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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. 17 hours ago, lvr181 said:

    Whew.............................and I thought that you were (from your "vigorous" comments) merely anti-capitalist.   


    Nothing wrong with criticism, if you have an alternative solution. 


    And your viable alternative solution to the problem is? :whistling:



    In London, they are putting things in paper bags, and a plastic bag at the mini mart cost me 5 pence.

    Unfortunately, places like Starbucks still use plastic cups for their expensive brown water ( I had to buy a cup of coffee to use the toilet as public toilets apparently no longer exist there ).

  2. On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 6:25 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

    When I go to my local market, I have a plastic bag or two in my pocket.


    The market ladies all know me and often point at me, telling their friends that "there is the Farang who brings his own bags!". I even get small discounts on occasion as the ladies say "you save me money".


    Until my pulling a plastic bag out of my pocket or people bringing a cloth bag daily becomes the norm, Thailand (and not just Thailand) will continue to drown in an ugly sea of waste.


    This problem will be around for a while as people's habits don't change quickly, but re-using a plastic bag several times is easy to do and will have a huge and immediate effect on the environment.


    The problem is, as always, with people.



    I too am the farang that brings my own bags to Big C, and from their comments no Thais do so.

    At Rimping, the checkout lady asked if I wanted to put everything in my backpack, without me having to ask, so they are getting the idea, but apparently only farangs doing so.


    Given mankind's attempts to destroy the planets ecosystem with over exploitation and pollution, humans may be following the dinosaurs into extinction, even without a meteor strike.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    I am not debating the fact that the President has the legal right to end temporary protected status- I am indicating that since these people have been here for 20 years- and established close ties to America with jobs; mortgages and children in school- it would be cruel and inhumane to end their status.  Why do it?  What does America gain except a further loss of prestige in the World by going after people who are not a threat to America or taking away jobs from Americans.


    Instead of going after the South Asians who are coming to America and taking jobs from Americans under the H1 Visa program- Trump goes after the most vulnerable.


    I am well aware that the US Congress passes laws- but I am also aware that a President can formulate his own bill and ask the Congress to put it into the record- debate it and  see if it passes/


    Not only is Donald Trump an incompetent President- he is also a poor human being without any real compassion for people.  If   any of the temporary protected classes actually formed a threat to security or jobs- I might give him a pass- but not in this case.   He's just being himself- a miserable human being and a piss poor  President.

    Regardless of your personal opinion of POTUS, he is just carrying out a campaign promise ( something few presidents do- "if you like your Dr you can keep your Dr, if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" etc etc ).

    The ball on this situation is entirely in Congress's court. If they care, they can pass a bill to keep the Hondurans in the US. That they haven't, says much about them.


    BTW, why in a world where cruel and inhumane things happen every day in other countries is the US expected to be different? Who made them the world's saviour?

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

    Nobody made them an underclass but themselves , as Oscar Wilde once said ,"we are all in the gutter but some of us are looking up at the stars"

    As one that actually lived and worked in the UK as part of the underclass, I disagree. The toffs are not going to share the power whatever they pretend to do.

    The pathetic attempt they made to allow us to live in London by providing ( so called ) affordable accommodation for essential workers went by the board when they sold our ( expensive ) hospital accommodation to the rich to live in. The workers got the shaft ( as usual ).

    Meanwhile, the consultants were getting rich by using NHS workers to staff their private cases.

    People talk about corruption in Thailand, but they've got nothing on the English nobs.

    • Like 1
  5. On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 6:48 PM, MajarTheLion said:


    I agree. In fact, this is one of the things I liked about Trump for years. One of the other times he threatened to run for president, he brought up South Korea specifically. We provide tens of thousands of troops to help protect them from a paper tiger to their north- at our expense. On top of that, they get favorable trade deals. Time for them to pay up. My first preference is we just scale back most of our overseas deployments. After that, these people we protect need to start paying up one way or the other.


    It will be fun once again seeing the white doves suddenly become hawks.

    Agree. I'd love to see Europe having to provide an actual military to protect themselves. Any country doesn't want to front up with the goodies should be told "you are on your own".

  6. 4 minutes ago, Becker said:

    Congratulations, that must surely be a contender for the most inane post of the week.

    Gun deaths per 100k population:


    UK: 0.23



    But hey, if those kids were armed they might be alive today, right???:crazy:

    I guess you missed the sarcasm.

    Jai yen, jai yen ( chill, man ).

  7. On ‎5‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 12:51 PM, mikebike said:

    You think that is more likely than the fact that the BSA’s loosing membership in droves over the last couple of decades and needs to expand their base?



    I think you are correct, but I find it puzzling why girls would like to join a failing organisation.

    If they can't attract boys, they should be addressing that problem and dealing with that, rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


  8. On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 5:58 PM, BobBKK said:

    I'll defer to you on that one as I am ignorant of them organizationally and assumed they held the same mission. But as there IS a girl guides I just think it's stinks but so many things stink in the US these days we should not be surprised. Why isn't NFL open to women?  tennis?  soccer?  for true equality merge them ALL. 

    I agree. Merge them all, but make females conform to male standards in previously male organisations rather than reduce standards to allow females to "win".

    I'm sure male prisoners will be delighted to have some female cell companions.

  9. On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 10:28 PM, Chomper Higgot said:

    So why would you (or anyone else) deny any of those fine things to another young person just because they are female?

    Why are they denied? The girl scouts exist, and if that organisation doesn't provide such, ask why not and do something about it.

    When I was in the scouts I was at an age when I disliked girls and would not have wanted to be in any voluntary organisation with them.

    Now that girls are allowed in the boy scouts, it's inevitable that "boyness" will be discouraged so as not to offend their delicate sensibilities.

    This is just part of the current anti male political agenda, when all "maleness" must be swept away.

    The agenda is already well under way, and "maleness" is under assault on all fronts in the west. PC is winning.

  10. 17 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    Cater's action was to pressure the Iranian government into a specific action.

    Carter explicitly outlined the reasons behind the issuance of sanctions (including visa cancellation for Iranian nationals) and underscored his intent to apply pressure to Iran’s government release American hostages.

    Trump’s proposal was markedly not a sanction, but a security measure framed as a counterterrorism strategy, and one directed at all adherents of a particular religion (regardless of their nationalities) rather than citizens of a particular country.


    It's amusing how often Trump and his supporters try to excuse Trump's extremist (sometimes unconstitutional) policies by using previous presidential actions as an excuse, while also criticizing the performance of those same presidents.

    Trump doesn't need to justify his actions on immigration. He has the power to make any ruling and it can be disputed in the courts if people disagree ( as has happened ).

    That is the way the American constitution was set up, to provide checks and balances.

    Far as the Hondurans are concerned, he has the right to not extend their TEMPORARY stay, and unless congress makes a law to allow them to stay it's case closed.

  11. 17 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    If Trump doesn't like the Immigration law which allows for protected status; refugees; asylum and other things associated with a country that  basis it's policy on fairness, equity and compassion- change the law. 

    He doesn't need to change the law to allow him to deport the Hondurans. It's already the law.

    Seems to me it's those in congress that want them to stay that should make a new law to allow them to stay. Same with DACA, but they wouldn't do that, when they could have.

  12. 22 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    None of us are here because our country had a disaster 20 years ago, and we pay our way. We get nothing for free from LOS. Every baht I pay here comes from overseas, so i'm of net benefit to Thailand.

    Despite all the deflections to non relevant subjects, the point of this thread is that people that were only in the US under TEMPORARY status have been allowed to stay on long past time they should have returned to their own countries. If they want to become permanent US citizens they should apply for residence.

    BTW, it's not Trump's job to make legislation about immigration; that is what congress is supposed to do.

    I forgot to add that most of us expats are here on a temporary visa extension which only last a year. Try not extending and see how long the Thai authorities allow us to stay.

    Seems some posters expect the US authorities to be more lenient than the Thais.

    I don't think the Hondurans would be accommodating to any that violated their rules either. 

    • Like 1
  13. 21 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    Some people on the board who support Trump haven't figured out that they are Immigrants to Thailand ad should Thailand spout the same racist view that Trump holds- they wouldn't be here.

    None of us are here because our country had a disaster 20 years ago, and we pay our way. We get nothing for free from LOS. Every baht I pay here comes from overseas, so i'm of net benefit to Thailand.

    Despite all the deflections to non relevant subjects, the point of this thread is that people that were only in the US under TEMPORARY status have been allowed to stay on long past time they should have returned to their own countries. If they want to become permanent US citizens they should apply for residence.

    BTW, it's not Trump's job to make legislation about immigration; that is what congress is supposed to do.

    • Like 2
  14. On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 11:06 AM, oxforddon said:

    Once again, people knock the volunteer Tourist police. No pay, long hours dealing with drunk idiots, buy all their own gear and uniforms and generally assist folks with problems or just advice into the early hours of the morning, and are in danger of getting hurt while doing so. There is also some serious misunderstanding of what they have the right to do. If under supervision and/or orders by Thai officers they DO have the right to detain, restrain and otherwise do what is necessary in all situations.

    Pattaya had a bar scene for many years without any requirement for farangs to dress up as pretend cops.

    Walking Street existed for many years quite happily without them.

    The bar scene exists in many places in Pattaya without any sign of farang wannabe cops.

    Why is it that only Walking St is blessed with their presence?

    Why do they ignore the child exploitation that has occurred on Walking Street for many years?


    If they stopped dressing up like cops ( which they are not ) and wore a big sign saying "translator here to help" I would not object to them.


    If under supervision and/or orders by Thai officers they DO have the right to detain, restrain and otherwise do what is necessary in all situations.

    Which is exactly what is wrong with the entire set up.

    Farangs have no business doing any of that, under any situation, PERIOD.


    Far as I'm concerned, they can go home and join the cops wherever they come from if they have a need to wear a uniform and stick their noses into other people's business.


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