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Everything posted by Pib

  1. So, where does the Nation article say the $80K passive income requirement will be abolished for WP?
  2. Assuming you mean Wealth Pensioner by WP where does the Nation article say that? Or you got another reference for that?
  3. See weblink for full article ...partial quote below. Good news it is....will make it easier for some. https://www.nationthailand.com/news/policy/40045152 Cabinet approves easing of conditions for long-term resident visas The Cabinet on Tuesday eased several conditions for granting long-term resident visas (LTR visas) for wealthy individuals and digital nomads with high incomes, as a means of attracting more potential foreign residents to the kingdom, a well-informed Government House source revealed. The source stated that the Cabinet had approved the proposal from the Office of the Board of Investment (BOI) to ease conditions for granting LTR visas and to revoke Smart visa types, which were deemed to overlap with LTR visas. According to the source, the BOI proposed revisions to the rules for granting LTR visas for three groups: those working remotely from Thailand, wealthy global citizens, and dependents of LTR visa holders.
  4. What does it say? When I go to that site it requires Device Enrollment and my email address....I would rather not do that.
  5. Glad the trip is going well. Although I think you have a Seal Performance AWD I think the model sold in Thailand has the same traction battery "charging curve" as Seal RWD battery shown below where the max charging rate at 49% would be around around 119KW....real close to the 113KW show above. And since your car/battery was probably on the warm side after driving many kilometers that higher than normal temperature probably caused the BMS to say we are going to charge a little below the max allowed of around 119KW. If looking at below website for the Seal AWD model its charging curve is worst/lower than a Seal RWD according to the website and I expect that may be due to different models sold in different parts of the world/different countries and maybe BYD just did a OTA update making the Seal AWD battery BMS system charging curve match the better/faster charging curve of the Seal RWD. And I expect around 60% SoC the charging rate dropped to around 65 to 71Kw. https://evkx.net/models/byd/seal/seal_rwd/chargingcurve/
  6. Like in oldcpu post above Chamchuri Sq Immigration (a.k.a., BOI immigration) will only accept cash or Thai bank QR payment. Can't use a debit or credit card whether Thai or international.
  7. I have reported your post to the AseanNow moderators as a dangerous post because in your last sentence where you say, ".....because the technological superiority of Chinese made cars is hard to pass up..." is going to make some pro-ICEV/anti-EVers really mad....possibly cause a dangerous rise in their blood pressure in turn causing a stroke. 😜😉😉
  8. Hopefully we have all figured out by now that whatever EV price reduction promotion that ends soon will simply go back to that lower price not too long after the promotion ends OR just continue on after the promotion end date. The ongoing Chinese EV manufacturer price war has proven such over and over during the last year or so. And is one of the major reasons EV sales have been sluggish(in addition to loan approval tightening) because many potential customers are "price gun-shy" right now as they are afraid if they buy now (i.e., get hooked by the latest super-duper promotion) that within a few months (or less) of buying there will be some new, big price reduction. And to a degree this has also been happening for some Japanese ICEV models in response to Chinese EV manufacturers slicing into market share.
  9. OK now!!!!...now you are just exaggerating to the extreme (doing a Donald Trump) or you are so "hansum" Elexa just can't believe your face scan. 50 face scans would have required 17 complete verification attempts where your passport/Thai ID is also scanned along with typing in some info. But I do understand what you meant as I feel like I've done 50 face scans over the last few days in trying to pass the "e-KYC" verification. 😜😉 And guess what, I did finally pass the "e-KYC" verification this afternoon. Here's my detailed (long winded) story in using Elexa for a short charging session for a few kilowatts/a few minutes just to do a periodic test to ensure I can still use the app, see what changes might have occurred, etc. The last time I used Elexa for a quickie test was Dec 2023. And then finally passing the verification. The wife and I go visit her Mom in Nakorn Pathom province...a weekly visit...around 60km from our Bangkok home. I drop her off at Mom's house while I go off to visit the Global House hardware store and do a couple of quick/short charging tests at PEA and Elexa chargers. Quite a few chargers from various charging network pretty close to Mom's house to include PTT, EA Anywhere, ReverSharger, Elexa, etc...etc...etc. Arrive the PEA charger...do a quick test for a couple of kilowatts....works like a charm...charger QR code scanning to start or stop no problem....pay balance I have in my wallet. Easy....successful...no drama. Now I move on to a 180KW Elexa charger about a kilometer away at PT station I think it was. Now the drama starts. I start using the Elexa app which is operating very slowly like taking 30 seconds just to log on compared to other charging apps that only take a second or two....or when the Elexa app seems to be working normally. After getting logged on just movement between menus/tasks is just slow...too slow...slow communications to its cloud server probably the problem....and probably the charger communicating with the cloud. But for the last week or so it has just been very slow even when playing with it at home on high speed Wifi or 5G mobile connection...painfully slow. When playing with it home that is when I noticed that "e-KYC" alert icon which I don't remember seeing before. Maybe that icon has been there from the get-go of signing up over a year ago. I just not sure how long it's been there. OK, I scan the charger's QR code, the charger connects to my EV, but when pressing the Start Charging icon a "e-KYC" screen pops up saying I need to complete e-KYC verification first...and I couldn't get past the e-KYC screen...it was either complete the verification or go-away. OK, although I had tried to complete the e-KYC verification the previous day numerous times at home using my actual passport where the app first takes picture of your passport page or Thai ID front side which then causes a menu to pop-up containing "most" of the scanned info but you still need to manually enter your birthdate and passport expiration date if the scan didn't pick that up. After entering or correcting the scanned info you press continue and now it's time for the face san to attempt to match that to the picture on your passport main page (or Thai ID if Thai national). Now I did not have my passport with me but I did use a high quality paper copy of my main passport page and current visa in my wallet just in case I ever get stopped and need to produce my passport. You are given 3 attempts to get your face to match the photo....after 3 attempts it basically says Sorry Dude the face scan process has failed....try again. And when it says Try Again that means repeat the whole verification process from scratch. That is, taking another scan of your passport, enter/correct any necessary info from the passport scan, and then try the face scan process again. Well, it failed again. I try the whole process a third time with no success.....a total 3 attempts consisting of 9 failed face scans....got no joy...no success. But this time I think I pressed Help and another screen pops up giving a phone number, a LINE address, and an email address to Elexa Customer Service if having verification problems.. I try calling the customer support number....end-up hearing an interactive system in Thai except at the end it says press 9 for English which I do. . A few seconds later I'm now listening to a recording saying they will be with me soon and I'm number 1 in the queue. But after listening to elevator music for at least 5 minutes no one ever answered. I hung-up and tried again with same results....always number 1 in the queue, but after at least 5 minutes of waiting still no human answers. I hang-up. I then send a message to their LINE address explaining my problem figuring I'd probably never get a response. The Global House hardware store is nearby so I go there to look around....I just love looking at stuff in hardware stores. After coming out of store about an 30 minutes later I check LINE and see I have a response from Elexa that is quoted below: QUOTE: Here are the steps for charging when identity verification is unsuccessful: 1. Close the application, clear application, and reopen it. 2. When the "Verify Identity" pop-up appears, click "Skip" on the left-side select box. 3. Start charging by scanning the QR code or entering the 9-digit number of the charger. 4. You can send all related documents to the officer via Line or Email (Email address removed for approval) for verification: - Copy of Passport - Face Picture - Registered Email We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation. END QUOTE OK, I decide to go back to the Elexa charger to give it another try....more than happy to press any Skip icon, but I was pretty sure I was never offered the "Skip" selection when the e-KYC verification message popped-up before....I am pretty sure the only a Continue button was offered. Anyway, I clear the app, I get back to the charger, plug in, press start to start the charging process and this time "no e-KYC" screen (a.k.a., roadblock) pops up...charging starts. I charge for a few kilowatts/a few minutes, press stop charging and scan the QR code to stop the charging and it takes over a minute before the charging actually stops and a Payment menu pops up. That "over 1 minute" felt like over 10 minutes. Anyway, I see I'm being offered 4 payment methods....1 via the card I had loaded, a 2nd via QR payment, and two more methods if I had certain wallets like True Money or something. On my first use of Elexa around a year ago I was only offered the 1 payment method of the card I had loaded and no e-KYC challenge (roadblock). I scanned/saved the QR, went to my Thai bank app to complete the payment, and had no problem in my Thai bank app sending the payment...a quick & easy payment using the bank app. I now switch back to the Elexa app expecting to see they received the QR payment...all is good---but, No that didn't happen. The Elexa app just seemed to be stuck on that Payment page....like it was waiting to receive payment...and I couldn't get out of that Payment page. But after repeated tries to get out of that page I somehow got the whole app to close. I opened it again and instead of being taken to the app's home page it would always go right to the Payment page like it had not been paid yet and the app was not going to let me do anything else until it received payment. Somehow I got out of the app again...cleared the app's Cache again...went back into the app around two more times....still taken right to and stuck on the Payment page. I decide to just close the app for around 10 minutes hoping it's just slow in recognizing it been paid. Then after that 10 minutes and going back into the app I was taken directly to a page regarding "did I want a receipt?" OK, maybe a little progress has now been made. This indicated to me Elexa was now agreeing it had received payment. But until I answered if wanted a receipt that receipt page would not go away. After pressing the give me a receipt button numerous times over a minute that page finally went away and a receipt hit my email inbox within a few seconds. Now the Elexa app was back at the home screen....apparently now happy....but still operating very slowly....but ready to start a new charging session if desired. And the payment history showed the payment. As mentioned when coming back to the charger for the second try planning to press the "Skip" e-KYC button I was "not" challenged with having to complete e-KYC verification. But when checking my Profile the "e-KYC" icon was still there in needing to complete the verification. OK, the wife calls...she is now ready to head back to Bangkok...I go pick her up and we get back home about an hour later. It's around 3pm. I check the app and it still shows the "e-KYC" icon. I decide to try the verification process one more time but this time outside in the daylight. I scan that paper copy of my passport again and try the face scan again....face scan fails.....I now move to where I'm standing against the wall of my house which is kinda a tan-brown color....attempt another face scan...the face scan fails. Ok, one more scan allowed before it would make me try again from scratch. But on this final 3rd face scan still standing again the wall it "seems" to accept/pass the test by flashing a green line around my face but absolutely no words saying Passed, Good Face Scan, Success, etc. I now go to my Profile area and that "e-KYC" icon is gone and has been replaced with an icon showing a head & shoulders with a green check mark as shown below. Apparently after numerous attempts over several days I finally passed their "e-KYC" verificaiton....my identity has now been verified....I'm no longer a national security threat to Elexa. 😜 So, my recommendations is check the Profile area in your Elexa app to see if you have the "e-KYC" icon showing. If so and can't pass the face scan verification then try the instructions Elexa Customer Service sent to me....maybe when trying to charge and that "e-KYC" screen pops up there will be a Skip button some where that I just didn't see. Also maybe just email in the docs for verification per their instructions above. And if the face scan can't be passed under good light indoors with a solid background color behind you then give it a try outside in the daylight like I did this afternoon. As mentioned before I'm using a high Samsung S24+ phone with great cameras but even great cameras will not help if the Face Scan verification needs "just right" lightning and a certain background.. Good luck and hope this long winded post didn't hurt your brain too much. 😁 Signed Elexa e-KYC Verified Pib
  10. You are looking at the wrong screen....I should have been more specific....my bad. Press the "Other" icon at the bottom which takes you into your Profile area/menu and then look for the "e-KYC" icon at the top right if your ID has not been verified. If you did the ID verification process already and maybe forgot you did it in the past there will still be an icon but the icon will just show the image of a head & shoulders with a green check mark next to it which means you have completed the ID verification process.
  11. Over the past 14 months of owning my Atto and using DC chargers in quick & short tests of around a few minutes/few kilowatts (probably around 30 times) and also another 80 times using ReverSharger chargers to get free electron of the expired BYD free/reduced rate electrons promotion, it has resulted in a good amount of charger QR code scanning to start/stop the charging session using my Samsung S24+. What I experienced is usually the QR code scans just fine but maybe 20% of the time it can "appear" the phone is not able to scan the QR code on the charger because of app in-action/non response. And you think to yourself you've never had a problem in scanning any other QR codes in your daily activities where QR codes are used. What is really happening when it "appears" the charger code is simply not being scanned by your phone, well, it not that the phone is not able to scan the QR but it because the charging app can be very slow in giving you any indication it was able to scan the QR code because the charging app and the cloud servers it connecting to along with the cloud server communication with the charger can sometimes be painfully slow. Makes you think there is something wrong with your phone...makes you thing the phone is not scanning the QR code. But what is really happening is the charging app is simply communicating slowly thru the charging network's cloud servers to the charger. Quite a few times, especially at Shell chargers listed in the ReverSharger app, it sometimes take close to a minute for the scan of the QR to cause the charger to stop or start OR the app to take the next step/show the next screen in the app use process. Can make you think your durn expensive phone can't scan simple QR codes on a charger until you remind yourself your phone scans QR codes just fine every where else that you scan QR codes at, but for some reason QR code scanning at "some" chargers using certain charging app seems to be a hard thing to get to work "sometimes" like it's an intermittent problem. Well, I've come to the conclusion from testing it's a case of simple "slow/corrupted" communications between your phone to the app's server in the cloud who is linking to the charger...and of course the charger talking back to the cloud server which in turns talks to your phone's app.
  12. Thanks for the confirmation of it being painfully slow....and looking at a phone for a minute waiting for an app to complete an action (like just to login) can seem like 10 minutes. Even 15 seconds can seem like minutes. Oh, almost forgot: after logging in the upper right hand corner of the app do you see a icon along the lines of "e-KYC" for Electronic - Know Your Customer verification? I think it has a explanation mark also in front of it. And when tapping on that icon is starts an Identity Verification process.
  13. With 5 charging apps setup you probably have access to a DC charger about every 5km (or less) along your trek. And once you get close to/in Bangkok it will be like every 100 meters for a DC/AC charger....kinda like a 7-11 being on every other soi....or a 7-11 every few hundred meters on major sois/roads. 😁
  14. The old PTT EV station app no longer works at all...can't even log in per my test about a week ago. Expect it died on 1 Jan 2025. So I uninstalled it. But I setup the new PTT app in early Dec and it works fine now although it had numerous glitches for a few days after going online according to social media ctossfeed and a few tests I did in mid Dec. Now the Elexa app has been running painfully slow over the last week and today/right now it's running extremely painfully slow with server errors...at least on my phone a Samsung S24+. How about for you right now? The other charging apps are running fine.
  15. Yeap....appears that's the way it works....just shows all the ReverSharger chargers along the way and when you select one of the chargers it just navigates you to that charger if desired. Then repeat when it time to charge again. No way I know of to select multiple chargers like Stop 1, Stop 2, etc., along the way. But one thing it does do when using the trip planner is it points out there are a "LOT" of Reversharger locations along the way...can gives a person a good feeling especially when you know you have only looked at "one" of the charging networks/apps you may be signed up/registered with. Like for me I'm registered with the following 6 charging networks/app which includes Reversharger. If you are not signed up with PTT and PEA I would recommend such since they have a lot of chargers but with the PTT app be sure you can get a debit/credit card loaded/accepted into your app profile as the PTT app only allows payment via card. PEA allows card or Wallet payment with wallet top-up via QR code.....and maybe also straight QR payment. I used the PEA app just today as a periodic test since I had Bt200 in the wallet that I added via QR code top-up. Here's the 6 charging networks/apps I'm registered with to include have payment options(s) setup in the apps. After registering always be sure you can add a payment option to your profile...no use just registering and then not having a way to pay for a charging session. 1. PTT EV Station PluZ (PTT stations are everywhere....and many have a EV charger...more being added) 2. PEA Volta (PEA has lots of chargers in the provinces...not many in Bangkok) 3. EA Anywhere 4. ReverSharger 5. Altervim 6. EleXA Note: And a charging test today using the Elexa app (i.e., Electric Generating Authority of Thailand - EGAT) confirmed why I list it last....will post a short story why later today probably. I rarely need to actually use a charger on a trip due to the range of my Atto and where I have went so far...actually only "needed" to do it twice in the 14 months I've owned the Atto, BUT, I still do charging tests (i.e., charge for a few kilowatts/a few minutes) at least every year with all the charging apps I registered with to ensure I can indeed charge, see if any new payment options have become available (like maybe an app adding payment option via Wallet, QR code, mobile banking, etc., versus just offering only payment via debit/credit card.
  16. The article is talking "registrations"....we are not talking sales. December data represents "registrations" completed by 31 Dec. A registration is a fully "completed" sale that govt has issued the registration book (a.ka., blue book for cars/trucks). A registration is a fully completed sale....a blue book issued although the person drove the car home on red tags once the dealership received full payment from the finance company or individual..and the person is now awaiting awaiting govt registration completion which issues the registration/ownership book (a.k.a., blue book). "Sales" is only something announced by car dealerships and does "not" mean the sale actually goes goes thru. The buyer may not be able to get financing...the buyer may simply back-out out of the deal and forfeit the deposit or get the deposit back.....the buyer never took procession of the vehicle...the sale never reaches the registration stage. How long does it take to register a vehicle? Well, you will read articles it can take 30 to 60 days but those articles are typically really talking from time of booking/deposit, time to get financing approved which can be quick to slow depending on the finances/loan worthiness of each buyer, how busy each DLT office is, etc. But registrations can complete well before 30 days when a person pays cash, a person's finances are in good order and financing is approved within days of the initial sale, and the DLT offices is not backlogged. I paid cash for my EV in Oct 2023...it took less than 3 weeks to complete the entire sale and registration from the point the dealership said they have my car in-hand....ready for me to take possession....just need payment. I provided the funds.....drove the car home with red plates....the dealership immediately started the registration process and it took almost 3 weeks until I had the blue book and white tags in hand. It would have only been two weeks except the DLT wanted to personally see/feel/smell my passport versus just the self certified copy the dealership provided. And this DLT office is the main DLT office in Bangkok...an extremely BIG and BUSY office. The dealership wanted to keep my passport for a few days during the registration process because they said "sometimes" the DLT office may want to see/touch/smell the actual ID document....actually see the passport or Thai ID card. Well, I did "not" want to let my all important passport to be out of my possession for days and possibly get lost by the dealership or DLT so I told the dealership lets just wait to see if DLT does ask to see the actual passport vs accepting the self-certified copy. Well, DLT did require to see the passport....then dealership then made an appointment to take me to DLT about 5 days later for me to show my passport....after DLT saw/felt/smelled the passport about 3 days later registration completed, blue book issued, white tags in hand. Total time to complete the registration was a little less than 3 weeks in my case which had a delay; if I had allowed the dealership to take my actual passport to DLT which would have prevented the delay the total time would have been about 2 weeks. The 31 Dec DLT data will include some registrations from sales initiated in Dec. What percentage of the total sales made in Dec actually complete the registration by 31 Dec is an unknown number because some registrations only take a few weeks and some take a few months. You can "not" wait for Jan 2025 registration date to come out in early Feb 2025 and then try to relate that into Jan-Dec 2024 sales/registrations. There has to be a cutoff date.
  17. Wait till the end of January? Why? Updated registration numbers/stats for the previous month (e.g., like Dec 2024) becomes available to the public from DLT during the first 10 days or so of the following month (e.g., like Jan). That data for Dec 2024 (and all of 2024...Jan thru Dec) is already available on the DLT public website....and I expect some people like AutoLife probably get access to it before the public. And don't expect the AutoLife data to "exactly" match what a person will get when viewing/sorting the DLT spreadsheet as AutoLife always seems to tweak that data by lumping in some vehicles from other categories vs purely reporting only RY1 registrations. From DLT website....regristration data for/thru Dec 2024 already available.
  18. Nice AutoLifeThailand 7 Jan 2025 article. Total EV "registrations" for 2024 was down 8.1% compared to 2023...but I expect that percentage drop is a lot less than "total EV & ICEV registrations." BYD and its Dolphin model topped the sales in 2024. Below are some snapshots of some of the charts in the article.....see the article for full details. https://autolifethailand.tv/total-ev-bev-register-2024-thailand/
  19. Just some FYI on LTR stats. Below stats from the BOI page shows the number of "approved/endorsed" LTR visas since the LTR program began 1 Sep 2022 thru 30 Nov 2024. BOI typically provides an updated chart every two months...next update will probably occur in Feb for the 1 Sep 2022 thru 31 Jan 2025 period. Anyway over the 27 months covered in below chart thru 30 Nov 2024 there have been 695 approved visas in the WFTP category...that averages out to a little less than 26 per month....a little less than 1 per business day. Only 12% of all the various LTR categories. https://ltr.boi.go.th/img/info/Statistics-of-LTR-Visa.jpg
  20. Yea....I simply don't like EVs that don't have a driver's display "straight ahead" in the steering wheel area direct line of sight. A HUD is suitable substitute for a straight ahead display. I do "not' want to be always glancing at a display in the center of the dash causing me to turn my eyes or head slightly to a center dash display to confirm basic stuff like how fast I'm going and other basic info. But that is just me.
  21. No. EVs now sold in Thailand use the CCS2 connector (you can google about that if needing to know more)....just use any charger that offers a CCS2 connection which handles AC and DC charging. A few chargers still exist in Thailand that may also have a Chademo connector which is a connector primarily used in Japan/some Japanese EVs sold in Thailand before....you can't use a Chademo connector....just be sure its a CCS2 connector which is probably comprises 95% of the DC Fast Charger connectors in Thailand. The charging app used will tell you what type of connector the charger has such as AC, DC, CCS2, Chademo, etc. It will make more sense once you play around with the charging apps a little. Now one thing about "all" EVs is they have varying battery "charging curve"....that is, the traction battery will charge at a certain rate based on its current SoC. It will charge much faster at lower SOC than at higher SOC charge....just like your smartphone charges faster at lower SoC and at higher SoC the charging rate will slow down----it's simply how batteries operate whether it's an EV battery, smartphone battery, etc, The maximum charge rate for an Atto is approx 88KW (I've go a little over 89KW before on my Atto) but that only occurs from about 5 to 60% SoC....then the max charging rate will drop to around 57KW up to around 85%.....then it will drop down to around 32K max up to 100%. So, even if you were the only person charging at a 120KW DC charger you would not get 120KW because the Atto will only ask the charger for a certain charge rate based on the EV battery SoC charging curve. BYD vehicles use a "staircase" type charging curve where other EV brands may use a more linear curve vs steps. See below website for more info on EV charging curves. And one thing to note if you plug into a 50KW charger and you are the only one at that charger do "not" expect to see a charge rate of 88KW or 57KW regardless of your current SoC because the Atto and charger will come to agreement on approx 32KW (not 50KW, not 45KW, etc) because of the Atto's staircase charging curve. Avoid 50KW chargers if you want to charge faster....be sure to use a 120KW charger which can provide 60KW to each connector if two EVs are connected and up to 120KW if only one EV is connected. If you use a 50KW DC charger you will only get a 32KW charge rate even if you are at a low SoC where you could get up to 88KW "if", repeat, if you were using a DC charger that can provide at least 88KW. The app being used will typically tell you the charger's KW rating. https://evkx.net/models/byd/atto_3/atto_3/chargingcurve/
  22. Below Jun 2024 Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand listing of EV charging networks/chargers in Thai is somewhat dated now and does not show all charging networks but it will give you a good idea of which networks have the most chargers, especially DC Fast Chargers. https://evat.or.th/images/evinfo/current-status/cover/2.jpg
  23. Recommend the following charging apps/networks....these six networks provided the great majority of DC Fast Chargers in Thailand....and plenty of low power AC chargers also. Definitely signup for the first two listed below...I would recommend signing up for at least 3 to ensure you have good coverage across Thailand. I'm signed up with all six. The apps will show you where the chargers are....some of the apps will so the locations even without signing up. 1. PTT EV Station PluZ (PTT stations are everywhere....and many have a EV charger...more being added) 2. PEA Volta (PEA has lots of chargers in the provinces...not many in Bangkok) 3. EA Anywhere 4. ReverSharger 5. Altervim 6. EleXA
  24. Since the ReverSharger app/network includes Bangchak, Shell, Susco, and BYD Dealerships who can set their own prices/KWH and date/time for charging I expect Bangchak was the only ReverSharger partner that wanted to be involved in the promotion....another way to get people to visit Bangchak stations. Heck, even for me when driving my ICEV Fortuner I would rarely stop at any other dino fuel station other than PTT. But after visiting several Bangchak stations during the free electrons promotion and experiencing how many of those stations have nice facilities I may start using them occasionally to feed my Fortuner diesel fuel. But since I now only drive the Fortuner a little bit each month (25-100Km...more like only 25km) just to circulate the fluids/exercise the ICEV a little I now use very little dino fuel...only keep about a quarter of a tank in the ICEV to avoid the fuel from getting stale while "immediately" having enough to do a no-notice/emergency 100Km trip without stopping to first fuel up. Yea....I'm going to guess Bangchak is doing this just to draw in more EV customers.....with many of these EV customers also having another vehicle such as a ICEV that drinks dino fuel.
  25. Awesome...good luck...hopefully approval (endorsement) on Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
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