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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. 555555555555555555555555 I'll bet the UK has ruled out conscription, but I doubt I'd have any takers. Had every government since BAOR not run the military down they wouldn't even have to consider such a step.
  2. Going to build the wall, is he? 5555555555555555555555555
  3. As long as it's not them or theirs dying, and they make loadsacash why would they care?
  4. I wonder if there is a provision in Judaism for blowing kids to bits because they live in Gaza? The commandment "thou shalt not kill" is pretty unambiguous.
  5. and yet the IJC ordered israel to stop genocidal acts on Gazans. October 7 does not justify war crimes and crimes against humanity on a subject people. One day, perhaps years from now, some israelis will be brought to justice for what they are doing, but it will not be enough to atone for their crimes now.
  6. My emojis don't work so you'll just have to imagine an emoji of a man banging his head on a brick wall. Over 600 pages and some still come up with the same old <deleted> that is nothing to do with the topic.
  7. Moo Gratá No never. Don't like spicy food and avoided anything Thai. My mind never stops talking to me. I tried to meditate once but it just wouldn't shut up. These days the only person I have proper conversations with are myself, so I'm not going to tell myself to shut up. I'm happy to wait, as it's not going to be too much longer, thank the deity. Don't see the point of living in an insane world filled with greed and bad people.
  8. Good for you. Leave the pretty ones for the rest of us.
  9. What sort of idiot pays anything for a fatty? They should be paying us.
  10. I looked through the linked article, with two reactions- Biden isn't a great public speaker, and Biden sure likes to spend other people's money, not forgetting it'll probably have to be borrowed.
  11. But you do believe just about everything that trump says!! I have to assume you have mind reading expert on your CV. Question for you: Do you believe that a few rioters were actually capable of overthrowing the US government by invading the Congress building?
  12. If one looks at the Congo, perhaps they should be grateful it was the British and not the Belgians that occupied them. Given the world as it was back then, they were going to be occupied by one Euro nation or another. The Spanish were not very nice either, as Sth American tribal people can attest.
  13. I've been saying that since Biden imagined he was a good choice for the next president.
  14. Perhaps a single mom with three kids should have invested in contraception before lying back and thinking of the USA, OR, if she couldn't afford contraception just said NO.
  15. Sadly, I suspect it's israel all the way, hey hey hey. Time to read up on Armageddon I fear. Since when did any of us consumer units ever get to vote on being sent to be slaughtered? That hollow laughter you might hear is from the dead of WW1, WW2, Vietnam etc.
  16. Biden is going to look foolish in the election campaign if he has another failure in another war. I'm sure he is prepared to continue the war at least till the election is over. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-some-west-are-hinting-looking-peace-ukraine-2023-12-28/ U.S. President Joe Biden has said the West does not seek to destroy Russia but wants Kyiv to defeat Moscow's forces on Ukrainian territory. Biden also said in 2022 that Russia had suffered a "strategic failure" in Ukraine.
  17. Ukraine wants peace talks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is that not headline news? First I've heard about it. If true, Zelensky must be looking for an exit, as he is the face of the Ukrainian side and responsible for all the deaths and destruction, IMO. He should never have trusted America to support it to the bitter end.
  18. I'm saying that your claims ( without any supporting evidence ) that Russia will invade a NATO country are just imaginary dreams like your claim that I "support" Russia. Not wanting to support Ukraine is not the same as supporting Russia. It's a spat between Russia and Ukraine, not NATO. BTW, what is NATO if not an American invention? Without America it would be nothing.
  19. I get the eggs and bread, but what is the stuff looks like mince, and the round brown things ( perhaps sliced sausage )?
  20. Just to make a comment to show that I'm still here. The physical fulfillment I looked for in Thailand was sex on a lovely beach with a lovely girl and I never found the pleasure of that to vanish. Had I been able I'm sure I'd still be doing that and lovin' it. However to me sex was only a minor part of the whole romance thing, and not the most important by far. Intellectual fulfillment. Be a waste of time wanting that as no one I know is interested in an intellectual discussion. Perhaps people lose interest in that as they age, which is a bit sad, though I love a good intellectual discussion on the very rare occasions I have one. Books, get too bored to read now. Just not stimulating any more. I get stimulated with movies that deal with life, love, succeeding in life, happiness and joy, but that's pretty one sided. A good sunset is pretty fulfilling though, as is all unspoiled nature. a fulfillment that is not dependent on anything external Indeed. I have some interesting conversations with myself, but I doubt they lead to fulfillment. I have never till this day had a conversation with God. That is yet to come.
  21. There was a time no one would have dared to openly take photos on Walking Street. Perhaps we are worse off that it has changed. What happens in Pattaya should stay in Pattaya. I once saw a ladyboy on Walking Street that would have taken a baseball bat to Sean if he'd tried it on with her. She threatened me with it for just having a camera in the open.
  22. You can't. Unfortunately many people are just <deleted><deleted> these days and have no respect for anyone else. Not likely to become law, but if we could legally shoot anyone that behaved badly it would cut right down on antisocial behaviour. I'd be for that.
  23. ‘Wokeness’ and feminism are all against you ???? If you think they are for the benefit of men you must have been sleeping the last 20 years.
  24. Well pointed out. We farangs have nothing in common with Thai women, other than sex, IMO. Good enough for me though, as I had no desire to discuss philosophy with my wife. Re the OP I'd be looking for someone under 25, so she'd always be beautiful till the day I died. I have never wanted to wake up next to a granny.
  25. I met her family and they seemed like hardworking good people. The truth only outed when we were already married.
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