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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Thanks for posting that VDO. I had heard that the US was talking about it but I didn't realise it had happened already. I wonder if Biden had to beg netanyahu for permission or if he finally grew a pair and just did it anyway. It's not like netanyahu hasn't been poking him in the proverbial eye with his arrogant refusal to agree with Biden on everything after the conflict is over. Whatever, I'd love to be in the israeli "war cabinet room" when they saw all the supplies being dropped. Put a crimp in the plan, didn't it? I wonder if the israeli troops have been ordered to either capture or destroy the aid being dropped.
  2. Rubbish. I have myself offered solutions. I suppose you missed them or have me on ignore. Two state solution enforced by a proper military prepared to take on the israelis if they attack the West Bank. A military NOT controlled by either israel or the US ( or Britain for that matter ). There is also at least one other poster that has offered similar solutions but I suppose you missed them as well.
  3. and the men to build nice houses for israelis to live in on the land they stole ( are stealing ) from Palestinians.
  4. and a curse on all those that make the weapons to carry out the atrocities and the warmongers that profit from death and destruction.
  5. IMO "love" is a hormonal/ chemical response to a female that one wants to make babies with ( on a genetic level ). The female releases pheromones that keep the male's hormones working overtime till such time as they have been impregnated. It's all just biology at work to ensure survival of the species.
  6. Fair enough. You must be one of the few that realise "love" in most cases is just lust dressed up with dinner and movies etc, IMO. I refer of course to "romantic love" the greatest scam ever perpetrated on men, that then go out and work to buy the little lady ( these days more likely to be a very large lady ) a diamond, a car, a house, and a tidy lump sum when they cark it from overwork. Bring on the sexbots I say. I'm just sorry I won't be around to enjoy one.
  7. I'll accept that if you accept that most of the people on the planet are stupid. If that's not acceptable to you then I presume you are just being racist.
  8. IMO it happens on here because the posters are anonymous, and they can say what they want without getting a fistful of fives in the face. I bet that none of the worst offenders would ever say things like that to another in person.
  9. Didn't you already say that the problem is too much CO2? So fix that. One of the tactics of climate alarmists is to try to steer the conversation away from mitigation tactics, and then declare that warming is only caused by human activity so taxes are the solution. It's an old tired trick.
  10. I understood what you meant, I was just commenting on the "given by God" claim, which is a nonsense. Had God given it to them, God would have made sure the land was vacant before they arrived. No problem to arrange all the bushes to burst into flames with a voice to tell them to get out of town.
  11. If anyone is going to express their opinion on the topic it would help if they hadn't flunked reading comprehension.
  12. So what? If it's a problem, what is the solution?
  13. Irrelevant how it's caused. What's relevant is what is going to be done about it, but you have nothing to say about that.
  14. LOL. When did politicians ever do anything for for the people? Perhaps you live in lala land where the government holds your hand and fixes any problems you might have. I don't, and the government never did anything for me that wasn't a right.
  15. You know very well I mean an indictment without a conviction means nothing. Innocent till proven guilty and all that. I'm sure most rich people cheat on their taxes if they can. It's not like Trump is the only one to do so, but they are not being politically persecuted.
  16. They might do so if the bill presented wasn't barking. As for hatred, anti Trump posters on this forum use far more hateful language against him that those that hate Biden do against him. I don't think many Trump haters are right wing.
  17. The first trimester is IMO the normal benchmark for abortions. IMO the foetus should not be aborted if close to viability given technological advances.
  18. I don't think I've ever supported Galloway before, but on this one I'm cheering him on. I'm talking about his stance on Gaza. I don't know what else he may have in his bag of tricks to annoy parliament with ( I'm hoping he will be poking a verbal stick in Sunak's eye ). I expect his "maiden speech" is going to be a doozy.
  19. To the contrary, IMO his testimony underscores the danger to the planet by that man and any other idiots that think overthrowing Russia is even a possibility. uphold democratic values. Sure thing, on the bleached bones of millions democracy will flourish. I put that statement in the same category as saying we needed to stay in Afghanistan so girls could go to school. Remind me how that little American adventure ended? After it's all over, perhaps some general will say something like "we had to destroy Russia to save it". Strikes me that it's such an outlandish thing to say, that it might be one of those deflections where a stooge says something, the media goes bananas about it and the real action is going on somewhere that no one is paying attention to.
  20. I live somewhere further away, and if Mr Austin decides to move to it in the aftermath, I will endeavour to give him a nice warm welcome.
  21. Austin needs to be locked up where he can't start a war that destroys half the planet. IMO to actually get up on his hind legs and say that insanity means he is not to be trusted.
  22. "They believed Palestine was their land, given to them by God" If anyone else said that about somewhere they'd be a laughing stock, yet some people seem to accept it in israel's case. I wonder why ( not really )?
  23. There are always scum seeking to profit from the misery of others. If I were to say what I really think about them and their fellow travelers I might expect a suspension. I wonder ( not really ) if there are any western companies involved in this vile activity?
  24. That's an inconvenient truth that certain posters are sure to ignore. If I were to use their claim that living somewhere 2,000 years ago is proof of ownership I am entitled to part of England given my Celtic heritage. Somehow I don't think the present inhabitants would be willing to move out for me. What's sad is that old white men half a world away did believe it and stole the land from the inhabitants of Palestine and gave it to the zionists in 1948. I guess the ensuing chaos is karma on the west.
  25. I'm beginning to wonder if you can actually read or if you are in fact a real person, and not an argument bot. You must have missed all my posts of which there were many, in which I said the planet is warming. You don't know why the planet is warming either, as all you do is regurgitate talking points from the climate alarmism industry, and you have no solutions either as you have never, that I have seen, offered any. Which makes you unqualified for this conversation. Why should anyone listen to you if you can't offer any solutions. Bye
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