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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. What happened to ‘I only hire the best people’? That turned to be a big lie, one of many. But this is classic narcissistic Donald Trump: it’s never his fault, always somebody else’s. He would fit in well in Thailand.
  2. You should see what he posts on Truth Social, completely unhinged rants, almost always disgusting and sickening. And this is the guy that dozens of millions of Americans would blindly vote for. What a weird country.
  3. Trump said on a radio show the other day that Joe Biden is on cocaine. This, of course, because of the little bag of cocaine that was found in the White House. So Trump, of course, automatically assumes Joe Biden is on cocaine, or at least sees a golden opportunity to accuse Biden of being on cocaine. And his mindless base will no doubt eat it up. If Trump is so concerned about people being on cocaine, maybe he should pay some more attention to Don Jr, because when you watch the videos he puts out, I can’t shake the feeling that that guy must be on something, no doubt about it.
  4. You’re a bit of a nitpick, aren’t you? You see the few instances when Biden ‘bragged’, but apparently you don’t see (or recognize) it when Trump does it a thousand times worse. I wonder why that is. Do you really not see it when Trump does it, or does it not bother you? Or maybe you even admire that in him?
  5. When have you ever seen or heard Biden bragging about something? You must be mistaking him for your guy Trump, who does nothing else than brag and take credit for things he had absolutely nothing to do with.
  6. It’s a bit like comparing apples and oranges as well. We’re talking maybe 8-9 months of Trump presidency (from April 2020 until December 2020) and 17 months of Biden.
  7. Can you provide actual numbers? How many covid deaths under Trump, and how many covid deaths under Biden? I would be very interested to see those numbers. Thanks!
  8. Really? Then what are you doing on this forum making unsubstantiated claims?
  9. They’re Republican members of the US Congress, and some of the most outspoken ones. I’m not even American and I know (of) them. Maybe you should look them up and check to see if your guess about their sanity is correct.
  10. Guess again. And you really don’t know who MTG, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Louis Gomert and Paul Gosar are? I find that quite shocking.
  11. So you think people like MTG, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Louis Gomert, Paul Gosar (I can go on for hours) are sane?
  12. I’m not really anti-American, not an idealist either. I’m just really very much anti Americans who describe themselves as “100% American patriot, capitalist and freedom fighter”. That alone is enough to set off quite a few red flags for me. And that remark about being lumped in with the historical bunch that have brought misery to millions? I think the USA doesn’t have a very honorable history in that respect. For one thing, G.W. Bush and his neo-con cronies (your guys, right?) have been responsible for creating a huge mess in the Middle East, hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the creation of very favorable circumstances for countless numbers of young muslims to become radicalized, something the world is still suffering from today. That has brought misery to millions, and is still bringing misery to millions more. All because a bunch of neo-con sh!t for brains were so eager to go to war that they fabricated ‘evidence’ (Saddam has weapons of mass destruction!) to be able to do so.
  13. You don’t think being on the side of reason and sanity (as opposed to chaos and lunacy) is a good enough reason?
  14. A Donal Trump supporter complaining about name calling. Oh, the irony.
  15. They’re working on it. In Georgia, two grand juries (not one, but two) are being impaneled and they’re going to decide within a month if DT is going to be indicted. The ‘witch hunt’ continues. I sure hope the witch will be locked up for the rest of his life.
  16. Well, at least you started your post right: meaningless rambling. To call Trump diplomatic is like calling the devil benevolent. And Trump is peaceful? Just take a look at his many, many speeches (talk about meaningless rambling) and see in how many of them he threatened someone with violence. Or incited his cult followers to commit violence. Why be a democrat? For starters, (most) democrats are on the side of sanity and reason, while most republicans have apparently gone off the deep end and believe everything that a two-bit conman says.
  17. Everybody has capitalized on full tilt capitalism? Maybe you should brush up on your recent history, because I’m sure there are many millions of people in both the USA and EU who would strongly disagree with you. Me being one of them.
  18. So everyone who criticizes America or MAGA or ‘patriots’ is a freedom hater? There are also plenty of other nationalities who have paid dearly for the benefit of their country and the world in general.
  19. Everybody with two or more functioning brain cells should be afraid of that insane conspiracy theory pushing nutbag.
  20. I wonder why so many ‘freedom loving’ make America great again enthusiasts are still in jail awaiting trial, or have already been tried and sentenced. I think it had something to with a little fracas in DC on January 6, 2021. Otherwise known as the storming of the Capitol, or trying to overthrow the result of the election, or even an insurrection. Where does it say in the constitution that it’s allowed for people to only be interested in THEIR freedom(s), and not give a toss about the freedom(s) of those who think differently? Or that it’s quite okay to take up arms to force their beliefs on those who don’t agree with them? And let’s not forget that this is a minority that’s trying to subjugate a majority. That’s not very democratic, is it?
  21. How long do you have? The list is endless….
  22. Doesn’t matter what anyone here believes, what matters is what his MAGA cult base believes and what Trump himself believes. We all know that Trump believes that every word that comes out of his mouth is a pearl of wisdom and 100% true. And his disciples think Trump is their lord and savior, so his word is their gospel.
  23. This is not about Biden, is it? Jeez. Reminds me of the old Republican mantra of a few years ago: ‘but, but, but, Hillary’. This is about Trump and his tendency to hugely exaggerate everything that he does, sees or owns, as long as the exaggeration is in his favor.
  24. Crooked Hillary, Sleepy Joe, Ron de sanctimonious, the failed NYT, the radical left, and so on and so forth.
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