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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. a/ if you like her and think there is some hope of a real relationship eventuating go. Then you can see what her parents are like and if you want to live with someone that might end up like them. b/ You can also see where you'll be living if it gets to the stage that she wants you to live with her in Issan. Just Issan might be enough to put you off. C/ Are you sure the kid really is sick and it's not a variation of the sick buffalo thing? PS I doubt that is "love" you are feeling- rather another word starts with l.
  2. Lots of us do, but lots of us are stupid too. I did, but I was stupid back then. I didn't make that mistake second time.
  3. If that was my Thai sister in law, not only would she have not thanked me, but she'd have said that she didn't ask me to save her! In some countries one doesn't help anyone because that could lead to one being liable for any injury or death that occurred. One of the first things I was told on orientation in Saudi was to not help anyone out on the street, as if they died it was my fault and I'd be prosecuted for it. I was also told that if I was in a taxi and it was in an accident to throw some money at the driver and RUN, as it would have been my fault the taxi was there. Does that sound like a country you know? Better countries have Good Samaritan laws to protect those that help from prosecution.
  4. If the OP was in the restaurant at the time the victim started choking, death would take more than a few seconds, so there would have been time to ask the victim if they needed help. I sometimes take something "down the wrong way" and cough a lot, which if someone else saw it might look like choking, but does not require any intervention. PS if the victim is actually obstructed they can't talk, but they will indicate the problem in some way, usually by pointing at their mouth, or so the training VDO I saw showed. Thankfully I never had to do the maneuver on anyone ( yet ). IMO everyone should do a first aid course as the person who's life they save may be someone they love.
  5. PS, doing a Heimlich maneuver on oneself if no one is around to help would still be the option as it is rather hard to slap oneself on the back.
  6. Thank you for that update. I stand corrected. In my defense it is many many years since I retired and did a first aid course ( we did them yearly ). In my time only babies were to be given a ( light ) back slap. They might have changed the routine because the maneuver might cause some trauma eg broken ribs if done improperly. Many things changed during my time eg we no longer did a finger sweep for CPR as it was determined that we might just push an obstruction down further. However, from the OP the guy rushing in just started slapping on the back without checking to see if the victim was indeed obstructed, no encouraging to cough, and no mention of bending him over to give the slaps.
  7. Given the British establishment penchant for sending everything to the scrap yard it's lucky to still be in existence. Far as I know not a single British battleship exists and the Belfast required public support to be saved. Unlike the USA which has preserved quite a few historical machines of various sorts. IMO the British establishment are historical vandals.
  8. Only reason I can come up with for those women to want to have kids with ancient men is that IMO they provide a guaranteed income till the kid is at least old enough to get a job. I can't work out why the ancient men want more kids.
  9. The girl can always refuse, unless you are suggesting that they are forced to marry old farangs. Perhaps they'd rather be exploited than live in poverty. BTW, nurses have long been exploited in western countries because they won't go on strike for a decent wage, so are you going to lobby the government to raise nurse wages to what they deserve, or is it OK because no old men are involved in shagging them?
  10. Errrr, if he "coughed up the food" from a slap on the back it likely wasn't obstructing his windpipe- probably just in his mouth. To push out food obstructing the windpipe takes the Heimlich maneuver to create enough pressure to do that.
  11. I learned long ago that no good deed goes unpunished. The last time I tried to be nice to someone I didn't know was when I sold a device to a neighbour and said he could pay me when he could afford to. 3 months later paid hardly anything, though never short of fags or booze. Lesson learned- don't be nice to people I don't know.
  12. Would that have been me? I'd never hit anyone on the back for choking as the proper procedure is to reach around from the back and do the Heimlich maneuver. Don't know how to do it- find out as the life you save might be someone you love. Perhaps he had a case of something gone down the wrong way and coughing, but not obstructed- happens to me occasionally. That might explain why he was PO about some stranger rushing in and hitting him.
  13. Yes. I gave up sugar as much as possible, no more cake, chocolate, soft drink with sugar etc. Lost a lot of weight and no progression towards diabetes ( far as I know ). Luckily there are many sugar substitutes available, so I can still have soft drinks without sugar. Unfortunately, most processed food seems to be full of sugar.
  14. Given the amount my western ex partner took me for when we broke up ( legally she was married even if no bit of paper ) I'd have been better off if I'd used prostitutes. I'd also have actually had sex, unlike our sexless relationship. It was a high price to pay for a bit of conversation.
  15. That is becoming quite easy to do now, given we can do our job/ shopping/ banking/ everything on line. No need to talk to anyone anymore. I don't do anything on line but I can go to town and use machine checkout in supermarket, cash machine in bank, self service petrol pump, ticket machine in parking building. I only talk to anyone if I want to, not because I have to. IMO humans will lose the ability to communicate verbally once sexbots take the place of the wife/ gf.
  16. The thing Connda referred to was vomiting. As Sheryl pointed out that isn't an allergy- it's a side effect.
  17. It's an addiction and she may not be able to control it. Just make sure she can't access your money if she starts gambling and make sure you ain't going to be liable for her debts. Perhaps you caused the problem by giving her everything. Free stuff is never appreciated, IMO.
  18. Did you miss "for the vast majority is entirely avoidable." in my post?
  19. No amount of training can stop the other idiot on the road driving into you. I was stationary when some guy drove into me. I was lucky to just have a broken hand and lose several thousand baht. My helmet saved my life.
  20. She may be responsible, but will she say no when 4 of her friends want a lift somewhere? Is she immune to teen pressure which will be not to wear a helmet, IMO. If she doesn't have a license will she be insured? I don't know the death rate, but m'bikes are apparently the major participants in fatalities on Thai roads. The accident may not be her fault, but how will you feel if the m'bike you give her lets her be killed or maimed.
  21. I don't understand why the OP is having a GA for a colonoscopy anyway. I had one done under sedation without any problems. I could have had it done without sedation had I opted for that, but I thought it might have been a bit much.
  22. NO. I worked in theatre for 10 years and the number of patients that I assisted with that had an allergy to anesthesia were ZERO. Ask someone that actually knows about that thing- an anesthetist consultant would be good if you could, but failing that an anesthetist that has been doing it more than a few months. What Joe Blogs on here had may not be applicable to you.

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