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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I'm sad because it will happen after I'm gone to the incinerator.
  2. IMO sexbots or sex androids will wipe out the "real thing" once mass production makes them cheap enough. Assuming that feminist dominated governments don't make them illegal so as to protect real women that want to live off men.
  3. Does he need a reason other than he wants one?
  4. Snap- that's what I used to do after I left Saudi and the big wages. Pattaya ladies were more economical than the ones I used to get from a Nana Plaza gogo when I was actually wealthy, but otherwise just as friendly.
  5. Yeah, shame about the memory. I know I had great times as a single guy with money in Pattaya, but don't remember much if I don't have a photo ( I have a photo of the lady in question, but not of that gogo ) to jog my memory. I must have been lucky with the ladies as only one that fitted the "private dancer" profile in many years, though a couple more that came close. Happy days, back then, and I doubt they will happen again. Thailand has changed too much for that.
  6. I wouldn't remember it at all except I always regretted not taking one of the ladies I was quite attracted to upstairs ( I got to know her when she was working at Classroom 2 in North Pattaya - across from Big C mall ) for a hot tub experience. Probably in 1998 or 1999. Just one more regret for chances missed!
  7. See my reply to that post- one such at least existed.
  8. Many years ago I visited a gogo ( in one of the sois on Walking St side of Royal Garden that had hot tubs upstairs. Don't remember name, and more like 20 years ago, so might not be same place, but it did exist.
  9. Do that and all his neighbours will be knocking on HIS door.
  10. Ever worn earplugs for hours? I have and not a preferred solution. Perhaps the OP would like to listen to his tv or radio which isn't easy with earplugs. The real problem is selfish inconsiderate ( deleted ) that don't care about other people.
  11. I'm with the builder on that. However, wait a bit and see how it goes. If it really does cause a problem, it's not a hard job to redo yourself ( or if pants at DIY a different builder ). Bit pointless stressing about if it isn't a problem. PS. For future reference, the time to do something about it was before it got boxed in. You were paying, so IMO you could have insisted, or had it left unboxed to be redone later.
  12. Legend in Your Own Time Song by Carly Simon But you're a legend in your own time A hero in the footlights Playing tunes to fit your rhyme But a legend's only a lonely boy When he goes home alone. Well a legend's only a lonely boy When he goes home alone.
  13. Don't take this as a return to the fray, as it's not, but I've had quite a while to think about that very subject, and I have a a strong opinion on it. As regular posters will know, I am of the opinion that God created the universe and then left it to get on with it, but to those that like to complain that God doesn't exist because "he" allows children to die of cancer, IMO if God had human emotions God might look at what mankind is doing to the wonderful planet we were given for a home, and how we as a species spend much of our time killing each other and exterminating other species and decide that it's time for another comet event so the planet can start over. Perhaps the unbelievers should be grateful that either a/ God does not exist, or b/ God doesn't interfere in planetary affairs.
  14. Hi to those that have been on this thread with me for a long time. As some will know I've not been happy about that which we may not discuss for a long time, so I'm letting you know that I am choosing to try and have a long break from the forum, though that doesn't mean I won't be back sometime in the future. Also, as some will know I've tried to get out before, but always end up getting sucked back in, so the only way to stay out is to not drop back in for a "quick look", which just ends up with seeing something interesting that I just "have" to reply to. So, if you don't see me posting, I haven't been sent on a "holiday", but chose to do the many other things that require my time instead. I will say though, that this thread is why I kept getting sucked back in, as it's been a real learning experience and I'll be sorry to not keep learning from it, but it won't work if I just try and post on here- it's all or nothing with me. To those that came to contribute, rather than scorn, thank you, it's been real. I do hope that this time I can get out and stay out, but the power of the dark side is strong, and I am weak, so don't be surprised if you see me crawling back. Take care guys, and keep learning- after all, life is either about learning new things, or it's rather pointless, IMO. So, bye for now. PS. If you respond to this post, don't expect a reply, as if my plan works I won't be reading it.
  15. I have a similar problem when I wake up and wonder where I am, but I think that has more to do with old age than travel. ????
  16. I used to have interesting conversations with other people but that was long ago. Perhaps people still do, but I don't know any young people to know. These days I only know one guy that has interesting conversations, and the rest are just superficial, so something I don't really have any options for. Now, I'm happy enough with my own company and movies.
  17. Ah, how the times have changed! I could see a genuine lesbian show in Hollywood Royale for the price of one normal drink ( under 100 baht ) back in the 90s.
  18. That's the problem for me. I like being in my room and would never leave if I could. However, if I did that I'd die because a body can't just sit and converse on AN or watch tv without any exercise. Friend of mine did sod all physical and died of it at a younger age than I am.
  19. Hmmmm. Interesting enough to post again! Yes the thread is about God, but loads of posters keep bringing religion into it, including yourself.
  20. That's their choice. I was religious till I saw the light and gave it up. I could have chosen to stay in it.
  21. I'll give you a clue. Religious people need to believe in a human friendly God, but I can believe that God exists without being religious. If you have more interesting topics to debate why did you post on this thread?
  22. Why do you think God is "good" or "bad", when God isn't human ergo has no human emotions. Religion defines God in human terms when God created a universe where entire solar systems die, with all the beings that might have been in that solar system. How about when planet earth dies along with the sun? If humans still exist on it then, is God bad for allowing the sun to reach the end of it's fuel and die ( assuming humans don't manage to escape to other solar systems- but the entire universe will die eventually ). Nature is the norm, and in nature everything dies, eventually. Why do you think humans are special in creation? That is what religion believes, so are you religious? Do you believe that humans were created in God's image, so special, or just part of evolution and not special at all?
  23. If you mean one of those ( not ) smart telephones, not everyone has one.
  24. I'm not wrong but if you can't understand why, I'm not going to repeat what has already been explained hundreds of times on the thread. Believe whatever you will, as I'm not here to convert anyone.
  25. I used an air fryer a lot till I got a small convection oven. I can't tell the difference as I use it like an air fryer- no oil. Chips do fine in it too. I had a small deep fryer many years ago and it was rubbish. I clicked on the link and can't see anything of relevance to air fryers- just a load of pictures of different things.

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