When the US stops spreading death and destruction around the planet, and doesn't try to crash other countries economies, THEN you get to have a valid complaint.
Your last sentence back at you.
Biden already destroyed any progress and Harris reduced the US to a laughing stock.
IMO the light on the hill went out when JFK was assassinated and the Vietnam fiasco commenced.
That's a very good question that I would like an answer to as well. I have no idea why western nations are so keen to take people from an alien culture and let them stay indefinitely. I can agree with temporarily, but not to become citizens, and have to leave when hostilities cease wherever they come from.
How many Muslim refugees does Saudi take?
Trump and israel trying to force Palestinians out of Gaza will never work as long as the Palestinians are ignored.
Peace will only come from a political settlement involving the Palestinians and not from military force. I know of no such being successful anywhere.
1 is correct. Israel has never allowed refugees to return to their own land before.
Palestinian refugees contributed to the unrest that led to Lebanon's decades long civil war.
I disagree. IMO it was the israeli invasion and their use of the Christians against non Christian Lebanese and Palestinians that led to the civil war, which started after the israelis were driven out.
As you very well know I was responding to you comment about not saying anything. Biden said plenty of things, and some times he should have not said them.
Biden was POTUS when the DEI was running rampant, was he not? So, it's his fault.
I think your definition of "miniscule" differs from mine.
Have a nice day.
Unless you do know what was said it's proof of nothing.
I guess that to people that hate Trump anything is proof of Trump's malfeasance.
I reckon the Dems have a team devoted to analyzing every word Trump utters trying to find him guilty for every misfortune to befall the human race, the planet and the universe. It'll be Trump's fault when the sun dies and consumes the solar system.
IMO Hitler was literally mad, which explains the losing. It also gives him something in common with a certain US politician that recently became unemployed.
Soooooo, tell us how many wars started under Trump, as opposed to Biden, and don't forget the ones in Africa.
If being Putin's bitch results in no wars for guys like myself to die in, then I'm happy for him to be so.
Sure sure, That would work for the presidential election campaign.
Anything to say about Biden on that score then, or does Trump occupy your entire world?
Knowing Latin in the middle ages would have been useful as apparently the church services were all in Latin. Kept the peasants from learning their lords and masters were hypocrites.
Amo amas amat. I have no idea if Latin improved my life, but I suspect it didn't. The only thing I learned at school is that the world is full of nasty people, bullies and idiots. Far as useful things, I learned them on my own time after I left school.