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Posts posted by msg362

  1. Hmmm tell me where is the nuturtional value in rice with all the goodness polished off? I agree with Thailand, a balanced high protien diet is a better option. Also yes Chinese, Koreans Japanese etc kids are/were undersized due to their natural diet, they have increased in size since they augmented their diets with dairy foods.

    About the same as peeled boiled potatoes. It the BALANCE bit that is important, a rice based balanced meal including a little meat and vegetables would be roughly the same as a Potato based balanced meal. you cannot say that if you substitute rice for potatoes it makes kids dumb/weak etc. However if you can provide evidence I will change my mind

  2. so why do you reply when thats exactly what i said?

    thai food at 20-40baht a pop is NOT basic nutrition, is terrible for your health and is NOT enough for a growing child.

    this is the same problem with ghetto neighborhood and mcdonalds in the west.

    No that's not what you said, read it, you said that eating rice based meals was not good. That is nonsense. Eating something like moo grapo or khao pat ghai ( spelt wrong I know) is nutritious and we are lucky to live in Thailand where it costs 30 baht and not the £5 it would cost in the UK

  3. yes, blame the food ! ,

    the food IS the reason why thai kids are suffering. If i go to the park with my 3year old. he'll be taller and stronger than all kids under 6 unless they have a non-poor farang parent feeding them good meats, good wheat and good veggies. A poor farang feeding his kid rice based meals will have a small and inanimate kid just like most thai kids are (i rarely see thai kids ever moving outside of the 30mins a day reserved for their parents showing off at the parks/restaurants)

    Same goes with adults, if you feed me some rice based thai meal and i get to work, i be on auto pilot doing retarded stuff. If i eat a good steak with mashed potatoes and a few veggies i'll be alert.

    last 2 months we had no time to cook and ate a lot of riced based meals and our kid was getting out of control. cranky, annoying and unwilling to learn any small new thing.. 2weeks back on good home cooked meals and we don't even have to punish him most days.

    You don't have to punish him most days? Who are you? You are simply talking nonsense. So the Chinese, Koreans Japanese etc are stupid because they eat rice and don't eat steaks every day?? Live in the real world, give your child a break. Basic essential nutrition is important, other than that the rest is just stupidity.

  4. OP: Just how did you come up with Chiang Mai is free of flooding? CM was flooded only a few weeks ago. People are building barriers and putting up sandbags as many are convinced there will be MORE flooding in CM.

    Do you live in CM?

    Yes some flooding a few weeks ago but very limited and life went on. Today dry, the ping river is high but not flooding and the rainy season is coming to an end. Nothing like Ayathuya. I can't see anyone putting up sandbags here today!

    I think you are living in some other world/ planet/ town

  5. No, you can just sell it, you will need to sign the transfer paper for the new owner, and maybe arrange transfer of any 1st class insurance you may have. There will be a small tax to pay depending of the price of the vehicle, ( I split that with the buyer- on a 500,000 price it cost us each about 1200 Baht). The tax is decided by the price you and the seller agree to put on the transfer paper and of course that should be realistic.

  6. Silly Silly!

    As I understand it, there is the compulsory 'Porabor' 3rd party accidental injury which you must have to tax the bike. Very cheap - ?? 250 Baht?? if a small bike, more if bigger ( ? 750 for a 175 Boss)

    Then there is 3rd party damage ( bike etc) for a 175 Boss last year that cost around 2,500 Baht

    I've just bought a new PCX, for 1500 Baht I get theft and total loss insurance

    Finally there is 'comprehensive' ( 1st class) that was going to cost around 9000 baht for a 175 boss- I declined!

    If I'm wrong can someone correct me politely please!

    Hope that helps

  7. Several issues recently have raised a question in my mind, not relating to any specific case, but more the general application of Thai law.

    If, for example, a farang is sitting in Europe/ USA/ south Africa and writes/ blogs/ emails something that, in the opinion of the Thai authorities is against the LM laws, how far does the Thai juristiction extend?

    If that individual were to set foot in Thailand, would the Thai authorities regard it as reasonable to charge that person?

    If this is the case I think it is important that all farangs understand that poisito: writing from a foreign land is no protection should you set foot here.

    Please can someone enlighten me as to the position. I have no intention of breaking the LM laws and admire the King greatly, but others may need to know

  8. For what you do you shouldn't need an i7,the i5 should be fine. The 24" screen is great. 1 Terabyte disc will give you all the storage you will need for a while. They don't need setting up, they just work but it will take the shop about 1 hour to install Lion and i Life. You can get windows for Mac, authentic copy and of course there are cheaper alternatives as we all know ( I've been using a cheaper version bought in Pantip Plaza for about 4 years, no problems)

    Macs are just great, no viruses, great connectivity between the programmes, wireless internet just connects, ( lans just work too!!) they just work ( and they boot up fast)

    Go for it, you won't regret it and you will smile every day when you turn it on without worrying

  9. The threads will tell you all you need to know, except I think now you can apply anytime, although I think the permit will expire at the end of the year. ( There then seems to be about a 2-3 month 'grace' period). It's worth trying, but you must be able to explain to the guard that you want to go in to get a permit, no Thai spoken, difficult!

  10. Ask a dealer what he would give you for it, then add ? 10%? ( I did this with an 5 year old 4x4 , 85K and got 535,000 instead of 480,000 from a dealer when I bought a new car recently)

  11. You need to get the visa from the first Schengen country you land in. I've done it ( I'm a Brit) with my wife ( same surname) to France using the French embassy in Chiang Mai. We stayed a few days in Paris then went on to Switzerland. Usual stuff, finance, health insurance etc. It took about 4 weeks and was free because we were officially married! ( Unlike the UK where I have to pay ?? 4,500 baht!!)

    May be think of flying to Paris, maybe stay one or two days to establish it as your first port of call then get the train to Brussels .That way you get a French Schengen visa. All French visas are done through their BKK embassy I think so the rules should be the same. No problem about residency etc.

    Since you are not officially married they may want more assurance that she will return- a job/ house here, return ticket etc.

    Good luck

  12. Question 1: at what level of water does the bike stop functioning?

    When water inters the air intake. Also if it gets to the electrical and kills the spark. Both will make the bike stop functioning.

    Question 2: if the level of question 1 is reached and the bike drowns, are there serious consequences for the bike?

    It depends on how much water gets in. Worst case would be to pull the head to dry the cylinder The electrical would just need to be dried good.

    Changing oil , The engine and transmission has breathers that can allow a little water in particularly if they are hot when interring the water and the oils and cases cool down in the water. And of course the chain

    Q1 It stops functioning when the engine stops and you fall off!

    Q2 dry it out and take it to be fixed for a few 100 baht.

    Then get back on and ride it

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