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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. That’s the problem with right-wingers/conservatives/evangelicals: they think their own view represents that of the vast majority. But it (almost)never does…..
  2. Thai minivans remind me of the ‘taxi brousse’ in West Africa. These cars (often old Peugeot 504 Familiale) usually have one driver and nine passengers. They also have a disturbing nickname: “neuf morts, un blessée’, which means nine dead, one injured. Accidents often result in all passengers being killed and the driver more or less seriously injured. I’ve spent quite a few hours in both, almost always with tightly clenched buttocks. I’m still not sure which is worse, the Thai minivan or the taxi brousse in West Africa.
  3. That’s all they ever do: they sit in their air conditioned offices, with the air purifiers probably on full blast, and they talk and discuss, and then they say they will closely monitor the situation, which means they will do absolutely nothing (because there is nothing in it for them, no money to be made) and then they go home and complain about the air pollution. This has been going on for years, and will continue to go on for many years to come.
  4. Jeez, do you guys actually read the things you post before you post them? Or is it just your knee-jerk reaction to anything having to do with Islam? Kill them all, of course. That includes killing millions of innocent and well-meaning people, including children, who just want to have a normal life and mean no one any harm. Or did you mean just kill all the insurgents? In that case, how do you distinguish between a ‘normal’ citizen and an insurgent? Must be nice to live in a black and white world without anything in between. And China has the right idea with how to handle Islamic separatists, seriously? Just rob a couple of million people of their freedom and put them in ‘re-education camps’ because they oppose the Chinese wanting to stamp out every last bit of their culture? Like they have been doing, and are currently still doing, in Tibet?
  5. Wildlife trafficking is a multi-billion dollar business with very little risk involved, especially for the guys at the top earning the big bucks. If someone gets caught, it’s almost always the guys doing the actual poaching or trafficking, never the big cheeses who control the trade and make a fortune.
  6. Just another example of the evil that is Putin/Russia and its barbaric war in Ukraine: Russian soldiers execute Ukrainian PoW after he says "Glory to Ukraine". https://news.yahoo.com/russian-soldiers-execute-ukrainian-pow-135000255.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLm5sLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAB9WvbhnKuF1zWz6pMbP7m8fx5FbarcoDvxzP4l9JBDmhOhOMOxTs25DRNuMhB7mtuSgZHEhqsCZQW8RlygMoOlg3Y7rGu4e9pzl9EIn6hEar0BxhH61rXVbx4yoWXsOIK3uul8BNgsiyX-oAI4mZsmLCCZQdesksHoIznUS5j6P
  7. Russian army forced to deploy 60-year-old T-62 main battle tanks. Russian BTR-50 armoured personnel carriers, first fielded in 1954, have also been deployed in Ukraine for the first time.
  8. Russia has “wasted huge amounts of human resources, armaments, and materials” during the war in Ukraine, and it will likely run out of offensive potential by late spring, Ukrainian military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov said in an interview with USA Today published on March 5. Budanov said “a decisive battle” is set to take place this spring, and predicted that “this battle will be the final one before this war ends,” USA Today reported. https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/budanov-russia-likely-to-run-out-of-military-tools-by-end-of-spring
  9. ‘Doomsday plane’ landed in Iceland recently. Probably a sign to Putin/Russia to not get any crazy ideas….
  10. Calling them spineless cowards is an insult to spineless cowards. This is absolutely the lowest of the low. Sometimes I can see the need for corporal punishment. These four would definitely deserve it.
  11. The only thing there is no question about is that RT is a Kremlin propaganda channel that spouts the most outrageous nonsense. I’m willing to bet my last dollar, euro and baht that that video is fake.
  12. Bangkok is indeed a great city, but they must have forgotten to factor in the abysmal air quality most of the year, otherwise it could never have landed in 30th place.
  13. ????????Must be a nice view for the staff of the Russian embassy in Berlin: German peace activists park rusty tank outside Russian embassy. Activists protesting against Russia's invasion of Ukraine parked a destroyed, rusty tank directly in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin on Friday, bringing a piece of the battlefield to the centre of the German capital. "The broken tank signifies downfall. Ukraine is going to be Putin's Stalingrad," said Wieland Giebel, curator of the Berlin Story Bunker museum, referring to Germany's defeat in a major battle in World War Two. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/german-activists-park-destroyed-rusting-tank-outside-russian-embassy-2023-02-24/
  14. I found this quite enlightening: “Ukraine war: ‘vranyo’ – Russian for when you lie and everyone knows it, but you don’t care.” Which means I know you know I’m lying to you, yet I’m going to lie to you anyway. That is a very interesting and strange mindset, at which the Russian powers that be apparently excel. https://theconversation.com/ukraine-war-vranyo-russian-for-when-you-lie-and-everyone-knows-it-but-you-dont-care-181100
  15. I’m guessing Mike Lindell’s brain is fried from all the meth/crack he took. How anyone can take a loon like that seriously is beyond me. For instance: how many times exactly (dozens, at least) did he promise to give the world irrefutable evidence that the 2020 election was rigged? And how many times exactly (zero!!) did he actually give us even the tiniest shred of evidence? Just saying….
  16. Such a shame that Putin will probably never get to see this….
  17. “Seems like a lot of wishin' and hopin' is going on.” Right back at you, mate. At least I’m hoping for a good outcome of this war, something I’m not quite sure you’re rooting for.
  18. Of course, between Zelensky and Putin, Zelensky is obviously the dangerous one.
  19. Great news: Poland delivers first Leopard tanks to Ukraine. Hope many more will follow as soon as possible. https://www.dw.com/en/poland-delivers-first-leopard-tanks-to-ukraine/a-64809432
  20. If you believe RT over CNN, you’re even deeper down the rabbit hole than I thought. There is overwhelming evidence of thousands of Russian war crimes in Ukraine.
  21. After the Russian invasion and all the atrocities (war crimes) that the Russian army and Wagner committed in Ukraine, I suspect there are not many Ukrainians left who have a favorable view of Russia, or the Russians in general.
  22. Semantics. Do you really want to go there? Fact is, many Russians believe Ukraine doesn’t have the right to exist, and even that all Ukrainians should be killed. Call it what you will, but if Russia were in charge there now (which would have been perfectly okay with you, judging by your posts), Ukrainians would be hunted down, put in concentration camps, or worse.
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