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Posts posted by msg362

  1. During the flooding Coke switched soft drink production over to bottled water. Might have something to do with the shortages as I also haven't seen regular Coke for weeks although the Jusco store near me has Coke Zero but nothing else. In the BigC stores I've been in they don't have Coke or Pepsi of any kind. In 7/11 I haven't seen Coke for over a month. Big Cola must be doing okay as it's the only cola available in many places.

    So Zero is being produced somewhere. The fact that some places have zero while other have 'sugar' suggest it's a distribution c0ck up. The water production during the flood also makes a lot of sense as to why there are shortages. Thanks, that helps.

  2. Why on earth would you wanna drink coke zero?

    Not only does it taste bad but its full of aspartame. Stick to normal coke its probably better for you.

    It isn't.

    The enormously high sugar content (high fructose corn syrup) of soft drinks is one of the major contributors to the spread of obesity and type 2 diabetes in the US and the rest of the developed world, and is beginning to cause the same problems in Asia too.


    Not sure what happens in the US, in Europe it's sucrose same obesity effect tho'! ( Not sure but i think Fructose is less likely to cause tooth decay)

    OKK MR BORING how about the acid content of ALL these drinks that will etch thru yer teeth in no time fructose sucrose aspartame stuff them LOOK at the acid.

    not true but never mind, keep believing it if you want

  3. Why on earth would you wanna drink coke zero?

    Not only does it taste bad but its full of aspartame. Stick to normal coke its probably better for you.

    It isn't.

    The enormously high sugar content (high fructose corn syrup) of soft drinks is one of the major contributors to the spread of obesity and type 2 diabetes in the US and the rest of the developed world, and is beginning to cause the same problems in Asia too.


    Not sure what happens in the US, in Europe it's sucrose same obesity effect tho'! ( Not sure but i think Fructose is less likely to cause tooth decay)

  4. Why on earth would you wanna drink coke zero?

    Not only does it taste bad but its full of aspartame. Stick to normal coke its probably better for you.

    'normal' coke ( as do most carbonated soft drinks) contain around 11% sucrose. Thats about 6-7 tea spoonfuls per 330ml can. Sucrose, apart from being essentially just calories, also encourages the growth of Streptococcus mutans, the bacterium responsible for tooth decay. Aspartame, on the other hand is a normal metabolite in biochemical pathways.

    But this is off topic. I see, apart from a few sensible suggestions, I've got those who think they are funny out of the bar. But thanks to you who answered sensibly.


  5. It could be that Coke has many factories/bottling facilities in Thailabd, but given that Coke zero is a niche product they may only be running production of this product at 1 facility.

    From a production prospective, it would make more sense to have one product line set up for Coke Zero, rather than switches back and forth like the OP suggests.

    Maybe this factory has been affected bt floods?

    Switching from product to product ( at least in europe some years ago) is simple, flush through the lines with cleaning agent and connect up the very large containers full of the concentrate. Takes about 1 hour or so. For other products, like Schweppes tonic, it is more time consuming, they are made from solid ingredients, rather like cooking in the kitchen on a larger scale, so a bit more complicated.

    but yes, I don't know how many factories, their location etc, that was what i was hoping to find out ( The UK had 5 factories)

  6. It's simple, the Thais prefer the sugary stuff, very few drink Coke Zero or Diet Coke, so once they have gotten the masses taken care of, those few of us who drink the diet stuff will get ours....

    The point is They are taken care of, the shelves are full of the stuff so it's not that simple

    Ok you're right, it a massive conspiracy against you.....

    what are you on about? I asked a perfectly reasonable question and you come up with this stuff?

    You're the one with the issue. you have been given many rational explanations and choose to ignore them, instead thinking something sinister is afoot. Get a life and drink something else or widen your search....

    No I don't think something sinister is afoot, no rational explanations , just 'it's the flood' and 'Thais don't like it'. They are guesses, which, believe it or not, I had already worked out. I have a perfectly wonderful and busy life thank you. Do you like insulting people? don't bother to answer that ,the answer is obvious. What I can't understand is why a simple question which will have a real answer ( not just guesses) causes so much hostility and insult.

    I tried to lay out the possible reasons earlier, none of which involve conspiracy.

    This is really getting boring Wish I'd never asked.

  7. I only drink Pepsi Max, if i must then Coke Zero, not seen any for at least 1 month, there again Not seen any of the sugar stuff either. No Pepsi or Coke of any sort.

    Last week in 2 different Big C Super stores, there was NO soft drinks of any sort, only water, and a few bottles of some expensive beer, did not look as don't drink.

    You have normal Pepsi or Coke up there ? what is the price ?

    2 weeks ago way down south they had normal Pepsi but was 37 baht !!! I have 5 boxes delivered every month @ 260 baht per box, just have 1 bottle left :(

    Haven't really looked at the price, but some of it is discounted. I think it's just normal price and the shelves are full of the stuf, displacing the shelf space where you might expect to find Coke zero

  8. The road to Trat has always been clear and the ferries to Koh Chang never stopped operation. (I was there during the flooding in BKK)

    Take MW No 7 to Chonburi and get off the MW at Bang Buen. There take highway No 304 to Klaeng. Continue to Chantaburi and Trat. Before Trat, follow the signs to the Trat Airport and then go on to the ferries.

    The whole trip from the Suvarnaphum airport to the ferry will take about 4 hours or 300km.

    I don't know how much a taxi would charge. You might want to consider a flight to Trat, just 20 min and such a sweet little airport. From the airport to the ferries it about 10 to 15 min drive.

    There are several ferries from the mainland to Koh Chang. The shortest trip is operated be a ferry called "Thannachart" . This ferry takes about 20 min to the island. On the island there are "song thaeow" to bring you to the hotel, unless of course, the hotel has a van.

    Great, thanks for this I'll pass it on


  9. It's simple, the Thais prefer the sugary stuff, very few drink Coke Zero or Diet Coke, so once they have gotten the masses taken care of, those few of us who drink the diet stuff will get ours....

    The point is They are taken care of, the shelves are full of the stuff so it's not that simple

    Ok you're right, it a massive conspiracy against you.....

    what are you on about? I asked a perfectly reasonable question and you come up with this stuff?

  10. It's simple, the Thais prefer the sugary stuff, very few drink Coke Zero or Diet Coke, so once they have gotten the masses taken care of, those few of us who drink the diet stuff will get ours....

    The point is They are taken care of, the shelves are full of the stuff so it's not that simple

  11. Indeed, curious to understand why the OP thinks that the flooding does not account for the non-availability of his/her favorite pop.

    Try thinking!! If the factory is working it can make and distribute sugary pop. It's simple to change to making Zero ( I know I used to work for them) So somewhere someone is making a decision not to make Zero and Light. That is the question I'm asking WHY?

    So let's see, the OP thinks that the factory should curtail the manufacture of its mass appeal products in favor of producing a wannabe niche product that can't quite make it, just because the OP like it,

    hmm, and you want me to start thinking!!!


    Anyway, what makes you think this is a manufacturing problem and not a transportation/logistics one that has resulted from the floods, I mean. it's not as though Coke Lite is the only product that's in short supply at the supermarkets in CM.

    Yeah but u forgot he used to work for them so he knows it all anyway..................dunno why he bothered asking really?

    Yet another facile useless answer
  12. You answered your own question............ I know there wer floods...........

    No I didn't!!! They can make and distribute normal Coke, changing to make Zero or Light is simply a matter of changing over the concentrate containers, so someone has made a decision not to make/ distribute it.

  13. Indeed, curious to understand why the OP thinks that the flooding does not account for the non-availability of his/her favorite pop.

    Try thinking!! If the factory is working it can make and distribute sugary pop. It's simple to change to making Zero ( I know I used to work for them) So somewhere someone is making a decision not to make Zero and Light. That is the question I'm asking WHY?

  14. I know there were floods, but that doesn't explain the lack of Coke Zero or Coke Light from the shelves. Everywhere ( Tesco, Rimping, Big C, 7-11) there is no Coke Light or Coke Zero, just rows and rows of the sugary stuff. It's being going on for weeks now.

    If they can make and transport 'normal' Coke, they can make and transport others. What's going on, does anyone know?

  15. Hi,

    I-ve looked up floods and roads but can get no definite answer, My daughter is arriving later this month and wants to get a taxi from central BKK to Trat to then go on to Kho Chang. Does anyone have up to date information on the state of the road? ( I'm assuming it's clear?) and if a taxi is possible how much can she expect to pay and how long will it take.

    Thanks in advance ( I'm up in the cool north!!- Chiang Mai- so well away from the floods. )

  16. Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.

    They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

    Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

    My My you are a tolerant unbigoted sort of person aren't you? People are just people trying to get on with life and sometimes get into situations through no fault of their own. Without knowing someone how can you form an opinion and even less judge them. Yes of course some (??? many? I don't know) are just money grabbing but don't stereotype. I'm happy that the OP is settled and hope it lasts forever. Why can't you wish him well too?

    PS life we were given?? by whom? our parents? If you are talking about a Christian God then maybe you should recall Jesus' words about 'casting the first stone' ( I'm sure you remember, a crowd wanted to stone a prostitute to death and Jesus said words to the effect ' let he who is without sin cast the first stone' Seems like a good idea to me. Not that I'm a follower I might add.

  17. I've added a bulk ink system to two of my Canon printers, the ink has lasted me over a year on one and is fine. I live in CM and got the system from Pantip Plaza, cost 700- 1500 depending on how many colours involved. Saves a fortune on Canon inks at 900 Baht a time

  18. Little home made "movie"?

    Try video instead of still photos next time.

    Sorry it dont live up to yours standard-and by the way-it is the Thailand Tourism that made this-not me.

    And if you have other complains, you can send me a PM- people in here dont need to se that to.

    Have a nice day-next time-make a movie instead of video.

    Don't get too upset, it actually is a very nice slideshow, but sometimes video, as with waterfalls, can produce spectacular images and some of this slideshow would work well if videoed. The North is beautiful this time of year, I know it well. This slideshow may well prompt me to get off my backside and get out there!

  19. It is not a written test, it's a practical test if you already have a licence.

    Consists of a woman who points to a colour blindness chart with just 3 colours, simple.

    Next sit in a chair and hit the foot pedal on the floor when the light on the unit in front of you turns red, even if you mess it up first time, no worries....just do it again.

    Next you have to line up two bars by using a backwards and forwards lever, hard to explain but simple.

    Get your medical cert for 100baht at the hospital about 300m before the test/licencing centre on the same side, just 2 minute medical eg. blood pressure, that's about it.

    You also need your residency certificate from Immigration (next to airport), which is 500baht.If you have a tourist visa a max of 1 year temporary licence will be issued.

    Remember, there are 2 licences, one for car and one for bike, issued at the same time.

    Think I paid 360baht for the two the other day.

    All yes except for the tests. Yes the colour blindness test and the reaction test but then VERY DIFFERENT

    I went to renew my 5 year licences recently and had to sit through a 1 hour video ( in English) about Thai traffic laws. ( including one bit that said 'if you have an accident you must not get out and punch the other guy, wait for the insurance man or the police'!!!!!!!) I did not have to take a test but two other guys were given a booklet ,told to read it and come back in the afternoon to take a test. I think there was also a driving/parking practical. Two licences cost me 980 baht. I was there most of the morning, the others would be there in the afternoon. No need for me to get a medical, not sure about the others, I think not.

  20. 2 hours is realistic. The many sets of traffic lights between Lamphun and CM bring your average speed well below 100km/hr. Don't forget to toot your horn and take your hands off the steering wheel to wai when going past the spirit houses near the Khun Tan gap.

    No it's not, outside rush hours 90 minutes isall you need

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