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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I guess you actually think a real woman is a better deal than a machine that does whatever I want and never says no or has to wash her hair when I want to go out with her. Never has an affair on the side and gives me the clap, always looks great, and only wants to do what I want. Keep smoking whatever you are using. I'd happily be degraded to actually get sex, even with a machine. After the usual rejections ( mostly for not being rich enough ) I couldn't be bothered playing their game. I suppose most ended up with some a <deleted> alpha and are divorced solo mums that might have been happy with a beta. After working with thousands of them, I lost the illusion that western women are special. They can be just as nasty as blokes, and some of them are worth being friends with, but that's as far as it went for me.
  2. That was the Landmark. I'd forgotten the name. I once took some visiting friends to the posh lounge bar at the top, and the waitresses still did the kneeling while serving the drinks thing. Never saw that anywhere else. Probably from the same era as BGs that kneel at the foot of the bed to thank Buddha that they got a customer ( when they thought the customer was asleep ).
  3. If one loves one's children it must be the worst thing to have them die of a disease. I'm glad I never had any to know that pain. At my breeding age I'd have been a horrible dad. I'd be a great dad since my 50s, but never met a woman worth having one with. I was a rotten son, but then I had rotten parents- one gets back what one gives, IMO.
  4. Yes they do, but need changing when old to work properly. Would you trust that to happen in LOS? I never did.
  5. You didn't say if they were easy or not though. I'm sure loads of people get together through chance introductions, but that doesn't mean they will be playing hide the sausage 5 minutes after meeting. I took a Japanese girl out to a pub that I met in an hotel ( she wanted to practice her English skills ), but we went back to our own rooms after.
  6. Misinformation? Is that anything that portrays the reality, or works against Biden? If Biden is in trouble because of ( illegal ) immigration he only has himself to blame. Did he think no one would turn up after he reportedly invited illegal immigrants to enter the US? Did he think that after the border guards were apparently ordered to cut the wire Texas put up that none would actually cross?
  7. I don't know how many are criminal as opposed to civil, but last time I looked it was 91- could be more by now. I vaguely remember that 4 are criminal. IMO if they wait two years without any prosecutions then slap 91 on at a politically sensitive time it certainly seems politically motivated. There is justice in the US? If that were true, wouldn't Hunter be in the pokey by now? Wouldn't "gone to war on a lie" Bush the younger have been in jail for decades? Wouldn't Mr "lets have a secret war on Cambodia" Kissinger be in jail and not a respected elder statesman? Do tell me how that is justice, as I don't see much of it.
  8. Errrrr. You said, and I quote "People with far more knowledge (compared to?) of real estate values would trust Trumps word on real estate values?" How many question marks do you see in it? I see two, ergo you asked 2 questions. BTW, if you don't want other posters to reply to a question, you need to designate it as rhetorical. We are not psychic or mind readers.
  9. He's not Biden/ Harris. What better reason to support him than that?
  10. I like that post. Plenty of evidence to support it too, given the supporters of the old guy Biden that like to accuse the millions that voted for Trump of being stupid or suchlike.
  11. For someone that professes to not like Trump you must have spent a great deal of your time reading his 77 posts to know what is in them and which case they were written in.
  12. Perhaps but did you not notice the enormous lie in Biden's message? The one about "we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people." which coming from a major colluder in a conflict ( and an enabler of a war ), and without whom the conflict would have ended already is a bit OTT, is it not? Perhaps I shouldn't blame Biden as likely he just read it off a teleprompter and had no idea of what he was saying.
  13. Of course you can prove that. If you can read you must have read the bit at the start of this subforum saying that any claim of fact must be supported by evidence, and you are making a statement of fact there.
  14. Silly me, Here I was thinking that they were only concerned that the sky might fall because Biden hadn't increased taxes, or that there are not enough genders. Seems all they want is more of other people's money, which IMO makes them already a Democrat voter.
  15. You're wasting your time trying to get a straight answer.
  16. LOL. "Communist" nations long ago gave up pretensions of being Marxist, so it's pretty much nothing relating to Communism anymore; ergo can be used in any sense which gets the point across. I give you the word "gay" which used to mean happy and carefree till it got subverted and ruined by homosexuals, so why not use Marxist in the manner he intended? Apart from being included in the New Testament, for reasons I do not understand, The Book of Revelation IMO has nothing to do with Christianity, but then not many Christian religions have much to do with the Christ either. I, myself have been tempted to call Biden the antichrist, but he's just not popular enough to be that character.
  17. There are actual examples of hate speech out there that do stir up hatred and bad actions, but the threshold needs to be set high for prosecution, not low, and should include politicians as they are IMO the prime example of people using hate speech.
  18. Good for her. I hope they do arrest her and she destroys them in court, plus gets a big payout for wrongful arrest. I never realised just how many vile individuals have snuck into positions of power to be inventing BS like this. Sadly. most are bureaucrats ( and I do not use that word in a respectful manner ) so can't be voted out. IMO they are a plague on society.
  19. Rubbish. I never heard it or read it being used till this thread. Not everyone reading this forum lives in wokeland.
  20. It's pretty clear to me that either the IDF are incompetent and don't know what they were destroying, or they knew exactly what they were destroying. If it was a missile, that must have been deliberately targeted. Pilots don't shoot missiles that cost a great deal of money at anyone they see, but need to identify the target. It's not like they were in a rush, as no one is shooting back, so they had plenty of time to verify it was legitimate target. Easily proven by reading the communications log, or listening to the pilot's conversation.
  21. I presume you meant "Does anyone here think these killings don't just happen? Of course they don't. We are constantly told how fantastic the IDF is, so they must only be attacking valid targets. Only incompetents attack people that they don't know are approved targets, and the IDF isn't incompetent, or is it? If one assumes as I do that the israelis want to make life harder for Gazans, one way to do so is to make it harder for aid organisations to function, and how better to do so that attack and kill aid workers in a clearly marked vehicle in a so called "safe area". They even told the israelis where they would be, so it would be just a matter of telling the front line forces where to attack.
  22. Kirby is IMO biased on israel's side, and I don't believe much he says. Apparently Kirby thinks the IDF is so incompetent that it's forces don't know what they are shooting at or bombing. Perhaps they are completely incompetent which would explain a lot of their "mistakes" over the past 6 months.
  23. I don't have a problem with that. Certain israelis will have a problem in the future as the facts become more well known. Seems that your side has a problem discussing the topic and keep trying to make it personal. Perhaps you don't realise I am not the topic.
  24. She was reporting on a lot of people that are not nice, so perhaps she is just balancing it out a bit. As for terror, that seems to be in evidence quite a lot from the ones you support, using block busting bombs on residential buildings with women and children inside. Trying to deflect from what someone says by attacking them personally is an old tactic of those with nothing to justify the unjustifiable, but it doesn't work any more. I'm not in the least bit concerned by being accused of antisemitism and various other epithets from your side of the divide.
  25. Everything is speeding up. Rome took hundreds of years to become rotten enough to fall, Britain only a couple hundred or so, America a hundred. Will China beat the odds?
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