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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. So much hate (completely unfounded, by the way) is very bad for your health. You do know that, don’t you? It’s going to eat you up inside, if you’re not careful.
  2. Of course it is. Although I doubt very much if your reaction had been the same had they put Trump in the top five. Then it probably would have been a brilliant piece of academic work.
  3. of course it’s a big deal. When Trump and the GOP get their way, there will be a nationwide ban on abortion. As it is, some states are making it illegal to help a pregnant woman get across the border to another state to get an abortion. Besides, being pregnant and having to get an abortion is stressful enough for these women as it is without having to travel hundreds of miles to another state.
  4. When will they (meaning you and all the other MAGA trumpers) admit that Trump lied 30,000 times during his presidency? When will Trump admit that his mind is turning to scrambled eggs?
  5. I know. Sometimes I just can’t resist….
  6. Wow, so you managed to look up the definition of far-left and ultra-left. You must be very proud of yourself. Now please explain to me how they apply to Walz? How is Walz ‘rejecting capitalism’? How is Walz ‘rejecting mainstream representative democracy’?
  7. There you go again with your mindless and baseless oneliners. Here are some more of those pearls of wisdom of yours. ”Lefties are stupid” ”Democrats lie all the time” “Masks are for dumb people” Just empty and ignorant oneliners, perfect bite-sized little snippets of hate to spread your orange idol’s message. You’re not fooling anyone.
  8. “US Policy Metrics is a boutique advisory firm for hedge funds and asset management firms” Gee, I wonder where their political affiliation lies….
  9. If you want to talk economics: before he became president, even Trump admitted that the economy under a Democrat president was/is usually better than under a Republican president. And then he immediately proved that by racking up the national deficit by a mere 8 trillion dollars, give or take. That’s what Republican presidents since Reagan have done, adding (many) trillions to the national deficit. And Republicans have the gall to call themselves fiscally responsible.
  10. Do you just post random reactions to OP’s?
  11. Let me repeat: you have no idea what you’re talking about. Furthermore, you keep repeating that Democrats lie all the time. That is rich, coming from someone who supports the greatest liar of all time. “Every accusation is a confession.”
  12. Trumpers, MAGA and all the other right wing igoramuses who keep calling Democrats radical left, socialist or communist (and sometimes even fascist) have absolutely no clue what they’re on about and are just repeating the talking points their extreme right wing overlords keep feeding them.
  13. Presidential historians, across the board from Democrats to Republicans, disagree strongly with you: https://www.axios.com/2024/02/19/presidents-survey-trump-ranks-last-biden-14th
  14. Biden shredded himself. Trump was just telling his usual lies. When he goes up against Kamala Harris, he knows she’s not going to let him get away with that. They should do two debates: one in a venue proposed by Trump, and one in a venue proposed by Harris. Problem solved. Although I doubt very much if Trump is going to debate Harris at all.
  15. Remember him asking oil company CEO’s for a billion dollars in campaign donations? Hmm, I wonder what he’s going to do in return for that if he becomes president….
  16. Didn’t Trump suggest the other day that he would actually debate Harris, but only at one of his rallies? What happened to ‘any time, any place’?
  17. Not scared to debate, just not very keen on getting sucked into a debate that is not based on facts. I asked you a very simple question: do you agree that Ukraine gained independence in 1991? No need for a debate when you go by that fact. Do you have any evidence of Joe Biden taking money from Ukraine, by the way? If you have, maybe you should hand it over to James Comer, who’s been trying to impeach Biden for years. With zero evidence so far, and zero result. If you think Saudi Arabia is interested in peace in the Middle East (or anywhere else) you’re even more delusional than I thought. MBS, like any other (wannabe) dictator, is only interested in power and having people suck up and bow down to him. As for starting wars: Saudi Arabia is heavily involved in the civil war in Sudan, as well as in the war in Yemen. Mainly to fight proxy wars there with their arch enemy.
  18. Why would I want to discuss history with you? Ukraine gained independence in 1991, that’s all I need to know. Or do you not agree with that? And since day 1 of that independence, Russia has been meddling and trying to undermine the sovereignty of Ukraine. Or do you not agree with that? About the money. Hunter got a few million dollars for being on the board of a Ukrainian energy company. Kushner got 2 billion dollars because his father in law was the president of the USA. Spot the difference. Leninist media. You’re hilarious. And not at all biased.
  19. Jeez, could you be more condescending? And maybe take some history classes. Ukraine is not part of Russia, Ukraine was part of Russia. Just like Belgium used to be part of The Netherlands, but is now an independent sovereign state. And if you want to talk dollars: how about the 2 billion dollars Jared Kushner got from Saudi Arabia just because his father-in-law was president of the USA? That doesn’t worry you?
  20. Trump is smart? You and I must have different definitions of ‘smart’. And how is he going to end the war exactly? Let me guess, by leaning on Ukraine to give Russia the territory it has occupied in Ukraine, so Putin gets what he wants. Remember Neville Chamberlain? “I bring you peace with honour”? Appeasement never works. And just to be clear: Putin can outsmart your guy Trump any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Not that that takes a lot.
  21. He just congratulated Putin on having made a great deal with that prisoner exchange. Shows you exactly what kind of ‘man’ Trump is and where his sympathy lies.
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