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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Hmmmmm. Was it not the case that it was intended all along to remove those annoying male bits to change the child into the preferable castrated pseudo female version? Bit of a worry if the once upon a time boy decided that it was a mistake after all, and s/he had just been a tad confused. I'd like to be in the room when the parents had the talk where THEY had to explain that THEY decided that s/he was better off as a girl.
  2. Shock, horror, hold the presses. Am I to believe that research into the long-term effects of puberty blockers was not done before giving them to any child that is confused about something or other? Well, well, well, is one able to say "told you so" now that it has come out that interfering with a child's normal physical development is not a good idea? Is that an example of shutting the stable door after the horse has departed? Humans have survived for over 50,000 years without preventing children developing normally, yet seems that all along humans needed puberty blockers. I'm amazed that this has only recently been learned and attempts to rectify the situation put into place.
  3. Words fail me! We need an emoji of hitting head on brick wall.
  4. Perhaps because the israelis are shooting at anything that moves in the day time. Whatever the reason the UN were apparently also delivering aid after dark. Doesn't make any difference to the israelis, as they have night vision devices.
  5. LOL. The aid workers informed the IDF, who approved their journey They were deliberately targeted by the IDF. This wasn't some mortar bomb that went off target by accident, it was a directed missile strike.
  6. Exactly. Some of them are 180 degrees different when it comes to Russia doing the same things as israel is doing to the Gazans.
  7. Considering the Oscars to be a waste of my time I was not aware of the controversy you reference, so thank you for informing me of it. I was able to use google to find out about it and kudos to Glazer, and brickbats to those media people who criticized him and de facto support israel's barbarous assault on the civilians of Gaza.
  8. As seems "normal" for this subforum you have posted a fact only information post and some pathetic individual has put a laugh emoji on it. It's not like you put any opinion from yourself on it to elicit such a response. It's sad that some posters think facts are some sort of joke.
  9. Sorry, but I differ on that. IMO taxpayer paying for contraception avoids paying larger later when the unwanted child commits crimes and has to be incarcerated at taxpayer expense for years. Up to me free condom machines in every public toilet, and the pill free from any medical clinic after a free medical exam to see it was safe for the woman.
  10. I've never had a takeaway for their intellectual achievements. In fact, their brains held no interest for me at all.
  11. In Pattaya one may miss their turn, but they never miss out. My closest experience to the guy in the OP was realising that the young lady I was with had played hide the sausage some time before myself. I realise that the young lady probably played that game the night before, but it's a bit much being seconds on the same night. It wasn't my first time with her and she was a quite cute, so it was a shame I didn't want any more such episodes with her and didn't ask her for thirds.
  12. I don't agree they were too young. Looked average to me and certainly old enough. Perhaps it changed after my time. It's the Pub subforum, where we go for entertainment, not fact based reporting. Only so much entertainment in tv's, though we might be able to make it about size matters.
  13. and? Was there some reason they didn't use the morning after pill? Were 84 thousand women raped in Florida?
  14. Silly comment. They can use the morning after pill. the ban is after 6 weeks not total.
  15. Goodness me, it's like contraception was never invented. As it's women that bear the pregnancy, it's ultimately their responsibility to ensure pregnancy does not occur. What happened to woman power and strong women and all that? "No" works pretty well as a contraceptive if they can't buy a condom.
  16. Is that giving the villains a nice cuppa and a bun? IMO the only answer to gang violence is to remove all gang members from society for as long as possible ( life would be appropriate- if they want to be outlaws they can be outed from society for life, IMO ).
  17. I'll certainly be agog to see how they lock him up slowly, carefully and with unquestionable integrity. Is that when they go slowly and give him a burger for elevenses?
  18. It was indeed, but only to an unarmed Trump supporter.
  19. I have no doubt that there may be new twists, as in the truth about "the big guy" may come out. Every new indictment has apparently seen Trump's popularity grow, and IMO a real attempt to jail him may ensure that he wins in November. I have no doubt that many in the US desire greatly to give a finger salute to Washington in general and the Dems in particular.
  20. I'm just pointing out what the reactions of his base may be to any attempt to incarcerate him, given they think, as I do, that it's entirely politically motivated. You can ignore reality if you wish. What should happen is not necessarily what might happen.
  21. Are you so desperate score a "win" that you imagine that popularity at rallies translates into electoral college votes? He probably has rallies because his base wants to see him on stage, and not just reading a teleprompter on television like his opponent. Perhaps you just want to get your post count up.
  22. Good for him. I hope he faces the <deleted> down.
  23. Two words describe this piece of IMO garbage, bull and <deleted>. misidentified one of the aid workers as a gunman, and claimed to have seen them enter one of the three WCK cars. they saw that it's a rifle but at the end of the day it was a bag". Must be incompetent if they don't know what they are looking at. had misidentified one of the aid workers as a gunman They can see human features at night, but unable to see the logos on the vehicles- pathetic excuse. Since was an "assumption" sufficient to authorise a deadly strike? Is the IDF so incompetent that they don't require absolute certainty before killing people? IMO more likely either it was deliberately done to kill people they knew to be aid workers, or they just don't care who they kill, and using this IMO pathetic piece of trash to try and excuse it. They can't even get the story straight. If they saw only one "gunman" why did they destroy three vehicles? Did he clone himself? Why didn't they radio the army on the ground to intercept the vehicles, but put missiles into them?
  24. Run, if I could. I certainly wouldn't try and disarm him, as that could result in some passerby getting killed and I'd be liable. Contrary to the movies, a handgun is not accurate on a moving target, and chances are he'd miss, but if it just wasn't my day........... Well, we all gonna die sometime.
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