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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Maybe they should try to attract more Backpackers, than move on to the Rich and famous.
  2. Yes but Sleepy Joe did give us some good vaccines but the Chinese did give us some and charge for many. And it would be nice if we could send them all back to the Chinese with a note to tell them where to stick them.
  3. Yes, this is why a lot of us self medicate. And when we have to travel to a large city to get help we often get doctors with little or no experience, just out of school. Give me a break!
  4. It sounds like Sad Sick is going around maybe as much as covid. Hard to understand!
  5. Some dogs should not breed like this one and some owners should not breed like this one.
  6. Most of us don't have loads of money but we can live on our pensions quite nicely here. And the weather is so good compared to the weather back home. I would think it would much higher up than fifth on the list. And that's not even talking about the greatness on the Thai people.
  7. Or he could have just given him he's wife's phone number. Sorry guys, that's why I'm not married anymore.
  8. Sometimes the massage is done way too hard and staying too long on a pressure point. Some massage a 20 year old the same as a 70 year old. My advise is when you find a good one stick with her.
  9. Doesn't it make you want to come here as a tourist. If covid doesn't get you for a nice long stay in a hospital not of your choice than these crooks might clean you out. And yet they still come, stupid is as stupid does.
  10. Yes, and if you want to travel in or out of Thailand make sure you have a lot of extra money in your pocket. Also your nose will never be the same.
  11. Call it what you like, the reason why crossings just don't work in Thailand is that Thai drivers don't look down, they look up. So crossing lights would work much better. besides most crossing that I have seen here have very little paint on them.
  12. Where I live very few people stop at crosswalks, why, because they will have a car, truck, bus up their backside if they do. Maybe they need a set of lights at every crosswalk?
  13. Also yelling to each other on the back of motorcycles should be fined, I could here this a mile away sometimes!
  14. 22 years of living here. Now if you want to see some real crime, go back to the countries that you left.
  15. Maybe it is because we all look the same to them? Compared to the rest of the world Thailand is low on homicides and low on crime. Whether this is from the police force or the good nature of the Thai people your guess is as good as mine
  16. You know I offer my food to Thais but they have trouble getting it down. They must think I am a really bad cook because I just make plain old good food, not hot or spicy or full of fish sauce and sugar,
  17. If you had on a full face helmet with a reflective visor nobody would see you. Maybe next time?
  18. We should have more like her in the police the bad guys would volunteer to go to jail.
  19. I don't know about you guys but a lot of times I confused a 50 for a 20. I hope these new ones are better.
  20. Yes, and I know every crack in the walls of my house, Thanks China you made me see the light?
  21. Yes, sand is no good also oil will make you slide and black mold on the road when wet is a danger so slow down ride smartly.
  22. But they say it's not a drug? This may be a way of lessoning the pain in all the road accidents we have and may create many more.
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