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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages.
  2. If there was honesty in the world everyone would admit there's a little racism in all of us.
  3. Governments around the world are not doing this, they are treating all variants the same. It looks like 2022 will be a stay at home year. I truly wish I am wrong.
  4. They could be the first of many, seeing Thailand only wants tourist with suitcases filled with money to enter
  5. Drinks for one night only, what a great start for the new year. At least he didn"t say sex for one night only!
  6. Your right they are and it's such a filthy habit.
  7. For production of medicines they say? Soon many will have medical needs and the road total will be much higher, smart move?
  8. Crime is so bad in the USA right now. The robbers look for weakness not the color of your skin, but if you are pretty that's a extra plus against you.
  9. There are jobs that are necessary in lift for some people to do and this is one. Now would you clean out your septic system or get somebody else to do it?
  10. I was talking about the crime rate not the murder rate.
  11. Soon Omicron will be over taking Delta in Thailand and the rate of death will go from 40 to zero this is what my Crystal ball said today. Zero, whether there are parties or not.
  12. They are trying to put a end to parties full stop. Why, because they haven't been invited.
  13. They don't say, I would say it was your second choice. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/britain-says-omicron-spreading-phenomenal-rate-2021-12-13/
  14. Also many people that are just above the poverty line that I know have invested in Moderna vaccines that live north of CM have lost their money. Families that have spent most of their money trying to get these Moderna vaccines and can't even get a refund.
  15. Well, there has been 1 death from Omicron with millions infected, so now we all must now panic. Makes sense to me???
  16. It will go the governments way, no need to pretend that you care, it's just a very good way of raking in money anybody's money.
  17. If the buses are not running at full compacity than I guess we will see 20 to 30 packed in the back of trucks again. I hope it doesn't rain.
  18. It would be sooner if the fear of covid was not on the minds of Thai people, also the fear of losing of ones job for not being vaccinated.
  19. I think mask wearing is great, but I have seen this too often when people wear the mask when they have to cough or sneeze they lift the mask. Waiting in the check out line in Tesco I was slimed by a very young beautiful girl behind me that lifted her mask and sneezed all this liquid on my arm. She did say sorry and the check out girl did have a towel to wipe it off. So my point is when the masks are use correctly their great but I see a lot of people misuse them or wear them on their chin.
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