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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. The ones that amuse me are the ones that claim to know what I'm thinking, as if they are wired into my brain. Some of the things they say about me are incredible, not forgetting completely wrong. They could ask me if I think ......... about a certain subject, but they just make it up and post it like it's a fact.
  2. I'm constantly "surprised" at how many posters click on a thread, read it all and then complain about it, as if they were forced to read it. Don't like it just leave it and don't go back on, OR put the poster on ignore. Simple really. toxicity is on a all time high, currently. Nah. Toxicity has always been a thing as long as I've been on TVF/ AN. The forum was apparently quite notorious for it. I learned early on to not go on any threads about people being arrested for child abuse or such like as the language would have shocked the Marquis de Sade.
  3. Ignoring a post one does not agree with is a better option than abusing the poster one disagrees with. This is a social forum and not the united nations, and posters should remember that when posting. There is no rule that says other posters should agree with one's own opinions, and resorting to abuse is pathetic. The other thing is that just repeating the same thing over and over does not prove one's case, and if one wants one's "facts" to be respected, one takes the time to support one's "facts" rather than ignoring requests to do so, or telling other people to do the research, or giving some smart a*** comment to avoid having to support one's opinion.
  4. Thank you. I had wondered why I hadn't been suspended for a while. That explains it.
  5. I think you just proved the point i was making.
  6. LOL. I used to do that during work time on the work computer, but I had to get cunning so the supervisor didn't notice. I was doing a job that involved a lot of time waiting till something was needed ( I was a gofer ), so my work was not suffering. I just had to not get so engrossed in the topic that I didn't hear them telling me to go get something for them. Actually that was when I spent most time on TVF. Outside work hours I was doing different stuff on my computer.
  7. Just about any thread that is about Trump, and even some that are not are full of abuse and insults towards the man, usually without any discussion of the topic. If I were to report all the posters with absolutely vile language I'd get suspended for "abusing the report function". I did once report 3 for vile language and got suspended for "taking revenge". That particular mod seems to have departed though.
  8. Unfortunately, certain posters are unable to not insult posters they disagree with and just discuss the topic. Some don't even make a post with any relevance to the topic at all as happens frequently on posts about Trump- just insults about Trump, and then there are the posters that put Trump in posts on threads that don't even have him in the topic. If I had one wish, it'd be that posters stop making posts about the person they are responding to, and discuss the topic instead, but some never discuss the topic and just abuse the poster they disagree with. If I start talking about myself, then respond in kind, but if I haven't personal comments are not welcome, and that's even in the forum rules.
  9. I agree. I used, about 10 years and longer ago, spend hours on the forum, but then it got boring and I'd spend very little time on it for some years. The Pub used to be full of interesting posts to respond to, but perhaps the interesting posters died or left, and it was about where to find a pizza etc. Since the Gaza sub forum started It's got interesting again though. Before October 7 the very very few threads about israel got zero or hardly any posts, perhaps because the reaction from a certain poster made it not worth posting on them. I did post on the Ukraine subforum at the start, but the abuse became too much to bother with so I stopped. The abuse still happens but as I put them on ignore now I don't see it any more.
  10. I don't think he was talking about "wrong" information, but rather that calling a disliked post misinformation allowed it to be removed. That's when a reason is given, as that doesn't always happen- some of my posts in the past just vanished.
  11. I thought it would have been closed ages ago. Perhaps someone wants to know why so many long time posters just don't bother any more, and never found out because it couldn't be discussed. I still won't go too far though, and still won't discuss that which can't be discussed.
  12. It's pretty obvious which ones get away with abuse.
  13. LOL. If there was no "toxicity" on the forum I wouldn't be on my 3rd page of ignored posters. Had to put another one on that just had to put personal abuse in his post. I used to put up with it, but now I just make them vanish. Reduces the number of posts that I can respond do, but when it's abuse why bother? I don't do it for just one or two abusive posts but when it's all the time or really bad I do.
  14. I don't have to look at garbage like that any more thanks to the ignore function. Bye.
  15. Why? The west created the problem by supporting the zionists in the UN and taking land off the occupants and giving it to the zionists, and the Arabs did not. Russia( Soviet Union ) abstained. So if there is any blame to go around, western countries only need to look at each other. I guess they don't want to take responsibility for the mess THEY made.
  16. but apparently vast parts of the non muslim world don't care that Palestinians have been oppressed since 1948, and act all shocked when some take revenge on the people oppressing them. What difference is there between the French heroes of the WW2 resistance and Hamas? Both are resisting an oppressive and cruel occupier. Is it because they ain't white? I suppose you think they should just go off and die quietly so the israelis can have it all. taking prisoners for blood sport sacrifice Sure, we all believe that BS, not. Yawn.
  17. After a month of unrelenting bombing and over 10,000 dead Gazans, seems the tide is turning in Europe. Even Macron is now saying that Palestinian lives are worth as much as anyone else's. Is it possible that world pressure will give the Palestinians a real homeland free from israeli occupation? I for one hope so. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/09/emmanuel-macron-rejects-israeli-plan-for-safe-zones-in-southern-gaza The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has rejected Israeli plans to push civilians into safe zones in the south of Gaza and said the world must pursue a humanitarian ceasefire as the only way to save lives in the territory. He was opening a hastily assembled humanitarian conference in Paris attended by politicians, NGOs and leaders of the UN humanitarian movement.
  18. ALL SURGERY HAS RISKS, which is why you have to sign a consent. Consider what might happen if it goes wrong, and is it worth it? Again, there is NO SUCH THING AS SURGERY WITHOUT RISK of something going wrong. I've had plenty of operations, but only for problems that HAD to be operated on. The one exception was for bilateral Blepharoplasty, but I worked with the surgeon, so knew she was a good surgeon and I only had sedation, not a GA. Not many will be in the position of working with the surgeon to be able to trust them.
  19. Urine is normally devoid of harmful bacteria so would not of itself have stopped conception, but the reason sperm is injected in semen is because semen is sticky ( and may have some nutritional value to feed the sperm, but I'm not that knowledgeable on the subject of ejaculate to know ) and stops ( some of ) the sperm falling out of the vagina, which improves the chance of one actually making into the uterus to penetrate an egg. If the sperm was in urine it would have little chance of success as would just fall out of the vagina.
  20. The clitoris is the female equivalent of the male penis, so do you think the penis should have been inside the body?
  21. Actually, the machine was well designed for a defined lifespan. It wasn't designed to regenerate as long as we live now. Most of us should have died in childhood so we didn't overpopulate ourselves and destroy our environment. Which is why there are some diseases that are fatal in childhood but for vaccines, or like mumps prevent fertility. Also defective machines never got to reproduce, which meant the genetic pool remained strong. Nature does work well when allowed to.
  22. Could be discolouration, if they don't hurt. Whatever, he needs a good dentist, ie not a cheap dentist.
  23. A good dentist will recommend the appropriate solution. Don't go to some clinic in a shopping area. Don't get amalgam filling if offered, but if the rot is on the side of the tooth they wouldn't use amalgam on that anyway. Rotten teeth can make you sick, so get them fixed.
  24. Many of the people where I live.
  25. I don't know any men that are into sports. They are the most boring humans on the planet, IMO. The ones I do visit never talk about sport.
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