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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I never thought I'd see you being so forthright about the situation, but well said. It takes many years of indoctrination to convince a population that the neighbours are vermin to be exterminated, but IMO the israelis are of that mind, given their overwhelming support for what is happening in Gaza, and the behaviour of the IDF troops. Good soldiers don't shoot unarmed starving people trying to get some food. We know what happened to the last lot ( the Hutus in Rwanda ) that tried to do that- it didn't end well for them, did it!
  2. Let's not forget that Jews and Arabs lived together peacefully before 1948 when zionists decided to try and ethnically cleanse Palestine to create their own homeland ( it's all documented and well known ). If they are having a spot of bother with the neighbours they should look at their own behaviour and stop being a bully.
  3. A challenge isn't just a court case. The biggest one facing Biden IMO is convincing the voters he is fit enough for another 4 years.
  4. Good. Every court case apparently makes Trump more popular.
  5. That only works for a while. Eventually Russia will develop better air defenses, or punish Ukraine severely. This isn't a one sided conflict where one side has all the weapons.
  6. If they are intending to use convict soldiers it doesn't present a convincing argument that Ukraine is doing well. IMO only convicts that think the chance of avoiding being blown up is a better option than the prison they are incarcerated in will be willing to volunteer. I can see that in the case of Russian convicts in Siberia, but does Ukraine treat their prisoners as badly?
  7. Apparently they learned something from a certain German in the 1930s that if a lie is repeated often enough, eventually people will come to believe it.
  8. As seen on Al Jazeera this morning, IDF cowards soldiers discuss murdering an unarmed elderly deaf man hiding under his bed on VDO. Apparently it was a big joke going by their conversation. I doubt it's the first time this has happened. I'm linking an israeli site to prevent the usual chorus that Al Jazeera is biased. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-probing-leaked-video-of-soldiers-appearing-to-discuss-killing-of-unarmed-gazan/ The IDF is investigating the circumstances of leaked footage published by Al Jazeera, in which Israeli troops are seen talking about killing an unarmed Palestinian man in Gaza City in November, the military announced Sunday.
  9. Seems that some posters think that an absence of actual conflict is a "better" situation for the long suffering Palestinians, when the suffering of decades is what caused October 7. However, seems that some posters want to ignore that and pretend that October 7 happened for no reason at all, other than Hamas are "bad". A return to situation normal is not a good option for Gazans, IMO. This is the make or break for Gazans, and either they get a better situation, or it's over for any hope of a future other than under israeli oppression.
  10. You said "never done it" and it shows. I reckon the chance of any farang renting a BG for the conversation is less that 0.1 %. BTW, if she is an alcoholic one can ask them to leave and find another. It's not hard to do. AIDS? That's what condoms are for.
  11. Which is why the onus is on the airlines to prevent people that will not get an entry stamp from getting on the plane.
  12. Didn't you tell, us a while back that you were,out of here, yet here you are, deflecting away. I gave your post a laugh emoji for not even attempting to respond to what I actually wrote.
  13. I gave that a laugh emoji. I'll give another one here.
  14. I know a few guys that would vote for removing women's right to vote, though none of them would ever say that if their wives were in the room.
  15. You don't say where "here" is, though I suspect Australia. Is Australia any better than the US when it comes to politics and suchlike? I know they don't have the illegal immigrant thing like the US, as the boats policy sank that, and a very good thing too.
  16. I suspect that tv viewers had a better audio than the politicians sitting in the chamber. While he had a few indistinct moments I easily understood most of what he said, though he didn't have much to actually say. Nothing aspirational, nothing to lift the hearts of Americans, no "we will go to the moon" moments. It was mainly attacks on Trump and a campaign speech, IMO.
  17. The first 2 minutes was indicative of the rest. I only watched it all because I knew posters like yourself would claim that it wasn't as bad as it was because I didn't watch all of it to know. That's quite a few minutes of my life wasted. I particularly enjoyed the Speaker laughing quietly to himself, and the GOP sitting while the Dems behaved as if if it was a concert by Swift.
  18. Perhaps those concerned about their own prospects when Trump wins should be investigating alternative countries in which to live. Thailand is a friendly option, though finding work may be a problem.
  19. Speaking as one that actually lived and worked in Antarctica ( outside, not hiding inside a nice warm base ) IMO the idea of a "curtain" is barking. Most scientists only go there in the summer, and vanish back to wherever they came from in the winter. IMO the scientist concerned in the OP smoked a bit too much of the funny stuff while down there ( there was no shortage of it while I was there ). Siegert seems to have his brain engaged.
  20. If U tube is the only supporting site, one suspects it's made up. The onus is on posters making a claim of fact to prove it, or it isn't true.
  21. That's because they are in LOS, a far better country in many aspects than the one they left. Thailand does not and likely never will agree that a man dressed as a woman is in fact a female. Nor have they, IMO, bought into "man made climate change", and are not spending millions they do not have to build cycle paths, or allowing millions of illegal immigrants into their country.
  22. Many Americans agree with you, which is why each new politically inspired prosecution makes him more popular.
  23. Clogging up the judicial system is entirely on those that are using it to try and keep him off the ballot, or are you claiming that Trump is trying to prosecute himself?
  24. Silly comparison. A Purple Heart is for being wounded in action, period. Your opinions as what they were doing while being wounded is irrelevant.
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