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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Stop wasting the money on Ukraine and use it to build up their own forces would be a good start. No money? "Welcome to our Russian overlords" signs are a cheap alternative to an actual military.
  2. Given that covid vaccines don't stop people getting covid, they can still get long covid even if boosted every 5 minutes. Best thing I ever did was refusing to use the faux vaccine, and waiting till the properly made version was available. I also refused to get any boosters, and only had the initial 2 doses as the damn government made it too difficult without. Eventually the people revolted against the vaccine mandate and it suddenly became optional, though they are still trying to get the sheeple to get boosters ( which don't stop one getting covid ).
  3. Most people don't because they ignore the fact they will get old. There is a description of that, which I won't use here. Far as I'm concerned, don't plan ahead and either have loadsacash or really good family or friends. Your condition is YOUR responsibility not casual acquaintances. I took responsibility for my future needs by leaving Thailand for good, not hanging on with no plan, no money and no family.
  4. I was responding to the poster that said it has to be paid for, not his condition. Unless it's changed it doesn't have to be paid for with a Thai ticket- don't know about other airlines.
  5. The crew will restrain him if he is a problem. Handcuffed to the seat probably. Bit of a problem if incontinent. If they don't know before and suspect something they would be within rights to refuse boarding.
  6. Thai does not charge for wheelchair assistance. I had it and I gave the guy a tip. Notify the airline when booking the flight and they arrange it. Same at Heathrow, except I didn't tip.
  7. Agree 100%. A lot of info missing- does he have any money- pension etc that can cover costs of care in Thailand? If so forget the flight. Have to be mad to go back to the (un)tender mercies of the NHS. The cost of the flight would buy a lot of care in Thailand. Does he have insurance that would include repatriation ( probably not ). Is he even entitled to care on the NHS? Who is looking after him now? The niece would have to be mad to agree to take him. Why can't one of his friends do that? End of the day, he's the author of his own problem by not thinking ahead and making arrangements in the event of ................... when he was OK.
  8. Fictional or not Jesus was a Jew. He didn't even try to overthrow the religion or start a new one.
  9. Wives refusing sex without legal cause should be grounds for divorce without compensation on the basis that marriage is about sex.
  10. I don't remember Russia being the "enemy" prior to the Ukraine invasion. The Euros certainly loved it's gas. Seems the propaganda machine is doing it's work well, in certain circles.
  11. Define "essential". Seems to me that what government drones class as essential is merely a means of keeping a well paid job while doing nothing much, or even being bad for society- just make work for government lackeys that don't want to do a real job. I for one wish we had an Elon to lay waste to government malfeasance in this country.
  12. I doubt they are able to. 75 years of socialism has made Euro men into soft creatures. It takes hard times to breed hard men.
  13. Perhaps Trump really doesn't care one way or the other about Ukraine, and only cares that he'll get a peace prize if he is seen as ending it. On these pages it seems as though the entire world's countries care about Ukraine- they don't. Most of them don't care if Russia takes it all- makes zero difference to them, and a lot of them are more friendly with Russia and Russia's ally China than the west, which colonized and exploited them. Here's a surprise for some on here, most of the planet's countries don't worship western democracy, seeing it for what it really is with it's perpetual wars in the M E, and they are not impressed. BTW. Chamberlain had no choice as Britain had no military capable of defeating Germany, so he was at the disadvantage. Even after Churchill's re armanent the Germans easily defeated the British in France. Appeasement was his only realistic option at that time. Ergo, Trump is not doing a Chamberlain- it's just that he has more important things to concentrate on and doesn't care.
  14. Perhaps because Ukraine isn't worth it. Perhaps because they are not militarily capable, having run down their military's since the end of the Iron Curtain. Perhaps because in their hearts they know it's American Great Game BS. Perhaps because they can't afford it. Perhaps because they know that doing so would result in unemployment after the next elections. Perhaps because most Euro people don't believe in it. I can think of many reasons for not doing so, and can't think of any logical reason why Ukraine is so important that it's deserves risking nuclear winter if NATO countries attack Russia directly.
  15. Thanks for that. I never heard it used in that context before.
  16. I did a quick search about that, but not able to ascertain why you think it is so serious, given it didn't result in widespread contamination, or an explosion. Perhaps you can educate us as to why it is so serious?
  17. I don't know that MAGA is the "enemy within", rather the hordes of uneducated aliens invited in by our lords and masters. Shades of the fall of Rome when the mercenaries hired to protect Rome decided to take it over. Regardless, I agree that whatever the cause, the west is doomed, too much debt, too much corruption to walk it back, and the political will is with the liberal ethos, no matter how barking. Trump may well halt the liberal tide for a while, but in the end another Canute. Any society that seriously considered that a man can actually BE a woman is IMO in the end stages, never mind the covid lockdown insanity and the man made climate fiasco. Spending all the people's money on war doesn't help. Every million $ missile is money NOT spent on improving citizen's lives. Trump may hasten the fall of the American era, or not, but the end is coming, and it's not going to be pretty.
  18. and here comes Trump to save the day for Russia. It's not like anyone can claim they didn't know that was going to happen when Trump won the election. He signaled it often enough. The error of Biden was not taking him seriously and stepping in to negotiate for Ukraine, which would have resulted in a better deal than what Zelensky is going to get. Trump isn't even involving Ukraine or Europe in the negotiations. Why would he? They were always junior partners, not to be taken seriously with their minor contributions. They don't even have serious military's, IMO. Run down by years of cost cutting. Putin said long ago he wanted to negotiate, but Zelensky's ridiculous "never negotiate" stance killed any chance of a better deal. IMO Trump cares nothing for Ukraine and is going to get the best deal for the US re raw materials, as the price for letting Ukraine exist. For Trump, only the US matters, IMO.
  19. IMO the CIA wanted to bleed Russia slowly like they did in Afghanistan, letting people other than US soldiers do the dying as they played the great Game. The UK got involved because they are the US poodle. Seems some in US government are still in 1960's mode.
  20. IMO, but for Ukraine Scholz would have remained an unknown nobody outside Germany. Trying to retain his place in the history books with an ineffectual and nonsense pronouncement.
  21. If they are being sold down the river, it's entirely self inflicted. Only fools do not learn from history. I remember well the alacrity with which they joined in, and spent all the money on bombs and missiles in Ukraine instead on the people that provided the tax. Whether Trump is Putin's poodle or not it's time for this embarrassment to western society being consigned to history under the topic of "stupid wars that didn't have to happen".
  22. Perhaps like the cat being both dead and alive at the same time, Russia can be virtually destroyed militarily and still capable of taking over Europe against a nuclear armed NATO. Even Albert would be at a loss to understand the warmongers characterization of Russia.
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