Like the Republicans/MAGA crowd are so levelheaded when it comes to Biden and the Democrats? I hear and read a lot of hysterical rants about Biden and/or the Dems being communist, socialist, radical left, or “the Biden crime family”. That’s totally based on facts, right? No emotional investment there whatsoever. There are claims of whistleblowers, and many Republicans get all excited and giddy, but then suddenly the whistleblowers can not be found, or turn out to be criminals and illegal agents for China themselves. All big nothing burgers.
  22. You’re hilarious. Ever heard of Rupert Murdoch? That man has been poisoning the media (not left, mind you) and the minds of countless millions of people for decades.
  23. Semantics. I had to look up what the difference was, but of course you knew this right off the top of your head, didn’t you? You’re so much smarter than me. Maybe cut back a little on the condescension, though, I get enough of that from my wife already.
  24. This is what you said: I believe the single biggest problem facing the GOP's election prospects is disinformation Disinformation is not the same as misinformation to you?
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