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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. but are you prepared to give your life, if needed, to not live under an oppressor and mass murderer?
  2. Nobody is. I didn't even like living under the IMO wannabe dictator in the last government, and we had the vote to get rid of them. Unfortunately billions don't get the choice, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Sadam and many many more to this day, but people lived, loved and died of old age under them. The question now isn't who people prefer to live under, but if they want to live, or end up in a bag.
  3. You are worth clicking on to give you a Have a nice day.
  4. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3455199/leaders-agree-to-expedite-ukraines-nato-membership/ NATO leaders agreed to a package that will ultimately make Ukraine a member of the alliance, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a news conference today. Does that make it more or less likely that Russia will continue the war in Ukraine? Given that Russia probably invaded Ukraine to stop it joining NATO, one has to wonder if the leaders of NATO are morons or just stupid? The least they could do is not mention it in public, but seems they can't keep their yaps shut.
  5. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-conscription-mobilization-251058a942a253f3eaec2c53373adf03 The new laws, which will also do away with some draft exemptions and create an online registry for recruits, might add around 50,000 troops to the military, said Oksana Zabolotna, an analyst with the Center for United Actions, a government watchdog in Kyiv. This screams of desperation. So when they return in bags, will they lower the age to 16? Seems like they really might be going to fight to the last Ukrainian standing.
      • 3
      • Confused
  6. You certainly have a vivid imagination and an apparent lack of facts. You certainly need to keep talking about Trump, who isn't a part of the OP, for some reason though, TDS perhaps.
  7. Ever though about talking about the OP, or is it just calling other people names?
  8. You just keep deflecting, don't you? There was no mention of snowflakes in the quote you referenced.
  9. Why do you ask about snowflakes when there was nothing about them in the quote you used. Deflecting again?
  10. and if you can't prove that I support fascists you are lying. Surveys that you are apparently unable to find and post. I suspect that you are calling Trump a fascist, but that sort of labeling is often used by those that apparently have no understanding of what fascism is.
  11. I know that, but it's in Biden's remit to stop giving them the means to carry on, but he won't will he.
  12. I don't need to apologise for him, as he did nothing wrong, but I do support him on some topics, but not all. Language is always evolving. Only dead languages like Latin don't change. Some words have multiple meanings, like "love" and some words change their meaning, like "gay" or "woke", but you know that, don't you?
  13. That would be off topic. Thread isn't about Trump's deficits.
  14. I just checked back to when I posted "You need to prove that Trump is a Putin supporter in real life and not just in your fevered imagination." and you never quoted even one in reply to that. You know what happens when you make stuff up, don't you? You don't quote any because you can't find any, isn't that true?
  15. Only one? That's not really proving your case.
  16. Remind me of the US deficit. A few trillion $ I believe, but you apparently think borrowing a few trillion more is just peachy.
  17. Ah, the last deflection didn't work, so you are trying another deflection. In case you hadn't noticed the thread is about "obama-fearing-biden-loss-to-trump-is-on-the-phone-to-strategize" not about Trump and multipolar worlds.
  18. but you can't quote any of them. It's not true then.
  19. That's admirable, but in THIS situation, do you honestly believe that Ukraine can win? I do not and never have . Napoleon and Hitler both thought they could and couldn't. Ukraine doesn't have the manpower or the industrial capacity to win. Without western taxpayer support it would have been over 2 years ago. Money doesn't win wars, men do and Ukraine doesn't have them. If you do think Ukraine can win I'd be fascinated to know why.
  20. Happily, I don't post to get your approval. If you only want posters that agree with you, or that you approve of you need to change forums. Have you considered putting me on ignore? You should do that. Have a nice day.
  21. Who would have paid for any increase in shell production without any return? The tax payer of course. You are asking the taxpayers, that are in a bad way already, to sacrifice so their money can be thrown into a black hole. That's very generous of you, but I doubt many others will agree with you.
  22. Should be, so people can check it. If there isn't one likely they were never changed.
  23. Can't get AIDs off latex, or gonorrhea or syphilis, or pregnancy. So worth it.
  24. I guess you actually think a real woman is a better deal than a machine that does whatever I want and never says no or has to wash her hair when I want to go out with her. Never has an affair on the side and gives me the clap, always looks great, and only wants to do what I want. Keep smoking whatever you are using. I'd happily be degraded to actually get sex, even with a machine. After the usual rejections ( mostly for not being rich enough ) I couldn't be bothered playing their game. I suppose most ended up with some a <deleted> alpha and are divorced solo mums that might have been happy with a beta. After working with thousands of them, I lost the illusion that western women are special. They can be just as nasty as blokes, and some of them are worth being friends with, but that's as far as it went for me.
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