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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Nonsense. IMO it's universally accepted that Gaza is the most densely populated place, and if that's not factually true is irrelevant to the narrative of a captive population oppressed by an israeli blockade for decades.
  2. He didn't say that. You need to read more carefully.
  3. I'd explain it but I doubt I could do so successfully to anyone that thinks being rich equals successful.
  4. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. I wish a few more like him were elected. If anyone thinks the elected representatives run anything I have a number of barely used bridges for sale. The people that run our cities and organisations are the bureaucrats, and they are not elected. Has no one else seen "Yes Minister"?
  5. I lived in London for ten or so years and IMO that festering pile of doodoo was indeed broken. Try finding a public loo that was open. That it was broken was down entirely to the clowns that ran it, though saying "ran it" isn't really applicable to a disaster. They had an opportunity post WW2 to rebuild it into something great, but managed to blow that. Now all it is IMO is a pile of ugly buildings, bad architecture, congested roads, filthy pavements covered with chewing gum ( the people are as disgusting as the city and spit their used gum on the ground instead of putting it in a rubbish bin like civilised people ). It does have a number of wonderful old buildings, but it's probably just luck they didn't get razed to put up an abomination like that vile shard thing. That wonderful railway station wasn't preserved because of the government which wanted to destroy it and put up some ghastly new building- it was saved by the public. The Belfast wasn't preserved by the government, which wanted to scrap it- it was saved by the public. The people didn't reduce the navy to a bad joke- that was down to government morons. I worked in the NHS, a wonderful institution, that is on the verge of extinction due to managerial incompetence. IMO NHS managers are the very definition of incompetence- look up incompetence in a dictionary and it's probably got NHS managers at the top of the list. IMO it's all symptoms of a broken government, and if a mob armed with scythes and pitchforks were to march on Number 10, I'll not be surprised an iota
  6. You should become a comedian. You'd be a winner for sure, as you really know how to get me laughing.
  7. It's apparently your belief that the thousands of illegals crossing the southern border are actually legal immigrants. Perhaps you can explain why?
  8. I've never been in an echo chamber since I grew up and realised that almost everything I read in a newspaper or see on tv "news" is propaganda or advertising. Take you assertion that Trump is the "worst president ever" which is obviously a biased nonsense. In my lifetime, Bush the younger is the worst president, having gone to war on a lie and caused the deaths of thousands, and chaos in the Middle East which continues to this day. Nixon comes a close second with his war crimes of invading Cambodia. Trump, on the other hand started no wars, was responsible for no American boys coming home in a bag, and endeavored to secure the border and make friends with other countries instead of attacking them and killing a lot of people. If that's being the worst president, they should all endeavor to be as bad as he. It's a bit sad to me that some people, even on here, are so brainwashed by the MSM that they actually believe not starting wars is worse than starting them.
  9. There is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" opinion except in the view of other people's opinion's IMO. Opinions are like noses- we all have them.
  10. From the article you linked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement Tuesday “strongly condemning any attempt to inflict harm on worshippers.” “Israel is fully committed to safeguarding the sacred right of freedom of worship and pilgrimage to the holy sites of all faiths,” he said, vowing “urgent steps against such actions. Offensive behavior toward worshippers is a desecration and is unacceptable.” That man is just an outright liar. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/19/israel-to-restrict-access-to-jerusalems-al-aqsa-mosque-during-ramadan Israel often sets rules to limit the number of worshippers at the site, citing security reasons. Israeli forces have previously undertaken violent raids at the site during Ramadan.
  11. It's an old tactic. Ignore what people are saying and accuse them of being anti semites, hoping it will make them afraid to keep speaking out against atrocities. It doesn't work on AN any more.
  12. Well it's not much of a secret now, is it?
  13. and when they are led from the front by every politician that votes for a war. BTW, that's sexist. Women have every right to be blown to bits fighting in a war now- equality and all that.
  14. No, Europe is just lucky. They have, IMO, reduced their military forces to the point of irrelevance. Look at Britain which used to have the largest and most powerful navy on the planet, which now is reduced to 2 aircraft carriers which apparently are both out of service, and don't have any British attack planes on them. They also have a few frigates and destroyers, but I heard they have a problem finding crews, as not enough men want to join the military ( having been in the military myself that doesn't surprise me ).
  15. Thanks for that curse, and back at you. "May the fleas of a million camels (a thousand camels would not be enough) infest the multiple crotches of the Democrats, their incompetent so called leader, and ALL the PC wokesters who support them, and may all their arms be to short to scratch them".
  16. If you are seriously telling us that pollution emitted by volcanoes does not affect climate, then I for one will not take anything you say seriously.
  17. Have you considered that we just don't believe you, and no matter how many times you claim the sky is falling, it is still up there?
  18. I gave you the laugh emoji. Your Chicken Little attempts to make us panic about the climate are so entertaining. Please keep them coming.
  19. Perhaps they don't like genocide.
  20. He may be rich but that doesn't make him successful.
  21. What so called Palestinian squatters would they be then? Palestinians live on their own land. It's the illegal israeli settlers that are the squatters. Do try to get it right.
  22. Err, far as I know people mainly smile with their mouths, but it's good that he did good things post election. Pity he didn't do good things when in power.
  23. LOL. I had a look through the article but it doesn't say anywhere that I read that Ocean temperatures are rising due to man-made carbon dioxide: You really need to use links that prove your point.
  24. My point is as always I don't trust scientists that depend on having the correct explanations to secure their funding. At any mention of human caused temperature rise I stop reading.
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