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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I was responding to your chart detailing what Russia has lost, not going into a debate about what winning means.
  2. I agree. The writing on the wall has been visible for a long while now. Seems the woke and the luvvies have won and the west is doomed because of it. Any that speak sense now are shouted down and neutralised ( or should that be neutered? ).
  3. Hmmmmm. Seems that Ukraine's reputation as supremely corrupt are not without foundation.
  4. Denys Yaroslavskyi is a brave man to speak so blatantly against the regime. He can be posted to a less desirable position.......................................... Re the OP, is the narrative that the Russians are losing being discarded? I dare say no threads like this would have been on here a couple years ago.
  5. BS. They could have negotiated before it started.
  6. LOL. The only thing that counts at the end is who won the war.
  7. LOL. If the aim of the incursion is to destroy infrastructure and make Gaza uninhabitable, they need to have a broad based attack. Had the israelis wished to use a more targeted policy they could have done so from the start. Saying otherwise is ignoring reality, IMO. They have never displayed any concern at killing civilians in the past, using the IMO BS excuse of human shields. Even the excuse of "eliminating Hamas" is IMO BS as they are creating new recruits every day, and the hatred Palestinians now feel for israelis will never go away. Welcome to fear and loathing for generations to come.
  8. IMO Milley is an idiot. To kill that many more would require a commensurate increase in the number of fighters, but he doesn't mention that, trying to imply that the same number of Hamas could kill so many more. “If you take 1,200 Israelis [massacred on Oct 7th] and apply it to the United States, that'd be 50,000-100,000 people dead in a morning! Can you imagine what we would do?" I'm not good at maths, but if we increased the number of Gazan dead by the same proportion, would it be over a million by now? Would that be acceptable?
  9. LOL. More likely Biden has been made to look like a fool by netanyahu's refusal to abide by Biden's desire for no Rafah invasion, and is trying to save his election prospects by bribing netanyahu with information to hold back. Biden has apparently never been concerned about the previous 30,000 odd Palestinian deaths till the student protests in the US, and the likely prospect of losing in November. Even the much vaunted pause in delivery of big bombs has IMO been a sham, as all the other weapons have apparently been still sent, according to Al Jazeera. BTW, he used to say "no incursion", but now it's "no major incursion". A significant difference as it means israel can still kill lots of Gazans, just not so dramatically. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/9/which-bombs-has-the-united-states-stopped-shipping-to-israel Biden issued this warning, possibly his starkest yet against Israel, during an interview with CNN on Wednesday. In the same interview, he also said that the US would continue to supply defensive arms such as Iron Dome interceptors, underlining his continued support for Israel’s defence. US officials said on Wednesday that the US had paused a shipment of heavy bombs, including 1,800 of 2,000-pound (907kg) bombs and 1,700 of 500-pound (227kg) bombs.
  10. and there is calculated cruelty from the IDF when they drop 2,000 lb bombs on residential buildings full of women and children. Neither side in this conflict can be proud of what they are doing, and hopefully both side's leaders will be held accountable in the ICC in the future.
  11. Demonstrators were waving Palestinian flags in 2009? I'd never have guessed.
  12. I never use the word Great with reference to Britain as IMO it doesn't apply anymore.
  13. Unless he is or wants to be a Thai citizen he is not an immigrant. Are you not aware of what NON IMMIGRANT on our visas means?
  14. I had to look up who Borrell is, and seems he's just another EU time waster sucking on the taxpayers tit. When they say things like "Europe is a garden. We have built a garden. Everything works. It is the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion that the humankind has been able to build – the three things together," Borrell said during the event." one knows they are idiots that live in a bubble divorced from reality. If Europe worked it wouldn't be full of people that hate everything the west is.
  15. Missiles that can hit deep inside Russia are not defensive.
  16. Thanks for posting that. Very interesting. If true it must be exercising western tank makers, as that is a pretty shoddy performance considering how they were going to win the war. We don't hear much about that any more and have not heard about how the orcs are losing either. Could it all be falling apart? Oh no, the orcs might win, the sky is falling. It was a bit amusing that Zelensky wants the west to front up with hundreds of modern tanks, considering the west doesn't actually have many and they might just possibly need them themselves. One of the bases I worked on had a working Centurion tank, but they rarely drove it because it's too thirsty. Takes a lot of petrol to move something that heavy. Another takeaway from vdo is that the Leopard is a better tank than the Challenger. Considering the Brits invented the things, one might expect them to do better, but I've seen a few British WW2 tanks and was not impressed. However, can anything match the Sherman for it's ability to catch fire ( the Germans apparently called it a Tommy cooker ), and who thought it a good idea to use petrol in a tank? Anyway, tanks are probably going the way of the battleship. One guy with a shoulder mounted weapon can immobilise any tank simply by damaging the suspension or drive wheel. Millions of $ worth of tank immobilised by a guy with an RPG.
  17. As long as Russia is banned an israeli should be banned. As usual the organisers came up with some BS excuse to allow her to compete. I hope her song gets drowned out by booing. BTW there is going to be more media attention to outside than inside, and a good thing too. Draw as much attention to israeli war crimes as possible, wake those that are asleep up.
  18. Congratulations. You just posted something that has no relationship to my post which you quoted.
  19. Not disagreeing, but don't banks have elevators from ground level? Can't imagine them carrying everything up and down those stairs.
  20. While I was a privileged white child, the world I grew up in was better than now. Kids were safe to play away from home all day, crime was minimal compared to today, I wasn't fearful of being beaten up for being white, and when it came time to get a job I had loads to choose from, without needing a barrow load of qualifications. I left school with no qualifications and still had 3 different careers. We wanted less, and had a better life for it. No personal computers, no mobile phones, no amplified noise masquerading as music, and best of all no social media, no twit thing or x as it is now, no facethingy, no fast food, no plastic Maccers, cars looked different, even if they needed more maintenance, and we could maintain them ourselves. We had people in banks instead of a machine, no one was thinking of getting rid of money and forcing people to use a machine. But better than all that, greed didn't rule the world.
  21. There were as many horrible posters on TV as there are now on AN, but I never felt the need to put them on ignore, as I do now. Seems that the insults got more vicious. I have a theory about that but not permitted to post it. I certainly spent a lot more hours on it than I do on AN. There were more interesting posters IMO, and more interesting threads. However, everything changes or ends, and not normally for my benefit, so put up with it ( or use the ignore function a lot ), or join the many that chose to leave.
  22. Unfortunately this forum is populated by many that think they can personally insult other posters. Most of them inhabit my ignore list.
  23. and you ignore the reason for October 7. I have a rule that people that make personal insults against me go to ignore, so bye bye.
  24. If I were to make a bet that the actual night of the contest is going to be a mess, I don't think I'd get any takers.
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