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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Seems to me some posters here watch RT a little too much and swallow all the ridiculous garbage they spew as fact. Of course it’s possible to look at certain situations objectively, but when you’re dealing with a lunatic delusional dictator in charge of a fascist homicidal regime that wants to pretty much eradicate a whole country and its people, objectivity tends to go out the window, as far as I’m concerned. Russia needs to be called out for what it is. Putin and his regime need to be called out for what they are. So excuse me for not pussyfooting around and calling a spade a spade. The Russians are behaving exactly like the nazi’s did in WWII, so calling them Orcs is more than justified. If I said what I really think about Putin and Russia I’d be banned for life from this forum, so I’ll stick to calling them Orcs (and suchlike) and leave it at that, okay?
  2. I could ask you the same thing, pal. But since you asked: my main sources of information are quite varied, many of them what you would call main stream media. Also (since I’m Dutch) quite a few Dutch newspapers and websites.
  3. Reasonable arguments are welcome here. Mindless support for a fascist regime, however, will be called out.
  4. Why? Are you saying you have not been defending Putin and his regime on this forum?
  5. It's my opinion. I'm allowed one, aren't I? Do you really want to go there? So you invoke your right to free speech and voicing your opinion, while at the same time defending a regime that has people harassed, beaten up, thrown in jail, tortured and/or killed, just because their opinion does not suit the regime’s narrative. And censorship is pretty much a Russian thing. I don’t know if you have noticed, but lately the Duma has passed many laws to censure its own people, so they can be thrown in jail for up to 15 years if they say anything (about Russia, Putin, the army, the war in Ukraine, and so on and so forth) that the regime does not agree with. A forum like this one could never exist in Putin’s Russia, and everyone uttering even the slightest little bit if criticism could face serious consequences. So maybe you can explain to us why you are such a staunch defender of Putin and his murderous regime?
  6. So it’s a win-win for Ukraine and the West. Hope Ukraine’s spring offensive will push Russian forces far back, preferably to where they came from, across the border.
  7. Rumors are that Vlad is deliberately sacrificing huge numbers of Wagner fighters because Prigozhin and his private army had become to powerful and a direct threat to Putin. This is apparently Vlad’s way to decimate Wagner and kill the threat.
  8. And it probably won’t get better any time soon. Results from polls over decades show more or less the same results over and over again. When asked what their view on corruption is, between 60 and 70% of the respondents say they have no problem with it, as long as they can benefit from it. Nothing will change as long as this casual and self serving view on corruption among two thirds of the population doesn’t change.
  9. The west, IMO, is carrying out a war against Russia using Ukrainian bodies, which is intolerable to me. What you find intolerable is of little or no consequence here. What does matter is what Ukraine and its people find intolerable, and that is obviously Russia invading their country and the concept of Ukraine being conquered and ruled by Russia. There is a long history of Russian savagery and brutality against Ukraine, so the Ukrainians know what awaits them when Russia wins. Just look at what Russia and its army are doing in the parts of Ukraine they have occupied (torture, rape, murder, ethnic cleansing) and you will get the picture. So it is no surprise that Ukraine is willing to fight very hard for its freedom. The west has strategic interests as well, because Russia is now a clear and present danger to them, as Tom Clancy put it so aptly.
  10. There are plenty of examples where mutineers changed the course of action of an army and/or country. For the good, I mean, not by a coup like in Thailand.
  11. So Putin scored a few brownie points with his own population, big whoop. How long will it take for them to forget that? All I wanted to point out was how stupid it was to waste about half their stock of precious missiles on useless targets.
  12. Dude, will you stop with that? There is no get out of jail free card here. There is no alternative. If you start negotiating with Russia, you will show them that it pays to be a bully. And then next year they will want the rest of Ukraine. And the year after that they will want to push back the Polish border, or go after the Baltics. An so on and so forth. So please stop pushing that myth that a negotiated peace is the only way out.
  13. Russian economy collapsing. Sanctions seem to be working after all.
  14. So someone disagrees with you or criticizes you, and you try to shut him up. I don’t know if you realize it, but didn’t you just prove Placeholder’s point?
  15. Jeez, don’t we feel superior today. Of course you can provide empirical evidence to support this arrogant and ridiculous claim?
  16. Not to mention lots of money to convince those coming after them to stop coming after them.
  17. Putin wasted precious (and very expensive) missiles likely just for Russian state propaganda purposes.
  18. If they did, almost the entire RTP would have been sacked and prosecuted by now. The whole cabinet, including Dear Leader, would have been fired and prosecuted. The list is endless, Thailand is corrupt to the core. These 116 corrupt immigration officers are just a tiny, tiny tip of the huge iceberg of corruption. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they’re doing this now, but it’s going to be a very long and uphill battle to go after the bigger fish, higher up in the food chain.
  19. Kidnapped Ukrainian kids are being sent to sinister "re-education camps" by Putin's evil child snatchers in a bid to turn them into "Russian zombies", according to a report. Children inside the camps are said to have been put through the process of "information zombification" to rid them of their Ukrainian heritage and make them "pro-Russian." https://www.the-sun.com/news/7557496/child-snatchers-ukraine-kids-russia-zombies-camps/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native
  20. More dissent among Russian troops: “A group of Russian troops sent to Ukraine to fight for the Kremlin’s “new” territory is threatening to raise absolute hell over what they describe as pointless suicide missions—and they’ve made clear they’re willing to turn their weapons on members of their own team if necessary.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-soldiers-filmed-threatening-to-turn-weapons-on-commanders-in-ukraine Hope lots more will follow this example and tell their commanders to go **** themselves.
  21. If you meant ‘do you have a link to the survey’: if you had bothered to click on the link in the OP: https://www.yahoo.com/news/gop-war-woke-most-americans-100008176.html And then in that article click on the link for the survey: https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/americans-divided-whether-woke-compliment-or-insult Not too difficult, is it?
  22. Turns out in this case 56% of Americans (which is a majority, and not just the loony left) disagree with you: “Fifty-six percent of those surveyed say the term means "to be informed, educated on, and aware of social injustices." That includes not only three-fourths of Democrats but also more than a third of Republicans.”
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