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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. 3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Because many (most?) of us are more concerned about the woman's right to choose whether she is able to bring up a child.

    And that's without getting into the life of a fetus that could be born as an unwanted child in an orphanage.....

    Perhaps most of us should be questioning why women don't use birth control. Even if they didn't, there is the morning after pill. Even better, "no" is the most effective birth control ever.

    Seems to me that some women think abortion is a form of birth control, when it should be a last resort and before the foetus is viable.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 4 hours ago, stevenl said:

    " However, the aborted fetus had no responsibility for the crime.  Thus, is it still not "murder" according to those who are against early-term abortions because they are tantamount to murder?  How did a baby's life become irrelevant because of a crime that he or she has no responsibility for? "

    Why do you equate a fetus to a baby?

    A foetus is a potential person, and if it can survive unaided outside the womb abortion should be regarded as killing a human being. 

    However, the human race is too many for the planet, and if it takes killing loads of potential people to reduce the population, better that than war to kill people actually living.

    Till people take responsibility to use birth control to stop people being born, abortion is probably the only answer.

  3. 2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The UK didn't give anything away after WW2. 


    US post war planning included holding the UK to its war debt to hobble the UK economy and hasten the end of empire and commonwealth. 


    It worked. 


    And now those who hark back to Empire and dream of Empire2 believe the US will offer the trade deals the UK hopes for post Brexit. 



    Fair enough. America is no friend of the UK, and never was post WW2. Look no further than how they sabotaged the French/ British attempt to reclaim the Suez canal from Nasser. The mystery to me is why Britain continues to be America's poodle.


    However, whatever the reason, the UK did give it all away, including the oil fields of eastern Arabia and Iraq. What a different world we'd live in had they kept those. They may have given them away before WW2 though. I'm not sure of the exact date.

    • Confused 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Pakistan and India are both nuclear armed and have been building strong armies, navies and air forces.


    Great to see Britain's massive foreign aid to each country being used so wisely for the good of their peoples!


    Meanwhile if commie Corbyn gets to be PM he'll scrap the UK's nuclear arms, reduce it's armed forces to almost nothing (probably thinks a worker's militia is a good idea) and keep giving huge amounts to India and Pakistan to try and buy the ethnic vote.



    Great to see Britain's massive foreign aid to each country

    Oh, say it isn't so! They kicked Britain out, so why is Britain giving them anything?

    • Like 1
  5. On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 9:29 AM, Bang Bang said:

    Do you feel weak/ill otherwise? If not don't worry.


    Charcoal tabs like the guy above said. If that doesn't work try fasting. It will give the innards a breather while they clean house. Of course, drink copious amounts of water to help with flushing.

    Agree with water fasting.

    If the good Dr gets over ruled by the senior, go to another hospital. 

    I had my gout diagnosed by a consultant at the big hospital in Chiang Mai after no western Dr in two different countries knew what was causing my problems.

  6. On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 5:28 PM, BobbyL said:

    A truly shocking / inhumane / scandalous / whatever you call want to call it statistic.


    For me this is the number one thing that needs to be fixed in this country. The daily numbers are unbelievable. Yet it has been mentioned time and time again, year on year, and nothing is properly put in place to rectify this by the government.  

    I'm surprised that it isn't higher. I drove thousands of miles on Thai roads up north, and always wondered if I'd get home safely.

    The stupidity that was exhibited on the roads was incredible.

    However, I never saw a traffic cop on the road, so there was no incentive to drive within the rules.

    • Like 1
  7. On ‎5‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 9:48 AM, rocketdave said:

    I do have a few million Baht in the bank. 

    I have been here, with a few working away breaks for 33 years.

    I am now 70 with type 2 diabetes and hypertension ( those of my age who don't are the exception.)

    I have been asked to pay a premium of 90% of the cover for my medical insurance.

    If I can afford to pay the 90% every year then why not just pay the bill if and when I need treatment.

    If this is enforced I'm not going to be made a mug of so I will be off, like many others in the same predicament.

    Thai banks prepare to hand back many 800,000 Bahts!

    My insurance cost me 60,000 baht and 3 days in hospital for bronchitis would have cost me 56,000 baht without it. All in all, worth it. That was just bronchitis, so I hate to think how much a serious problem would have cost.

  8. On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 5:24 PM, Guderian said:

    Never mind the tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of Baht that many expats retired here plough into the local economy in many ways every year, from supporting their Thai family to using Thai tradespeople, long-term expats invariably pay large amounts of tax here. It's just that most of it is indirect taxation, such as VAT and excise duty on alcohol or cigarettes, rather than direct taxes paid on employment income. What's the difference, at the end of the day it's all money in the bank so that the big children can buy some submarines or tanks to play with. Or does Rooster think that the thousands of Baht the typical retiree pays in VAT and excise duty every month is somehow inferior to the income tax he pays, so that he's fully entitled to Thai state care but nobody else is? Money is money, after all, and nowhere should that be truer than in Thailand.

    Just curious, but how does anyone buy enough to be paying the thousands of Baht the typical retiree pays in VAT and excise duty every month ?

    I would have been struggling to pay over a thousand baht a week, leaving aside rent, though I didn't try to live the life of a rich farang. I suppose if one wants to eat at The Dukes and drink expensive wine, that would be different.

    The only thing I spent a lot of money on ( in bygone days ) wasn't taxed.

  9. 1 minute ago, madmen said:

    You will gain weight much faster on unhealthy thai food loaded with sugar msg and boiled rice..carb loaded crap. I was in restaurant last year and could see in the kitchen where there was a large potato type sack with msg stenciled on it. 

    I ate Thai food for years and didn't put on weight. However, I didn't sit in a bar all day sucking on a beer bottle and I was active all the time.

    Thai food is better is cooked at home, but even from a restaurant is probably better than western food from a supermarket- chockaa with sugar, preservatives, salt and various chemicals.

    Heard on the radio that life expectancy in the west is going down now- probably because food is so bad for us now.

  10. On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 8:19 PM, Lacessit said:

    Yes , it was a great win for the Coalition. I'd like to hear your explanation why it was a great win for Australia and Australians.

    I'm not an Aussie, but IMO it was good for Australians because it wasn't a win for Labour. They were a terrible government last time, and probably would be again, had they won.

  11. On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 7:51 PM, GinBoy2 said:

    but utilities, cars, eating like a Westerner, thats a lot different, and often more expensive in Thailand

    The question I have to ask is why do westerners want to live like westerners in LOS? If one wants to live in a completely foreign culture why not live like people that are that culture.

    Why eat western food? It's unhealthy and makes us fat. Local food has hardly risen in price in 30 years.

    Utilities are a one off, and things like laundry are dirt cheap done by a local. If one wants utilities, there are cheap ones.

    Car- why? The roads are sooooo dangerous, and local transport is cheap. Most Thais don't have a car. I never had one, but I still managed to get around.


    Can live like a rich westerner, but it's a choice, not an essential.

  12. On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 12:47 AM, b17 said:

    An old, old friend of mine told me about a cheap Charlie who lived in his village. Apparently, this guy would fill glass jars with tap water and leave them out in the sun. Then, he would use the warm water for the household showers. When he went to parties, he liked to carry a half drunk bottle of Pepsi - after hurried hellos, he would dive straight for the fridge, and exchange the Pepsi for two or four beers. 

    What's wrong with heating water that way? Not every place has water heaters. I did that on the islands when staying in a hut with no hot water.

    I have loads of cheap Charlie tales from home. In one, a guy borrowed my big torch with 10 batteries in it. brought it back with flat batteries! Didn't offer to replace them. Same guy came to a pot luck dinner with a 6 pack of beer, ate everyone else's food and drank all his beer himself.


  13. On ‎5‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 10:41 PM, mxpweb said:

    IF the time rolls back to over than a decde ago, certainly I will never make it  a choice,

    but, when your children are growing in their born native land,, and studying at school, etc,

    your role as father is to look after them and care their needs,

    to voice your opion and speak your mind to propose a suggestion is basic for human regardless in your country or some other places, particularly you point at a policy related or will have impact in your daily living and your entire family, 

    anything is subject to be amended, revised or replaced,

    they need to look at this matter entirely, is not just to do not extend the expst guys visa, look at the other side: their family members, what thy can do? where they will go? who will sponsor them?

    Bottom line- if you can't stay full time in LOS and want to support your family, then you have to be like millions of people from countries like the Philippines and work in another country to earn money to send to the family. Visit as often as can, even if only once a year.

    I worked with many Filipinas that saw their family only once a year.

    Always remember, everything changes and life isn't fair.

  14. On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 9:03 AM, yogi100 said:


    For some of us it's daft and simply too hot to be gallavanting around in the 35C+ heat that is prevalent all over Thailand. You've seen one tourist attraction you've seen 'em all.


    Sitting by a pool or in air conditioned comfort and only going out to sample the night life when it cools down a few degrees seems much more sensible to us.

    Oh dear, perhaps you don't realise that the Chiang Mai area is a high part of Thailand. It gets quite cool up there and the scenery is magic up in the hills.

    Only someone that hasn't seen much would claim that "You've seen one tourist attraction you've seen 'em all. I saw a lot in my years in LOS and still hadn't seen 'em all.

  15. On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 8:15 PM, DingDongLing said:

    How were the gogos 18 years ago?  How are they know?



    18 years ago was just before Thaksin ruined them, but after the financial crash, so not as good as mid 90s. The curse of the internet phone had not yet struck, so some were great still.

    How are they (sic) now?

    I've even seen obese girls in them, and the "music" is dire, so IMO not worth bothering with anymore. I'd like to hear from some newbie though, as they may think they are OK if they haven't anything to compare with. Need a lot more cash than in the old days though, and perhaps ear plugs.

  16. 20 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

    And now for the beautiful 'Gloria' of the (historical) Roman Catholic liturgy as performed by a South Korean choir.The universality of beauty...


    Worth remembering that for the majority of people long ago in what are now western countries, the church was probably the only thing good in their awful, peasant lives. Gathering in a beautiful building and listening to beautiful music was probably the highlight of their miserable lives.

  17. 4 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

     It is hard for me to believe how anyone can read the Bible and not see it is the word of God.

    Sorry, but having actually read the Bible, I can't take it as anything more than a historical record of the Jews ( Old Testament ) and an invented story ( New Testament except for the first 4 books ) by the men in funny hats to control the people. I believe the first 4 books to be about Jesus, but no "Christian" religion actually abides by his teachings.


    Besides, unless one reads it in it's original language, how can we know what was actually written? It's been revised so many times and something always gets lost in translation.

    • Like 2
  18. On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 7:45 PM, giddyup said:

    Will not believe that something greater than us does not exist suggests that you do believe, so what you have is faith, because I'm sure that you can't offer one iota of proof that there is something greater than us.

    Have you not read all the thread? I said that way back.

    Yes, faith. Faith makes us survive. Without faith that things would get better, many of us would off ourselves given the <deleted> lives billions of us live.

    If one does not believe that there is something greater than us, they shouldn't believe in things like love either. Love is the greatest con most of us will ever suffer. It makes us sacrifice ourselves for others, based on a feeling- same same faith in something greater than us; it's a feeling.

    • Like 2
  19. 18 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    No sugar, plenty of chemicals.

    If it's got Aspartame in it just replacing one something bad for you with another something bad for you.

    Also, Aspartame tastes revolting.


    Far as sugar goes, I ate vast amounts of the stuff all   my life, and still here. However, cut down a bit as don't want to get diabetes just yet.

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