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Posts posted by msg362

  1. Think about the 1317 road to Sankamphaeng. Lots of moo baans and choice 20 minutes to the airport and less to Varee. Also you are travelling on the same side of the Mahidol road so no U turns involved. Views of mountains, lots of local eating places . And yes lots of Farangs and life in CM

  2. Just what is an 'organic egg'? I would have thought that most eggs were organic, being potential organisms!

    Do you mean free from antibiotics? free from pesticides? what exactly do you mean?

  3. Secretary of state, Hilary Clinton will visit Rajamangala stadium and it's evacuation center. Good choice!

    Hope she will look also at the animal shelter and makeshift hospital.

    Let me say a few words about the area.

    If this area, (Ramkhamhaeng Uni, Stadium, Bangkapi (including Soi Mahatai) would have been flooded, we'd see waters up to three meters and more in some places. Some buildings would have completely submerged.

    Thanks to the Governor, the army and the tireless efforts of big (often anonymous) spenders, patrons, the Red Cross and countless volunteers we haven't seen it, which otherwise would have been a humanitarian disaster like never before. jap.gif

    I pray you stay dry!! jap.gif

    don't think praying will help ( 'cos I suppose HE caused it!!) - try sandbags!

  4. Thailand is basically a mono-crop culture. So much reliance on rice has its problems, and this flood only highlights one aspect of its problems. 16 months ago it was claimed by Thai gurus to be "The Worst Drought in 20 Years!". .....also problematic for rice.

    Democrat MP Nipit Intarasombat said the flood crisis would have been less severe if the number of rice harvests had been reduced from three to two this year, and the water released after the second.

    Three crops per year on the same parcel?!?!? Even two crops per year is dicey. Soil need to be replenished, rejuvenated. Thais know nothing about composting and very little about mulching. Each year, many rice farmers burn most parts of the rice plant left over after harvesting. . Just as important, there are a slew of crops that are as well, or better suited to Thailand's climate/soil conditions. I've listed them before, so I'll just make a web page, rather than list them all again. Try Brazil Noi treesfor a reasonable alternative. Hemp is better crop than rice for a dozen reasons. Both have many times more value in baht/kilo and in nutrition.

    If anyone asks you; "What's Wrong with Trying to Grow so much Rice in Thailand?" You can tell them the info above, and you can add that the rice in Thai food bowls is basically starch, nearly devoid of nutrients. It's like a filler or something to make paper mache glue. Such a nutrition-poor staple also affects the thinking ability of Thais - particularly children.

    Even from my "city-guy" perspective, Thailand's agriculture looks extremely conservative and narrow-minded.

    I have the impression that they are obsessed with a few kind of crops and won't even try to consider if there are alternatives that can actually generate more revenue.

    I had an interesting discussion with my in-laws, some of whom are farmers and land-owners upcountry. They laughed at me when I asked why they didn't try to get a loan to invest in machines who could help them take care of their rice crops. I was even ready to participate. I had an answer sounding like: "This farang is so funny, he clearly doesn't know anything about anything. Everyone knows you can't use no machine for harvesting rice".

    It took me a minute on my mobile to find pictures of such machine as they are used in Japan or Korea.

    At first, they were stunned... but they recovered quickly: "Oh, but that's in Japan! Here is Thailand, it's not the same. In Thailand, you cannot". End of discussion.

    My guess is that there are a LOT of people who benefit from this ignorance from the farmers. And it includes those who pretend being their political voice.


    I've just filmed combine harvesters harvesting rice paddy here in Sankamphaeng ( Chiang Mai). Very fast. I'm told it's cheaper than employing ten people for 3-4 days. I have been trying to find the 'traditional' way of harvesting to film - backbreaking work- and had some difficulty. Five years go here it was all manual labour, now most is by machine.

  5. never stop for an accident unless you are directly involved...you will get blamed for it...also giving directions is confusing enough in English...let alone on a telephone to a Thai emergency services operator....leave that to the locals

    But then they say 'mai glai, trong pai' 'Not far straight on', they often don't know. ( I was 5 Km from my home in sankamphaeng and the local villager did not know how to get there!! ' Trong Pai' means they get rid of you

  6. I'm a lazy student by nature. But I'm too competitive to be the fool of the class. I'm certain I will work more hard if there are other people. It's kind of hard to push myself to go and do this, I've been here for a few years and like so many, I kind of get by with my Thai. But it's a goal I've set for next year to finally get off my lazy ass and actually learn the language in a proper way... But in a way I lack motivation. So private lessons are not going to work as well, I fear.

    I too am lazy, so I think you should try my 'school'

    Thai Language Centre, 131 Ratchadamnern Road, just past the Chedi Luang cross roads 053 277 810

    They do individual classes, small group classes etc. Very friendly and will adapt to your schedule

    Best of luck ( Chock dii!!)

  7. "One EM ball can disinfect 4-square metres of polluted water"

    That is a very dubious assertion IMO.

    4-square metres .... but how deep?

    4 square meters is 4 square meters whichever way you look at it 1+1+1+1 =4 get it?:lol:

    4 square metres is flat,an area isn't a volume,you need to know how much VOLUME they allegedly can 'disinfect' ( they can't actually but never mind) that is metres CUBED a volume

    SQUARE metres is Metre X Metre, CUBIC Metres is Metre X Metre X Metre

    Sorry to be so pedantic but it seems it's necessary to spell it out

  8. thats what you call inter racial marriage. at least your wives try to speak your language!! Any chance you can put the paper and beer down and try to reciprocate in Thai - Nah no fcking chance lazy spoilt barsterads. Flame on I dont care the truth hurts

    Jai yen yen, Khun mii Jai dam, Khun mai mii kwam suuk

    Enough Thai for you?

  9. "Sometimes water just disappears, but then it can also reappear. I'm not trying to be provocative, but only fortune-tellers can know for certain. Will the water reach central Bangkok? I don't know."

    How leaders can inspire confidence in their electorate! People voted for him?????

    Except he is telling the logical truth. No sugar coating besides nervous attemots at humor.

    Only fortune tellers can know for certain? Logical truth? Most Thais believe in fortune tellers and it looks like he does too ( Remember the coup generals who would travel to Chiang Mai to consult a well known fortune teller on how to run the government? My guess he actually believes it!

  10. I remember my students in my social studies class here in Ratchaburi last year laughing when we were discussing the Haiti earthquake. I wonder what they're thinking now.

    Gloating over the prospect that your former students are now getting their "comeuppance" with this flood demonstrates why you do not belong in the teaching profession. I hope you're no longer in that school. Being vengeful and wishing harm on schoolchildren? Yours takes the prize for the most wicked post I've yet seen on this board.

    Hold on a bit, I dont read goldcountry's post like that. It seems to me he is simply pointing out that kids that were laughing over someone else's plight may just start to understand that it can happen to anyone, it might make them a bit more sympathetic. I don't see anywhere that he is being vengeful and wishing harm on schoolchildren, quite the contrary.

  11. You mean up north where it is currently (or has recently been) under 2 metres of water?

    Where's the sense in that?

    what are you talking about? where in CM was there 2 metres of water? and how widespread was it? and for how long? Get a sense of proportion

    The flooding was limited in CM and lasted just a few days. Wonderful weather here now, sunny skies, cool evenings, just great ( and dry!!)

  12. Ok msg here is some proof that your white rice diet isnt nutritional..........A diet based on unenriched white rice leaves people vulnerable to the neurological disease beriberi, due to a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1). White rice is often enriched with some of the nutrients stripped from it during its processing.[1]....My link

    This processing of our perfect natural food has been extended further through packaging until little is left but the perishable hydrate of carbon core-stripped of its preservative hulls - which cannot be stored without the use of chemical additives........My link

    The question over whether potatoes or rice is more nutritious has been a long-standing debate........Potatoes have higher amounts of some nutrients compared to rice......

    Read more: http://www.livestron.../#ixzz1bWzNyiV0

    Grow potatoes not rice, China's farmers are told......"The potato is not only more nutritious, potato yields per hectare weigh three to four times more than other crops," said Chen Fan, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.My link

    I've just looked up your link.Peeled boiled potatoes and white rice are very similar. Of course rice doesn't contain all the nutrients needed, nor do boiled potatoes.!

    The point I've been trying to make is that rice or potatoes are the carbohydrate base, that millions of people live on a rice based diet quite happily if it is supplemented with other food. just as millions live on a potato based diet in a similar fashion. It's not the rice that's the problem, it's what else you add ( or don't add)

  13. 30 baht meals are crap. no other words describes the food better than crap and shit that turns kids into lethargic deadbeats. Of course now that some thai posts this on a newspaper its bs and their cheap fast-food suddenly becomes god's gift to humanity.

    Keep trolling and making up stories on how those cheap rice meals contain all the needed minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbs and calories for a healthy young child supposedly running around all day and growing. Very mature of you.

    You really are in a different world aren't you. Where have I ever said any of the things you say I've said above. I don't need an answer because you simply won't do that. Assertions are fine, opinions are fine, but sometime they have to be backed up with facts if you want to persuade others. Being offensive doesnt contribute

    Good night!

  14. Have you gratuated in nutrition? no? then please just accept facts and if you want to understand them just make your own research. You're going against the whole wide world right now defending your 30baht crap. If you cant afford more than ok its sad just dont start making shit up as if its enough for a healthy brain.

    Facts are verifiable, you provide none, but simply think that abusing me wins the argument. I assume you have a degree in nutrition? you have evidence for your assertions?You also misrepresent my points and answer none of them.

    Where did I say I could not afford more than 30 Baht? ( I can of course, I've just eaten a great piece of steak!!).

    Enough talking with someone who just gets upset if someone challenges his opinion and asks for evidence. The 'everyone says this' argument doesn't prove anything and of course there are lots of people who would disagree with you.Your method is simply to shout,not what an educated mind does.

    BTW no need to use words like 'shit'/ 'crap' unless that is your normal level of conversation.

    Sleep well

  15. No that's not what you said, read it, you said that eating rice based meals was not good. That is nonsense. Eating something like moo grapo or khao pat ghai ( spelt wrong I know) is nutritious and we are lucky to live in Thailand where it costs 30 baht and not the £5 it would cost in the UK


    The shitplate they sell at 30baht have lots of rice, 3 piece of overcooked meat with no nutriment left(with meat that was left in the sun all day long) and then they dare to put 2-3 leaves of veggies, less than 1 cm of carrots and sometimes 2 slices of cucumber. if you get an egg you're lucky.

    However if my gf or a real cook makes a friend rice with 4-5 veggies and loits of meat then its good. but you wont get that for under 100baht.and even then its nothing compared to food from most other asian countries/west countries

    However if my gf or a real cook makes a friend rice with 4-5 veggies and loits of meat then its good. but you wont get that for under 100baht Well I can sorry for you

    Even then its nothing compared to food from most other asian countries/west countries not true sorry

    To repeat. for the last time as it is getting boring, you said eating rice based meals was a problem I see you haven't answered that point. BTW I don't see meat left in the sun al day long, out, yes but not in the sun and tell us what gets destroyed by leaving it out ( not' it can get contaminated/ infected')- what nutrients get destroyed that aren't anyway destroyed by cooking, I really would like to know.Much western meat is hung for long periods before eating, game often is left to hang for many weeks. If not, maybe keep you unsubstantiated opinions to yourself?

  16. OP: Just how did you come up with Chiang Mai is free of flooding? CM was flooded only a few weeks ago. People are building barriers and putting up sandbags as many are convinced there will be MORE flooding in CM.

    Yes some flooding a few weeks ago but very limited and life went on. Today dry, the ping river is high but not flooding and the rainy season is coming to an end. Nothing like Ayathuya. I can't see anyone putting up sandbags here today!

    I think you are living in some other world/ planet/ town

    With statements like that you probably live somewhere in Chiang Mai province but not Muang and certainly not within one kilometer of the river, otherwise, you would recognize the recent floods as being some of the worst the city has ever seen.

    Yes, the floods were worse than normal but there was only one day when it not easy to get into town. My wife works in the centre and got in every day.( and I went in every day too) The floods were localised, not like those we see north of Bangkok. A completely different scale and they only lasted a few days, not the weeks we see in the south. As a example, Pantip Plaza at the night market had the ground floor damaged but was open again within 2 days. As I said, a different scale entirely.

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