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Everything posted by damian

  1. You dont need a poll. The elections gave the same results for Pita and MFP. Sadly I fear that this is just another nail in his coffin. Can't have this young upstart being too popular.
  2. I dress up as Santa and drive around our village on a samlor with a huge box of snacks dishing them out to kids screaming after me on bikes or on foot while holaring ho ho ho. The looks on their and their families faces is priceless and I love doing it each year. They always ask is leung santa coming this year? Most know it's me but the little ones are not sure and I love that. The mums and dads go snap happy with their phone cameras. I am putting on a full roast with all the trimmings for local friends on 24th evening under the night sky and cool air. Santa will be there of course. Technically.
  3. How about he net zero's himself. Stunningly embarrassing.
  4. Three slide presentation. Title slide Blank Thankyou slide
  5. Good old Thailand. Playing both sides. Been doing this for decades probably longer.
  6. I get tired of posts like these. How can we (non Thai) meddle? Its impossible. We do however, have every right to share and discuss our opinions. That is not meddling.
  7. Tony's tried and true recipe: Put a young pretty up to woo the masses; Control from the rear; Mix in with a dolop of 'you see minions we are young and forward thinking too' propaganda; Let's hope the Thai people won't be fooled again. And that video interview; she cut that off quick when the journo probed too deep and required more context than just 'move forward', 'for the people', 'do our best'.
  8. I'm surprised that there has been no sympathetic (to their cause that is) 'insider' (nurse or cleaner etc.) reporting on the true state of Tony's situation. That is of course if he is actually in the hospital.
  9. I also have flinstone feet and am an avid flip flop wearer for casual occasions. I have a pair of those very comfortable keen uneek sandals for dressy occasions that stretch to suit your foot width and wide bodied sneakers/shoes for real going out. I wear safety boots when doing heavy work around the house or cutting the grass. The local guys giggle at this until I point out the mangled configuration of thier toes after years of construction work in flip flops. The wearing of long pants is a story for another day.
  10. I reckon old Sutin would be walking on eggshells discussing military reform wit these guys.
  11. Me too - easy. Provided all your paperwork and financials are in order of course.
  12. While I tend to agree this little move pales in comparison to what others have done, a list of which would be too long and nauseating to post here. What I am loving however is the holier than thou response from the gutter dwellers who contibute to the above list.
  13. This is my preferred as well. Have a double shot french press for brekkie - perfect.
  14. Bottom line is the RTP is a basket case. We know that. What will they do about it? Nothing. We know that too. Next.
  15. I keep my 800k in a normal BKB account (blue passbook). I update the passbook every 3 months or so. On renewal day I copy every page of the passbook, get the letter (100b) from the bank and ask them for a final passbook update and submit all this to Immigration (Tak). Never a problem. But for the OP yes, I would open your new account before your renewal day and then once you have you renewal transfer the 800k into the new account on the same day.
  16. Why are these US media outlets having friendly interviews and not asking the hard questions of the Thai government while they are in country? Why are the expat Thais in the US grovelling up to Settha instead of voicing their disgust at him and his parties tactics?
  17. Why not ask those that are studying in the US why they are not studying in Thai Universities.
  18. Mrs diagnosed with flu early last week. 2 days later she did a RAT test and was covid positive. 2 days later I was covid positive. Our first time. I had heavy cold like symptoms but no cough and no sore throat which lasted for 3 days. She had same but cough also and lasted 4 days. 10 days later we are both negative and fine albeit a little worn out. Both vaccinated with covid and flu shots. Just for info.
  19. Leave him alone. He has already reformed Thai education with the 1 tablet for every student idea. Hes a dynamo our Permpoon.
  20. Well thats it then. The new MoE has done his job and reformed Thai education. And made a little on the side. Won't need to do anything else for the next 4 years. Well done son. Pathetic, really pathetic.
  21. I wonder what the Chearavanont family members will spend their 10k on?
  22. Hows the guy sitting in front keeping his head down. Perhaps hoping that they havent stung him as well!
  23. Thanks for the clarification bradiston.
  24. Am I correct that MFP should have registered their attendance but they didn"t? Why did they do this?
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