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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. It looks like Trump just can’t help himself and (still) thinks he’s above the law: https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-ignores-warning-by-federal-judge-tanya-chutkan
  2. So your idol Trump can threaten and intimidate a judge and potential witnesses and violate the terms of his release, and I’m a totalitarian-dictator or a nutter for saying that he should be thrown in jail? Whatever happened to law and order? Isn’t that supposed to be one of the key values of the Republican party? Or doesn’t that apply to Trump, the wannabe totalitarian-dictator? It has been pointed out several times on this forum already: Trump is being treated with kid gloves. If anyone else of us simple mortals had pulled anything even remotely close to what the Donald has been getting away with, we’d have been in jail a long time ago. Talk about your two-tier justice system….
  3. Why not throw his @ss in jail now? He has already violated the terms of his release, and he sure as hell isn’t going to respect this warning from the judge. Save us all a lot of trouble if Trump were in jail and barred from all forms of communication with the outside world.
  4. Again: who is poking what with a stick? I’ve never heard of any ‘lefty’ poking anything with a stick. Give us an example.
  5. Perhaps you can explain to us what ‘lefty’ is doing exactly (or stoking, to use your words) to warrant this violence?
  6. Not phony charges at all. Maybe you should read this: Nothing to See Here, Just Donald Trump’s Attorney Admitting in Multiple Interviews That Trump Broke the Law. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/08/donald-trump-john-laura-interviews
  7. And another MAGA believer who has no idea what marxist or socialist means. Because if you did, you would never equate democrats with either one. But at least you have your MAGA lingo down pat.
  8. Meanwhile, Trump’s deranged cult followers are once again screaming ‘hang Mike Pence’.
  9. And then vehemently deny that he touched the paint, and complain that he’s being framed, even thought there are tons of witnesses and there is paint on his fingers.
  10. Darth Vader personified accusing Mike Pence of having ‘gone to the dark side’. You really can’t make this up. Hope the judge will follow up on her warning and throw Trump in jail for violating the terms of his release.
  11. Let me guess: you and your MAGA friends have absolutely nothing on Joe Biden, yet you keep pushing all kinds of ridiculous conspiracy theories, hearsay, innuendo and false claims and hope that will fly? Dream on.
  12. And once again Russia shows its evil barbaric intentions, intentionally bombing a blood transfusion center. Talk about your terrorist attack.
  13. And the GDR (German Democratic Republic) wasn’t communist after all. Amazing!
  14. Now you’re nitpicking. You can put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig. Hitler could have stuck feathers in his bottom and called himself an ostrich for all I care, he is and always will be the worst fascist dictator in history.
  15. Maybe you should read up: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/fascism-1
  16. So just because Hitler hated the Jews, and the Jews are/were not left wing, you conclude that Hitler wasn’t right wing? You will have to explain that piece of deduction to me.
  17. You say socialists are taking over. I’m asking you for evidence of that. Apparently you can’t. What a shocker.
  18. Where are the socialists taking over exactly? Please enlighten me.
  19. Doesn’t matter what he grew up as. He turned far right wing almost as soon as he joined the DAP.
  20. Maybe you should read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Workers'_Party If you were referring to the NSDAP, that was the party eventually lead by Adolf Hitler. He was not far right?
  21. Yeah sure, blame the foreigners for that. Locals can’t survive working anyway, what with all the price gouging and greedflation by big corporations, abusing the inflation to jack up their prices even more.
  22. You mean the millions of undereducated folks that do the jobs that Europeans and Americans refuse to do anymore?
  23. So you’re okay with Europe and America becoming fascist?
  24. It’s not a scaremongering article, it is simply stating facts. Hitler and his nazis were not taken seriously either when they started out, and we all know the price the world had to pay for that. An AfD mayor has been elected, by the way, in a town in the east of Germany, just this past June. If I were you, I’d take the risk of fascists taking over very seriously.
  25. Intelligence agencies in most western countries have been warning for years that the greatest threat to democracy comes from (white)nationalist/patriot/fascist movements. This is just another confirmation that they are not wrong. Political parties with seats in parliaments, like FvD in Holland and AfD in Germany, are flirting with or even openly supporting Putin and his murderous regime. And Putin will do everything he can to fan those flames, and to gain the support of more of those useful idiots.
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