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Everything posted by oldcpu

  1. I have lived in Thailand with a permission to stay on a Type-OA initially for reason of retirement, and later on the underlying Type-OA on an extension for reason of marriage to a Thai, and then more recently on a Type-O for reason of retirement. Last year I switched to the LTR. I have no regrets. I prefer it over the Type-O/OA. I believe the LTR makes sense if you plan to reside in Thailand for another 10 years AND if you have the money/income. Clearly due to the financial demands it's not a visa for everyone, and the initial paperwork demands are greater than that of a Type-O/OA. But if one meets the requirements, I believe the duration and perks make it worthwhile.
  2. Thanks all for the clarification that the reduction back to 400k THB (in patient)/40k THB (out patient) is coming (soon ?? ) , but not there yet. ... I confess, my being on an LTR visa now, I don't track this as much as I used to. Its a bit puzzling to me why they are waiting what seems to be a long time to make it official, given that it was announced around the same time as the new DTV visa and at the same time as the time duration changes to Visa Exempt.
  3. My recollection (for type-OA) the following. Originally, in year 2019 (?) the policy introduced where: For In-patient: health insurance policy must have coverage at least 400,000 Thai Baht per policy year. For Out-patient: health insurance policy must have coverage at least 40,000 Thai Baht per policy year. Then, around year 2021 or 2022 this was changed to: In case of Thai insurance policy: the applicant must have a photocopy of medical insurance policy, which expressly covers medical treatments of general sickness and COVID-19, with minimum coverage of 100,000 USD or 3,000,000 THB. That was a MASSIVE increase. and then either last year or this year (possibly the reduction you are thinking of), it was decreased back to For In-patient: health insurance policy must have coverage at least 400,000 Thai Baht per policy year. For Out-patient: health insurance policy must have coverage at least 40,000 Thai Baht per policy year. I don't recall reading of any other reductions. Perhaps others will chime in if they heard of such. Many of us, dissatisfied with the above insurance being required to be from the Thai branch of a Health Insurance company (where we already had superior health insurance from outside of Thailand), deliberately left Thailand without a re-entry permit on our Type-OA visas to invalidate such, and then we re-entered Visa Exempt and immediately applied for a Type-O that has no such Health Insurance requirements. My hope is that the BoI LTR visa Health Insurance requirements (where foreign health insurance companies are accepted if one can provide documents to BoI's satisfaction) or self health insurance ($100k US equiv in a bank account anywhere in the world) are acceptable will be eventually applied to the Type-OA visa ... but that is just a hope. The more flexible BoI approach with LTR visa, is very helpful especially for those of us who are into our 70s or older.
  4. I would not restrict it there. I have read many state 'no taxation without representation' ... where I think those who state that tend to come from one country. But my understanding is those who type that want the right to vote in Thailand if they are taxed. Also, I think many if they are taxed in Thailand, they would like the right to own land in Thailand. So I would expand the benefits if one' wishes to include the benefits most people want. In my case I am happy with my Foreign freehold condo, my foreign pensions mostly from countries with DTAs with Thailand, and my foreign subsidized health insurance (as part of my pensions), ... but not everyone is in the same situation as myself.
  5. and if you read on, note that I also typed " ...I will continue to watch this carefully to stay compliant with Thai laws. "
  6. Thus far that is the sense I am starting to get as well. They don't want more paperwork than necessary (likely IMHO as they are already overloaded with paperwork). My wife attempted to apply for a Thailand tax ID for myself, and the response she obtained from the local office of the Thai Revenue Department (TRD) was I did not need to file a tax return and hence not need a tax ID. Of course things can change, and I will continue to watch this carefully to stay compliant with Thai laws. (As an aside note - this is contrary to some countries, such as Canada, where Canada want a tax return even if there will be a 'null return'. In the case of Canada, the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) want to make up their own mind if one has a 'null return'). However Thailand is NOT the same as Canada.
  7. My pension situation is complex. I worked in Canada for 27 years paying tax to Canada then (qualifying me for a partial Canadian pension and Old Age Security), worked for a company in Germany for a bit less than 5 years paying tax to Germany then (but paid extra to Germany to get 5 year credit to qualify for a very small German pension which I now receive) and worked for a European Government organisation for 13.5 years (my tax money went to Ireland then before I retired - although I never worked in Ireland - this is a complex European organisation thing) and I now receive a pension from that European organisation. I won't go into all its tax aspects here. On the 'private' side, next year I will start receiving money from a Canadian Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) (sort of like a US 401k) which will be taxed in Canada (per DTA), ... and also some money from a private German Health insurance/pension scheme that my wife had my buy many years back (which I forgot about - and I assume taxed in Germany). The Canadian pension and Canadian RRIF money will be taxed in Canada (per my understanding of the Thailand/Canada DTA). The German pension will be taxed (or not taxed) in accordance with the Thailand/German DTA (and in accordance with the Thailand LTR exemption on assesable income). The private German Health Insurance pension scheme pension I assume will be taxed in Germany < not sure > Its small and I even forgot about it, until I received a letter a week ago from them reminding me ... The European government organisation pension will be taxed or not taxed in accordance with my Thailand LTR visa. I have always planned to have it taxed, so not being taxed by my having a Thailand LTR visa would be a nice financial perk/extra. So regardless as to how this plays out, it won't affect my future plans for Thailand. My wife is 13 years younger than myself, so my main long range financial future plan is to ensure she is looked after when I pass away (hopefully I don't pass away too soon).
  8. I am curious about this, as a (very small) part of my different pensions comes from Germany. I struggle sometimes with the wording of "a Contracting State" and "other Contracting State" in the DTA (for example in the DTA between Germany and Thailand). Further to that example, if I read Article-18 in the German/Thai DTA, para-2, and when at first I tried to fill in 'Germany' (or 'Thailand' ) in place of 'a contracting state' or in place of 'other contracting state', at first I incorrectly read: (2) Notwithstanding the provision of (1) pensions and other payments for past employment created by Germany (ie a contracting state) shall be exempt from tax in Thailand (ie 'other contracting state'). Clearly that is inconsistent with what you have determined - and I then checked again. I note in para(1) of Article-18 of the Thai/German DTA "a contracting state" is referred to the one in which one is a resident. ... so it could be at first I confused "a contracting state" with "other contracting state" ... ie is it instead maybe it is saying (1) Pensions and other payments for past employment .... derived by a resident of Thailand (ie a contracting state) may be taxed in Germany (the other contracting state) only if such payments are deducted as expenses in determining the profits of an enterprise of Germany (the other contracting state) ... (2) Notwithstanding the provision of (1) pensions and other payments for past employment created by Thailand (ie a contracting state where one is resident) shall be exempt from tax in Germany (ie 'other contracting state'). And if that second example is the case, then the DTA talks about Thailand pensions (for German pension recipients who reside in Thailand) and says nothing (ie and saying nothing it provides no DTA protections) about Thailand taxing German pensions , but rather only infers Germany won't tax the German pensions of those abroad from Germany who derive German pensions. So with no protections, Thailand could tax such if they wished. I almost wonder if it would be useful for a separate thread for expats who derive income from different countries ... where such could be hashed out.
  9. History in Thailand has shown that if one has multiple VE entries into Thailand, then at the Thai border the IO can be concerned one is illegally working in Thailand while not being on a proper work Visa. They are known to have denied entry in such cases. This too is fact. FACT. It is very prudent to keep this fact in mind if attempting to conduct multiple entries into Thailand on VE. There will be suspicion by the IO. If one is prepared for a denied entry, then fine. But if one has multiple belongings and finances based in Thailand, prudence suggests caution. Being denied entry, because one ignored historical fact, could cause massive inconvenience and unexpected expenses. Those who decide to push the VE approach to the maximum can do so, but beware of the risk. If the IO at the border suspects you may be working in Thailand ( even if you are not ) they can deny you entry regardless of this change to the VE entry durations.
  10. IMHO thats an important note from DrJack54. Some years back, I found out this the hardway (when on a Type-OA). Shortly after entering Thailand on my Type-OA (originally granted for reason of retirement), the new health insurance requirements were implemented. So I decided for my 1st extension on my permission to stay in Thailand to do so based on a reason of my being married to a Thai. That was WRONG planning on my part. Phuket immigration refused, telling me I could not do this for my first extension (as my original Type-OA was for reason of retirement). I ended up (for that 1st extension) going with an extension for reason of retirement (buying double health insurance for that first extension, as my superior European health insurance was not from a Thai branch of a Health Insurance company). A year later for my 2nd 1-year extension (on my type-OA) I was able to switch to an extension based on marriage to a Thai person (with no requirements for health insurance proof from the Thai branch of an insurance company). But in Phuket, the paperwork (and very long time to get approval for an extension based on marriage (long as it is sent out of province)) was a bit unsettling for me, ... so I decided NOT to get a re-entry permit on that extension of my permission to stay, and the next time I exited Thailand I deliberately let my Type-OA be invalidated (and I subsequent re-entered Thailand visa exempt and successfully applied for a Type-O). Some times, if one has not this planned in advance, it can seem a bit convoluted, to legally weave through the different immigration regulations.
  11. Even thou the 60 day VE entries are purportedly unlimited , it still comes down to the individual Thai Immigration Officers (IOs) whom one must meet at Thai immigration counter when one enters Thailand. If the IO observes (in one's passport or on their computer system) a massive number of back to back border hop re-entries under the new 60-day VE, I will wager that they will be concerned the foreigner is illegally working in Thailand, and they may deny entry - despite the public statements that may state VE is 'unlimited'. It boils down to the IOs at the border, and they have full power to implement the immigration laws as they see appropriate. I believe that this (denial of entry on VE) will feel as being unjust to some, but as has been stated many times on this forum, This is Thailand. I believe we will need to wait and see over the coming months, at which point in times IOs at different border crossings start denying entry to those trying to do multiple VE entries.
  12. Is the Thai Banking app 'linked to the model phone' or to the 'sim' (with its associated phone #) in the phone? I have not tested this for different banks (except being forced to do so for Bangkok bank), but I suspect it is 'sim' (with its specific assigned phone#) dependent and not 'phone model' dependent. My Xiaomi phone died some years back, and I replaced it with a Samsung (transferring the Thai sim from my Xiaomi to my new Samsung) , and I don't recall any issues using the Bangkok Bank app on the Samsung (with the old Thai sim). I note thou - I was in Thailand at the time. I do not recall having to go to Bangkok Bank to make it work. That is why a (more expensive) VOIP approach (with a Thai phone #) could work.
  13. In regards to this old thread, I think kuzie57 was thinking of VOIP and not VPN. I have not researched this, but I suspect one can obtain a Thailand VOIP number that includes SMS functionality (albiet one needs to pay extra for such service). This will give one a Thai phone number (which can be SMS capable for even more cost) that one can use anywhere in the world. One not even need a sim in their phone to use the VOIP. Then when outside of Thailand one can then run a VOIP app on any mobile phone (with a sim from a completely different country, and even without a sim in one's mobile phone, if one has WiFi) and as long as one has the correct username and password, one can then access one's VOIP phone number, and then use one's mobile phone with the Thai phone number provided by the VOIP service. I suspect (but do not know if the case) that Thailand banks would not even be aware one is using a VOIP #, and even if they were aware, since it is a Thai phone # they may not care. However the VOIP # would have had to be used when first setting up one's mobile banking. Having typed that, I do not adopt that approach. Its extra money and extra inconvenience. Typically a VOIP app running on one's mobile phone drains the power on one's phone 2x the normal speed and not so pleasant. Typically each use of a VOIP # (for voice or SMS) costs one money (in addition to any monthly charge). And I find in launching the VOIP app there is typically a lag when using such. But it is a possible approach for one who does not mind those limitations.
  14. Indeed. It does thou have me pondering - if the LTR visa ends up having its 'no taxation on foreign income' benefit rescinded (which I do not believe will happen), but to SPECULATE, if rescinded, what is the approach of the different countries around the world, if one spends less than 180 day in each country? ie say 175 days in Thailand, 170 days in country-A (which taxes residents who are > 182 days in country) and 20-days in country-B (which taxes residents who are > 182 days in country) . In such a hypothetical scenario, none of the 3 countries is one present long enough to be considered a taxation resident. For those who structured their finances/income sources, such that that they have minimized their taxation, is that a viable approach? I suspect in such a hypothetical scenario, one needs to specify still, the location of one's country of residence for various forms when applying for various items (maybe obtaining Visas and such), and one could still (in any such forms) state Thailand is one's residence (for living in more than other countries) but for taxation, Thailand may not be one's tax residency. This does not apply to me, as I am pretty much covered by Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) for my foreign sourced income (and I still have faith in the LTR), but it may be approach for some who don't obtain a benefit from DTAs (who are concerned the LTR could be impacted).
  15. I think many of us (who were on type-OA visas) had different circumstances than yourself. Many of us, due to our age, could not get a throw away health insurance as inexpensive as you can get. Further, as you point out, over time, after a number of years of purchasing a throw away health insurance , the amount of money adds up. So for those of us with far superior non-Thai branch provided Health Insurance, (while on Type-OA visas - where such not accepted in Thailand by immigration) we either switched to a extensions based on marriage (as we had a Thai wife) or we simply exited Thai to invalidate our Type-OA visas (and re-entered to obtain a Type-O, per the OP's post). Unfortunately, the Type-OA visa , for Health Insurance proof, does not adopt the approach of the LTR visa, where self health insurance (from large deposits in bank accounts either in or outside of Thailand) can be used in lieu of Health Insurance proof.
  16. A caveat (?) I would apply is getting a Thai TIN is not always so easy. My wife tried for me (online application) some months back, and thus far this has failed. The online application for the TIN goes to the Bangkok office. The Bangkok office passed it to the Phuket office. An official from the Phuket office called us (talking to my wife on the phone). The official asked, why did I want a tax ID? My wife replied that it was because I was thinking I may need to file a Thai tax income return. The tax official asked what was my income source, and was I bringing that income into Thailand? My wife noted my income was foreign pensions, and that while at present I was not bringing the money into Thailand, I was thinking to bring some in to Thailand in the future. The official replied if I was not bringing the money into Thailand, then I did not have to file a tax return. My wife noted I had a Thai Pink-ID, and was that an acceptable Tax ID? She noted that she had tried to use that Pink-ID in the online tax submission form for Thailand, and the Pink-ID was rejected. The official replied for the Pink-ID to be used as a tax ID (online) it needed to be activated first (as a tax-ID). The official repeated I did not need to file a tax return (nor need a TIN) if I was not bringing money into Thailand. My wife went one question further (not so relevant to this Aseannow thread), noted i was on an LTR visa, and if on that Visa would I need to submit a tax return if I brought money into Thailand. The official replied he never heard of an LTR visa. My wife also asked, if I earn money from interest (bonds/bank/mutual funds) in Thailand, given there was already a withholding tax, at what amount would I be required to file a tax return? The official replied, he would check and call my wife back (re: LTR visa and also filing a tax return for foreign/Thai amounts of income). He never called back. Clearly he was not in a hurry to give a foreigner a Thai TIN. So while waiting for a phone call back, that will likely NEVER come, I, like everyone else, will watch to see how this plays out in the coming year. I did come away with the sense that (1) Thai tax authorities are not keen on receiving a bunch of new paperwork (with more tax returns) and (2) Thai tax authorities themselves don't know yet the impact of the new tax interpretations, and (3) it is NOT always an easy process for a foreigner to get a Thai tax ID. At present time, its looking to me things are "in flux" and very few (anyone?) know for certain the outcome of the possible changes.
  17. It can be interesting to speculate on such. I believe both immigration and the foreigners would appreciate not having to process/do yearly extensions, with the required time and paperwork. I am a bit skeptical thou such would come to pass with only a demonstrated monthly income of 50,000 THB/month. That is a big drop over the current 80,000 THB for only 1 year for reason of retirement (for a current Type-O/OA). Also, in addition to the proof of monthly income, there is no amount written in that link as to what qualifies as "proof of funds". I also don't believe such until it appears in the Gazette, ... I do though also believe it would be nice to see such. Further I suspect if it comes to pass, the eligibility criteria will be larger than that in the noted OPs link.
  18. Thats fair . If one has structured their income outside of Thailand, such that their foreign income has minimal to no tax obligations, then as you point out, for all Thai visas the possibility of these new tax changes can be of concern (although I believe the LTR may have less of a concern due to the LTR Royal Decree). I assume in the case of concern over paying taxes in Thailand (for income from outside of Thailand), one needs to start researching one or more places in the world where one may wish to spend 185 or more days of a calendar year outside of Thailand. There would most likely be a lot of effort involved there with such research (to do so in detail, cities, neighbourhoods, rentals ... etc ) , unless one has family or friends where one can stay for long periods of time (outside of Thailand). All of this effort to try and save Thai tax on TBD income. My own view is most of us (even with substantial investments) are already covered under Double Taxation Agreements (DTA) and that most of us were not able in our lifetime to structure our financial earnings in a minimal tax environment. In my case, my wife is Thai and after living outside of Thailand for 20 years (married) its now her turn for us to live in Thailand. I already had an adequate investment in Thailand (condominium ownership) that helped contribute to me meeting the BoI LTR visa criteria, and most (possibly all < unsure > ) my foreign pension and investment income is covered by a DTA, so the new tax laws are something I watch, just in case the Royal Decree is superseded, and just in case so I don't make a mistake. Just in case! Just in case???? At present time thou ... this is a LOT OF SPECULATION re: any Thai income tax on foreign income the LTR visa holders of Wealthy Global citizens or Wealthy Pensioners may (or may not) have to be concerned about. My main interest thou, is to be certain I do not need to file a Thai tax return when on the LTR visa (as I have insufficient Thai income from interest in Thai sources, but clearly I have a lot of assessable (but exempt) foreign income) - where at present I do not plan to file such a return.
  19. That being the case - are you now considering the new Visa Exempt or DTV visas? < my speculation > Even if staying in Thailand less than 180-days per calendar year (but still come for almost 1/2 year, every year), then if one has the money, that one can prove (to meet the constraints of the BoI criteria), then I believe the LTR has significant advantages over the Type-O and Type-OA visas. I listed them above. The LTR visa 50,000 THB is actually less expensive (as I pointed out) than what one would pay for the Type-O / OA visas with a multiple-reentry permit (if one comes to Thailand every year, with a few trips in/out but spends less than 180-days in the country per calendar year). I believe only the new DTV and VisaExempt changes possibly provide other possibilities - but I do suspect on the VisaExempt, if one starts staying some # of days (maybe 150 days or more in a calendar year < my speculation > one could run into an IO (who woke up on the wrong side of the bed) that when one is entering Thailand, that IO may take exception to one spending so much time in Thailand visa-exempt. That sort of experience (being denied entry, or questioned like one was working illegally when was not doing such) could spoil one's travel a LOT.
  20. You made your point very clear, but I think you will find massive disagreement from many of us, who already decided we were going to live in Thailand long before the LTR visa, and in fact even more so ? it was relevant to those of us living in Thailand long before the LTR visa. When I applied for the LTR visa, the taxation aspect was the LAST thing on my mind. The LAST. At that time, these new tax interpretations and potential (not yet) new tax law were not even talked about. I think that is clear. The taxation aspects only came out later and now those planning to be in Thailand > 180days in a calendar year are starting to have concerns (on all visas). In my case, the taxation benefit of the LTR visa was an aspect that I did not think important when I applied for the LTR visa. So if tax not an issue, why then, apply for the LTR visa? 1. Its cheaper than a type-O / OA visa over a 10 year period if one considers the included multiple re-entry. So LTR is superior financially. 2. No need for 90-day reports. Instead yearly reports, and for those of us who travel internationally once/year, possibly NO reports dependent on our departure date. So LTR is superior in terms of reports. 3. Instead of EVERY YEAR (on a Type-O/OA) visa, having to prove one's financial status, one only has to prove such every 5 years. That is a big convenience for many of us on the LTR visa (in particular for those who have the money). 4. Access to FAST TRACK lines which is very useful for those who do not fly business class and who also do not have a Thai spouse and who are also not considered a senior. That is a BIG benefit for those who travel through crowded airports. 5. Self health-insurance is possible with the LTR visa (for those of us who have the money), as compared to the Type-OA visa where one has to obtain health insurance from the Thai branch of a Health insurance company, or (for those on a Type-OA) be forced to dump their Type-OA and go for a type-O. In fact the LTR will even allowed health insurance from a non-Thai branch of a health insurance company (if one can show the necessary paperwork, which some users have been able to do). So the LTR is once again superior there. So UNLIKE yourself, many of us DO get benefit, independent of ANY tax considerations. Frankly, your tax concerns apply to ALL OTHER Thai visas, even more than the LTR visa, if one wishes to stay in Thailand >180days per calendar year. A great thing (IMHO) about Thailand is it has many different visas, and we each get to choose the one is best for us.
  21. I think good advise was given with Onward.com. But if that makes you nervous, you can spend a bit of time looking at cheap one-way flights from some international airports out of Thailand to a foreign country that is near by. You need to pick a date in the week that has the cheapest flights. Consider for example (where I looked just now), a one-way, Phuket to KL (1300 THB) or Krabi to KL (1,162 THB). Far more expensive than Onward.com, but it is an actual ticket that could be used (not that you want to - as you will throw it out afterward).
  22. Phuket immigration used to do this (for example they did this when I was on a Type-OA going for an extension based on marriage). After I deliberately let that Type-OA expire (by exiting Thailand without a re-entry permit) and re-entering Visa Exempt to subsequently get a Type-O for reason of retirement, in my subsequent Type-O extension (for reason of retirement), Phuket immigration instead of a home visit, required a video tour with the IO (using the "Line" application), where I had to walk to the front door of my condo (showing myself and my condo door # in same video scene) and then walk to the street by the condo complex sign, and again in same video image show myself with the condo sign. The IO was noting over the phone they were taking screen captures at appropriate times. I don't know the current status of extensions for reason of marriage of the type-OA. Possibly they have stopped doing house visits, and have switched to the "Video" chat like extensions for reason of retirement - and possibly not. Someone who is currently getting extensions for reason of marriage in Phuket will need to answer that - but in the past, the home visits were always required (at least in my case). .
  23. I had a DEFINITE preference for going the 'reason of retirement route", having had both extensions for reason of retirement (on type-O) and for reason of marriage (on type-OA) to a Thai. Money in the bank was NOT an issue for me. I had all the paperwork for an extension for reason of marriage in order, yet still, in the case of the Phuket Immigration office, the extension for reason of retirement (in the office) was handled much quicker than that extension for reason of reason of marriage. Not to mention a lot of time (couple of hours) having to wait at the City Hall to get the updated KOR-22 which is needed for reason of marriage. Further, after all the time spent in the immigration office (short for reason of retirement, longer for reason of marriage), I had to come back in a second visit to pick up my passport at the office. The passport work for an extension for reason of retirement was done within a couple of days, while the extension for reason of retirement took more than a couple of weeks. This is likely immigration office dependent, but still, having the extension for reason of retirement was MASSIVELY easier in my case.
  24. If the article I read, is the "newspaper which cannot be mentioned" that you refer to, I suspect the Royal Decree which makes foreign income tax exempt for LTR visa holders will take precedence". ie no affect (which is my speculation). If this is changed, then it might be changed with a grandfather clause for the LTR Visa, protecting those who already have the LTR (that is also speculation by me). Or if this is changed such that there is no such protection and if the Royal Decree is amended or superseded with regards to LTR tax exemption (that is also speculation by me - which I also speculate won't happen) then there are other considerations. For example, I suspect for most (not all) of us on an LTR visa, our foreign income has already been taxed in a foreign country covered under a Double Tax Agreement (DTA) with Thaliand. So even if the LTR tax exemption were to be removed, many on the LTR visa won't be affected (other than perhaps to have to file an income tax return). Again - speculation. And also, given the LTR tends to appeal more to those who already have the money, and given the official Thai government past clarifications were that Thai resident's money from outside of Thailand prior to 1-Jan-2024 would not be assessed as taxable under the recent interpretation/changes, then likely many of us on the LTR already have enough money saved out side of Thailand, so to be able to live in Thailand for the remainder of our lives. We just then need a confirmed record of the amount of money we had as of 1-Jan-2024, and keep a running spreadsheet(?) record/ track of only that non-taxable (by Thailand) money being brought into Thailand. Of course that is speculation too. But you asked for the "latest thoughts" and I believe such can only be speculation at this time.
  25. It depends on the type of account. Typically fixed deposit accounts offer MUCH higher interest than daily accounts. And after a fixed deposit period expires the rate can change drastically. Honestly - I don't bother looking anymore at the rates for Thailand banks as they change. Yes, I have US dollar accounts in Thailand banks, but compared to the amount in US dollar I have outside of Thailand, these amounts are relatively very small. In fact 'relatively' is the important word here. What is very small to me, could be massive for someone else. And what is very large to me, could be very trivial for someone else. The wealth between people can vary drastically. ... And honestly, in public forum, I prefer NOT to get into numbers. So my apologies, but I am not the one who can answer your question if "interest rates" is your criteria to consider for accounts in Thailand banks as I do not track it from month to month. I spend my attention on my overseas accounts (mostly trading with some savings) where most of my money is located. In regards to Thailand banks, I only deal with Krungsri and Bangkok Bank. If one wishes to change between currencies, Bangkok Bank is FAR superior to Krungsri, as one can do it on line and have the currency be exchanged FAST. In contrast, for Krungsri, one has to go to one's branch IN PERSON to have the currency exchanged (say from USD to Thai baht). NOT so convenient for Krungsri. HOWEVER, if one does not want to keep too much money in a Thai bank, then in terms of perks from the Bank (such as VIP priority service, use of bank lounge for VIP customers, free passes to health clubs, free passes to airport lounges (and some other perks I don't use so I can't think of them off the top of my head), Krungsri is superior to Bangkok Bank. One needs far less money in Krungsri to be a VIP as opposed to Bangkok bank. In regards to this LTR thread, for LTR Wealthy Pensioners, and/or LTR Wealthy Global Citizens, who presumably have the money and are not just barely making the LTR (wealthy) category, then I believe it useful to investigate the perks that the banks have. The perks can save one time and energy, where such time and energy is something as I get older I find very valuable.
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