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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I have no idea what you are on about, so why would I feel anything about something I don't know about?
  2. Stop making it up! You brought up the senate hearings and I only quoted you. You keep doing that, so I have to wonder if you are baiting me.
  3. I was quoting your post, as you very well know because we have discussed that before, but you keep trying to make stuff up as if I'd forget. I never said I knew anything about who was in the hearings or what was said. I only said that they didn't seem to nave determined anything either way. Do you disagree on that? You posted the relevant quote as a jpeg for some strange reason, so I couldn't quote it normally.
  4. I heard about the plan to get them to move to the Sinai as refugees and not be allowed back a while back, but Sisi put the kibosh on that plan. I wonder what pressure is being put on him to stop him just allowing as many aid trucks through as wanted.
  5. It's not that simple. At one time I tried to use LSD but the person going to give it to me decided not to in case I had a bad trip. Was I lucky, or would I have got addicted from one try? I'll never know now. Gangs in NZ get users hooked on less problematic drugs to start and target easily influenced young people. When hooked on the hard stuff, the price goes up.
  6. I found the likes number, but have no idea of what the coloured rings or the badge mean
  7. I think he means a sad person.
  8. I just noticed that the number of likes has gone. Is it anywhere else? Any idea what the badge means?
  9. Don't think any of them are "big". Way more important questions around.
  10. I made 4 points. Which one do you need explained? 1/ we in the west lived just fine when there were less people on the planet. 2/ people not in the west didn't live as well as we did. 3/ There were not many millionaires. 4/ it was good that there were not many millionaires
  11. Yeah! Perhaps someone can explain how 30 years of oppression is good for Palestinians, not to mention 6,000 bombs and counting. The cracks are staring to show in Europe. As seen on Al Jazeera a Spanish minister heavily criticizing israel and Belgium making unfriendly noises. Hopefully more join in smartish. Sanctions sound a good way to start. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/8/deafening-silence-spanish-minister-calls-on-europe-to-sanction-israel Spain’s Ione Belarra: Israel must end ‘genocide’ of Palestinians in Gaza https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231108-belgium-wants-sanctions-against-israel-for-gaza-bombings-deputy-pm/ Belgium wants sanctions against Israel for Gaza bombings - deputy PM
  12. I guess you are talking about people that actually believe a man that is unable to discern the difference between live and dead people, and can barely stand up is capable of being POTUS.
  13. Other than his potential to be POTUS or not, the rest of Trump's life is of zero concern to me. If he did or did not commit asset valuation fraud is something for Americans to talk about, not myself. Frankly I really don't care what he does in his business life.
  14. Voting for Stumblin' Joe IMO proves that a lot are somewhat stupid, so I agree with you somewhat.
  15. I have no idea what caused you to introduce Rudy into a post that has zero to do with him. Perhaps you don't have anything better to say, so make up what I think about him. I don't even think about him, so why do you think I am on a fence about him, when I don't even know what he said about anything?
  16. Sadly, both died without being convicted of their crimes and spending their last days in a dark and smelly dungeon.
  17. Do tell! The world was watching as the last Americans ignominiously climbed aboard a helicopter to escape the approaching North Vietnamese The world was watching as they failed to rescue the embassy staff in Tehran The world was watching as the Americans failed to see Gulf 1 through and left Saddam to be killed along with lots more allied boys some years later. The world was watching as America made a humiliating exit from Afghanistan. I think the world is quite used to seeing the Americans not seeing wars through.
  18. There was a vdo on Al Jazeera of a Leopard tank getting blown up. Perhaps the Russians were waiting for them.
  19. Ukraine is not in NATO, ergo it's not up to NATO to intervene in a dispute between two former Soviet countries. By all means the European countries and America could have intervened as individual countries, but I doubt the Europeans would have done so without America. How long will the European countries continue THEIR support if the GOP succeed in halting American aid to Ukraine? My position is that a squabble between 2 former Soviet countries should have been left to them to sort out. How very decent of you to be happy that our side isn't sending body bags home, but are Ukrainian boys mere pawns to you to be so indifferent to their fate?
  20. Why does the non-existence of allied nuclear weapons in 1938 make the comparison invalid? Because Britain was a toothless tiger, the military having been run down during the interlude. Hitler knew, IMO, that he could ignore Chamberlain. It was Churchill ( and no doubt a few of similar mind ) that got the British re arming in time for the Battle of Britain. The resounding defeat of the British army by the Germans proves my point. Now, it doesn't matter that the British military is but a shadow of it's BAOR glory days, as Britain has nuclear arms. Even the most pathetically armed country has a powerful reason not to mess with it if it has nukes. If Russia had no nukes would NATO still not be in Ukraine, and if Ukraine had nukes would Russia have invaded? A negotiated peace with a loss of Ukrainian land would be seen as a victory for Putin's aggression. How could it be viewed any other way? Eventually Ukraine will, IMO, have to reach a negotiated peace with Russia, which will also be seen as a victory for Putin. A lot of people died and a lot of infrastructure got destroyed in the interim. it would probably embolden him to cement Russia's position in non-NATO countries such as Georgia and Moldova, The fate of such as Georgia and Moldova does not keep me awake at night. I'm more concerned about the fate of the Palestinians as they face the onslaught of that American ally, with American weapons and bombs. Seems that they may be better off surrendering to Russia than being subjected to another American war of liberation, which in the past few decades leaves the country being "helped" in chaos and usually lost anyway. America hasn't so far achieved more than death and destruction in Ukraine, and I'm pretty sure Georgia and Moldova will decide they don't need similar American help against Russia.
  21. Been a lot of that for me recently. A few that I thought I'd never agree with have appeared on the same side as myself over israel, while one that I was in agreement with over Russia has certainly gone full on anti to me over the same subject. Such is life. Allegiances change like the wind.
  22. Also, ancient humans didn’t live long enough to experience problems with prostate enlargement, so this is a trait we have to live with. Along with eye degeneration, stroke, heart attack, arthritis, deafness, gout, body stiffness, hair moving away from the top of the head, menopause, memory loss, alzheimers, dementia, tooth loss, etc etc etc.
  23. It's an urban myth. If that were true I'd still be able.
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