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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. It seems that they are not denying that the leaks are factual and that they did behave badly, but it's only that we, the public found out about their dirty tricks.
  2. Agree 100%. IMO the continual attacks using legal means are because they really, really fear him winning again, even more so given that he would likely take revenge on them. My sensible side hopes he doesn't stand or loses the primaries, so a better GOP candidate can win, but my mischievous side hopes he wins for the "entertainment" that would follow.
  3. No, as I've already said, give them safe refuge till it was safe for them to return, or go elsewhere, like Israel.
  4. Why? That's all very well in theory, but in practice it seems that they don't want to integrate but choose to try and change their new home to resemble the place they came from. I have no problem with giving them safe refuge, even if in another country, indefinitely. After all most Syrian refugees live in camps in Turkey. Perhaps helping the Turks making those camps better would lead to a reduction in numbers paying criminals to go to Europe.
  5. You are correct. A q jumper should never be allowed to become a citizen or why would any bother with joining the q? Yes, asylum seekers should be held in a safe place, not necessarily in the country of their choosing, till their country is safe to return to. Would not be applicable to undocumented economic migrants as they would be deported as soon as identified as such. IMO any undocumented arrival from a "safe" country is an economic arrival. A q jumper refers also to a genuine refugee that leaves the first safe country they come to and pays criminals to transport them to a country of their choosing. Isn't that what happens in the UK currently? I'm not in the UK to be sure, but it doesn't appear to be so.
  6. That's life. None of us "know" what will happen in the future. All that is certain is that enough people in the UK did not like the EU and voted to leave it. If the economy is doing badly, now, it wasn't exactly gangbusters for the ordinary bloke before Brexit. Not everyone makes a living by shuffling money around.
  7. LOL. How can it be "real", when it's nothing more than pixels? He's popular now, but the mob giveth and the mob takes away. IMO he's nothing more than a fad and we know what happens with fads.
  8. Dweebs are easily controlled. What better than an easily controlled rich dweeb? She can probably have a real man on the side, if she wants. Perhaps the pool boy is hunky enough. Plenty of time when dweeb boy is on the internet with all his millions of "fans".
  9. 55555555555555 IMO people caring that much about someone that they don't even know is so illustrative of the BS that permeates the on line world of people with no life of their own. If the guy suddenly lost all his money, would they still love him? Nate is also in the good books with Ava's loaded dad - both reportedly love each other too. Do they have threesomes?
  10. and will continue because most people don't care about the woke agenda.
  11. Any sort of housing is unaffordable for many already, hence the government paying to put families in motels in a certain country. I think you are talking about Utopia, not real cities.
  12. Perhaps they work, but not enough power stations use them.
  13. and the reduction of human population would be the best way to stop man made pollution, so discussion of ways to reduce human breeding is relevant to any discussion on climate change.
  14. I think I'm correct in saying that the melting of the Arctic ice will make no difference as it's frozen sea water, not fresh water. However, if the Greenland ice cap melted that's large and is made of fresh water, so it would make a difference.
  15. To be of any use at all, a solution needs to be affordable, acceptable and effective. I haven't seen any thing that fits all those criteria, which means it's probably not going to happen. For instance, stopping all non essential flights would remove a lot of pollution from the atmosphere, but will it happen- no way. Banning private cars in cities would help, but is it going to happen- not a chance. BTW electric cars are polluting to make, to get rid of and might use polluting methods of power generation to charge them. Unless we return to sailing ships, all those freighters on the ocean are hugely polluting. There is no reason not to use modern technology sailing ships, but is that going to happen- LOL. Anyway, so long as the world's human population continues out of control, nothing, IMO, is going to make any difference whatsoever. Just look at all those people from <deleted> countries that are risking their lives to get to western countries where they can become consumers and drive cars etc.
  16. Lawyers that will not uphold the law should, IMO, be struck off.
  17. Will you support laws and regulations that will limit your personal movement to no more than a 15 minute drive from your place of residence in order to save the planet from man-made global warming? Surely that should be Will you support laws and regulations that will limit your personal movement to no more than a 15 minute commute by public transport from your place of residence in order to save the planet from man-made global warming? Isn't the objective to stop us needing to use a car at all?
  18. For us all to live like that, they will have to provide accommodation for us poor people to live in- so just how do they intend to do that, and what sort of accommodation do they have in mind? Then, what happens to all the housing that is outside the 15 minute limit?
  19. Time to dump the UN IMO. Since when do they get to tell individual countries what to do? None of us elected them.
  20. Much of the Saudi Arabian desert was sea bed long ago, and apparently trees grew on the Antarctic land mass before the ice came. Climate changes, but these days some people are able to make money out of it.
  21. How does an ocean current "collapse"? I can understand stop or change direction, but collapse?
  22. The new generation small nuclear power plants are probably the way to go. Apparently they don't have the problems of the large stations and are safe to use.
  23. Scrubbers on fossil fuel power stations have been used for ages.

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