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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. “Thailand to reduce the 50-micron of PM2.5 safety standard to 37.5 microns.” They can reduce it to 10 or increase it to 100, it’s not going to change the air pollution one bit. Just one more token measure to look like they’re actually doing something. This is the air pollution index of today. See all the red and purple signs? That means the air is bad, very bad or extremely bad. And this is just the beginning of the burning season, just wait until April.
  2. I think it’s quite clear that Putin and his clique live on another planet, in a totally different ‘reality’, so there’s no telling what they will do. IMO, any negotiated peace with Russia won’t be worth the paper it’s written on, since Russia has proven that it simply can not be trusted. If not by attacking Poland or the Baltics, they will want to find another way to screw things up for the West. It’s what they have been doing for years already, and they won’t stop.
  3. Maybe the negotiated peace will actually happen, who knows. But then next year Russia is going to want to take the rest of Ukraine. And the year after that the Baltics. And then Poland. And so on and so forth. So a negotiated peace is not a viable solution. The only solution is to defeat Russia, and to make damned sure they will think twice before trying to invade a neighboring country again for no reason.
  4. So you are okay with a school director stealing lunch money from the kids in is school? Of course palm greasing is nothing new, but in Thailand it seems to have become a sport to see who can sink the lowest and think of the most disgusting ways to steal money from people, even if they’re just little kids. And this has nothing to do with jealousy on my part, just anger and outrage that people can stoop so low. I just can’t stand it when someone in a position of power abuses that power to steal money, just makes my blood boil.
  5. Maybe he got pledges, but most of the actual spending didn’t really come about. That only happened when Russia invaded Ukraine. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
  6. This is, among other things, what Putin said today in his speech in Volgograd (Stalingrad until 1962): "Unfortunately we see that the ideology of Nazism in its modern form and manifestation again directly threatens the security of our country," Putin told an audience of army officers and members of local patriotic and youth groups. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-expected-channel-stalingrad-victory-key-moment-ukraine-war-2023-02-02/
  7. Literally everybody who’s anybody in this country is on the take. It is such a deeply corrupt country, and I don’t just mean that everyone’s on the take, but also morally corrupt, just one big mess of greedy b@stards who don’t give a flying **** who they have to screw over to rake in even more money. It really is quite sickening, and there is zero chance of this stopping any time soon, the whole system is just rotten to the core.
  8. How is it even possible that this guy is still breathing? Not that I wish anything bad to happen to him, but you would think that the powers that be - the RTP in particular- would want to shut this guy up for good quite desperately.
  9. That is the whole problem, being in the RTP is just very profitable. That’s why people are willing to pay millions of baht to get higher up in the hierarchy, because the higher up you get, the more money you rake in. It’s basically just one big Ponzi scheme.
  10. There is plenty of evidence of torture by Russian troops, hundreds of accounts of victims, and plenty of intercepted phone calls from Russian soldiers to their loved ones back home. At least the Russian guy in this video has the decency to apologize.
  11. Things are becoming weirder and weirder in Russia: Stalin Monument Unveiled to Mark 80th Anniversary of Stalingrad Victory. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/02/01/stalin-monument-unveiled-to-mark-80th-anniversary-of-stalingrad-victory-a80113 It does make sense, though, that Putin would advocate the revival of worshiping one of the most vicious dictators ever.
  12. I’m very cynical when it comes to Thailand and its future with such a corrupt system, it just seems to get worse and worse. Or maybe it’s been this bad all along and more comes to light now. Singapore used to be quite corrupt as well, until Lee Kuan Yew came to power in 1959 and cleaned house. And I mean he cleaned house like nobody’s business: Singapore is now number 5 in the corruption index. That is a huge accomplishment. I’m not saying I was a big fan of Lee Kuan Yew, I don’t really like autocratic leaders, but this is one thing he got right, and which was very good for the country. So it is possible to turn a corrupt country around, it just takes strong leadership, determination and probably a lot of time. I’m not holding my breath when it comes to Thailand, though….
  13. According to quite a few conspiracy believers we already have “one world govt”.
  14. China and India both have more than four times the population of the USA. Why aren’t they more powerful then?
  15. So it’s just a matter of size? Bit simplistic, isn’t it? Russia is almost twice as big as the USA, so it should be twice as powerful then, according to your logic.
  16. If all career politicians failed, then how did the USA end up being the super power that it has been for decades? Surely they must have done something right?
  17. If I want a good laugh I will watch Faux News once in a blue moon. Other than that, I tend to stay well away from those lunatic propaganda outlets, they’re pure poison.
  18. To be honest, NATO is more or less at war with Russia. They are supplying Ukraine with huge loads weapons (and probably share all kinds of intel as well) out of sheer necessity, otherwise Russia would by now be threatening the Baltics, and Poland, and all the other former eastern bloc countries. To be clear: this is all on Russia, they started this war, and NATO is just reacting. Nothing wrong with standing up to a big bully.
  19. “Commander of Thai Police Orders Full Investigation of Alleged Extortion Case of Taiwanese Actress” Translation: “Do everything that you can to sweep this under the rug and put the blame on her.”
  20. Something to look forward to for the Russian people: Nowhere’s safe: Lock up your kids as Putin’s beloved serial killers and rapist beasts come back from the Ukraine front, Russia warned. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/21176922/lock-up-kids-killers-rapists-ukraine/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native
  21. Isn’t this the guy who wanted to jack up hotel room prices to line his own pockets?
  22. “TAT to Spend 1.9 Billion for Campaigns to Attract More Tourists” At least half of which will disappear into the very deep pockets of corrupt TAT officials and their ‘sponsors’ higher up the food chain.
  23. “Police deny extorting money from Taiwanese actress” Of course they deny it, what else would you expect from such an honorable and honest institution? The RTP would deny it even if there were pictures of police officers holding a gun to her head and the actress handing over the 27,000 baht.
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