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Everything posted by kinyara

  1. He'd have been better off calling Saul, being clearly a bit naive/trusting I really wonder if he decided it was a good idea to open up the details of his case in the public arena or he was advised to do so. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe some degree of common ownership exists between the law firm representing him and the news outlet getting some copy from the story. At the very least any credible news outlet should highlight a vested/connected business interest in the case.
  2. TAT are not the ones responsible for collating the actual statistics so their maths skills are irrelevant, the figures are one of the simpler economic measures to gather. They are not in the business of trying to fool a few disgruntled expats. I'd agree TAT has historically been far too optimistic with their forecasts, their forecasting skills are not great, however on this occassion they have actually been correct with their 2022 target.
  3. If you are coming in on a tourist visa or visa exempt then you are counted as a tourist, nothing difficult to understand about that even though I didn't even mention the scenarios you now highlight. In my working life I used to come here every 2 months on leave for 25 days visa exempt effectively as my base, I don't see anything odd about being counted as a tourist every time, I was on my holiday and that's what I effectively was. Now I'm on a Non-Immigrant O Annual Extension of Stay and have to get a Re-Entry Permit if I leave to re-enter, I'm not re-entering on a tourist visa so I very much doubt I'm classified as a tourist.
  4. Correct, crossing for work is not tourism and neither is it counted as such. I have no problem pointing out obvious falsehoods that detract from the bigger picture.
  5. So you're going full conspiracy theory now and suggesting they've altered their methodology since re-opening because the current figures aren't the result you want to see ? You're not a Trump supporter by any chance ? Malaysia, historically Thailand's second largest tourist market doesn't supply migrant workers to Thailand, it's the other way round as the pay rates are higher in Malaysia. See my point above about trip duration also not supporting the illegal migrant worker theory. Cambodia was down at 13th in terms of tourist visitors in 2019 and Myannmar didn't even make the top 20. Even if those countries were actually all non-tourists they would be pretty insignificant in the overall scheme of things. Is there an element of cross border shopping, of course there is like any other country and that money is welcome in Thailand, it's all part of foreign inflows into the country, however it's hardly the dominant underlying reason driving the recovery of the Thai tourist industry. I presume if you and your mates crossed from the US to Mexico for a fun weekend in Tijuana you would consider yourselves tourists, why don't you consider the same is true for border country visitors to Thailand ?
  6. Of course not and neither is the TAT Governer saying that. He's been looking at the same gradual monthly improvement in arrivals since the start of the year as I am. He's pointing out that they've hit their target earlier than expected, nothing more than that.
  7. pea.co.th/en/Payment-Channels Non-bank options include 7-11, Big C, Tesco Lotus, Thai Post Office.
  8. You're really only speculating without any factual information to go on. One point I'd highlight though is the average length of stay of tourists from neighbouring land border countries, Malaysia, Cambodia, Myannmar and Laos in the past has been between 5 and 7 days, it would hardly pay illegal migrant workers to be here for such a short time and if it was a major issue affecting real tourist numbers I suspect the duration figures would be massively time distorted.
  9. Hang back entering the arrivals hall until you think you're the 10,000,000th about to arrive. ????
  10. The October 1st " fully reopening " refers to the date tourists were no longer required to show vaccination certificate and ATK test results on entry, plus the launch of more generous visa exempt days from 30 to 45. You're reading something into his remarks that simply isn't there, presumably because you're still smarting from being so wildly out with your 6 million tourist prediction for this year. Keep digging Nostradamus.
  11. In a city where there are 10's of thousands of tourists staying every day I'd be shocked if I didn't see a few early morning drinkers. The exception not the rule.
  12. I'm sure the arrival of the Russians who like to head up to Tesco Lotus and the Thepprasit Market is a factor.
  13. My friend who used an agent still had to go in person and it requires 2 visits now I believe. The benefit to him was the agent actually driving him there and basically fast tracking the process, as in not having to queue and deal directly with the staff. I've done it myself previously but I think it will be the only thing I will use an agent for in the future.
  14. Only if you let it and don't view it in the context of the enjoyable lifestyle/holiday you can have here. There's nothing wrong with making first time visitors aware of potential safety hazards but I wouldn't put any of the things you mention near the top of the list, traffic related incidents would be number one.
  15. You're viewing it from your perspective as someone pouring over every daily localised news story, focussing solely on negative often one-off incidents however remote the likelihood of it actually occurring to/or impacting the millions of tourists visiting. Unrealistic. In terms of 2023 outlook and tourists travelling decisions, I think they are far more likely to be driven by the old Clinton campaign adage, " It's the economy stupid ", than the spurious linkage you quote.
  16. Fortunately for Thailand I don't think extrapolating your personal daily obsessions living here as if it aligns in the slightest to the tourist decision making process is remotely realistic. Chinese Triads !!! Where have you encountered them, the meat section of Makro ?
  17. You predicted only 6 million for 2022 a few months back saying their 10 million figure was utter fantasy, yet here they are on track to achieve that target.
  18. 28% from China in 2019 not 40%, however I still can't see anything near 80% revenue target being achieved, as well as the challenging volume target the visitor mix also appears to have changed in favour of a lower spend per head since re-opening.
  19. "Hey kids wake up, it's 3.46am time to get up and enjoy our holiday"
  20. The 24 million non-Chinese element of that tourist forecast for 2023 equates to 83% of non-Chinese tourists achieved in 2019, against the current and anticipated global economic backdrop going into next year that seems simply too optimistic. I'd be surprised if tourist numbers which have been increasing 100k a month in the last 3 months to circa 1.5 million November will be strong enough to even hit the required 2 million a month by Jan/Feb before starting to decline. The first monthly drop and when and at what level it occurs will be the key barometer for 2023. The changing mix already being experienced will also factor in regardless of the numbers. Glad I don't have an account with Siam Commercial Bank if this is the quality of output of their Economic Intelligence Center.
  21. The first bus from Jomtien to Suvarnabunmi airport service is 7am, and every hour after that. The office/departure point is on Thappraya Road beside the Foodmart Supermarket at the intersection with Thepprasit Road. Typically around 1 hour 45 minute journey, cost 143 baht and you can book the day before at the office. I don't know if there are any running direct to the airport from the North Pattaya terminal, I'm sure someone will comment if there is. https://airportpattayabus.com/from-pattaya/
  22. 11 different destinations with 280 a time, I wonder how frequent the flight schedule is ?
  23. I think you're right, I can see the value in it with this new level of security everyone is adding. Small price to pay to avoid the hassle.
  24. Cheers, will look at giffgaff who I'd never heard of before.
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