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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 9:12 AM, Pattaya46 said:

    No arts ???  What about by example the Sanctuary of Truth or Art in Paradise ?

    No museum ?? What about those on Van Gogh, Glass bottles, Teddy bears, Viharnra Sien, waxwork, gems, ice of Siam, etc.?

    You omitted Mini Siam ( if it still exists ). When I visited the bottle museum many years ago, they said I was the first farang ever to go there!

  2. 1 hour ago, HauptmannUK said:

    I do chuckle when I see posts from guys who claim to have a HiSo or highly-educated wife, as if that makes them intrinsically better or more honest.

    Agree 100%.

    Hiso women are still women, after all, just with more money, and far more likely to be spoilt and high maintenance.

    Even in the bars, I avoided the best looking ones as they didn't need to even try to get customers, and thought they were "special".

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Mojomor said:

    I have been here for 12 years. The place is okay, but not great. It is too noisy, too dirty, and too expensive. It is also full of people pretending to be something else. I like Thailand a lot and have travelled to most parts, but not all. 

    Pattaya is all you say, but it's cheaper than Bkk and more exciting than any other Thai town I've been in.

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  4. On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 2:33 AM, mstevens said:

    I wasn't around back then but expats who were have told me that it was like that during the mid '90s and then the Asian economic crisis happened and it all changed and things reverted back to how they had been years earlier.....until at some time later things started changing again.

    Referring only to the farang bar scene, it was the best up till the economic crisis, when there were plenty of well paid expats spending large in the gogos and bars. Many lost their jobs in the crisis and things changed, then Purachai really destroyed it. Never recovered to what it was before.


    BTW, traffic in Bkk improved immensely after the crisis when rich Thais had to sell their cars.

  5. 23 hours ago, coxo said:

    I agree with the poster also, it seemed to go downhill with the English in the late 90's when there pound was strong, they threw money around and the price trebled in six months, with that the girls bad attitude started and it never recovered to the good old days.

    As far as music go's I am always amazed when in a gogo, you look around and the age of punters is say 50 to 70 yet the play doff doff music, they dont seem to read the age group and play appropriate music, can't say it bothers me much as I avoid the place now and have done for years...

    I disagree that the English caused the problem by spending too much. IMO it was caused by Purachai's assault on the farang bar scene. He did more to destroy it that any man before or since, and it's never recovered from his destruction.

    • Like 2
  6. 18 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Good comment!

    I see from time to time YouTube videos about Nana, Cowboy, etc. And the new arrivals still can't believe how good it is - similar to my experience more than 20 years ago.

    When I arrived in the land of smiles I though almost all girls are pretty. Now I think maybe 10% of them are according to my taste. But I pretty sure that even one of the average Nana girls would be a stunner compared to what's available "back home".

    I am sure lots of things really changed. But a big part is also what we remember from the time when we were young(er) and the first time in Thailand.

    Having last been in Pattaya, I was impressed by how good looking most of the dancers were in Nana. Most were at least an 8 out of 10, and quite a few 10s around as well.

    What was conspicuous by their absence were ugly girls, fat girls and those with stretch marks. In Pattaya, those were in abundance. Which is not to say that I dislike Pattaya, but the standard of girl's beauty has decreased significantly since the 90s, there.

  7. 7 hours ago, poanoi said:

    srsly ? :saai:

    try empathize for a single second, or are you in an advanced senile state ?

    imagine for a second you were a toyboy, and a 69 yo brat with skin that no longer

    re-shape when she changes position, fake teeth that pop out on occasion,

    wants some hanky panky with you !

    a girl wanted me to shag her to get her spirit up since she had an old punter

    that she was suppose to meet later on, she literally cringed at the very thought of

    that lose skin. she was in a state of acute distress.

    i have been to a bar where hookers rented young men so as to not get

    burned out shagging ole geezers,

    the consensus among them is there is no sexual attraction towards anyone

    above 50, pretty much same as for us men

    I can't believe you actually know much about the scene. They just do it for the money, and care not for looks. It has always been so. Do you imagine that Hugh Heffner's young girlfriends thought he was sexy in his last days?

    If a hooker is "distressed" by loose skin, she is in the wrong occupation.

  8. 1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

    I feel you got it right on as far as the girls are concerned. They have changed so much in baditude. Costs have gone up service gone down. All the young guys never saw it in the old days so cannot compare just judge us as old farts.We were treated like gold by the girls and never pushy.

      That was also the age of Thai wives. When the bar girl would leave the bar to stay with you and take care of you like a devoted doting wife. When you went home she went back to the bar.If you came back the next year she would do the same again That was at that time what was called a thai wife, more like a concubine.. At the end of your holiday you simply gave her around  10,000 or more if you wanted and she was happy.

      Trying to explain how it was to young guys is like trying to explain to them life before mobile phones and internet.

    I found LOS just at the tail end of the "Thai wife" era, and count myself lucky. However, I never had one that would thank Buddha by praying at the foot of my bed, so I missed the best times.

    However, those weeks long stays at the beach with a lovely lady were the best of my life.


    All the young guys never saw it in the old days so cannot compare just judge us as old farts

    So true. There's been a couple of them making comments on this thread about things they have no idea about.

    Unless one was able to stay in Hollywood Royale till well after dawn, one really has no idea just how great Nana Plaza used to be. All that the new alterations are doing is, IMO, moving the deck chairs as the Nana Thaitanic sinks into oblivion.

    I have no doubt that sometime in the future, the value of the land as a 5* hotel will exceed that of a Gogo complex. I think most girls work on line now anyway, which explains the demise of the Pattaya bar scene.

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, Unsane said:

    Definitely not insulting.  He has a point and relevant to the thread.  


    I would normally expect that you old timers have enjoyed your past conquests but there comes a time to settle down.

    Threads are for people that want to contribute because they find the subject interesting. If someone doesn't find the subject interesting enough to contribute meaningfully they don't have to even look at the thread.

    That they only come on to insult other people says much about their character.


    I wasn't aware that TVF was only for people and subjects that some posters think should be allowed.

  10. On ‎5‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 8:42 PM, Here It Is said:

    Let's hope they reunite in the best interests of their remaining children.  Very sad.


    This was reportedly also his first time seeing the boy’s face in nearly four years.

    They hadn't been together at least 4 years and she wouldn't let his own father see him. Doesn't sound like there is anything worth salvaging from that ex marriage.

    However, he should at least be allowed to be part of his remaining children's lives.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, starfarm said:

    I visited Nana Plaza a few weeks ago. I left very early. It was my impression that there were very few girls but a lot of ladyboys. And hardly any customers.

    Loads of girls, but also loads of ladyboys. The secret is being able to tell the difference.

  12. 4 minutes ago, torrzent said:

    The gogo boots were great.  They just got too expensive to repair, so the girls went the cheap charlie route back to shoes which can be bought even used, at markets for a few pennies.

    We'll have to disagree on that. I thought they were ugly. IMO nothing more attractive than a long slim leg with a sexy high heeled shoe.

    However, I am a leg man.

  13. 9 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think the current music seems to be the best compromise of what the girls and the customers want. The girls don't like constantly rock music for old men. And the guys don't like Isan music all night. Both can live more of less with whatever the music is called that they play now.

    Personally I am ok with 2 or 3 Isan songs, especially when I am drunk enough to enjoy almost anything. But if they would play that for more than 15 minutes in the evening I would be out of that place.

    I can only tolerate the head banging stuff for so long before I have to leave. I'll have to use earplugs in future.

    Only "bar noise" worse was the bazouki music they played in Cyprus nightclubs.

  14. Just now, torrzent said:

    Brilliant micro-economic analysis.  We need some supply demand curves and a few pie charts to get to the bottom of this.

    to get to the bottom of this.


    Whatever my disappointment with Nana now, I did indeed enjoy seeing so many attractive bottoms on display. The girls seemed to mainly be exceptionally good looking.

  15. 10 hours ago, elgenon said:

    Yes, The music and DJs are for the girls not the customers.IMHO  The bars would save money by having a hard drive of music. But then the girls would be even more bored.

    Many times I've heard the DJ say something and the girls shriek with joy

    The girls are a lot more sophisticated (yikes) than the farm girls of yore. Due to the internet and social media. On the whole they don't wear the ugly dresses like years ago. Also,the bars have had to accommodate the girls more than before. Like the bars that offer the girls time off for selling a certain number of drinks per 10 days.

    These are strictly my observations and opinions, your mileage may vary. 

    There was a period in the late 90s when the girls en mass decided they would wear big boots and I hated it. They were so unattractive.

    Happily they have returned to pretty shoes now.

    Re the music, whether the music is for the girls or not, it should be for the customers, without whom there is no business. I have a compilation tape made from what Hollywood Royale played in 96 and it is all really great popular music.

    Playskool also used to play popular rock and roll music.

    I wonder if the change happened because the farang managers seem to have all left.


    The girls are a lot more sophisticated (yikes) than the farm girls of yore.

    I don't think I saw any "farm girls". They were mainly sophisticated city girls. A lot taller than they used to be, and some are actually plump, which was never seen in the 90s.


    On the whole they don't wear the ugly dresses like years ago.

    Back then they didn't actually wear anything, but if you are referring to what they wore to go out with a customer, yes, clothes are a lot better now than the cheap, badly made stuff they wore then.

  16. 7 minutes ago, poanoi said:

    well, the girls want to have fun too, if applicable.

    i used to be able to amuse them and got the reward of party time,

    but that was over 10 years ago, they already told me back then

    they had no interest in anyone above 50.

    --> i am now 50, not much to add or do about it i think.

    i asked them why they would sit in a queue waiting to play with me rather

    than playing with my friend who objectively looked better,

    the answer was he looked serious, they want a party if possible,

    just like the rest of us, i found it went a long way just putting up a smile

    even if i wasnt in a mood, the girls would soon enough give me a reason to smile

    That only works as long as there are "party" guys willing to pay. Starvation and being evicted tends to have a profound effect on their willingness to go with anyone that has the readies.

  17. 3 minutes ago, somtamjames said:

    I went to a bar that turned out to be a ladyboy bar. When I didn't order something, they got angry and I decided to better leave them alone. And there was nobody else than ladyboys and some angry looking guys. 

    When I didn't order something

    If you went into a Gogo and didn't buy a drink you were lucky not to be "escorted" to the door and thrown out. They are not a "free" entertainment place. I'm not surprised they got angry.


    I used to go to the lady boy bars because they played better music and seemed to be more enthusiastic dancers than the girl chrome pole shufflers, but the "girls" were always pushy. I went back to one just for old times sake, but they are really desperate now, and soon as a new customer comes in the door, they all gather round trying to get the guy to buy them a drink or take them out. However, they need to understand that desperation is a turn off and give the customers some space. I just kept saying no, and when the pressure got too intense I just left. Much less pressure in the real girl bars, but worse music, and no enthusiasm.

  18. On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 7:30 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    About the music: The problem for many bars is to get girls. And to make sure the girls stay in that place. Many customers agree they don't like the music. But the girls like it and if the bars play other music then the girls will possibly work in another place which plays the music they like.


    The coyote situation is similar: It is difficult for many places to hire girls and make sure the girls stay. It's a lot easier for the owners and managers to hire a couple of coyote girls from a coyote supplier. The girls are more expensive for the bar and they are more expensive for the customer. But it's better to have expensive coyotes compared to no girls at all. And if coyotes quit, no problem, the supplier will get some new girls.


    I wasn't aware of the coyote situation. Back in the 90s, none were "coyotes" and all would go with one if the price was right.

    That might explain why the best looking girl in a certain Gogo hadn't been bought out by midnight, and wasn't even trying to attract a customer. Normally if one looks at them they'll be all over one soon as they stop dancing, but this DDG girl was more interested in chatting to the other girls than looking for a meal ticket out.

    One thing that has definitely changed is that the girls are all gone a lot sooner than I expected. The bar with the best lookers was down to 4 girls on stage by 11pm. One obviously has to be fast these days.

    • Like 1
  19. 16 hours ago, poanoi said:

    "Back in the 90s it was a great night out, ....

    I got the impression that it's just putting lipstick on a pig. It might look more attractive, but it's still a pig."

    my theory: you got 25 years older since the 90's, and to the girls,

    you are just lipstick on a pig these days, your money are attractive, but you aint,

    and odds are they can pick up a punter half your age and still get paid & laid

    I am well aware of how it works, but while it may be 25 years later, the girls are still DDG and will still go with me if I want one. Money still gets the girl. I don't know about getting one half my age though. Most guys looked over 50.

    There were a few young guys around, but a minority and seemed more into looking than doing.

    The point of my thread is that while Nana may look sophisticated, what goes on behind the curtain isn't nearly as much fun as it used to be. The outside bars ( Lucky Lukes etc ) seem way more packed and fun than the Gogos, and certainly played more enjoyable music. Even Hooters with it's live band ( very good one too ) seems more fun than inside the Gogos.

  20. On ‎4‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 8:45 AM, webfact said:

    With divorce from his ex-wife imminent Mr Toms was worried that “corrupt judges” in Khon Kaen would conspire against him and leave him with nothing.


    Seems sus then to kill himself if the judgement was not already in. Could have waited till he knew one way or the other.

    I wonder if there was a life insurance involved?


    I can understand spending all his money on her, but surely he should have realised that going into debt was not going to change anything.



  21. If using a plunger, has to be done very vigorously. Useless just putting it in and pushing the handle a bit.

    Usually caused by putting too much paper down. If not paper, probably a full tank.


    I'd try the hose pipe if the plunger doesn't work.


    I think a plunger can be bought for about 50 baht from a local hardware store.

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