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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I'm not sure if you are referencing the members of the electoral college, or those that elect them. The electoral college is here to stay as it's enshrined inn the constitution and IMO not even one small state will ever vote to replace it with a majority vote.
  2. Just curious, but if a movie had not been made about it, would the secretary general not understand that nukes cause a great deal of damage. After all, we do know what happened in Japan, do we not?
  3. He's quite right. If some deranged lunatic that happens to control a small country ( on the periphery of a much larger one ) that has the ability to launch ballistic missiles decides to put a nuke up in space, is the US going to go to war to stop it? I for one, doubt that. The US will wring it's collective hands and proceed to put lots of nukes up in space, IMO. Humanity isn't very good about living in peace and harmony, but it's very, very good at finding better ways to kill lots of us.
  4. Another reason to vote for Trump. Perhaps Britain can ban him too, so he and his "wife" won't be annoying the good citizens of Britain.
  5. I've been of the impression for many years ( decades) that there is something very wrong with the American justice system, and it's more about money than justice. Nevertheless, IMO a senile Trump would be better than Harris, as IMO she is likely to be installed as POTUS within a year should Biden win. Biden and Harris, IMO, are at the very pinnacle of what is wrong with Washington, that causes so many millions of Americans to despise it so much that they'd rather have Trump than HRC, who was a Washingtonian to her very core.
  6. Oh boo hoo. Over 30,000 people blown to bits and some games are more important? I hope they do get disrupted as it might serve to focus attention on something more important than running fast.
  7. If the plan is as I suspect, which is to render the Palestinians leaderless, which makes them easier to control, then every government official becomes a target, and it's so easy to say, without any proof, that they were Hamas fighters ( as, of course, they are Hamas, but that does not make them fighters ).
  8. Rubbish. The israelis are killing thousands of Palestinians while the world watches and the leaders do nothing. There nothing complex about it. Either the world forces israel to allow the hundreds of trucks waiting to enter, or thousands more children will die. Period. Time for the world's leaders to man up, and do something or be colluders in one of the worst man made catastrophes since WW2, and certainly the most vile. Make no mistake, this is a deliberate action by israel. They know exactly what their actions are causing- how could they not? History will judge israel, and it will not be kind.
  9. So, you sad little man, do something about it instead of wringing your hands and crying crocodile tears. Make the israelis let the aid in- 500 trucks a day like before the israeli slaughter began. Blinken and Biden, IMO colluders in war crimes and crimes against humanity. Even Biden must be starting to get worried about his prospects in November if thousands of Palestinian children stave to death, when he could have done something about it. Has he no humanity, no empathy for children being slaughtered? What is wrong with him to collude in so vile an endeavour?
  10. Why should Egypt take them? They are not Egyptian. You seem to equate being Arab to being able to be a citizen in any Arab country which is a nonsense. Palestinians have their own land, and if the israelis just do the right thing and get off it, there might be a chance for peace. Could you just go and live in another western country as a citizen? It is the israelis that are the illegal immigrants in the West Bank, not the Palestinians. I repeat, israelis are illegal immigrants in Palestine, not the Palestinians that own the land that israelis are stealing. Just because America used phosphor bombs is no justification for israel doing the same. Even America didn't illegally occupy Iraq for 30 years.
  11. You ask a lot of questions none of us can answer. I answer about the license in my previous but one post
  12. Why on earth would they think that? IMO they are just stupid thugs that thought they could do what they liked, and thought wrong.
  13. An NZ license must specify the classes of vehicles it is valid for. A car license is not valid for a m'bike. It costs a great deal to get rego for a m'bike in NZ because of the ACC levy and not many ride m'bikes in NZ, mainly gang members and rich guys that ride big bikes in clubs. The smaller m'bikes like I used to ride in my younger days are IMO rare on NZ roads- it's cheaper to register a car and the roads are dangerous for m'bikes, which is why the ACC levy is so high. Also second hand cars are very cheap and big m'bikes are expensive.
  14. They can deny it till the sun rises in the west, but they are on vdo and I hope a nice spot waits for them in one of those multi prisoner cells. Their parents should have raised them better.
  15. You must be bored to be posting such tripe. I'm going to look at something more interesting than your twitterings.
  16. No. Correction as that could be read as yes they do bother me. To be precise, no they do not bother me a bit. I just want him to win and deal to Biden and his IMO cabal.
  17. and you are posting <deleted>. Nothing about Trump surprises me.
  18. You just confirmed what I think with that quote. I am over the moon with the prospect that each indictment will increase his chances of winning. Go Donald, go.
  19. If it gets Trump elected it is a very good thing. The more they persecute him the more likely he is to win. Ordinary people don't like the justice system being used to stop political opponents winning. They also don't like outrageous amounts being applied in an attempt to stop him appealing.
  20. He's wrong anyway. Al Jazeera is allowed as a source on AN.
  21. I certainly believe the heroes of the IDF beat up prisoners and parade ( humiliate ) them only in underpants, both of which are apparently crimes.
  22. Why? You will exchange a series of lovelies that always say yes, for one that says no no no.
  23. There are a few farang wives in LOS I believe, though perhaps married to Thais ( did they arrive with a farang husband and get dumped in favour of a Thai model that doesn't say no? ).
  24. I agree completely, but they should NOT be proclaiming that they are medical people while doing so. They can be medical people, or they can protest. they should not be both at the same time. If I was her patient, and I made some comment about loving my petrol using car, could I trust her to treat me properly?
  25. They will be, hopefully after a bit of "education" in a Thai jail. One believes their "boxing skills" will not aid them when faced with jailed Thais that are out for a bit of aggro.
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