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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. What peace deal? It didn't result in "peace" whatever it was. His israeli policy was the only one I fundamentally disagreed with in every aspect.
  2. I think we are already there. For all I know I'm the only live human posting on this forum as I've never met anyone else that does. Far as AI goes, most of the low level jobs in the community I live in have gone. I can Park my car in a parking building without paying a human to raise the barrier Do all my banking without talking to a human Buy my groceries without a human taking my money Fill my car without paying a human Do an educational course without seeing a human Buy a movie ticket from a machine and watch a movie without a human actor ( in a while the voices won't be human either ) Pay household bills without seeing a human. Buy goods without any human involvement, other than a postman, and once drones start not even a postman. Etc. Life used to be about human contact, but now it's possible to live only using machines, unless we want to be involved with other people in clubs etc. Are we better or worse off now?
  3. I don't watch Fox. I wasn't commenting on her role as VP, but you know that. I was commenting on her ( non ) performance on her appointment to sort the southern border. It's somewhat puzzling that her current appointment is in charge of killing foetus's ( unborn people ) while she did nothing to stop born people invading the US illegally.
  4. I think the point is as to why US servicemen should have immunity at all. I can't see any reason why they should.
  5. Not only did they tell the US to get lost over that disaster, they wouldn't even let NZ use British machine guns there. Pity the UK became a US poodle in Iraq.
  6. He also said to put her in jail. Would you be happy if he had?
  7. That's correct which is why it makes sense to prevent them entering the US in the first place, so they remain in Mexico. Then Mexico would be required to wonder why they let them in at the southern Mexican border, and maybe stop them there.
  8. Thanks for bringing him up. Should be interesting.
  9. Nothing much to disagree with on that OP. Doesn't look good for Biden's re election campaign though.
  10. Sooooo, if we talk about the ones we do know about, let's start with Vietnam- 50,000 dead American boys with nothing to show for it, Cambodia and Laos gone communist. Iraq- well we all know what a disaster that turned out to be and now they want to kick all the remaining US troops out. Afghanistan- a 20 year black hole and it's back under Taliban control. Now it's a spiral into yet another disaster in the making in the Middle East. Not much to be proud of, IMO.
  11. Sure has ( cue drum roll ). Next step, let's invade Iran because they have been very bad boys, and deserve to be punished for not doing what the US tells them to do.
  12. I never went a Tony's gym, but his nightclub on Walking Street was pants ( rubbish ).
  13. I've always been happy for Pattaya to have a bad reputation. It keeps the KSR mob and families away- all good.
  14. British newspapers that cater to the lowest denominator have apparently decided that telling lies about Pattaya makes economic sense. Been going on for many years now.
  15. IMO that side never lets facts get in the way of their opinion.
  16. Is a poster that thinks the popular vote has any significance in POTUS elections a Loser?
  17. Of course Biden is attacking Trump personally as Biden doesn't have much to show for his past three years other than "not very good". Failed on the southern border, failed on the Afghanistan exit, failed on peace in the Middle East, failed in Ukraine ( or at least didn't have a win ), failing on China relations, and apparently losing support of youth over his support of Israeli crimes in Gaza. Did he actually achieve anything much? No successes that springs to mind. Couple that with an awful VP, and apparent approaching senility, and he ( I certainly hope ) is facing defeat in November.
  18. Why would I trash her? She hasn't done anything bad to me. The only thing I can criticise her for is having bad choreography on her world tour video.
  19. Given your lot claim Trump is a liar about everything, you should believe that he is lying, or does your belief that he lies only apply when it suits you? IMO Carroll and Daniels are both lying money grubbers, and a civil trial doesn't actually prove much, given the standard of proof required so so low. Without a conviction in a criminal trial, your belief in a "sexual predator iceberg" is just your day dream.
  20. No I don't. You are the one claiming he committed a crime so the onus is on you. I can't prove that something that didn't happen didn't happen.
  21. I can only assume you haven't actually been in many locker rooms to know then. "sexual predators" LOL.
  22. Of course they ignore anything that Biden does that's creepy as their hero can do no wrong in their eyes.
  23. Given it was so long ago that I've forgotten what you are on about, and it's not important anyway, you can carry on this without me
  24. Your posts become funnier every time. Keep up the good work of injecting humour into this forum.
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