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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Things are getting very bad here when this happens. I guess he could have got another 100 feet with the spelt gas?
  2. She may be wiping her butt with double toilet paper for many years to come, For Free.
  3. There's always two sides to a story, I would like to here his. I guess at the moment the Japanese Embassy are the only people he can trust. Remember only the truth will set you free.
  4. It's all about money, I wonder how they agree on the price of 200,000 for a grope? If he pays out we are all in trouble, even the working girls will make much more money being groped
  5. Seeing that he groped her from behind maybe he thought she was a ladyboy a 3.00am. Too much drink not enough think about what he did..
  6. With all tuk tuks and all meter less taxis you must agree on the the price before you head off. Also before you get in a taxi make sure that the meter works if it doesn't find another one. Some times your just so hot and tired that you get in and that's what they are counting on.
  7. Maybe if they had more law enforcement and less laws the roads might be safer?
  8. Thai certified doesn't mean too much as you can buy them in the shops for 300 to 400 baht and they are cheap and nasty. The sudden impact at a high speed is the cause of death and no helmet would have helped them.
  9. Who said looks can kill? This kind of thing went on when I was in school. You look at someone funny and they want to kick your butt. After all these years you would think the stupid has left, no it is still there.
  10. 3 girls on a speeding scooter, give me a break, the driver wasn't looking at the road and only worried about making the U-turn. 3 on a scooter is common in Thailand but 5 or 6 is pushing it. RIP young girls and my prayer's to the young girl in the hospital.
  11. Yes, there are so many sheep out there, men and women alike. Vanity plays a big roll, this is where the women wins hands down. Their face seem to be the most important thing to them as their body spreds out in time.
  12. I hear the price of wood in Germany is sky high. What are they going to burn after they run out of trees?
  13. The police really need to get the young scooter riders off the road. Fine the mother's and fathers until they do. I have seen them as young as 7 years old.
  14. Most here are retired and not working? What country pays 80,000 usd a year unless they are talking about 80,000 baht.
  15. The truck driver said the accident happen when he was turning into a street. Now I am not saying who's fault it was ,as I was not there but as a biker for many years in Thailand I had many close calls with drivers indicating and turning at the same time. Little or no warning that they are tuning. RIP
  16. That's why I use the motorcycle taxi's, you need some balls but their good and they will get you there.
  17. He's so lucky he wasn't going fast when this happened, these low hanging wires are in many areas not just his area and must be fixed or burred under ground.
  18. Either these ladyboys are very, very smart or these tourist are very, very dumb. Just stop hanging around with ladyboys, problem solved.
  19. If you really want to hurt them take their bikes away for a month or two so they have to catch the bus to work. What a <deleted>- off that would be.
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