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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Only read first page, but seems to me everyone is missing the point. Either Thailand is worth living in whatever it costs, or it isn't. I saved up for 10 years to be able to live in LOS and it was worth it at first. Then the night scene was destroyed by Thaksin, and it wasn't.

    Had the night scene not been destroyed I'd still be living there whatever it cost.

    All depends on what one wants as to stay or not.

    When it came time to make the big decision, I left, because LOS just wasn't the place I fell in love with anymore, not because of the exchange rate.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 hours ago, giddyup said:

    So you are denying that we are losing species at a rapid rate, oceans are polluted, as is the atmosphere, ice caps melting etc, and yet you say that "god" is sustaining the planet. Methinks someone is in denial.

    LOL. Why do you think that god is a proactive one? Having created uncountable trillions of stars, and set planets around them, perhaps god is just letting whatever happens happen.

    We, and every living thing on planet earth are just a bunch of electrons in formation. When we cease to live, the electrons are just re arranged. The dinosaurs became us after a few million years to allow the electrons to re arrange themselves. News flash, on a cosmic scale, planet earth and everything on it is less than insignificant. Religion is just a means by which humans think they are more important than they are, and that "God" cares about them.

    Where most people go wrong, IMO is that they think if they pray to god s/he/it will actually come and help them. Almost every human ever lived asks god to help when they are facing imminent death, but when the Titanic sank, they all died anyway.


    I am not in any way claiming that I know what god is, but I will not believe that something greater than us does not exist. We, humans, know nothing, even though some of us think we know everything.

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    • Haha 1
  3. why-has-thai-visa-mellowed


    IMO it hasn't. It's just got boring, though I keep on in the hope of an occasional decent thread to get stuck into. The occasional climate change thread does liven up the discussion.

    The most interesting threads now tend to be in the divorce sub forum, though interesting ones are not frequent.

    Sadly, I think the good old days of threads about interesting stuff, like bar girls/ boys and ladyboys are gone forever.

    Farewell TVF that we used to love, you are missed.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    Just a couple of observations...


    Not that long ago it seems all anyone seemed to argue about was whether your wife is a bar girl. Now all people seem to argue about is whether you belong here without 800K in the bank or without medical insurance. Kind of makes me nostalgic for the good ole days. :smile:


    My sense is that the number of people who are newly retiring in Thailand has slowed down considerably and that's being reflected on the forum. There's always been a tension between newcomers (I was once one, too) who want to see Thailand in a positive and upbeat light and those who have become more cynical over time.


    To a certain extent, the recent immigration changes has forged a degree of solidarity between what used to be called "Thai bashers" and "Thai apologists." However you may feel about Thailand, these changes have had to be an eye-opener for many. To my mind, immigration has displayed a glaring lack of empathy towards the established retirement expat community and for many this has triggered a broader re-evaluation of how Thais see expats and what the future may hold. That's generated more of a sense of solidarity than I've seen before in the five years I've been a member.


    I also think that maybe five years ago there was a demographic on the forum which I would characterize as 70+, hard drinking, minimal Thai language skills, and harboring bitter resentments towards Thailand about having been taken advantage of financially or emotionally, and who used the forum to vent these frustrations towards Thailand and Thai people. Through a combination of mortality, currency devaluations, and difficulty in meeting stricter immigration regulations, many of those people have moved on and no longer participate on the forum.


    LOL. I'm sure you are aware that one does not have to be in LOS to be able to post on here.

    If I hated Thailand, just being out of the country would not hinder me in commenting frequently, but I don't, so I won't.


    However, if the visa changes have woken some posters up to the fact that most of us are or were just visiting, even if it was a very long visit, and Thai officialdom does not give a rat's bottom as to whether we stay(ed) or not that can only be a good thing.

    As one that hated going to immigration, I'm sure they just think up ways to make it more difficult for us to stay, none of which would be published before turning up to do an extension, and which were not a national requirement, just a local invention.

    What government cares about expats so much it forces them to have to turn up at 4 am just to get an appointment to be able to stay and spend money in their country?

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    still happening. On almost every post anyone makes, at some point out will come the haters.    

    The OP obviously hasn't been reading the Trump threads. Plenty of hatred going on there.


    I disagree that it's got less hatred, as perusing any thread about paedophiles will show when the armchair sadists come out in force, though I stopped reading them some time ago, so it may have changed on them.

    However, there are definitely a lot less interesting threads about bar girls and ladyboys, and, IMO, there's a lot less stuff on the local sub forums of any sort worth reading now, though I will not comment as to why I think that happened. Sorry, but threads about where to find the best pizzas are not going to excite me, though perhaps that's why the forum is "quieter" than it used to be.

    • Like 1
  6. If anyone needs PROOF that it's a load of <deleted>, just look how many new aircraft as expected to be put into service in the near future, all of which will burn vast amounts of fossil fuel. These are not just going to be replacing existing aircraft, but also adding to them.

    Sooooo, are any governments saying no? No, they are not. They welcome all the new planes so lots of tourists can come and spend money in their countries.

    Therefore, on the one hand governments are conniving to greatly increase the number of polluting aircraft in the upper atmosphere, while giving lip service to the "climate change activists".

    It's no wonder that many think the official line is just a pile of <deleted>.

    Ho hum, it'll certainly give the believers more opportunity to fly around the world to conferences after which they will tell us we should not fly, because it'll make the world hotter.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, DingDongLing said:

    The show started great with COMEDY but the last seasons from 8 on I think started showing too much DRAMA and PC crap. 


    We came to laugh, not see stupid emotions in the characters and FEELINGS.  

    Every series has an end, which they usually pass. Even MASH was well past it's best by date when they finally pulled the plug.

    They all start well, with actually funny comedy, and then degenerate into PC and mush. For some reason, writers think getting the characters to get married and have babies is a good idea, but I do not. Remember Friends? Used to be funny, then it was not, but the beast would not die.

    I think the people involved get scared and think that was the only chance they had to get rich, which is why they keep on regardless. Going by what happened to the Friends actors after, a well deserved fear.

    • Like 2
  8. 7 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    Recently i got acquainted with what is called "Huna", here are the 7 principles:


    1. IKE – The world is what you think it is
    2. KALA – There are no limits, everything is possible
    3. MAKIA – Energy flows where attention goes
    4. MANAWA – Now is the moment of power
    5. ALOHA – To love is to be happy with
    6. MANA – All power comes from within
    7. PONO – Effectiveness is the measure of truth


    It's very simple, and food for thought, although the n.6 is debatable imho.

    To be negative, sorry, I knew someone that believed in all that to the point she wouldn't get her diabetes treated because she thought the "universe" would heal her. The "universe" didn't heal her, she lost her leg and then her life.

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  9. 34 minutes ago, mxpweb said:

    in the case the foreigner parent not haveing the 400k for 60 days or a job paying 40k salary, ok at here clear policy not to grant extension, not visa, go back to your home,

    then what's the result of this on the thai family members? 

    That is something one should have thought about BEFORE starting a family. The requirements have been known for many years, and none should be a surprise.

  10.  Bottom line is no one forced anyone to start a family in Thailand and if one wants to stay in Thailand with them, one needs to fulfil the requirements that they ( Thais ) deem necessary to do so. If they decide tomorrow to make it necessary to climb a pole stark naked and do a little dance at the top to qualify, so be it. We are visitors, not residents unless we do a whole lot of stuff I'd never be able to do, like speak good Thai, and it's not our place to judge them based on what we want.

    The Thais don't need us, even if we think we need to stay in LOS. I love Thailand, but I no longer qualify to stay, so I no longer live there, and regret my bad choices every day.

    Like a wise man once said to me, "life isn't fair".

  11. On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 10:17 PM, mauGR1 said:

    That is one point where i completely disagree with you.

    Apparently you have faith in your 5 senses, that's fine, but there are also other ways to perceive reality.

    ..But, if you are happy with yourself and your knowledge, that's fair enough.

    There is more to life than what our senses reveal to us, and to disregard them is to cut ourselves off from many wonders.

    Monty Python said it quite well.


    Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown,
    And things seem hard or tough,
    And people are stupid, obnoxious or daft,
    And you feel that you've had quite eno-o-o-o-o-ough,
    Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving
    And revolving at 900 miles an hour.
    It's orbiting at 19 miles a second, so it's reckoned,
    The sun that is the source of all our power.
    Now the sun, and you and me, and all the stars that we can see,
    Are moving at a million miles a day,
    In the outer spiral arm, at 40, 000 miles an hour,
    Of a galaxy we call the Milky Way.
    Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars;
    It's a hundred thousand light-years side to side;
    It bulges in the middle sixteen thousand light-years thick,
    But out by us it's just three thousand light-years wide.
    We're thirty thousand light-years from Galactic Central Point,
    We go 'round every two hundred million years;
    And our galaxy itself is one of millions of billions
    In this amazing and expanding universe.
    Our universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding,
    In all of the directions it can whiz;
    As fast as it can go, at the speed of light, you know,
    Twelve million miles a minute and that's the fastest speed there is.
    So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
    How amazingly unlikely is your birth;
    And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,
    'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!
    Songwriters: John Du Prez / Eric Idle
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  12. On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 6:57 PM, soalbundy said:

    There is no me or you, no seeker, no enlightenment, no disciple and no guru. There is no better or worse, no path and nothing that has to be achieved. All appearance is source. All that apparently manifests - the world, the life story, the hypnotic dream of separation, the search for home, is the one appearing as two, the nothing appearing as everything, the absolute appearing as the particular.

    There is no separate intelligence weaving a destiny, and no choice functioning at any level. Nothing is happening, but this, as it is, invites the apparent seeker to rediscover that which already is.....the abiding, uncaused, unchanging, impersonal silence from which unconditional love overflows and celebrates, it is the wonderful mystery....   

    Maybe so, yet most of us are firmly anchored in the here and now. That is why we hurt when a lover leaves us ( or visa versa ), or someone we care for dies.

    To achieve that state, we have to give up everything that makes us, us and become as nothing. Frankly, I don't think that is even possible nowadays.

  13. On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 6:05 PM, newarrior said:

    As everyone said these decisions are personal and vary by person..A good contigency plan, IMHO is to have property you own outright in your home country as well being of the costs and how to restart things such as Wifi, phone service, medical, dental, psychological etc in your home country, on short notice as needed.  Also-stay in touch with friends family and the news in your home country..We are all just visitors/guests here, there is no permancy here and we can all be tossed out of here on a moment's notice so plan ahead.

    Own property in my home country and I would have been paying full bank withholding tax rate, and also paying tax on any money I earned overseas. The IRS is not my friend.

    In my somewhat sad experience, it's hard to hold onto friends if not living in the country. Some very good female friends married again, and I don't know their new surnames, so can't get in touch.

  14. 28 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    First one.

    I'm more convinced by that one than the second. 

    Anyway, how could I "research" it given none of the countries I know have stopped paying people to have children.

    Perhaps they will when the countries are full up with old people because they spend enormous amounts of treasure on keeping old people alive, even if they want to die. Only then will I know if I'm correct or not.

    I do know that it costs a great deal of money to have children, and given most families have both parents working just to survive, any additional costs might change their mind about having more or any. Singapore and Japan have decreasing birth rates because more and more women don't want children.

    Pregnancy makes them sick, destroys their figures and it hurts a lot birthing them. If I was a woman, no way would I ever put myself through that, just to have a person wanting stuff off me all my life, and then not even visiting when I'm in an old folks home.

  15. 8 minutes ago, IHTE said:

     Biden was the one and only thing that made Obama look good.

    Biden has no trouble stretching and manufacturing the truth  and even lying just like Obama and Trump. America it seems believes that you just can’t have too many of these guys around.

    The Washington bubble is self perpetuating, and has even managed, IMO, to make rank outsider Trump into one of the club.

    Short of making a constitutional amendment to limit ALL congress people to 2 terms, and banning lobbying, I can't see anything changing.

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  16. 11 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    First off I was addressing his use of a dubious graph that showed global temperatures declining. A graph the source of he has refused to even identify or link to.

    And your statement clearly reflects a certain confusion on your part.

    Do I have to explain to you what a mess an illogical mess you've managed to create? It's kind of impressive in a dismal way.

    LOL. I can't take credit for creating anything, good or bad. All I can do is post my opinion, and people can agree or not, according to their druthers.

    I'd have to be far more clever than I am to actually create anything here or elsewhere.

    However, having spent most of my life living and working in several countries, and working mostly in large organisations with many thousands of employees, I do credit myself with having some insight, no matter how slight, into how well humanity functions, or as seems apparent to me, not functioning well at all.

  17. On ‎5‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 6:16 PM, ThaiBunny said:

    The key word is in the headline - "at risk". Big numbers get the headlines so if there's one thing you can be certain of, the number isn't one million. The second thing is that the risk isn't equal for all of the species. Some will be more at risk than others. I'm at risk of not having an orgasm tomorrow (to state an entirely trivial risk - but that's what this report envisages. Some risks are are highly improbable, but that doesn't eliminate the risk, it merely reduces the risk)

    It doesn't matter if the number at risk is only one. That is one too many.

    Humans are a terrible race that destroy everything on the planet for greed. Gaia is going to give us payback. Could be anything- global warming, rising sea levels, antibiotic resistant diseases, lack of fresh water, super storms that last months, crop disease etc etc etc.

    The tragedy of it all is that most of us know that and don't do anything to change the outcome.

    It's all lip service, like the mayor of London bleating on about climate change and flying thousands of miles on planes.

    Just think about all the species that died so palm oil could be used in soap, next time you go to buy soap.

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  18. On ‎5‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 11:02 AM, Tug said:

    I agree but we also have an intrenched gas oil lobby and lots of folks make there living in the field we need to navigate our way through that as well as we change over to renewables 

    As long as oil companies make more money selling oil nothing will change. When they can make more money with other methods of power production and transport motivation they will stop selling oil except to make plastic.

    All the demonstrations in the world and angry posts on TVF will make not one iota of difference.

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