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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Thailand didn’t choose a PM; the Senate chose a PM. If Thailand’s vote had been honored, Pita would now be PM. Disgraceful!!
  2. He’s been doing that his entire life, and he’s been getting away with a lot (a lot!!) more than any of us mortal citizens would have. Any of us doing only half of what Trump has done and we would have spent years in jail. And Trump keeps screaming about the two-tiered justice system, while in fact he’s been benefitting from that all his life.
  3. Trump Appears to Violate Consent Bond Order in Fulton County. “Trump attacks Fulton County District Attorney and the city of Atlanta just hours after bond order was entered.” https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-appears-to-violate-consent-bond-order-in-fulton-county Somebody needs to take away this crybaby’s internet privileges. Or maybe start locking him up for constantly breaking the terms of his release.
  4. Trump confirms he will not participate in first GOP debate. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-republican-primary-debate-9b6c7e74c7ce908cd082df3bb192535f “The public knows who I am & what a successful Presidency I had,” Trump wrote on his social media site. “I WILL THEREFORE NOT BE DOING THE DEBATES!” Trump obviously still thinks he had a very successful presidency. So apparently does his MAGA cult following. The mind boggles.
  5. The last few days were tough on old Vlad. A Ukrainian suicide drone totally destroyed one of his prized nuke bombers: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/23563714/putin-nuke-bombers-destroyed-drone/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native And Russia’s Luna-25 probe crashes on the moon. I’m guessing more than a couple of people got yelled at pretty badly. Or worse. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/19/russias-luna-25-spacecraft-suffers-abnormal-situation-before-moon-stop
  6. So that’s going to be your contribution to this thread from now on? Just inane remarks and questions? Without providing any evidence or links? If only there was a word to describe people like you.
  7. This was one of the victims, a six year old girl who would have started school in just a few days.
  8. The one is Washington DC is also done by judge Chutkan. Who has been threatened by MAGA Trump supporters so much that she now needs to be protected by a detail of US Marshals. A Texas woman (no doubt a huge Trump fan) was recently arrested for threatening to kill judge Chutkan. She left a voice message on Chutkan’s phone, in which she called Chutkan a ‘slave n-word’ and threatened to kill her. This is what she also said: “You are in our sights, we want to kill you…If Trump doesn’t get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you, so tread lightly, bitch. You will be targeted personally, publicly, your family, all of it.” If you want to talk deranged, this is a prime example.
  9. Biased. Corrupt. Deranged. Sounds about right, and it all applies to Trump himself. To those he accuses of being corrupt, biased, and deranged: not so much.
  10. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Trump wanted to overturn the result of the 2020 election and instigated the storming of the Capitol. How’s that for being a traitor?
  11. Not to mention which one is the only president in US history who has ever been indicted. And not just once, but four times. With a fifth indictment in Arizona on the way. MAGA!
  12. You really have to keep track of what you said here and stop accusing others of making things up. This is what you said earlier: “To be clear, I think the way the left won the election was brilliant” So you literally said that the left (i.e. Biden) won the election.
  13. Here’s a very clear outlay of this case: https://www.meidastouch.com/news/geogia-trump-indictment Trump and a few of his co-conspirators are basically screwed. Not just because the evidence so far is already overwhelming, but also because the rest of those indicted in this case are very probably going to roll over, cut a deal and testify against Trump (and Giuliani, and Jenna Ellis, and Sydney Powell).
  14. If you want to talk presidents not doing their job and wasting their time: Donald Trump Spent Almost A Year Playing Golf During Presidency https://seattlemedium.com/donald-trump-spent-almost-a-year-playing-golf-during-presidency/#:~:text=President Donald Trump has spent,of any president in history.
  15. Wow, very clever and very thinly disguised insult. You must be proud of yourself. But maybe you can explain something to me. If ‘lefty’ is as dumb as y’all keep saying, then how did they manage to steal the 2020 election?
  16. Trump has never let facts get in the way of one of his rants. Just read the garbage he puts out on truth social. And before he opened his big mouth, maybe he should have considered his own “stellar performance” (sarcasm alert) in handling the covid crisis, which most likely caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
  17. So? As long as they’re stating hard and verifiable facts. Which is what they did: Trump was lying, making stuff up and taking credit for things he had nothing to do with. You do know the difference between fact and fiction, don’t you?
  18. And again Trump violates judge Chuktan’s warning: https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-rages-at-judge-and-special-counsel-in-1-am-meltdown Wonder what the judge is going to do now.
  19. Trump Violates Court Order with Attack on Federal Judge: https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-violates-court-order-with-attack-on-federal-judge Hope she will set an early trial date now.
  20. Trump at it again: lying, making things up and taking credit for things he had absolutely nothing to do with. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-lies-about-crowd-size-iowa-fair
  21. Had to pick my lower jar up from the floor after reading that. The scary thing is that these people occupy positions of great power, but they’re dumber than a bag of rocks. Thailand is so screwed….
  22. I meant prosecuting criminals, of course, not persecuting criminals. Little slip of the pen….
  23. Persecuting criminals is political persecution? Many of the judges doing the sentencing were conservative/Republican, some of them even appointed by Trump himself. You saying they were in on this as well, this grand scheme of ‘political persecution’?
  24. Must have been all leftist judges, every last one of them conspiring with those darn liberals to frame Trump and his cronies.
  25. Maybe you watched Tucker Carlson’s redacted footage? Or maybe you changed your mind, just like (Republican) representative Andrew Clyde? He was seen and photographed barricading a door in the House and cowering behind it, but just a few months later described the Jan. 6 riot as ‘a normal tourist visit’. He certainly didn’t seem to feel that way on January 6, cowering behind that door. Anyone watching this unfold live on TV, on January 6, saw what it was: a mob of Trump supporters violently fighting their way into the Capitol, with a view of killing Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. They were told to fight like hell by their cult leader, and that’s what they did. And Trump watched it all happen and did nothing. He could have stopped it right away, by going live on national TV, but instead he watched it gleefully and did nothing to stop it for several hours. What a great guy!
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