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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Trump won because a lot of people didn't want HRC to become president. He is in the running now because a lot of people don't want Biden to be president again. If you don't know what is in the US constitution perhaps you should read it.
  2. I wasn't aware that if Trump ran up a deficit that makes it OK for Biden to do so. Is it your claim that if the "bad man" does something "bad" it's not bad if Biden does it?
  3. Having lived and worked in Saudi for years it doesn't surprise me that the dictat from above may not be upheld by those on the ground. Perhaps the official that required the head covering to be removed was offended that a member of a religion currently blowing up thousands of fellow Arabs was shoving his religious identity into Muslim faces in a Muslim country. When I was there, I doubt the Jews would have even been allowed into the country. Just having an israeli entry stamp in one's passport meant one could not enter Saudi. Though they accepted that Christians were needed to run their institutions, any open display or practice of Christianity was forbidden.
  4. If you want a POTUS elected on popularity, change the constitution, don't moan about it on here when moaning isn't going to get Biden elected on the number of votes. Just do it.
  5. LOL. I doubt they think he is a religious man, but they look at Biden and see someone that is worse for them than Trump.
  6. Most people are not POTUS. A POTUS should be held to a higher standard than most people.
  7. Agree, but IMO the American decline began in the 1970s after North Vietnam defeated America ( or whatever the reason for the American abandonment of South Vietnam may be ). They lost the illusion of invincibility.
  8. I agree that he will likely do a runner. I should have said "Zelensky or his successor crawl........."
  9. As I see it, post conflict, Gaza and the Palestinians in the West Bank go back to israeli oppression, so situation normal, but israel is taking a massive hit in world opinion, and IMO will never recover from it.
  10. The stated israeli objective of "destroying Hamas" is IMO a nonsense, and more likely just a cover story for a massive attack on Gaza. As long as Palestinians exist the resistance to israel will exist, and this present conflict is the best recruiting tool Hamas could have wished for. Even if Hamas vanished, another organisation to resist israeli oppression will take it's place. No matter how the israelis control Palestinians inside the israeli, Gaza, West Bank borders, there are millions outside those borders that israel is unable to control.
  11. She’s Expressing ‘ Serious Concerns' Yeah, must be a bummer thinking she'd get all that loot and then not. That'd be like winning Lotto and losing the ticket. I feel for her, really I do- just jokin'.
  12. They can't, but it's good to point out that they are exhibiting signs of TDS.
  13. Not knowing anything about her I googled her, and wished I hadn't.
  14. Not strange at all when one looks at the opposition. If the GOP could come up with a better option than Trump I'm sure they'd back them instead. When faced with a choice between a deeply flawed man and the devil incarnate, there is no choice at all.
  15. I think you will find that they were born female. Whatever drugs they were taking after that does not change their gender. The western world had not started on it's path to ultimate doom at that stage.
  16. and? Russia has more cannon fodder than Ukraine. Britain lost hundreds of thousands to Germany in WW1 trench warfare and still went on to defeat Germany.
  17. How about discussing what he said about Ukraine instead of deflecting?
  18. It's not often I agree with such as the Pope, but on this I do 100%. I guess the US and Europe are willing to fight on to the last Ukrainian though.
  19. Why would he bother meeting a dead duck president?
  20. IMO the fat lady only sings when Zelensky crawls to the negotiating table cap in hand. I think a lot more widows and fatherless children lie ahead as the EU and America keep financing it- shame on them.
  21. Withdrawing to legally agreed on borders would be the right thing, wouldn't it? Considering there is another conflict going on involving states and borders and I believe you support the invader/ occupier there, that's a bit rich, IMO.
  22. I assume French and German leaders didn't have history lessons about Russia to come up with such inane ideas, or perhaps trying to impress the mistresses with how tough they are. Macron should know better seeing as Napoleon got his comeuppance attacking Russia. Russians may be squabbling amongst themselves at present, but invade Russia and regret it.
  23. I doubt israel would use them in this conflict as there is no possible way for them to lose against Hamas. If they did, I dare say they will instantly become pariah. Even the surrounding Arab states that are allowing israel to kill thousands of fellow Arab Muslims with barely a protest could not let such a massive crime go unanswered.
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