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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Lots of police checks. LOL. In all my years riding in Chiang Mai and in the village only had one police check. In the village the cops were invisible outside the station. In Lamphun the only "checks" were every morning to make money off riders without helmets. I used to watch riders put a helmet on before riding through the check point and taking it off after going through. Can't say I've noticed much "traditional rational Thai girl driving" while in LOS, though older riders were more cautious than schoolgirls. I never let my wife drive with me in the car because she became a nutter on the road.
  2. 2 doctors I worked with in London got smashed up while riding m'bikes, and both very serious responsible characters.
  3. Unless she's his daughter the OP has no obligation to pay 200 baht for her let alone 200k. Would any of us buy a child of another man a car back home?
  4. Welcome to forum life. In my experience many posters ask a question and are never heard from again. As for the kids, does any guy really want to be paying to support another man's offspring?
  5. The option I'd have taken, if I could go back, would be a village wedding. Keeps the outsiders happy and no legal obligations should one decide to leave her.
  6. Agree. My life with the wife was bliss till she decided we should live in the village with part of the family- game over. However, after that, every time she attacked me ( verbally ) for some problem related to her family I was able to retort that "you shouldn't have made me leave Pattaya then!" She never had an answer to that.
  7. Sooooo, by your reckoning Fiji is not a country- population under 1 million. Fijians might object to that. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/fiji-population/ The current population of Fiji is 915,986 as of Sunday, July 9, 2023, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data.
  8. I'm fascinated by all these tales of being expected to pay large for the entire extended family on a first visit. IMO nothing would be more assured to put an end to any long term relationship than such shenanigans. No such events happened when I first visited the village, nor even when I went to live there. I did eventually force a departure from there, but it was nothing to do with being expected to pay for the "privilege" of living in the dump.
  9. and......................................... It's got a better military than a much larger country I know well, and as many people living in it.
  10. IMO democracy is not what we get in reality, but IMO a democratically elected government ( Thaksin's ) was the worst thing to happen to Thailand in all the time I visited/ lived there. I was extremely happy when he was deposed and only regret he wasn't tried and executed. He still continues to cause problems all these years later.
  11. I actually set about gaining qualifications to work as a nurse in the USA, but when I found out that patients sued anyone they could for anything they could think of, even just for being in the room while the alleged infraction took place I gave that away and went to Saudi instead. Had different sorts of problems there, but at least I didn't have to worry about being sued every time I went to work.
  12. One does not need to side with the RTP to know that if one gets caught with illegal drugs in one's possession one's life is going to turn to <deleted> real quick. Personal responsibility and all that.
  13. Who would not know that having illegal drugs is not a good idea in SEA? IMO one would have to be pretty ignorant not to and one has to wonder if they should be let on a plane if that dumb. Always some chancer to give the cops entertainment though. Loads of the idiots go to the FMP and buy drugs from dealers that inform the cops who they sold to. The only thing I was ever really scared of while in LOS was being banged up in a scam and ending up in a Thai jail. I certainly never used illegal drugs while there.
  14. Seems the answer would be to put a rubber strip along the bottom of the door then. I'd be more worried about the bedroom though.
  15. What is the success rate vs the maneuver? Have they also banned heart compressions because ribs can get broken doing that too? I always understood that the trade off was that the casualty survived, as broken ribs can be treated, unlike death. If it's become such a mine field of potential penalty for trying to save someone, perhaps we'd all be better off by not helping and just waiting for the ambulance to turn up.
  16. I don't think you can get sued for not doing anything unless you are a trained first aider. Had an incident long ago where I was driving somewhere with my partner and 2 nurses and came to an accident site where a m'bike rider had literally lost his head. My partner leaned out the window and yelled that she had 3 nurses with her to which we were all horrified. Luckily no one rushed up and asked us to save the biker!
  17. I had a recent experience of something going down the wrong way and coughing fit to bust, but I wasn't obstructed. To an observer it might have looked like I was choking. That's why we should always check by asking if they need help before doing anything physical to them.
  18. IF being the relevant word. Sounds to me like he didn't need help, the GF over reacted and the OP made a wrong assumption. Of course I wasn't there, so I'll never know if I'm right or not.
  19. IMO only if he's really obstructed. If it's just something gone down the wrong way he will make that plain, even if he can't speak properly.
  20. That's your choice. What other people choose is their business.
  21. I don't get what is so funny about that. It's a fact he doesn't have to give sinsod for a woman with kids.
  22. I don't see anything "bizzare" with his comments. Just saying what is reality for some. In a way he is like my father- once I was working he took off to the other side of the world ( without me ). Can't get more uncaring than that, IMO.
  23. IMO technology doesn't change anyone, it just allows people to say things they'd never say to someone they could say. Eg I can say how I feel about women without being crucified, or burnt at the stake. However some technology is really bad like, IMO, social media, which allows the worst in people to influence the weak minded. If I had children I'd never let them have a smart phone as they might get bullied on it and kill themselves ( worst scenario ), but seems an awful lot of kids get traumatised because their parents give them smart phones.
  24. He doesn't owe any sin sod on a woman with children. At the most give something for show and get it back after ( what I did ).

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